International Journal of Management (IJM) Volume 7, Issue 4, May–June 2016, pp.123–129, Article ID: IJM_07_04_009 Available online at Journal Impact Factor (2016): 8.1920 (Calculated by GISI) ISSN Print: 0976-6502 and ISSN Online: 0976-6510 © IAEME Publication
MOTIVATIONS FOR USING SOCIAL MEDIA: AN EXPLORATORY STUDY Chintan H Rajani Assistant Professor, School of Management, RK University Rajkot, Gujarat–India Dr. Ashvin Solanki Department of Business Management, Saurashtra University, Rajkot, Gujarat–India ABSTRACT Social media has emerged as a new medium of communication and is part of daily life for majority of the people. This study aimed to identify key motivating factors behind use of social media among Indian users. Data were collected through self-administered questionnaire and conclusion were drawn with the help of factor analysis. Analysis reveals feedback and personal utility, entertainment and socializing, content sharing and networking as key motives for using social media. Key words: Motivations, Social Media, Factor Analysis, Reasons, Motives Cite this Article: Chintan H Rajani and Dr. Ashvin Solanki, Motivations For Using Social Media: An Exploratory Study. International Journal of Management, 7(4), 2016, pp.123–129.
INTRODUCTION Social media is a platform to facilitate online conversation between people with common interest. There are two kinds of social media: expressive social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.) and collaborative social media (Lee and Kwak, 2011).Over last decade, Social media have emerged as a new medium of communication and was used by more than two billion users worldwide. Digitization and easy internet access are key drivers behind exponential growth and usage of social media. Social media have shaped contemporary culture and is part of daily life of majority of young people. In current study attempt has been made to find key motivating factors or reasons behind use of social media. Uses and gratification (U & G) approach to media studies provide an initial impetus to carry out research to know the reasons and motivations of people to use a particular media. Ruggiero (2000) emphasized that uses and gratification approach
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Chintan H Rajani and Dr. Ashvin Solanki
will help researchers in knowing and learning importance of uses of mediated communication and various variables to be considered for media analysis. Jensen and Jankowski (1993), have adopted a qualitative research and has pointed out that users need and goals of using media get satisfied by their ability to give meaning to the content generated by them. According to Blumler (1979), U & G suggests that people use different medium to satisfy their needs and goals. Several studies have been undertaken on principles of U & G, to explain internet related communication and usage of internet. In their study Papacharissi and Rubin (2000) found out passing time, interpersonal utility, information seeking, entertainment and convenience as key motives for using internet. Yang and Kang (2006) have suggested social interaction, escapism, habit, information and entertainment as five different motives for using internet. Another study undertaken by Peter, et al. (2006), to know the gratifications for using chat rooms found social compensation, meeting new people, maintaining relationships and entertainment as key motives for using chat rooms. In their study Wang Y., et al. (2015) revealed that social media use clusters into patterns of text based entertainment, relationships, video consumption and content sharing. Jamal j. (2015) found entertainment, information seeking, personal utility and convenience as the key motivational factors for using social media. Fullwood, Sheehan and Nichollis (2009) has identified self-expression, impression management and establishing relationship as three main motives for using social media, in a study taken by them on social networking site Myspace. From their study Urista et al. (2009) found two ways of gratifications: communication gratification and social gratifications. In his study Cha (2010) found that frequency of using social media can be judged by dimensions like interpersonal utility, privacy concerns, perceived ease of use and age. Livingstone (2010) in his study revealed that social media like facebook, twitter and instragram are playing important role in presenting user’s individuality and their relations with others. He also emphasized that adolescents give due importance to their identity protection while using different social media. Motives always play a central theme of research for online communications, Morris and organ (1996) in their study suggested that interpersonal and mediated needs of people get satisfied by online communications. Lee (2012) argued that social media satisfy the need of an individuals by providing an opportunity for real time interpersonal communication in mediated forms. Menayes (2014) in his study found information seeking, personal utility, entertainment and convenience as key motivating factors for using social media. From previous research, we found that many researchers has tried to explore the motives for using internet and social media in different ways and in multiple contexts. Very less research is evident by Indian authors in the same area. In current research an attempt has been made to know the key motives behind using social media among Indian social media users.
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Motivations For Using Social Media: An Exploratory Study
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Objective The main objective of this research is to identify key motivating factors for using social media platforms. This research is exploratory in nature. A survey was conducted with the help of self-administered questionnaire for this study. The total sample size was 369. To measure social media motives, scale was constructed consisting 17 different statements adapted from several previous research works related to social media. Respondents were asked to record their response correspond to each statement in a manner which best describes their use of different social media tools on a 5-point Likert scale (1=always, 5=never). Factor analysis was used for analysis using SPSS version 20.0. Bartlett's test of sphericity and Kaiser-Olkin (KMO) measure were used to determine the appropriateness of data for the factor analysis. The result of Barteltt's test of sphericity is 0.00 and value of KMO is 0.904, higher value than 0.5 indicates that data are appropriate for factor analysis. Reliability test has been conducted with the help of Cronbach alpha coefficient, test result is 0.896 which is excellent. The results of extraction of motivation items were subjected to principal-component analysis followed by varimax rotation. Number of factors to be considered were selected on the basis of latent root criterion i.e factors with an eigenvalue of 1.0 or greater. All factor loading greater than 0.40 were considered for further analysis. Four factors were extracted which accounted for 60.086 % of total variance. These factors are given below:
Factor 1: Feedback and personal utility First factor has been named as feedback and personal utility which accounts for 16.73 % of variance. This variable is defined by items: Play games, share feedback about brands and products, posting or review or rating on various sites, search about product feedbacks and get freebies. Social media is very good source to know review or feedback related to product/services or brands. Moreover it also provide users an opportunity to share/review/give feedback about brands or products with others. Nowadays companies having strong presence on social media are also offering lots of deals and freebies to promote their products/services. So this may be one of the key motivating factor for the using social media.
Factor 2: Entertainment and socializing Second factor has been named as entertainment and socializing which accounts for 15.89 % of variance. This variable is defined by items: share my experience on different things, get opinion from friends and relatives, keep in touch with friends and family, entertain myself and socialize. Key benefit of social media is that it provides users an opportunity to keep in touch with friends, family member and others and their by increasing social capital of users. It also provides a platform to users to express their thoughts and ideas freely with others.
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Chintan H Rajani and Dr. Ashvin Solanki
Factor 3: Content Sharing Third factor has been named as content sharing which accounts for 15.60 % of variance. This variable is defined by items: share photos & videos, contributing on online forums and discussions, editing wiki articles and updating blogs. One of the key success factor for growth of social media and driving force for users to use this platform is because it provides an opportunity to share, participate and collaborate.
Factor 4: Networking Fourth factor has been named as networking which accounts for 11.86 % of variance. This variable is defined by items: make professional and business contacts, searching new people, friends and contacts and find some information. Social media provides an avenue to find old friends as well as to connect with new people.
CONCLUSION This study followed uses and gratification approach to identify the key motives for using social media. Based on factor analysis we can say that preliminary people use social media platform for personal benefit to review and share feedbacks followed by satisfying their entertainment and socializing needs. Content sharing is key feature which helped in driving masses towards social media. Networking and finding new people is an add-on benefit which people seek while using different social media platforms.
LIMITATIONS OF STUDY The study was carried out with its limitations of time and resources. The size of sample selected is small and all respondents are from Gujarat. The responses received from respondents might be prejudiced. The findings of the study are based on the information supplied by the respondents, which might have their own limitations.
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ANNEXURE Table 1 Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha .896
Cronbach's Alpha Based on Standardized Items .895
N of Items 17
Table 2 KMO and Bartlett's Test Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy.
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity
Approx. Chi-Square
Table 3 Total Variance Explained Comp onent 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Initial Eigenvalues Total 6.438 1.632 1.141 1.003 0.865 0.762 0.68 0.593 0.563 0.551 0.525 0.443 0.427 0.422 0.364 0.318 0.271
% of Variance 37.872 9.601 6.712 5.902 5.091 4.485 4.002 3.489 3.314 3.242 3.087 2.608 2.512 2.481 2.14 1.872 1.591
Cumula tive % 37.872 47.472 54.184 60.086 65.177 69.662 73.664 77.153 80.467 83.709 86.795 89.403 91.915 94.396 96.536 98.409 100
Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings % of Cumula Total Variance tive % 6.438 37.872 37.872 1.632 9.601 47.472 1.141 6.712 54.184 1.003 5.902 60.086
Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings % of Cumula Total Variance tive % 2.844 16.728 16.728 2.702 15.896 32.624 2.652 15.601 48.225 2.016 11.861 60.086
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Motivations For Using Social Media: An Exploratory Study
Table 4 Rotated Component Matrix Component 1
Share my experience on different things
Keep in touch with friends and family
Share photos; videos and movie
Make professional and business contacts
Find some information
Searching new people, friends or contacts .087
Get opinion from friends, family and experts
Entertain myself
Socialize Play games
.174 .576
.727 .240
.002 .287
.183 -.085
Share feedback about brands and products .604
Contributing on online forums and discussions
Editing wiki articles
Updating my own blog
Posting or review or rating on various sites .714
Search about product feedbacks
Get freebies
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization. a a. Rotation converged in 7 iterations.
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