B i b l i o g r a p h y. Chandler-Gilbert Community College. Library. Mountains
Beyond Mountains. The following is a selective list of reference sources, books, ...
Mountains Beyond Mountains Chandler-Gilbert Community College
The following is a selective list of reference sources, books, films and websites related to Mountains Beyond Mountains. Search under each bold heading, in the Library’s online catalog, to find additional resources. Reference Sources Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture Ref F 1406 .E53 2008 See “Haiti” Vol. 3 p. 616 See “Duvalier, Francois” Vol. 2 p. 882 See “Aristide, Jean-Bertrand” Vol. 1 p. 315 Haiti Buss, Terry. Haiti In The Balance: Why Foreign Aid Has Failed and What We Can Do About It. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2008. Print. F 1921 .B88 2008 Dominican Republic and Haiti: Country Studies. Washington, DC: Library of Congress. Print. F 1934 .D64 2001 Dumas, Reginald. An Encounter with Haiti: Notes of a Special Adviser. Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago: Medianet Limited, 2008. Print. F 1915 .D86 2008 Farmer, Paul. The Uses of Haiti. Monroe, ME: Common Courage Press, 2006. Print. F 1928.2 .F37 2006 Filan, Kenaz. The Haitian Vodou Handbook: Protocols for Riding with the LWA. Rochester, VT: Destiny Books, 2007. Print. BL 2530 .H3 F55 2007 Perito, Robert. Haiti's Economic Challenge. [Washington, D.C.]: United States Institute of Peace, [2006]. Web. 3 Nov. 2009 Hallward, Peter. Damming the Flood: Haiti, Aristide, and the Politics of Containment. London; New York: Verso, 2007. Print. F 1928.2 .H355 2007 Jean, Arché. The Role of Agriculture in the Economic Development of Haiti: Why are Haitian Peasants So Poor? Charleston, SC: Booksurge Publishing, 2006. Print. HC 153.J43 2006 Schwartz, Timothy T. Travesty in Haiti: a True Account of Christian Missions, Orphanages, Fraud, Food Aid and Drug Trafficking. [Charleston, SC: BookSurge Publishing, 2008]. Print. F 1928.2 .S39 2008 Smith, Matthew. Red & Black in Haiti; Radicalism, Conflict, and Political Change, 19341957. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2009. Print. F 1927 .S656 2009
Social Resilience and State Fragility in Haiti. Washington, D.C.: World Bank, 2007. Print. HN 212.5 .S63 2007 Wucker, Michele. Why the Cocks Fight: Dominicans, Haitians, and the Struggle for Hispaniola. New York: Hill and Wang, 2000. Print. F 1938.25 .H2 W83 2000 Globalization Gregory, Steven. The Devil Behind the Mirror: Globalization and Politics in the Dominican Republic. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2007. Print. HF 1502 .G74 2007 Haiti—Social Conditions Trost, Margaret. On That Day, Everybody Ate: One Woman's Story of Hope and Possibility in Haiti. Kihei, Hawai'i: Koa Books, 2008. Print. HV 161 .T76 2008 Human Rights Dyck, Arthur. Rethinking Rights and Responsibilities: the Moral Bonds of Community. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2005. Print. JC 571 .D9616 2005 Ishay, Micheline. The History of Human Rights: from Ancient Times to the Globalization Era. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2004. Print. JC 571 .I73 2004 Poor—Medical Care Addressing Poverty in TB Control: Options for National TB Control Programmes. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2005. Academic Complete Ebrary. Web. 3 Nov. 2009 Engel, Jonathan. Poor People's Medicine: Medicaid and American Charity Care Since 1965. Durham: Duke University Press, 2006. Print. RA 412.4 .E54 2006 Farmer, Paul. Pathologies of Power: Health, Human Rights, and the New War on the Poor. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2005. Print. HM 821 .F37 2005 Hayes, Donna-Marie. Touching Haiti: a Medical Mission Story. Boise, ID: Saint Alphonsus Foundation, 2001. Print. RA390.U5 H39 2001 60 minutes: Dr. Farmer's Remedy. [United States]: Partner's in Health, 2008. Film. CGC Media Center R 154.F36 D7 2008 Poverty Green, Duncan. From Poverty to Power: How Active Citizens and Effective States Can Change the World. Oxford: Oxfam International; Herndon, VA. Print. JF799 .G74 2008 Patel, Rajeev Charles. Stuffed and Starved: the Hidden Battle for the World Food System. Brooklyn, NY: Melville House Pub., 2007. Print. HD 9000.5 .P277 2007
The Return of the White Plague: Global Poverty and the "New" Tuberculosis. London; New York: Verso, 2003. Print. RA 644 .T7 R486 2003 Whitman, Sylvia. World Poverty. New York, NY: Facts On File, Inc., 2008. Print. HC79.P6 W47 2008 Tuberculosis Gootnick, David. Global Health: the Global Fund to Fight Aids, TB and Malaria is Responding to Challenges but Needs Better Information and Documentation for Performance-Based Funding: Report to Congressional Committees. [Washington, D.C.]: U.S. General Accounting Office, [2003]. Web. 3 Nov. 2009. The Return of the White Plague: Global Poverty and the "New" Tuberculosis. London; New York: Verso, 2003. Print. RA 644 .T7 R486 2003 Tuberculosis in America: the People's Plague. Santa Monica, CA: Direct Cinema, 2008, 1995. Film. CGC Media Center RC 311 .T8375 2008 Pts. 1 & 2 Voodooism—Haiti Galembo, Phyllis. Vodou: Visions and Voices of Haiti. Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press; 2005. Print. BL 2490 .G32 2005 Films In the Media Center Dr. Farmer’s Remedy—CGC Media Center R 154 .F36 D7 2008 Twenty years ago, Dr. Paul Farmer found his life's work in Haiti, in one of the poorest parts of one of the poorest countries in the world. Since then, Dr. Farmer has dedicated his life to delivering medical care to the impoverished through his organization, Partners in Health. Now working in nine countries, Partners in Health is saving lives in places where no one thought there was any reason for hope. Tuberculosis in America: The People’s Plague (Parts 1 & 2)—CGC Media Center RC 311 .T8375 2008 Chronicles a history that has shaped much of our modern public health policy. Examines a disease that is highly curable and almost entirely preventable and yet today has returned to catch our country's health care system off guard. Films in the Library The Agronomist—F 1928.2 .A476 2005 Tells the story of Haitian national hero, journalist, and freedom fighter Jean Dominique, whom Demme first met and filmed in 1986. As owner and operator of his nation's oldest and only free radio station, Dominique was frequently at odds with his country's various repressive governments and spent much of the 80's and early 90's in exile in New York, where Demme continued to interview him over the years. Dominique fought tirelessly against his country's overwhelming injustice, oppression, and poverty, but it was his shocking and still-unsolved assassination in April of 2000 that gave the director the impetus to assemble more than a decade's worth of material into a celebration of this dynamic man's life and legacy.
And the Band Played on—RA 644 .A25 A52 2001 Follows the struggle of a handful of strong-willed men and women who took on the fight to save lives in the face of a mysterious illness now called AIDS. Aristide and the Endless Revolution—F 1928.23 .A75 A75 2005 Jean-Bertrand Aristide, the former president of Haiti, was twice removed from office with the complicity of the international community. An investigation into the events that led to his most recent ouster, 'Aristide and the endless revolution' exposes the geopolitical intrigue, the economic alliances between the Haitian and U.S. elite, the armed criminals posing as freedom fighters and other factors that have consistently threatened this young democracy. Miss Evers’ Boys—PN 1997 .M553 2001 In 1932, Nurse Eunice Evers is invited to work with doctors on the "Tuskegee Experiment" to study the effects of syphilis. She is faced with a terrible dilemma when she learns the patients are denied treatment that could cure them. Webliography Brigham and Women’s Hospital http://www.brighamandwomens.org/socialmedicine/aboutfarmer.aspx Everyday is TB day in Haiti; Haiti Innovation www.haitiinnovation.org/en/2009/03/28/every-day-tb-day Partners in Health http://www.pih.org/home.html Poverty.com http://www.poverty.com