Moving on to Movement in Patients with Chronic Joint Pain

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Email: [email protected]. Jo Nijs ... Email: [email protected]. Paul Van Wilgen. Transcare Transdisciplinary Pain ....

Moving on to Movement in Patients with Chronic Joint Pain Vol.ÊXXI,ÊIssueÊ1Ê JuneÊ2013


Editorial Board

any different condi-


tions, such as osteo-

JaneÊC.ÊBallantyne,ÊMD,ÊFRCA arthritis, rheumatoid Anesthesiology,ÊPainÊMedicine arthritis, bursitis, USA

gout, strains, and sprains, are characAdvisoryÊBoard terized by painful joints. Joint pain is MichaelÊJ.ÊCousins,ÊMD,ÊDSC PainÊMedicine,ÊPalliativeÊMedicine common, becoming more prevalent Australia

guidelines for osteoarthritis, chronic

is medicine” or with regard to more gen-

can see that the evidence for different

smoking.” Yet clinicians often struggle

therapy modalities, from surgery to

to implement exercise interventions in

PsychosocialÊAspectsÊofÊChronicÊPelvicÊPain low back pain, or fibromyalgia, we eral health effects, “Sitting is the new

Pain is unwanted, is techniques, unfortunately common, and practice, remains essential medication to manual is ofclinical especiallyfor forsurvival patients(i.e., danger) and facilitating diagnoses. This complex of tenevading scarce or even conflicting. Themedical sole with chronic pain. What amalgamation makes it so

sensation, emotions, and thoughts manifests itself as pain behavior. Pain is a motidifficult to implement exercise in our apvating factor for physician consultations1 and for emergency department visits and is

modality that is always appropriate for

as people grow older. Joint pain can

chronic joint pain is physical activity

proach? What are the barriers, and how

affect any part of the body, from the

or exercise. Although physical activity

must we deal with them?

ankles and feet to the shoulders and


hands, and can be widespread or generalized, as in fibromyalgia and

As described in a relevant overview by

chronic fatigue syndrome.

Kroll,2 there are indeed multiple barri-

Many different causes may un-

ers against participation in both physi-

derlie joint pain, resulting in diverse

cal activity and exercise for patients

pain mechanisms and different clinical

with chronic pain. These barriers can

pictures. When we look at the clinical

be divided into patient-related factors,

Mira Meeus

environmental factors, and health care

Department of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy, University of Antwerp and Ghent University, Belgium; Pain in Motion International Research Group Email: [email protected]

delivery factors (Table 1).

Jo Nijs Department of Physiotherapy, Physiology and Anatomy, Vrije Universiteit, Brussels, Belgium Email: [email protected]

Paul Van Wilgen Transcare Transdisciplinary Pain Management Center, The Netherlands Email: [email protected]

Suzie Noten Department of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy, Antwerp University, Belgium Email: [email protected]

Dorien Goubert Department of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy, Ghent University, Belgium Email: [email protected]

Ivan Huijnen Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Research Program Functioning and Rehabilitation, Maastricht University, The Netherlands Email: [email protected] PAIN: CLINICAL UPDATES • MARCH 2016

While most of the environmental factors are rather general, such as lack and exercise are differentiated by the World Health Organization, this issue of Pain: Clinical Updates addresses both concepts. Exercise is a subcategory of physical activity that is planned, structured, repetitive, and purposeful, with the goal of improving or maintaining

of time or support, patient-related factors and health care delivery factors are more specific for the chronic pain population and deserve some further elaboration and, more importantly, some tips on how to target them.

one or more components of physical

Pain and Exercise-Induced Hyperalgesia

fitness. Physical activity includes exer-

While in healthy participants, almost

cise as well as other activities involving

all types of acute bouts of exercise

bodily movement during play, work,

reduce pain sensitivity, the size and

transportation, household chores, and

direction of the effects of exercise


in chronic pain conditions are more

Clinicians often emphasize the

heterogeneous and often adverse.3

relevance of both exercise and physical

Both hypoalgesic and hyperalgesic

activity for the management of joint

responses have been reported.4,5 In pa-

pain, with statements such as “Exercise

tients with chronic fatigue syndrome, 1

Table 1 Exercise barriers for chronic pain patients Patient Factors • Pain, particularly centrally mediated pain • Dysfunctional endogenous pain modulation • Fear-avoidance and/or catastrophic (pain) beliefs • Excessive deconditioning • Lack of education and understanding about the neurophysiology of pain and central sensitization • Strong beliefs that exercise can be harmful • Depression • Lack of self-efficacy Environmental Factors • Lack of access to a place to exercise • Perceived or real lack of time to exercise • Lack of support for exercise from one’s family and workplace • Variable accessibility of appropriate health care providers Health Care Delivery Factors • Overly strong focus on the biomedical model of pain • Lack of attention to psychological and central nervous system contributions to pain • Lack of coordination of care between the physician and therapist • Poor communication between health care providers and patients regarding the value and importance of exercise • Poor education of the patient about the meaning of pain • Lack of sufficient supervision so that the patient feels safe exercising and understands appropriate strategies for progressively increasing exercise Source: Adapted from Kroll.2 fibromyalgia, and chronic whiplash-

sitivity” in clinical practice.10 On the

always dominated by central sensitiza-

associated disorders, for example, both

contrary, Woolf argues that the term

tion. Think, for example, about patients

aerobic and isometric exercise seem

“central sensitization” and its definition

with rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthri-

to decrease pain thresholds.

reflect the spectrum of processes that

tis, or chronic shoulder pain. Although

patients are characterized by central

may underpin pain hypersensitivity,

neuroplastic changes may result from

sensitization, implying that descend-

including activity-dependent en-

continuous noxious stimulation, central

ing pain inhibition is not working

hanced nociceptive signaling, as well

sensitization only seems to be present

properly, leading to various complaints

as altered descending pain modula-

in subgroups, and the clinical picture

during and after exercise.6,7 There

tion.11 Given the lack of consensus on

is dominated by nociceptive or inflam-

is considerable debate concerning

this topic, we have selected the term

matory pain mechanisms. That is why

the terminology used to describe the

“central sensitization pain” to reflect

contradictory findings may be observed

clinical presentation of pain hyper-

a clinical pain state whereby pain is

in individual patients with a more

sensitivity where patients present

largely driven by sensitization in the

localized or structural chronic pain

with features of central sensitization.

central nervous system and impaired

complaint such as chronic low back

Some argue that central sensitiza-

descending pain modulation, although

pain, rheumatoid arthritis, or osteoar-

tion specifically refers to enhanced

we acknowledge that peripheral inputs

thritis. Different studies have reported

responsiveness of nociceptive neurons

may contribute to this pain hypersen-

both an increase and decrease in pain

in the central nervous system, as

sitivity and help maintain it.

thresholds after these patients engage



demonstrated in preclinical studies,

In contrast to these centrally sensi-

in different types of exercise. The effect

but because clinical assessment can-

tized patients, at the extreme end of the

seems to be dependent on the patient

not specifically identify mechanisms,

musculoskeletal pain continuum there

and on the type of exercise. General

it is more accurate to use terms like

are other chronic joint pain conditions

aerobic training4,9,12 or strength training

“pain sensitization” or “pain hypersen-

that are more localized and are not

focusing on unaffected body parts5,13



Editorial Board Editor-in-Chief

Andrew SC Rice, MBBS, MD,FRCA, FFPMRCA Pain Medicine Editorial Advisory Board

Michael Bennett, MD, FCRP, FFPMRCA Cancer Pain, Palliative Care

Daniel Ciampi de Andrade, PhD

can have pain-relieving effects in these

solve the problem. This may result in

patients by reducing pain sensitivity in

low self-efficacy, inappropriate therapy

the affected tissues. On the other hand,

expectations, and significant barriers

specific exercises that engage pain-

to prevent reactivation despite pain.

ful body parts do not always activate

Self-efficacy remains one of the most

segmental or multi-segmental pain

consistent correlates or determinants

inhibitory mechanisms in patients with

of physical activity behavior.15 Unfor-

complaints like shoulder myalgia.

tunately, low levels of self-efficacy and


Although exercise-induced hyper-

external loci of control are common in

algesia lasts for a limited time, it may

patients with chronic joint pain, owing

Felicia Cox, MSc, RN

have huge effects in the longer term,

to their incorrect illness perceptions.

Pain Management, Nursing

mediated by patients’ perceptions and


Roy Freeman, MB, ChB Neurology

Maria Adele Giamberardino, MD Internal Medicine, Physiology

Deb Gordon, RN, DNP, FAAN Anesthesiology, Pain Medicine

Simon Haroutounian, PhD Pain Medicine

Andreas Kopf, MD Anesthesiology

Michael Nicholas, PhD Psychology

M.R. Rajagopal, MD Pain Medicine, Palliative Medicine

Hans-Georg Schaible, MD Physiology

Claudia Sommer, MD Neurology

Takahiro Ushida, MD, PhD Orthopedics, Rehabilitation Pain Medicine Publishing Daniel J. Levin, Publications Director Elizabeth Endres, Consulting Editor Timely topics in pain research and treatment have been selected for publication, but the information provided and opinions expressed have not involved any verification of the findings, conclusions, and opinions by IASP. Thus, opinions expressed in Pain: Clinical Updates do not necessarily reflect those of IASP or of the Officers or Councilors. No responsibility is assumed by IASP for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of product liability, negligence, or from any use of any methods, products, instruction, or ideas contained in the material herein. Because of the rapid advances in the medical sciences, the publisher recommends independent verification of diagnoses and drug dosages. © Copyright 2016 International Association for the Study of Pain. All rights reserved. For permission to reprint or translate this article, contact: International Association for the Study of Pain 1510 H Street NW, Suite 600, Washington, D.C. 20005-1020, USA Tel: +1-202-524-5300 Fax: +1-202-524-5301 Email: [email protected]


Indeed, when pain is interpreted in

beliefs. The immediate effects of ex-

terms of harm and exercise results in

ercise may determine patients’ future

pain exacerbations, exercise can seem

exercise behavior.

dangerous or harmful. Reduced exercise tolerance may lead to fear of move-

Patients’ Understanding of Pain Neurophysiology

ment and avoidance of certain activi-

Therapy for patients with chronic

and eventually further deconditioning.

joint pain is often presented within a

Subsequently, the patient’s tolerance

biomedical model of pain. However,

further decreases, and pain responses

this “find it and fix it” model could

to exercise bouts will only get worse,

perpetuate the notion that the joints

sustaining the vicious circle of exercise-

are the only cause of pain, reinforcing

induced hyperalgesia and avoidance

biomedical beliefs.14

(Fig. 1). Prescribing untailored exercise

In that view of pain, it might

ties, resulting in disuse and inactivity,

programs will fail in these patients. The

be counterintuitive to the patient to

outcome of pain-contingent activation

exercise despite pain. As the joints are

will only be further empowerment of

seen as the source of pain and exercise

the pain neuromatrix, increasing pain

worsens pain, patients might consider

behavior and inappropriate cognitions.

exercise as “overloading” or endanger-

Moreover, this approach will preclude

ing the joints. Patients interpret pain

grading patients’ activity levels.

as an indicator of a biomedical problem

Not every patient with chronic pain

or bodily harm. Therefore, attribut-

ends up coping by avoiding activity.

ing pain to exercise may lead people

Persisters are patients who continue

to believe they should stop exercising

to perform activities to their comple-

or avoid similar exercise in the future,

tion despite pain.16 These patients try to

compromising therapy compliance.

ignore pain sensations and the (physical) boundaries of their body, suppress

Patient’s Beliefs and Self-efficacy

pain-related and anxious thoughts,

Hyperalgesic responses to exercise,

and persist in daily activities (including

combined with poor understanding of

physical activities), resulting in overac-

their pain, can result in inappropriate

tivity,17 in an attempt to be their “ideal

pain perceptions and beliefs in patients

self.” After activity completion, pain will

with chronic pain. Patients with chron-

increase, which in turn will force per-

ic pain are often unaware of the fact

sisters to rest until the pain subsides.18

that pain is frequently disproportionate

In the long run, persistence behavior

to tissue damage, and they may keep

can be maladaptive and result in wide

on searching for a structural cause

ups and downs (a “saw tooth pattern”) in

and consequently a “magic bullet” to

the level of activities of daily life. 3

unravel possible barriers to success, and clarify environmental factors. Although it seems that exercise therapy programs are beneficial for all patients with chronic pain and that they could even be a tool to reactivate or strengthen endogenous paininhibitory mechanisms, the dominant mechanism responsible for the chronic pain seems pivotal for the patient’s response to acute exercise. In patients with more localized chronic pain complaints (without dominant central sensitization), endogenous pain inhibition is active during exercise, resulting in generalized increased pain thresholds during and after exercise.4,5,9,13 When exercise involves the afflicted body parts, pressure pain thresholds can decrease locally, indicating that peripheral processes underlie local exercise-induced hyperalgesia.5,13 Conversely, in patients with a dominant picture of central sensitization, the type Fig. 1. Vicious circle of exercise-induced hyperalgesia and avoidance.

Taken togetherF, avoidance be-

of exercise or the body parts involved do not seem to matter, as these patients

activity can change one’s self-efficacy

show a generalized exercise-induced

havior, persistence behavior, or mixed

for exercise.15 The same goes for de-

hyperalgesic response to a single bout

behavior (avoiding certain activities or

pressed feelings, deconditioning, and

of exercise.4,6 Thus, depending on the

movements, while persisting in oth-


dominant pain mechanism, the thera-

ers) are all barriers to prescribing ex-

Thus, it seems important to pre-

ercise for patients with chronic joint

pare the patient to take the first steps

more specific (see “Tailoring exercise

pain. Avoiding activities because of fear

toward exercise, taken into account

programs”). Lacking a gold standard for

will undermine the success of graded

the specific profile of the patient. If you

assessing central sensitization pain in

activity programs, but the typical up-

can get patients moving, typically they

clinical practice, clinicians can rely on

and-down pattern of activity in persist-

will eventually feel better. The key to

the pain characteristics (localization,

ers also precludes any training effect.

an effective exercise prescription for

pain intensity, and related disability)

chronic pain is identifying and pro-


and other possible signs of hypersensi-

moting strategies that facilitate actual

tivity (assessed according to the Central

Despite the huge barriers patients may

participation in exercise.1 The following

Sensitization Inventory19).20

experience in initiating physical activ-

steps may help in initiating exercise in

ity, it is important to note that many

patients with chronic joint pain.

of these barriers can be influenced

pist can adapt training to be general or

Additionally, patient evaluation should identify possible biomechanical deficits, which also allows for individu-

by physical activity itself. This means

Assessing the Patient

that many patients end up in a vicious

First, a comprehensive biopsychosocial

specifically targeting strength, flexibil-

circle of reduced physical activity

assessment is necessary, to recognize

ity, or aerobic fitness.

and thus increased barriers to physi-

the dominant pain mechanisms, identify

cal activity. While self-efficacy acts

possible biomechanical deficits, under-

inactivity, disuse of painful body parts,

as a determinant of physical activity

stand patients’ beliefs and perceptions,

and consequent disability often result

behavior, participation in physical

evaluate their psychological readiness,

from negative thoughts about one’s


alized tailoring of activities later on,

Fear-avoidance behavior, physical


current or previous pain experiences.

The first step is providing pain neuro-

term response to exercise programs

Clinicians should ask patients about

science education, which has shown

is beneficial for all chronic musculo-

such thoughts and about their beliefs,

efficacy in changing patients beliefs’

emotions, and behavior. What is their

and facilitating exercise participation.

understanding of their pain? Do they

By explaining concepts of central pain

deviations are large, indicating very

believe there is a specific source of

processing and how it relates to physi-

diverse responses.24,25 The variation in

nociception in their body? In that case,

cal activity, the relevance of beliefs

response is reflected in the number of

it is unlikely that they will persevere

and perceptions, the real meaning of

responders and nonresponders. Lack

with an exercise program.2

pain that is chronic, and the effects of

of response may be due to the frequent

Before deciding on an exercise pre-

skeletal pain conditions, overall effect 2

sizes are sometimes small and standard

exercise, many inappropriate and pain-

lack of individually tailored exercise

scription, clinicians should thoroughly

facilitating beliefs can be altered and

programs, based on a thorough prior

understand the patient’s activities,

patients’ readiness and participation

biopsychosocial assessment.

including daily activities and sports, to

can be enhanced. It is important to give

assess whether or not, when, and why

patients proper education about the

dominating the picture and patients

the patient is avoiding or persisting in

expected effects of exercise, emphasiz-

present with a more local chronic joint

activities. An activity diary may aid in

ing that the occurrence of pain (or an

complaint, as is the case for many pa-

this process.

increase in pain) is not the consequence

tients with chronic idiopathic neck pain

Any discrepancy between objective

When central sensitization is not

of (further) damage. In fact, these exac-

or the majority of patients with knee

measurement and subjective percep-

erbations are only short-lasting and are

or hip osteoarthritis, research points

tion of a patient’s physical activities is

most likely to occur at the beginning

out to the benefits of more specific

an important topic for consideration. It

of the training period, but will become

exercises.12,26 Specific strength training

seems that many patients with chronic

less severe from session to session

is the most efficacious in reducing pain

pain are not very good at estimating or

during the intervention period,12 as

and increasing pain thresholds (both

reporting their physical activity level.

exercise therapy is a tool to retrain pain

local and distal) in the longer term,

This problem might (partly) be attrib-

inhibition mechanisms.

with a lasting effect after cessation of

uted to self-discrepancies, depressed

If patients adopt the new insights

training, compared to general fitness

feelings, cognitive problems, or malin-

and are ready for other therapy mo-

training, for example in patients with

gering. Both under- and overestimation

dalities, including exercise programs, it

chronic neck pain.

are reported in the literature.21–23 For

is important to continue the philosophy

instance, measurement of objectively

of pain education and to use consistent

training acutely increases pain (up to

measured physical activity levels in-

communication. For instance, rather

2 hours afterwards) and reduces pain

dicated that there were no significant

than “selling” the exercises as a tool to

thresholds, whereas general train-

differences between an avoidant and

correct biomechanical deficits, explain

ing does not.12 Therefore, to counter

persistent group (based on self-report)

that exercise is a tool to retrain the

the temporary local pain increase,

with chronic low back pain.23 There-

brain and an analgesic intervention.

it is probably advisable to vary the

fore, accurate knowledge of the actual

Be careful with pain-contingent ap-

exercises and combine more specific

physical activity pattern at baseline is

proaches, because they only strengthen

strength training with general fitness

necessary to steer treatment strategy

biomedical beliefs, and pain is not a

or nonspecific training to activate

correctly and to follow progress. These

rational guide in cases of chronic pain.

endogenous pain inhibition, especially

results could imply that the focus dur-

Nevertheless, specific strength

in the early stages of training. Even a temporary minor decrease in pain may

creasing physical activities or exercise,

Tailoring the Exercise Program: Patient-Centered Health Care

reducing avoidance behavior toward

The message is clear: “Get your patient

severe pain to overcome barriers to

certain important daily activities, or

moving.” Yet the question remains:


applying more cognitively directed

“How?” Clearly there is no straight-

therapy modalities.

forward answer to this question, as

patients would benefit from an exercise

shown by various meta-analyses in Priming the Patient

program in which both nonspecific and

different chronic joint populations.

specific exercises are combined, with

Before patients can benefit from

Responses to training programs are

greater emphasis on the nonspecific

exercise, patients need to be “primed.”

also heterogeneous. Although the long-

component in the beginning period,

ing rehabilitation can vary between in-


be a motivating factor for persons with

In relation to these findings, these


and a gradual increase of the specific

exercise therapy is more difficult.

account the behavior and perceptions

component, once central pain modula-

Training unaffected body parts is

of the patient. Activity persistence or

tion gets underway (Fig. 2).

often unrealistic, and patients’ adverse

avoidance often seem to be reflected

response to an exercise bout seems not

in self-reports alone. In that case, the

therapy is to train the brain, along with

An important aim of exercise

to depend on the exercise format, but

patient’s misperception is the subject of

the musculoskeletal system. Evidence

rather to reflect a generalized failure

attention, and the focus is on restoring

points to an amelioration of centrally

of endogenous pain inhibition.

a realistic perception of actual activ-

mediated pain modulation. Indeed,

Therapists face a risky balanc-

local pressure pain thresholds and

ing exercise in tailoring an exercise

relevant goals. Nevertheless, when

pain thresholds of a pain-free refer-

program for such patients. On the

the clinician deems that avoidance or

ence muscle will increase in response

one hand, they should account for the

persistence are in fact occurring, the

to both specific strength training and

dysfunctional response of patients

approach to activity management dif-

aerobic training, indicating a general

with chronic pain and their aberra-

fers between persisters and avoiders.

effect of physical activity on pain sen-

tions in central pain modulation in

sitivity.27,28 Researchers also found that

response to acute exercise, but on the

to start by restructuring their activ-

a 2-minute specific training period gave

other hand they should try to distract

ity pattern in order to stabilize the

the same pain reduction and the same

patients from focusing on pain, which

symptom pattern, given the negative

increase in both local and distant pain

is an unreliable “alarm sign” in these

association between fluctuations in

thresholds, compared to a 12-minute

patients. Therapists should not encour-

activity and a patient’s disability level.29

specific training period. This finding

age hypervigilance for pain. Therefore,

Restructuring the activity pattern

emphasizes that a large part of the pain

education is crucial to help patients

to avoid peaks of overactivity can be

reduction is due to changes in central

interpret pain during exercise in the

achieved by pacing strategies. While

pain processing, since a 12-minute

correct context, before they begin reac-

definitions of pacing are varied, it

training period is more efficacious in

tivation programs.

generally refers to a strategy to divide

enhancing muscle performance.28

Besides tailoring the exercise

When central sensitization is dominating the picture, initiating

ity levels and on setting realistic and

For persisters it may be necessary

one’s daily activities into smaller, more

program according to the pain mecha-

manageable portions. Such pacing

nism, the clinician should take into

allows individuals to participate in

Proposal exercise program 100

Aspecific exercises

Pain contingent baseline determination Long term


Specific exercises


0 Start Short Mid term term

Time contingent grading








Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Fig. 2. Overview of the possible design of exercise or activity programs. CS, central sensitization; GET, graded exercise therapy. 6


activities without exacerbating their

being more activity or exercise oriented

pain, which then allows planned and

(depending on the patient’s condi-

program must consider the patient’s

calculated increases in activity. This

tion and needs), the first step entails

preferences and be consistent with his

behavioral coping strategy is different

the identification of an appropriate

or her individual circumstances, fitness

from the natural use of activity pacing.

baseline and goal setting.34 The specific

level, and prior experiences.2 Shared

Patients sometimes naturally use pac-

types of exercises or activities are based

decision making implies a consultative

ing (as a reactive strategy to alleviate

on personal goals. Questionnaires

rather than a prescriptive process, and

pain), which is quite different from the

can be used to determine these goals,

as such patients are in charge of their

way pacing is taught in pain man-

which should focus not on pain reduc-

own rehabilitation program (content,

agement programs (as a preplanned

tion but on positive new behavior.

goal setting, grading, etc.). Their prefer-

strategy used in conjunction with a

The baseline level should be safe and

ences should shape the program, but

graduated activity program to increase

achievable, so that the patient can start

various exercises or activities should

one’s activity level). Possibly, the way

with a successful experience. Baseline

be integrated.26 Prior experiences of

patients naturally pace their activity

setting can be performed in a pain-con-

exercise-induced pain exacerbations

eventually leads to a functional decline

tingent way, meaning that a safe and

are important barriers to self-efficacy.

if it is not used to gradually increase

conservative baseline is determined on

Therefore, a time-contingent approach

one’s activity levels,30 as the natural use

the basis of prior pain-controlled trials.

is very important once a safe base-

of pacing is often more equal to a pain-

Afterwards, a safe and realistic rate

line is installed. The coach must tell

contingent activity approach.

of progression is negotiated with the

patients not to do more when they feel

In avoiders, the goal is reactiva-

A successful rehabilitation

patient. The rate of progression is based

good, or less when they feel bad, but to

tion. Because fear can hamper this

on a predetermined quota of activity

stick to the specific quota for that day.

approach, graded exposure may offer

per day, independent of the pain. Time-

This approach allows patients to be

a solution to increase daily life ac-

contingent approaches should replace

successful and less fearful, which will

tivities. Graded exposure encourages

pain-contingent approaches (which are

increase self-efficacy.2

a confrontation response by exposing

not reliable) to enhance self-efficacy. In

patients to specific situations of which

any case, the patient should experience


they are fearful.31 There is indeed mod-

success during exercise.34 Subsequently,

To assess the efficacy of interventions,

erate evidence that graded exposure

the grading phase includes grading of

we refer to the IMMPACT recom-

effectively decreases catastrophizing

the activity bouts using a time-contin-

mendations. There is a consensus

in the short term.32 Also, for patients

gent approach. The type of activities

that chronic pain clinical trials should

in whom even very gentle activity is

and exercises should be discussed with

assess outcomes representing six core

painful, graded exposure can be a (first)

the patient and implemented in a daily

domains: (1) pain, (2) physical func-

step to more active therapy modalities.

program containing activities as well

tioning, (3) emotional functioning, (4)

The aim is to reduce the threat associ-

as moments of rest or relaxation and

participant ratings of improvement

ated with the task. This approach may

necessary tasks such as work, house-

and satisfaction with treatment, (5)

involve breaking the movement down,

hold activities, or child care. This type

symptoms and adverse events, and (6)

using mirror box therapy, or perform-

of activity program is in line with our

participant disposition. Not all domains

ing imaginary movements (which are

current understanding of chronic pain

have to be improved for a therapy to be

imagined to be pain-free), all to make


considered efficacious.

gies activate motor mechanisms in a

Facilitating Adherence

tance and the recommended bench-

manner that is explicitly nonthreaten-

Finally, self-efficacy seems to be an

marks, we must consider the changes

ing. A successful experience reinforces

important factor in exercise adherence.

that occur within individuals from

the cognition that physical activity can

Therefore, it is necessary to consis-

the beginning of a clinical trial to its

be safe, even though it might not be

tently continue the principles of pain

conclusion. For example, decreases in

pain free.

neuroscience education throughout

patients’ pain intensity of >30% are

the entire rehabilitation period and to

considered “moderately important”

way, therapists can move on to coach-

have a therapist serve as a coach who

improvements, whereas decreases

ing them in graded activity or exercise

is available to help with any doubts or

of >50% are considered “substantial”

programs. Regardless of the content


improvements. Responders are defined

the task less daunting. These strate-

To determine the clinical impor-


After preparing patients in this



as those patients presenting at least a


before a complete exercise program can

30% improvement. However, because

In conclusion, we would like to empha-

be successful. A thorough assessment

this multifactorial evaluation must

size the importance of physical activity

of the patient is necessary to be able to

consider the benefits and risks of the

programs for patients with chronic

provide patient-centered health care, in

treatment and of other available treat-

joint pain. Although it is one of the

which the activity or exercise program

ments for the condition, it is dangerous

primary modalities in the care of these

is individually tailored to the specific

to give specific cut-offs or guidelines to

patients, “prescribing exercise” requires

patient, taking into account his or her

determine which difference is clinically

a broader biopsychosocial framing,

pain, beliefs, perceptions, and activity


and many barriers must be overcome

behavior, as presented in Fig. 2.


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