Mouthpiece - Summer 2016.cdr

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Jul 30, 2016 - SWISS MONKEY .... IN THE EVENT you do not heed this warning and end up renewing by mail less than two wee
Summer 2016

San Mateo County Dental Society | Every Member. Every Day.


Mina R. Desai, DDS President

It's finally summer, my favorite time of the year. I love having this warm weather where I can visit the beach, go camping, have a picnic and enjoy other outings. All these activities really help me revive myself after the toll dentistry has taken on me. Although, what has helped me the most is yoga and meditation. We all have this passion to be that wonderful dentist and it requires physical and mental strength. This articulate work, however, can lead us to feel fatigued and exhausted after a long work day. The flexibility that yoga has instilled in me has helped me through many of the physical pains my body has experienced from sitting in a dental chair, bent over, focusing on a patient for a great amount of time. I've experienced countless neck and shoulder pains that have lasted for weeks, and the only

Etta L. Kinney, Executive Director

Scott Smith, MD, MSc, DTM&H's Medical Infections of Dental Origin highly attended presentation at our April 2013 GM meeting clearly demonstrated – even to a non-clinical person like me – the critical importance to patient health of inter-discipline education and open communication in rendering differential diagnoses; i.e., a headache may be due to tension and TMJ or it may be due to a brain infection / lesion. An engaging Q&A, followed by high meeting evaluation scores were, for me, a wake-up call to the value of bringing our members opportunities to engage with medical professionals . Unfortunately, this was easier said than done. Despite agreement by virtually every medical doctor with whom I've spoken, I've made no headway with the local AMA to date. President’s Message ................................ 1 Ettatorials ................................................ 1 Member News ...................................... 4-5 Memoriam .............................................. 6 Acknowledgments ................................ 7-8

thing that helped me power through was the passion I have to be a diligent and thorough dentist. I realized the true toll this job has had on me last summer, when I pulled the muscle in my left shoulder. The pain was excruciating and it left me with countless nights of tears. I realized certain parts of my body that were constantly working throughout the work day. My physical therapist had me stop doing certain activities that strained my shoulder and had me focus on strengthening exercises. Steroid injections and surgery were the next steps if the pain didn't subside. I had to change my routine and remove activities that I enjoyed and looked forward to. The passion I had for dentistry was slowly turning into bitter feelings and a yearning to stop practicing. I refused to live Continued on Page 2

In the meantime… To align curriculum with the national guidelines set by the Department of Health and Human Services to expand oral health clinical competency of primary care clinicians, UCSF senior dental students are guiding medical students on how to incorporate oral health into the traditional head, eye, ear, nose, and throat exam. To accomplish this, they teach first-year medical students about oral health and how to perform screening exams and fluoride varnish applications. Bottom line, oral health training became a requirement for UCSF medical students in 2015. I recently learned that one of our newer members, Dr. Amarilis San Vicente – with whom we've started a project to develop oral health education materials for members to use in classroom settings – was a key developer of that UCSF first-year medical students program training guides. And then… The San Mateo County Oral Health Coalition's December strategic planning session follow-up to review the draft plan, prioritize goals/strategies, and provide input into next steps and

Member Benefits ..................................... 9 Business Member Wall of Fame ............. 11 Member Benefits .............................. 12-13 Community Outreach ............................ 14 Upcoming Events ................................... 16

Continued on Page 2

Event Evaluation Summary .................... 17 Practice Management ............................ 18 Advocacy/Legislative Update ................. 18 Classifieds.............................................. 19 Event Reminder ..................................... 20

continued from Page 1 with this pain for the rest of my life. It took me about 7 months to finally, completely rid myself of the pain. That experience empowered me to be more proactive about my physical health so that I wouldn't be jaded from my passion. I've talked to other dentists who've sold their practice after such a short time, due to severe neck pain. Often times, treatment and physical therapy do not help us to completely heal. We dentists need to stay physically fit, if not for our health, then for the passion of running a successful practice. Doing a few stretches in between patients can make the difference needed to abstain from neck, back and shoulder pains. Taking a little time out for yourself can make the biggest difference to how you practice as a dentist. I enjoy hot yoga, and this stretching in a 110 degrees room temperature for 90 minutes has helped me cure aching muscles and prevent other injuries that dentistry may cause. We SMCDS board members are focused on helping members maintain a healthy, balanced lifestyle to keep us involved and goal-oriented. We appreciate feedback and support from all our members, no matter how small the concern or suggestion. Being a part of the board can be a great opportunity if you have helpful suggestions to maintain the drive and passion needed to practice. Becoming a part of the board provides an opportunity to help grow our community and, in turn, help our members live healthier and happier lifestyles.

Published Bi-monthly Publisher San Mateo County Dental Society 240A Twin Dolphin Drive Redwood City, CA 94065 650.637.1121 [email protected]

continued from Page 1

possible champions took place the first week of June. Given the synchronicity of the topic, it is not surprising I elected to champion via joint task force with MPDS (led by Dr. Jim Stephens) the Coalition goal to increase our capacity to deliver preventive and restorative oral health services by bringing dental and medical professionals together to bridge gaps in patient care; i.e., exchanging critical information and simple techniques with pediatricians, obgyns, special needs physicians. I share the above in hopes of piquing the interest of those who might relish the challenge of “bridge building.” Please email [email protected] or call the member line 650.637.1131

Bridging the Dental/Medical Divide More synchronicity… A local Opthalmologist called wanting to make our dentists aware of a rare condition he's seen three times in the last year. After obtaining go-ahead on appropriateness of information from 2010 SMCDS president – Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon Dr. Sal Ahani, I share the following for your edification: Temporal Arteritis: Jaw Claudication that May Be Confused with TMJ Can Have Dire Consequences The Wikipedia Article on Temporal Arteritis gives a good summary of the disease. In my experience, the patients are over 55 - often 70 to 90. They present to the Ophthalmologist with decreased vision from occlusion of a branch or the entire central retinal artery which means partial or complete blindness in that eye. These conditions are irreversible in the affected eye but treatment with steroids is essential to protect the other eye. Three patients were seen in our office this past year and two had jaw claudication (caused by involvement of the maxillary artery that supplies the masseter muscle) that may be confused with TMJ. One patient had been treated by a dentist for several months. The other had been diagnosed with cervical adenitis by an internist. In any practice these uncommon conditions may be missed because their rarity leaves them out of the differential diagnosis. If you suspect Temporal Arteritis, refer the patient to his or her internist or a rheumatologist on an emergency basis. If they can't be seen by their own physician the same day, the emergency room is appropriate. Richard Braunstein, MD - Ophthalmologist [email protected] 2 | San Mateo County Dental Society |

Editor Etta L. Kinney Executive Director

Advertising Director David D. Moore, Sr., DDS 235 North San Mateo Drive Suite 400 San Mateo, CA 94401 650.340.0225 Creative Director Lloyd Brock 888.463.3102 [email protected] Printer Press Print, Inc. Highland, CA 888.463.3102 [email protected] All expressions of opinion and statement of facts contained herein are published on the authority of the writers and or editors and are not to be construed as the offical views of the San Mateo County Dental Society. All editorial contributions are subject to space and/or content editing at the Editor’s discretion.

Mouthpiece | Summer 2016 | 3

member news SMCDS members DRS. DICK GREGORY, TANYA MANYAK, and CARLIZA MARCOS were honored at our March and April general membership meetings where they were presented with plaques acknowledging them as 2015 recipients of SMCDS 2015 Achievement awards. DICK GREGORY, DDS – SMCDS member for 22 years was awarded the 2015 GOLDEN TOOTHBRUSH AWARD. What makes Dick's contribution to the advancement of community dental health outstanding is his persistence in leadership and commitment to oral health access among the disadvantaged. Dick sold his San Mateo general dentistry practice of 18 years at the end of 2010 to go into Public Health and Community Dentistry full-time, leading up to his most recent accomplishment of bringing to fruition the Apple Tree Dental Center in San Mateo. This facility will provide not only a location for special needs patients to receive dental treatment with state-of-the-art equipment, but also mobile capability to bring high quality dental care to nursing homes and convalescent hospitals throughout San Mateo County. Among Dick's other accomplishments… Ø 2014 – 2016 CDA Council on Government Affairs & liaison to SMCDS board Ø 2012 – 2015 SMCDS board member, Community Outreach Director, Delegate to House of Delegates Ø 2012 – 2014 Awarded UCSF Multidisciplinary Geriatric Fellowship in Dentistry Ø 2009 – 2014 Chair - San Mateo County Oral Health Coalition Ø 2008 – 2014 Director - Samaritan House Dental Clinics Ø 2005 – FWD actively involved in community outreach focused on seniors in and out of nursing homes

TANYA MANYAK, DDS - San Mateo general dentist and SMCDS member for 16 years was selected as the 2015 DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD recipient. What makes Tanya so extraordinary… When Tanya raises her hand, you get more than a great dentist, whether it's her husband Gene, her associate Dr. Linda Yip, her office team, her patients, and/or her local café – somehow, she engages those around her in also giving. Here are some of the accomplishments that gave rise to Tanya's consideration for this award:





Ø Freedom Day USA - a National Thank You Movement for members of our military, veterans, and reservists – 2nd Thursday of September. Tanya has served as Freedom Day USA's California Co-Director since its 2013 inception; her entire office participates each year Asheville North Carolina Missions of Mercy Dental Clinic 2012 & Peru Medical Mission 2007 - both with husband Gene Community Service Day in her office: with the help of patients running errands and Mimi's Café providing snacks, the team provides pro-bono dental treatment to women and children from Battered Women's Shelter and Homeless Network of San Mateo County Early Sponsor of San Mateo County Women's Health Expo Dental screenings and education at the Turnbull Academy Health Fair with associate Dr. Linda Yip Expanding Horizons Career Fair for girls and young women at Skyline College w/Dr. Linda Yip Thanksgiving Basket Brigade – Manyak team members have done this for years

4 | San Mateo County Dental Society |

member news CARLIZA MARCOS, DDS –San Carlos general dentist and SMCDS member for 10 years was nominated for a “when does she sleep award.” After due consideration, Carliza was selected as our 2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS AWARD recipient for “her perpetually outstanding service and tireless devotion to the ideals of the dental profession and this society.” Carliza is more than a board ever hopes for in a volunteer, truly engaged in serving our members, the dental society, and our community - making it all appear to be perfectly natural, effortless, and rewarding. She is a hard worker, an intelligent and inspiring leader, warm, loving, and fun to be with. She is a walking-talking demonstration of growth through leadership and radiates the benefits of VOLUNTEERISM in organized dentistry. A brief history of Carliza's service and devotion: Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø

2006 – 2011 SMCDS Board of Directors, President 2011 (earned her rep as “one hot Filipina”) 2007 – 2012 SMCDS Delegate, CDA House of Delegates 2012 – 2014 CDA Leadership Development Council, Chair 2014 2013 – 2016 CDA Cares volunteer dentist 2014 CDA Delegate, ADA House of Delegates 2014 ADA Institute for Diversity in Leadership (selected as 1 of 16 members across the nation) 2015 – 2017 SMCDS CDA Trustee Mid-2015, Carliza pled the case to bring CDA Cares to San Mateo County and indeed CDA Foundation agreed to bring it here April 22-23, 2017

Sedation and Anesthesia for the Dental Office

MICHAEL LAM, M.D. Board Certi ed Physician Anesthesiologist MAXIMIZE SAFETY FOR YOUR PATIENTS.

Anesthesia with a secure airway is safer for dental procedures than any level of sedation delivered with an “open” or “shared” airway. I always secure and protect the patient’s airway. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx INCREASE PATIENT COMFORT AND CONVENIENCE

Your patients can expect to feel and know nothing of the dental treatment while recovering within minutes. Patients can “go to sleep” in seconds without needles. xxx OPTIMIZE OPERATING CONDITIONS.

Your patients will be completely still. You can operate without interruption and focus entirely on dental treatment. The only limitation is how long you want to operate. ............

Phone/fax 1.888.308.1138 [email protected]

Mouthpiece | Summer 2016 | 5

memoriam We are saddened by the loss of.... Jack S. Prost, DDS – Retired San Mateo General Dentist and SMCDS member for over 50 years - passed away on April 7. Jack graduated Indiana University 1951, practiced dentistry in New York, and moved to San Mateo in 1961 where he practiced until 1991. He was an active SMCDS member, serving as Chair on multiple committees over the years (Auxiliary, Ethics, 24-Hour Service) and received the SMCDS Distinguished Service Award in 2000.

A Colleague Remembers Jack Jack had a welcoming smile for patients and volunteers alike at the Samaritan House Dental Clinic. Together with Dr. Bert Kotin, he led and guided dental clinicians and volunteers, coordinated donated services from local specialists, requested donations of supplies, medications, equipment, and hand instruments to provide emergency and urgent dental services to people in San Mateo who simply needed help and had nowhere to turn. Jack continued to volunteer at Samaritan House, Life Line, and a senior retirement home up to a month before passing. He touched a lot of people with his gentleness, his smile, and his wit. Jack will be greatly missed. Sandra Patron, DDS Jack's family has requested that donations in his memory be made to the Samaritan House Dental Clinic in San Mateo:

Being a service leader in the Bay Area since 1977, we strive to provide you with excellent equipment selec on and the best technicians you can find for support. Offering compe ve prices and a task-oriented team is always a daily improvement goal for us here at Yeager Dental, which always means that our customers' well-being is constantly being watched over. We offer the personal care not always found in the big corpora ons of our field, but here we believe in being “Not the biggest, just the best.”

So, why choose Yaeger Dental? Ÿ

We offer a full one year parts and labor warranty (compare to compe tors' 90-day warranty policy).


We also offer free installa on in most cases. On top of that, we can offer you free removal of your old equipment, with the purchase of new equipment from us, at no extra charge.


Our prices are among some of the most compe ve in the industry. Our knowledgeable and thoroughly trained technicians carry many common, and uncommon, parts in the service vehicles, usually meaning we can get your equipment up and running in a single visit. In the off chance that our techs don't have the parts you need, they can order them for you in a mely manner.


We carry a mul tude of different designer friendly and stylish equipment lines, which means we can tailor a new unique look for your office renova on or remodel.


Our first and foremost goal is to make our customers happy! Even in the current digital age, we understand that word-of- mouth recommenda ons are our most important and effec ve endorsements so we strive to make sure we don't let our clients down.

Yaeger Dental Supply 517 Marine View, Suite J • Belmont, CA 94002 Tel: 650.593.5100 • Fax: 650.593.1331 [email protected] • Just because you pay less, doesn't mean you have to sacrifice good service.

See what Yaeger Dental can do for you! 6 | San Mateo County Dental Society |


acknowledgments 2016 marks the anniversary of 13 very loyal SMCDS members having attained the distinguished status of Life Member across the ADA/CDA/SMCDS tripartite. So what does Life mean? You must be age 65 and have 30 consecutive years of membership in the tripartite. If there is a break in membership, you must have 35 total years of membership with SMCDS and CDA and 40 with ADA. WHY celebrate? Reduced dues …Life Active dues are reduced by ADA 25%, SMCDS 75%, and CDA 100%. Life Retired dues go to a big fat $0. As a token of our gratitude and appreciation, we invite life members to join us as our guest at a general membership meeting – this year the May 19 meeting – where they are honored in the presence of their peers with a CDA Life Member certificate, ADA Life Member pin, and our unique SMCDS notepad, multi-function pen, hugs & kisses personally delivered by you-know-who, not to mention social hour, hot hors d'oeuvres, dinner, lecture, and CE.

* UOP - Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry

Mouthpiece | Summer 2016 | 7

acknowledgments Thank You! to 30




Study Clubs

who have generously supported our continuing education, professional success, practice management, workshop/clinical programs this past quarter. 3M Oral Care

Ivoclar Vivadent

Arsalan Ahani Study Club


AG Neovo Dental

Kuraray America Dental

Bay Area Aesthetic Masters Study Club

Michael Lam, MD

Blende Dental Group

Morgan Stanley

Burbank Dental Lab

Myron's West Dental Arts


Northern California Practice Sales



Carestream Dental




Citibank Health Care Group



US Bank

Convergent Dental

West Coast Precious Metals



Dental Power Placement Service


Retirement Investment Management Founded by Dentists, Managed by Professionals The California Dentists’ Guild is your retirement planning manager.

The California Dentists’ Guild has been a onestop-shop for all my retirement planning needs for 17 years. – Ed Lee, DDS 8 | San Mateo County Dental Society |

Call our team at 800.851.0008 with two locations in Oakland and Irvine

member benefits SMCDS Annual Shredathon eWaste ▪ Shredding ▪ Lead Foil ▪ Car/Ride Show Saturday, July 30, 2016 SMCDS Parking Lot ▪ Free Parking 240A Twin Dolphin Drive ▪ Redwood Shores 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

SMCDS - with help from our friends at brings the first member car / ride show to our annual Shredathon. Cars / Motorcycles / Bikes will be displayed on-site! There'll be plenty of healthy nibbles for folks who must trashand-dash. More leisurely recyclers will be treated to a yummy New England Lobster lunch (limited to the first 55 attendees). Again, family are welcome. And it's still FREE! Details below.

Kat or Jim will call you to schedule your shredding time slot. Paper Waste: n Depending on member participation, 5 to 10 letter size-banker's boxes (10” x 12” x 16”) separated from paper n You must be on time for your time slot n remove your empty boxes

n X-Rays must be

E-waste: n Electronics accepted: computers, laptops, cell phones, printers, fax machines, network equipment, medical equipment, phone systems, CD/DVD players, stereo equipment, UPS/rechargeable batteries, PC boards, wire/cable, small appliances incl m/w ovens; n Monitors / televisions MUST have owner's name & address legibly written/typed and taped to the front OR they go back home with you X-Ray Lead Foil n You can drop off your x-ray lead foil backlog too. Charlie Carter will pick it up and cart it off to one of his patients who recycles it for various projects. Thanks, Charlie!

Space is limited

Register Now!

Mondays & Fridays are very short on help. To volunteer, contact: Melissa Moss, Volunteer Manager [email protected] 650.523.0819

Mouthpiece | Summer 2016 | 9

SGC Financial & Insurance Services Tom O’Brien, CFP®, CLU®, CHFC® 650.227.0375 [email protected]

SMCDS CDS Bus Business iness Memb Member Premier 2016 | 2015

Yaeger Dental Supply Tim Yaeger, Jr.

California Dentists’ Guild Layla Shirazi


Retirement Program Specialist

800.851.0008 [email protected]

Platinum 2016 - 2013

Platinum 2016 - 2015 | Silver 2014

Platinum 2016 | Silver 2015

C-Dental X-Ray Julia Peck

Swiss Monkey Christine Sison

Operations Manager


650.207.0478 [email protected]

Platinum 2016

Robert M. Cheney, CFA, CFP® 650.233.9122 [email protected]

Platinum 2016

California Bank & Trust Sylvia Sanz

TDIC Insurance Solutions Blair Tomlinson

Endorsed 2016 - 2010

916.500.4125 [email protected]

• • • •• ••• •• • • •• • ••• • • • • • •••• • • • • • • • Ali Oromchian, Esq. 925.884.1725 [email protected]

Westridge Wealth Strategies

Silver 2016 - 2012

650.888.1402 [email protected]

Sales Manager

VP Branch Manager - San Mateo

800.733.0633 [email protected]

650.573.8543 [email protected]

Silver 2016 - 2013

SMCDS Business Members acknowledged on this contribute in meaningful ways* throughout each year of their membership to our society’s fiscal health, industry intelligence, and community presence. *Event sponsorships, educational seminars / workshops, table clinics with timely dental industry / small business information, special product offers / pricing discounts, products and services relevant to your professional success and the oral health of our community. Business Memberships are an important source of non-dues revenue that has helped SMCDS to increase and improve member programs without raising SMCDS dues for more than a decade. We count on Business Members to engage professionally with members - as consultants focused on identifying and fulfilling your needs. In exchange, we encourage you to consider SMCDS Business Members as preferred providers when in the market for products and services. Membership Levels: Premier $5,000 Platinum $3,500 Gold $2,400 Silver $1,500

Currently providing Bay Area Dentists with quality temporary and permanent

• Dental Assistants • Dental Hygienists • Receptionists • Dentists

(415) 781-2909

Mouthpiece | Summer 2016 | 11

member benefits License Renewal Reminders Dear Colleagues: Let's call this a “public service announcement.” Your dental license renewal fee is due every other year in the month of your birth. It is critical you pay it on time - I speak from experience. Here is my story. Several years ago, I asked one of my staff to check on an order for Probantheline Bromide from Sullivan–Schein. We use this to dry up saliva while bonding a full mouth of orthodontic appliances. She made the call, came into the operatory, and announced “they cannot fill the order because you do not have a valid California dental license.” Turns out my bookkeeper never received the invoice or some other clerical miscue. I'm sure you can imagine my immediate visceral response. I called the Dental Board who are overseen by the Department of Consumer Affairs. An answering machine message assured me I would receive a return call in 2-3 business days. In my mind I saw myself driving to Sacramento with the $250 in hand or whatever they wanted – B U T getting a real person to speak to was anything but easy – A N D when I finally did speak to a person, I was told it would take several weeks to reinstate me. Now, here's the “fun” part… I called TDIC and explained my situation. They recommended I stop practicing since “your malpractice insurance is predicated on you having a current license.” Since this occurred during the busiest time of the year when parents wanted to get kids started with orthodontics, I had a decision to make. Did I continue to practice knowing that a slippery band down a trachea could result in a six- or seven-figure lawsuit with no insurance in place? …. or did I continue to practice knowing the terrible occurrences I was conjuring up in my imagination had never happened in my 25-year career (at that time)? Here's my point: although we can now renew our license online and communicate electronically with Dental Board of California and some things may have changed regarding a grace period …why take that chance? Put the date your renewal fee is due in multiple places and have a serious talk with whoever pays your bills. Avoid the potential of not being covered in a huge lawsuit just because the renewal notice got buried under a stack of journals or the USPS didn't work well that day. All the best – Alan Marcus, DDS MSD SMCDS Board 2015-16

12 | San Mateo County Dental Society |

member benefits After hearing Alan's story, we reactivated the st

meaning as of May 1 we began emailing alerts with links to the DBOC renewal site at the beginning of each member's renewal month: SMCDS REMINDER: YOUR Dental License Renewal is Due

Heads-up for dental license renewal this means YOU! The SMCDS member database shows YOUR license renewal date coming up between now and the last day of [birth month]. Please renew your license early! Forewarned is forearmed. Save yourself the IMMENSE hassle of a late renewal and take care of it NOW. As of January 2016, you can renew online by registering with the DBOC using

P.S. IN THE EVENT you do not heed this warning and end up renewing by mail less than two weeks in advance of your license expiration date, be sure to send it BY CERTIFIED MAIL, RECEIPT RETURN REQUESTED. Retain the RRR stamped by the post office and returned to you as PROOF of your application and fee having been mailed prior to license expiration date. Missed that great course on implants? Need 2-12 CE credits in a rush to meet your re-licensure requirement? Thanks to Dr. Bruce Bohannan's extracurricular interests, awesome expertise, and impressive video equipment, SMCDS offers online video courses available 24/7 at your convenience. All videos are posted with speaker permission. Find them by scrolling down on the home page of or Here FROM THE DBOC WEBSITE: “Dental licenses expire on the last day of the birth month of the licensee every two years, per Business and Professions Code, Section 1715. If the licensee's birth year is an even number, his or her license will expire during even-numbered years. If the licensee's birth year is an odd number, his or her license will expire during odd-numbered years. There is no grace period for a dentist in active practice, although a delinquency fee will not be assessed until the renewal is more than 30 days late. A dentist who practices after the expiration date without renewing is considered to be practicing without a license. Renewal notices are mailed approximately 60 days before expiration. A dentist is responsible for renewing their license regardless of having received a renewal notice or not."

new dentists New Dentists Return to El Torito in Burlingame We returned to El Torito in February for our first New Dentists Social of 2016. These events are completely casual and purely social - no set agenda other than mingling, eating, drinking, and playing the optional Know Someone New game to win drawing prizes. With a total of 29 new and experienced dentists, we had a full house! Jamie Warren - one of our new dentists seeking employment for some time spent the evening making good networking connections, reflecting afterward'These events are tremendously valuable to me!' If you're looking for employment, a mentor, or even someone to shadow, the New Dentist Social is a good place to find what you're looking for! Huge thank yous to our generous and funloving sponsor, Tom O'Brien of SGC Financial, for offesetting costs, offering resources, and awarding two drawing prizes (Amazon & Fandango gift cards). Congratulations to the lucky winners: Laura Stewart and Derrick Chua! Special thanks to Al Landucci of Orthodontics of San Mateo for taking pictures!

Mouthpiece | Summer 2016 | 13

community outreach This past spring we had the opportunity to return to the College of San Mateo for their first of two annual health fairs. This health fair is especially important to us, as it's the only regular opportunity we have to educate and screen adult students in San Mateo County. Out of 275 attendees, 50+ were screened by our volunteer dentists. Referrals for treatment were made to SMCDS member dentists, local clinics, and dental schools.

Many to Drs. Sara Andrews, Keith Gee, Brad Hart, Paul Hui, Al Landucci, Victor Lee, and Srijana Pokhrel for taking time out of their Wednesday schedules to make this an educational and successful outreach event.

Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. Henry Ford

Call for Community Service Award Nominations Have a colleague worthy of recognition or know of someone in the community who selflessly gives to educate, provide, or sustain oral health among our needy? Help SMCDS identify and recognize worthy individuals who give extraordinary service in the name of oral health to our community. We know they're out there and we need YOU to be our eyes and ears across San Mateo County's 744 square miles. Email [email protected] or call the Member line 650.637.1131 to make a nomination. Please provide the following information: Name and contact info for Nominee Nature of Nominee's service Duration / timeframe of service Your rationale - a brief statement of why you feel he/she should be considered for special recognition or a specific award Ÿ Your name and contact info Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ

14 | San Mateo County Dental Society |

Mouthpiece | Summer 2016 | 15

upcoming events

Go to save precious resources –

register and pay online –

16 | San Mateo County Dental Society |

Upcoming Events

event evaluation summary March ch 24, 2016 GM Meeting

Mouthpiece | Summer 2016 | 17

practice management INFORMED REFUSAL “I don't want to take any X-rays this year. Just clean my teeth.” Do we submit to our patient's wishes, should we have them sign an “informed refusal” form, or something else? A patient who declines recommended dental treatment may be doing so because of a lack of understanding about their dental care, financial concerns, radiation exposure concerns or concerns about the proposed treatment plan. The issue of not taking radiographs is usually anchored in the erroneous assumption about the dangers of radiation exposure. In anticipation of an appointment, an anxious patient may collect information from multiple sources including family, friends, neighbors, and of course, the Internet. These well-meaning patients arrive at our offices ready with the poignant statement, “I don't need X-rays this year doc.” So, the consummate professional must outline, with veracity, that one obtains more radiation in a transatlantic flight than in one full set of X-rays. After this eloquent explanation, the average patient will exercise their autonomy and hopefully make the decision to concede — recognizing the value of dentist-directed treatment guidance. Our medical colleagues agree that oral health is extremely important to a patient's overall health …and we took an oath to protect and improve our patients' oral health. Dentists must respect their patients' autonomy, however, not at the detriment of their oral health. Informed consent is invaluable in helping patients make sound decisions about their oral health. Section 1D of the CDA Code of Ethics states in part, “Fully informed consent is essential to the ethical practice of dentistry and reflects the patient's right of self-decision.” Advisory Opinion 1.D.1. Explanation of Treatment further clarifies, “A dentist has the obligation to fully explain proposed treatment, reasonable alternatives, and the risks of not performing treatment to the patient. The dentist shall explain treatment in a manner that is

accurate, easily understood, and allows patients to be involved in decisions affecting their oral health or their participation in a research project.” Our patients may not understand that declining radiographs impairs our ability to clinically diagnose dental pathology, such as caries, periodontal disease, endodontic lesions, pathologic lesions, etc. Similar to informed consent, it is a dentist's responsibility to inform patients of the potential consequences of refusing recommended treatment. In these situations, a dentist may choose to have the patient sign an informed refusal form, which should include the patient's prognosis, as well as the risks, limitations, and what may be missed by refusing dental X-rays. It is also good practice to have the patient, dentist, and a witness sign the form. Informed refusal forms should be used with caution, however. The Judicial Council recommends dentists consult with their malpractice insurance carriers if considering using an informed refusal form. If a disease condition is diagnosed or a patient has a history of dictating treatment, it may be in the dentist's best interests to dismiss the patient to avoid engaging in sub-standard treatment. Such decisions must be made on a patient-by-patient basis. We do not want to be in violation of the ethical principal competence, which is described in the CDA Code of Ethics in part as follows: “The competent dentist is able to diagnose and treat the patient's oral health needs and to refer when it is in the patient's best interest. Maintaining competence requires continual self-assessment about the outcome of patient care.” We are in an enviable position to have the privilege of caring for our patients' oral health and it is our duty to do so. Donna Klauser, DDS, DABP - Member, CDA Judicial Council For further guidance, contact Brittney Ryan, CDA Judicial Council Manager at 800.232.7645

advocacy/legislative update Government affects you …as an individual, a small business person, and a dentist – which means awareness and, if it suits you, occasional involvement pays off. For a concise weekly update of what's cooking at the capitol, read Legislative Updates in Peter DuBois’ Executive Bulletin or for a larger dose, read Todd Roberson's summaries at CDA Major Issues & Priorities. Have questions? Todd Roberson -CDA Public Affairs Manager- is always happy to answer questions on legislative / advocacy issues [email protected] Want to join SMCDS colleagues in the grassroots pool? Contact [email protected] to find out about getting involved. Following are updates on a few of today's issues. ▪ Update on CURES The Legislature is moving forward with SB 482 (Lara) — requiring providers to check the CURES prescription drug ▪database prior to issuing Schedule II-IV prescriptions - amended to exempt providers prescribing as a part of treatment for a surgical procedure, prescription is non-refillable and for a duration of five days or less. The amended bill was approved by the Assembly Business and Professions Committee. CDA continues to seek amendments clarifying whether CURES reports can be shared with patie nts. ▪ The Save Lives California coalition made a strong show at the legislature's informational hearing on the tobacco tax ballot measure. Vaping industry reps and several vape shop owners were the only opponents in attendance. Validity rates for signatures our campaign submitted remain well above the threshold we need in order to qualify by the end of June. ▪ Philadelphia became the first major U.S. city to enact a tax on sugar-sweetened beverages, with city council voting 13-4 to approve a 1.5 cent per ounce tax. This could help generate momentum for similar proposals on the ballot in San Francisco and Oakland this November.

18 | San Mateo County Dental Society |

classifieds P/T Private Associate Position Available Daly City Please contact 650.878.1373 or email [email protected] Closing Dental Practice Equipment, Instruments, and Supplies for sale. Do you need another hygiene room, a backup compressor, rolling cart? Email [email protected] Manikins for Sale SMCDS has an excess of CPR training manikins. Lightly used, almost new condition. Contact [email protected] for details. Periodontist position available 1 day per month. Facility and staff provided. Details: Contact 415.412.2129

Seeking a Retiring Dentist Practice to Buy in Redwood City, 2 mile radius from Whipple and El Camino. If you are thinking of retiring in the near future, please call 650.454.0023

Want a fully equipped modern dental office 1-2 days a week? Our Belmont office is available for rent Thursday and Friday. Contact 650.592.6600

Pediatric dental office space available Looking for a pediatric dentist to practice adjacent to ortho office located in SSF. Please contact Ann Marie @ 650.871.8833 for more information. Available to see.

Would you like to reduce your rent by 50%? General Dentist of 20 years seeking an opportunity to sublease in a practice in Foster City, San Mateo or B u r l i n ga m e . C o n t a c t D r. V i c t o r Sobrepena 650.619.6250 or [email protected] Need a fully equipped dental office for 1 day/ week? Our Redwood City Dental Office is for rent on Mondays. Details: Contact 415.412.2129 Space Available 2-3 days a week for a dental specialist Brand new office, equipped with digital x-rays, panoramic, and 4 chairs. Very modern and bright. Handicapped parking , ramp and bathroom. Walking distance to Sequoia Station. Please contact 650.365.3516

Mouthpiece | Summer 2016 | 19

SERVING DENTAL PRACTITIONERS ACROSS OUR COUNTY 240 A Twin Dolphin Drive • Redwood City • CA • 94065 650.637.1121 • fax 650.649.2980 • [email protected]

2016 Executive Committee President: Mina R. Desai, DDS Vice President: Benson H. Wong, DDS Treasurer: Benjamin A. Yount, DDS Secretary: John M. Acosta, DDS Past President: Fred Holloszy, DND CDA Trustee: Carliza A. Marcos, DDS Executive Director & Editor: Etta L. Kinney

Fri 8/19 Tim Yaeger, Jr. — Pres, Yaeger Dental

Staff Training: Basic Dental Equipment Maintenance


behind that soothing pa ent-friendly atmosphere, your prac ce became the lean-mean-profit-machine you’ve hoped it could be?? you had w well-trained staff who took the ini a ve to cruise your operatories in search of malfunc oning equipment and swi ly, silently yo restored them to keep your office running and produc ve?? you spent your me trea ng pa ents?

or 1p-3:30p

Fairytales can come true – it can happen to you… We’ve invited the Yaeger Dental “Sharks” Training Team to spend the day with us training you and - more importantly - your staff in a 2-1/2 hour hands-on workshop to complete simple repairs and maintenance on dental equipment you use every day

Crowne Plaza Foster City 2.5 CE 20%

Th 9/22

SMCDS Members & Staff @ $195 CDA Members & Staff @ $225 Non-Memberss @ $250

Ed Zuckerberg, DMD, FAGD


Ø air/water syringes Ø handpieces Ø sterilizers Ø compressors Ø lights Ø vacuums fixing water leaks, changing traps, filter maintenance, handpiece fixin care (all important and too o en neglected) were not le to YOU or un l you’re forced to call your equipment repair service (min charge $150)? You’d big me on …staff rela ons improve, ’d …s pa ent care benefits. Need I go on.

Harness the Power of Social Media for Your Prac ce b a A lavish social hour -held in thee - will be blast-from-the-past se ng in stark contrast to the topic du jour of our presenter, er, . So Social media is a challenging but cri cal strategy for marke ng your prac ce to today’s pa ents. Ed will share best prac ces acquired not only from his own homebased dental prac ce (which fostered son Mark’s first digital social network at age 11) but industry leaders who have enlisted him over the years to lecture, write ar cles, and beta test new technologies. Ed’s presenta on will condense and simplify for you and your staff the best ways to


Cul vate and post content targe ng demographic audiences Cu Allocate a budget for adver sing targe ng your pa ents Allo More effec vely generate new pa ents, reconnect with old pa ents, Mo keep current pa ents engaged through their preferred social media Members @ $95 Member Staff @ $65 Non-Members @ $150

A delicious full course dinner prepared by Bianchini Catering tops off an evening we’re sure you and your staff will recall as me well spent!