mother's knowledge, attitude and practice towards ...

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ETHIOPIA IN 2015. G. Hadgu1, G. ... Research shows however the good infant feeding, counseling ... marketing campaign of commercial formula companies and by the ... Email ID: [email protected],
wjpmr, 2016,2(1), 33-38 G. Hadgu et al.

Research Article WORLD JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research ISSN 2455-3301 AND MEDICAL RESEARCH



Lecturer at School of Nursing, Axum University, Ethiopia. 2 Care Givers at Suhul Hospital Shire, Ethiopia. 3 Care Giver at Black Lion Hospital.

*Correspondence for Author: Mr. G. Hadgu Lecturer at School of Nursing, Axum University, Ethiopia. Email ID: [email protected], [email protected] Article Received on 12/12/2015

Article Revised on 05/01/2016

Article Accepted on 28/01/2016

ABSTRACT Introduction: Appropriate feeding practice is important for the survival, growth, development and health of infant and young children. However exclusive breast feeding remains a challenge because of lack of in depth knowledge of mothers. Objectives: To assess knowledge, attitude and practice towards exclusive breast feeding among mothers who have children less than 2 years in Shire Endaslassie town. Methods: A cross sectional study design and simple random sampling technique was used. From a total of 576 mothers who had children less than 2 years 253 were studied. Structured pre tested questionnaires as well as in depth interview were used for the collection of data, on socio demographic characteristics, knowledge, attitude and practice. Result: This finding indicates that most of the mothers were knew & practiced EBF when to start exclusive breast feeding, colostrums feeding and also the frequency of breast feeding. Conclusion and recommendation: Strong efforts should be made by primary health team maintain the positivity but some measures should be taken to address remain gap on KAP on EBF. KEYWORDS: Appropriate feeding, KAP, EBF. INTRODUCTION The practice of lactation on the earth dates back to more than 100 million years. Homo sapiens existed so for about 40,000 years. Wet nursing appears as the first in history of mankind about 200 B.C. It is only human being, the most advanced of 4,237 mammals on the earth, that the ancient, natural and most practical method of feeding the young one is threatened. [1] Artificial milk and bottle feeding appears in the 20th century. The western world shows a rapid decline in breast feeding after 1940’s. As the use of artificial substitutes of breast milk supplemented bottle-feeding become wide spread to the rest of the world. [2] Each year more than 10 million children under the age of five years die mainly from one of a short list of causes, and the majority live in low income countries. Millennium development goal no 4 is to reduce child mortality by 2/3 by 2015.[3] In sub Saharan Africa, where almost half of all deaths in children aged less than five occurs, the decrease in mortality rates has slowed down, and in some countries the mortality rates has even increased. The causes for their change in child survival are many and include rising poverty, fragile health

systems, HIV/AIDS, and malnutrition. Malnutrition is estimated to be the underlying cause of 54% of children less than 5 years mortality.[3-5] Research shows however the good infant feeding, counseling and support provided by health care staff or peers care improve the rate of EBF. In Ethiopia, the increase use of formula feeding by mothers, particularly in urban and semi urban areas is considered one of the leading causes of its flexibility and ease to use, freeing them to work. Others are convinced by the aggressive marketing campaign of commercial formula companies and by the appeal or modernity that bottle feeding has come too represented. Most poor mothers have no safe water to mix with formula and how problems to properly maintain bottle sterility, and often dilute the formula to make it last longer. These actions increase the likelihood of bacterial contamination and reduce nutritional benefits of the products.[6-8] The aim of this study is to collect baseline information about current knowledge, attitude, and practice related to feeding of infants with a special focus on EBF. This information will be intended to assist in designing an intervention to improve the practices that will be included in the result.


G. Hadgu et al.

METHODS AND MATERIALS Study area and Period: The study was conducted in Shire Endaslassie town which is found in Tigray, North western Zone, located 1087 km in the North of Addis Ababa. According to statistical abstract of 2007, approximately 47,284 people of which 25,417 females and 21,867 males are estimated to live in the town. The stud y was conducted from March up to May, 2015. Study Design: A cross sectional community based survey was conducted. Sample size: The sample size was estimated using sample size determination formula for a single population proportion. The prevalence level that estimate maximum sample size/50%/ marginal error(d) 0.05, non response rates 10%, 95% confidence certainty and alpha 0.05 were considered, based on these assumptions, a total sample size of 253 used the formula indicated below. Ni=Z2p (1-P) = (1.96)2 0.5(1-0.5) = 3.8416x0.25 = 384 D2 (0.05)2 0.0025 Since the total population is less than 10,000 the final sample size was calculated by a using correction formula. So we take 253 total study subjects including 10% response rate Operational Definitions Good knowledge – Score>60% on the over all knowledge question. Poor level of knowledge – Score less than 60% on the over all knowledge question Attitude – the way that you think and feel about sb/5th the way that you behave towards sb/5th that shoes how you think and feet Good (Positive) attitude towards attitude questions EBF scores >60% Poor level of attitude score < 60% Practice – The overt behavior habit or custom of a women Good practice score > 60% Poor practice score < 60% RESULT Socio-demographic characteristics A total of 253 Mothers who have children less than 2 years were successfully interviewed in the study. The majority were in the age group of < 35 years. 227 (89.8%) mothers were living in nuclear families and 26 (10.2%) were living in patriarchal extended families. From the mothers 243 (95.9%) were married, 5(2.0%) were single, and the rest 5(2.0%) separated. Among the study subjects, 177 (70%) were followers of orthodox, 56(22.1%) Muslims, 15(5.9%) catholic and 5(2.0%) were others. Predominant ethnic groups is Tigray 232(91.7%) followed by Amhara 11(4.3%),

World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research

Oromo 3 (1.2%) and others 7(2.8%)> Majority 222 (87.4%) of mothers had educational level of elementary and above, 31(12.2%) was illiterate. Regarding occupation 119 (46.6%) were house wife, 59(23.4) were government employee 40 (15.6%) were merchant, 15(6.1%) were student, 10(4.1%) government employee 40(15.6%) daily labourer. The overall socio economic level was 217(85.7%) were found to have monthly income between 401 birr and 1000 birr and the rest 36(14.3%) were below 400 birr great majority of mother 228(90.2%) had numbers of children < , twenty five (9.8%) had number of children >5. Table 1: Socio-demographic characteristics of mothers of child bearing age in Shire Endaslasie town, May, 2015. Characteristics Age of mothers 18-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 Age of the child 7

World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research

10 26 40 137 40

4.1 10.2 15.6 54.2 15.9

138 90 20 5

54.6 35.6 7.8 2

breast milk alone is sufficient Child refusal 6 6.12 Others 11 11.22 If the infants is less than 6 months how frequent he gets breast feeding 2-3 5 2 4-5 51 20.3 6-7 65 25.8 At least 10 times 106 41.7 Others 26 10.2

Mothers Knowledge on EBF Great majority of mothers 233(91.9%) knew the importance of breast feeding, like breast feeding is natural. Small numbers of mothers, 20(8.1%) didn’t know the importance of breast milk. 132(52.2%) mothers reported frequency of breast feeding needed for