The wind power staff motivation survey we did last year is ... The combined results of all surveys will be presented at
MOTIVATION FOR WIND ENERGY? We passionately believe staff motivation is an important matter. We also believe there is a need and a future for each source of power generation. The wind power staff motivation survey we did last year is now followed up with a new survey for wind power staff, but also with similar surveys for other sources of power generation! Wind might have been used for centuries but in a professional scale it is a young source of power generation that based on modern technology now is making a major contribution to our demand for clean and emission free electricity. Is staff mainly motivated by working in a green industry or is the ability to work with high tech-solutions the biggest motivation factors? Or maybe the chance to enjoy beautiful nature, to go to off shore sites by boat or helicopter is as important? These questions and many more will be answered. If you participate your voice will have an impact on the conclusions! Start the survey by clicking on the link: It will take you about 20 minutes to run the survey. If you would like to know more before deciding to participate, please continue to read below. https://www.sur /s/BXR52TK
If you have any questions, please email us at:
[email protected] If you would prefer to run the French version of the survey: CLICK ON THE LINK NEXT TO THE ICON.
The Staff Motivation Survey 2015 is a collaboration between
For information on our organizations and activities please contact
[email protected] +44 (0)207 375 7577 (Direct) • T. 1800 814 3459 (USA) • T. 1866 996 1235 (Canada)
management@ +46 70 542 8777 +44 7717316907
ruediger.koenig@ +49 201 843 9593
All responses will be managed with high confidentiality. If you believe there is a colleague in the industry that should receive this invitation, please contact us or forward this invitation directly.
The results of the wind survey will be presented in a report which will be available during Q3 2015. Different options for availability exists: Included in a conference fee
Report to buy Report for free
Company specific reports
The results from this survey will be presented at the Canadian Wind O&M event, November 1718 (TBC) in Toronto. For more info: The combined results of all surveys will be presented at the POWERGEN Europe and Renewable Energy World Europe conferences in Amsterdam, June 9-11. The results of the survey (pdf) will be available to buy for €110. For more info: email
[email protected] Each company with a response rate of twenty or more answers (where the company name is filled in) from all seven surveys together (wind, nuclear, hydro, coal, gas, bio, solar) will be entitled to ONE pdf copy of the combined report for free. Companies with ten responses in one source of power generation will be entitled to ONE pdf copy of that specific report. This will only be distributed upon request. We will also provide the opportunity for single companies to receive an analysis about their staff motivation compared with the industry. More info about this option will be provided upon request to
[email protected]
Thanks for your participation!