Mother - Fort Worth ISD

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May 1, 2018 - Scholarships in the amount of$120 are available to those who qualify. The full cost for the course is $150
FORT WORTH INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 2018 Sum mer PSAT/SAT Preparation Course Scholarship Application Form#___ (office use)

Student's Name High School


Student ID#


Grade Level on May 1, 2018 ____

Name of Parent/Guardian


Street Address _____________________ Apt# _____ City _____________ Zip _____ Home Phone Cell Phone: Father Work Phone: Father





Preferred site and session: _ Arlington Heights HS, June 4 - June 14

_ Paschal HS Session #1,June 11-June 21

_ Eastern Hills HS Session #1 June 4 - 14

__ Paschal HS Session #2, July 9 -July 19

Eastern Hills HS Session #2 July 23 -August 2 Marine Creek Collegiate HS, June 11 - 21 North Side HS, July 30 -August 2

__ Paschal HS Session #3, July 23 -August 2

,�W•�•;,,.... VSouth Hills HS, June 18 -June 28 . ,,·�•�"• ..,,,,,,


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__ Texas Academy of Biomedical Sciences, June 4 - June 14

__ TCC/South ECHS, June 11- 12

Scholarships in the amount of$120 are available to those who qualify. The full cost for the course is $150. We ask that the student pay $30 to defray the costs of materials when this application is returned Please pay cash or money order payable to the preferred site. STUDENT: Your signature on the line below indicates your promise to attend the daily session for which you are applying. Parents will be notified if you do not attend Student's signature:


PROGRAMS OF CHOICE COORDINATOR: Your signature on the line below indicates that to the best of your knowledge, the student named on this form is a college-bound student who will make a conscientious effort toward progress in the Summer PSATISAT course. /) . _ ... . Programs of Choice Coordinator's signature: �

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Please return this fonn along with your payment of $30 before May 11, 2018, to the Programs of Choice Coordinator. I verify this student's Summer PSAT/SAT course attendance by initialing.

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