The algorithm performs an intersection operation and computes the intersected area for each feature based on the user input data. Users can execute the algorithm with two possible combinations. (1) A user gives an input for 'MPA_Shapefile_Url' and 'Selected_Data_Feature' and the other variables are left empty to their.
MPA Algorithm Description Algorithm The algorithm performs an intersection operation and computes the intersected area for each feature based on the user input data. Users can execute the algorithm with two possible combinations. (1) A user gives an input for ‘MPA_Shapefile_Url’ and ‘Selected_Data_Feature’ and the other variables are left empty to their default values. (2) A user gives an input for ‘Marine Boundary’, ‘Region_Id’ and ‘Selected_Data_Feature’ and the other variable is left to its default value. The ‘Mpa_Shapefile_Url’ entry accepts a valid web link to a zip folder containing a shapefile in a GCS coordinate system. To create a web link, users can upload a zip folder with the data to the workspace in the VRE. The shapefile must have a text type field called ‘name’ containing no duplicate attributes. The .zip folder must contain the standard .shp, .shx, .prj and .dbf files. The ‘Selected_Data_Feature’ entry accepts a comma separated list of features to be included in the analysis. These can be: shelf,slope,abyss,hadal,reefs,seamounts,guyots,canyons,ridges,plateaus,spreading_ridges,rift_valleys,glaci al_troughs,shelf_valleys,trenches,troughs,terraces,fans,rises,bridges,escarpments,reefs,seagrass,mangrove s For (2), a user should select a ‘Marine_Boundary’ option from the dropdown menu. This can either be an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) or a Marine Ecoregion. The user must then select an appropriate ‘Regional_ID’ determining which EEZ or Ecoregion to select for the analysis. A list of possible entries can be found in the Table I & II Please note that: a. If a user changes the default variable ‘MPA_Shapefile_Url’ with a valid url, then the algorithm will always report on the input shapefile regardless of whether a user has also defined a ‘Marine_Boundary’ and ‘Region_ID’. b. Based on the inputs by the user the algorithm can take a significant amount of time to complete. This holds especially true when analyzing large areas such as the Norwegian EEZ for example. Please be patient.
Table I- Exclusive Economic Zone Region ID for MPA Intersect Algorithm Serial No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
EEZ Name Albanian Exclusive Economic Zone Algerian Exclusive Economic Zone American Samoa Exclusive Economic Zone Amsterdam Island & St. Paul Island Exclusive Economic Zone Angolan Exclusive Economic Zone Anguilla Exclusive Economic Zone Antarctic 200NM zone beyond the coastline Antigua and Barbuda Exclusive Economic Zone Argentinean Exclusive Economic Zone Aruban Exclusive Economic Zone Ascension Exclusive Economic Zone Australian Exclusive Economic Zone Australian Exclusive Economic Zone (Macquarie Island) Bahamas Exclusive Economic Zone Bahraini Exclusive Economic Zone Bangladeshi Exclusive Economic Zone Barbados Exclusive Economic Zone Bassas da India Exclusive Economic Zone Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone Belizean Exclusive Economic Zone Beninese Exclusive Economic Zone Bermudian Exclusive Economic Zone Bonaire Exclusive Economic Zone Bosnian and Herzegovinian Exclusive Economic Zone Bouvet Exclusive Economic Zone Brazilian Exclusive Economic Zone Brazilian Exclusive Economic Zone (Trindade) British Virgin Islands Exclusive Economic Zone Bruneian Exclusive Economic Zone Bulgarian Exclusive Economic Zone Cambodian Exclusive Economic Zone Cameroonian Exclusive Economic Zone Canadian Exclusive Economic Zone Cape Verdean Exclusive Economic Zone Cayman Islands Exclusive Economic Zone Chilean Exclusive Economic Zone Chilean Exclusive Economic Zone (Easter Island) Chilean Exclusive Economic Zone (San Felix and San Ambrosio islands) Chinese Exclusive Economic Zone Christmas Island Exclusive Economic Zone Clipperton Exclusive Economic Zone Cocos Islands Exclusive Economic Zone Colombian Exclusive Economic Zone Colombian Exclusive Economic Zone (Bajo Nuevo) Colombian Exclusive Economic Zone (Quitasue±o) Colombian Exclusive Economic Zone (Serrana) Colombian Exclusive Economic Zone (Serranilla) Comoran Exclusive Economic Zone Congolese Exclusive Economic Zone Cook Islands Exclusive Economic Zone Costa Rican Exclusive Economic Zone
Region ID 5670 8378 8444 8386 8478 8412 8489 8414 8466 26519 8379 8323 8311 8404 8358 8481 8418 8340 3293 8457 8393 8402 26520 22491 8399 8464 8381 8411 26521 5672 8331 8475 8493 8362 8407 8465 21787 22756 8486 8309 8401 8308 8426 48985 33183 33184 48984 8334 8394 8446 8424
52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105
Croatian Exclusive Economic Zone Crozet Islands Exclusive Economic Zone Cuban Exclusive Economic Zone Curaþaoan Exclusive Economic Zone Cypriote Exclusive Economic Zone Danish Exclusive Economic Zone Democratic Republic of the Congo Exclusive Economic Zone Disputed area Alhucemas Islands: Spain / Morocco Disputed area Ceuta: Spain / Morocco Disputed area Chafarinas Islands: Spain / Morocco Disputed area Chagos Archipelago Exclusive Economic Zone: UK / Mauritius Disputed area Doumeira Islands: Djibouti / Eritrea Disputed area Falkland Islands Exclusive Economic Zone: UK / Argentina Disputed area Gibraltarian Exclusive Economic Zone Disputed area Glorioso Islands: France / Madagascar Disputed area Ile Tromelin: Reunion / Mauritus Disputed area Kuril Islands: Japan / Russia Disputed area Liancourt Rocks: Japan / South Korea Disputed area Matthew and Hunter Islands: New Caledonia / Vanuatu Disputed area Mayotte: France / Comoros Disputed area Melilla: Spain / Morocco Disputed area Navassa Island: USA / Haiti / Jamaica Disputed area Pe±¾n de VÚlez de la Gomera: Spain / Morocco Disputed area Perejil Island: Spain / Morocco Disputed area Senkaku Islands: Japan / China / Taiwan Disputed area South China Sea Disputed area South Georgia and South Sandwich Exclusive Economic Zone: UK / Argentina Disputed area Ukrainian Exclusive Economic Zone Disputed area Western Saharan Exclusive Economic Zone Disputed area: Canada / USA Disputed area: Iran / United Arab Emirates Disputed area: Kenya / Somalia Disputed area: Palestinian Exclusive Economic Zone Disputed area: Puerto Rico / Dominican Republic Disputed area: Sudan / Egypt Disputed area: Trinidad and Tobago / Venezuela / Guyana Disputed area: Venezuela / Aruba / Dominican Republic Disputed area: Venezuela / Colombia / Dominican Republic Djiboutian Exclusive Economic Zone Dominican Exclusive Economic Zone Dominican Republic Exclusive Economic Zone Dutch Exclusive Economic Zone East Timorian Exclusive Economic Zone Ecuadorian Exclusive Economic Zone Ecuadorian Exclusive Economic Zone (Galapagos) Egyptian Exclusive Economic Zone El Salvador Exclusive Economic Zone Equatorial Guinean Exclusive Economic Zone Eritrean Exclusive Economic Zone Estonian Exclusive Economic Zone Faeroe Exclusive Economic Zone Fijian Exclusive Economic Zone Finnish Exclusive Economic Zone French Exclusive Economic Zone
5673 8385 8406 26517 8376 5674 8477 49001 49002 48997 8344 48956 8389 8365 48945 48946 48950 48955 48948 48944 49000 48951 48999 48998 48954 49003 8383 5695 8368 48943 48947 33176 48953 48982 26582 33185 48965 48971 8352 8417 8409 5668 8758 8431 8403 8490 8428 8398 8351 5675 8435 8325 5676 5677
106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
French Guiana Exclusive Economic Zone French Polynesian Exclusive Economic Zone Gabonese Exclusive Economic Zone Gambian Exclusive Economic Zone Georgian Exclusive Economic Zone German Exclusive Economic Zone Ghanaian Exclusive Economic Zone Greek Exclusive Economic Zone Greenlandic Exclusive Economic Zone Grenadian Exclusive Economic Zone Guadeloupean Exclusive Economic Zone Guam Exclusive Economic Zone Guatemalan Exclusive Economic Zone Guernsey Exclusive Economic Zone Guinea Bissau Exclusive Economic Zone Guinean Exclusive Economic Zone Guyanese Exclusive Economic Zone Haitian Exclusive Economic Zone Heard and McDonald Islands Exclusive Economic Zone Honduran Exclusive Economic Zone Howland and Baker Islands Exclusive Economic Zone Icelandic Exclusive Economic Zone Ile Europa Exclusive Economic Zone Indian Exclusive Economic Zone Indian Exclusive Economic Zone (Andaman and Nicobar Islands) Indonesian Exclusive Economic Zone Iranian Exclusive Economic Zone Iraqi Exclusive Economic Zone Irish Exclusive Economic Zone Israeli Exclusive Economic Zone Italian Exclusive Economic Zone Ivory Coast Exclusive Economic Zone Jamaican Exclusive Economic Zone Jan Mayen Exclusive Economic Zone Japanese Exclusive Economic Zone Jarvis Island Exclusive Economic Zone Jersey Exclusive Economic Zone Johnston Atoll Exclusive Economic Zone Joint regime area Argentina / Uruguay Joint regime area Australia / East Timor Joint regime area Colombia / Dominican Republic Joint regime area Colombia / Jamaica Joint regime area Costa Rica / Ecuador (Galapagos) Joint regime area Ecuador / Colombia Joint regime area Guyana / Barbados Joint regime area Honduras / Cayman Islands Joint regime area Iceland / Denmark (Faeroe Islands) Joint regime area Iceland / Norway (Jan Mayen) Joint regime area Italy / France Joint regime area Japan / Korea Joint regime area Nigeria / Sao Tome and Principe Joint regime area Peru / Ecuador Joint regime area Senegal / Guinea Bissau Joint regime area Spain / France Joint regime area Sweden / Norway
8462 8440 8476 8370 5678 5669 8400 5679 8438 8419 33177 48957 8430 21788 8471 8472 8460 8408 8388 8427 8451 5680 8341 8480 8333 8492 8469 8470 5681 8375 5682 8473 8459 8437 8487 8442 21789 8452 48961 21795 48970 21792 48968 48974 48969 48972 48973 48975 48976 21796 21797 48962 48964 48966 48977
161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215
Joint regime area United Kingdom / Denmark (Faeroe Islands) Joint regime area United States / Russia Jordanian Exclusive Economic Zone Juan de Nova Exclusive Economic Zone Kenyan Exclusive Economic Zone Kerguelen Exclusive Economic Zone Kiribati Exclusive Economic Zone (Gilbert Islands) Kiribati Exclusive Economic Zone (Line Islands) Kiribati Exclusive Economic Zone (Phoenix Islands) Kuwaiti Exclusive Economic Zone Latvian Exclusive Economic Zone Lebanese Exclusive Economic Zone Liberian Exclusive Economic Zone Libyan Exclusive Economic Zone Lithuanian Exclusive Economic Zone Madagascan Exclusive Economic Zone Malaysian Exclusive Economic Zone Maldives Exclusive Economic Zone Maltese Exclusive Economic Zone Marshall Islands Exclusive Economic Zone Martinican Exclusive Economic Zone Mauritanian Exclusive Economic Zone Mauritian Exclusive Economic Zone Mexican Exclusive Economic Zone Micronesian Exclusive Economic Zone Montenegrin Exclusive economic Zone Montserrat Exclusive Economic Zone MonÚgasque Exclusive Economic Zone Moroccan Exclusive Economic Zone Mozambican Exclusive Economic Zone Myanmar Exclusive Economic Zone Namibian Exclusive Economic Zone Nauruan Exclusive Economic Zone New Caledonian Exclusive Economic Zone New Zealand Exclusive Economic Zone Nicaraguan Exclusive Economic Zone Nigerian Exclusive Economic Zone Niue Exclusive Economic Zone Norfolk Island Exclusive Economic Zone North Korean Exclusive Economic Zone Northern Mariana Exclusive Economic Zone Norwegian Exclusive Economic Zone Oecussi Ambeno Exclusive Economic Zone Omani Exclusive Economic Zone Pakistani Exclusive Economic Zone Palau Exclusive Economic Zone Palmyra Atoll Exclusive Economic Zone Panamanian Exclusive Economic Zone Papua New Guinean Exclusive Economic Zone Peruvian Exclusive Economic Zone Philippines Exclusive Economic Zone Pitcairn Islands Exclusive Economic Zone Polish Exclusive Economic Zone Portuguese Exclusive Economic Zone Portuguese Exclusive Economic Zone (Azores)
48967 48978 8491 8339 8349 8387 8488 8441 8450 8357 5683 8374 8391 8372 5684 8348 8483 8345 5685 8318 33178 8369 8343 8429 8316 5691 8415 21790 8367 8347 8482 8395 8317 8312 8455 8425 8474 8447 8310 8328 48980 5686 21791 8354 8359 8315 8443 8423 8324 8432 8322 8439 5687 5688 8361
216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270
Portuguese Exclusive Economic Zone (Madeira) Protected Zone established under the Torres Strait Treaty Puerto Rican Exclusive Economic Zone Qatari Exclusive Economic Zone Romanian Exclusive economic Zone Russian Exclusive economic Zone RÚunion Exclusive Economic Zone Saba Exclusive Economic Zone Saint Kitts and Nevis Exclusive Economic Zone Saint Lucia Exclusive Economic Zone Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Exclusive Economic Zone Saint-BarthÚlemy Exclusive Economic Zone Saint-Martin Exclusive Economic Zone Saint-Pierre and Miquelon Exclusive Economic Zone Samoan Exclusive Economic Zone Sao Tome and Principe Exclusive Economic Zone Saudi Arabian Exclusive Economic Zone Senegalese Exclusive Economic Zone Seychellois Exclusive Economic Zone Sierra Leonian Exclusive Economic Zone Singaporean Exclusive Economic Zone Sint-Eustatius Exclusive Economic Zone Sint-Maarten Exclusive Economic Zone Slovenian Exclusive Economic Zone Solomon Islands Exclusive Economic Zone Somali Exclusive Economic Zone South African Exclusive Economic Zone South African Exclusive Economic Zone (Prince Edward Islands) South Korean Exclusive Economic Zone Spanish Exclusive Economic Zone Spanish Exclusive Economic Zone (Canary Islands) Sri Lankan Exclusive Economic Zone St. Helena Exclusive Economic Zone Sudanese Exclusive Economic Zone Surinamese Exclusive Economic Zone Svalvard Exclusive Economic Zone Swedish Exclusive Economic Zone Syrian Exclusive Economic Zone Taiwanese Exclusive Economic Zone Tanzanian Exclusive Economic Zone Thailand Exclusive Economic Zone Togolese Exclusive Economic Zone Tokelau Exclusive Economic Zone Tongan Exclusive Economic Zone Trinidad and Tobago Exclusive Economic Zone Tristan Da Cunha Exclusive Economic Zone Tunisian Exclusive Economic Zone Turkish Exclusive Economic Zone Turks and Caicos Exclusive Economic Zone Tuvaluan Exclusive Economic Zone United Arab Emirates Exclusive Economic Zone United Kingdom Exclusive Economic Zone United States Exclusive Economic Zone United States Exclusive Economic Zone (Alaska) United States Exclusive Economic Zone (Hawaii)
8363 21798 33179 8468 5689 5690 8338 26518 8413 8416 8421 48952 8495 8494 8445 8397 8356 8371 8337 8390 8485 26526 21803 5692 8314 8350 8396 8384 8327 5693 8364 8346 8380 8355 8461 33181 5694 8373 8321 8479 8332 8392 8449 8448 8420 8382 8366 5697 8405 8326 8360 5696 8456 8463 8453
271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278
Uruguayan Exclusive Economic Zone Vanuatu Exclusive Economic Zone Venezuelan Exclusive Economic Zone Vietnamese Exclusive Economic Zone Virgin Islander Exclusive Economic Zone Wake Island Exclusive Economic Zone Wallis and Futuna Exclusive Economic Zone Yemeni Exclusive Economic Zone
8467 8313 8433 8484 33180 8319 8454 8353
Table II- Marine Ecoregions Region ID for MPA Intersect Algorithm Serial No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
Ecoregion Name Adriatic Sea Aegean Sea Agulhas Bank Alboran Sea Aleutian Islands Amazonia Amsterdam-St Paul Amundsen/Bellingshausen Sea Andaman and Nicobar Islands Andaman Sea Coral Coast Angolan Antarctic Peninsula Arabian (Persian) Gulf Arafura Sea Araucanian Arnhem Coast to Gulf of Carpenteria Auckland Island Azores Canaries Madeira Baffin Bay - Davis Strait Bahamian Baltic Sea Banda Sea Bassian Beaufort Sea - continental coast and shelf Beaufort-Amundsen-Viscount Melville-Queen Maud Bermuda Bight of Sofala/Swamp Coast Bismarck Sea Black Sea Bonaparte Coast Bounty and Antipodes Islands Bouvet Island Campbell Island Cape Howe Cape Verde Cargados Carajos/Tromelin Island Carolinian Celtic Seas Central and Southern Great Barrier Reef Central Chile Central Kuroshio Current Central New Zealand Central Peru Central Somali Coast Chagos Channels and Fjords of Southern Chile Chatham Island Chiapas-Nicaragua Chiloense Chukchi Sea Clipperton
Region ID 20030 25031 20192 25036 20053 20072 20194 20228 20109 20110 25086 20223 20090 20139 20178 20140 20232 20029 25007 20063 20024 20131 20205 20012 20011 20062 20101 20134 20044 20141 25230 20217 20231 20204 20079 20097 25042 20026 20143 20177 20051 25199 20175 20093 20106 20187 25198 20167 20188 20013 20165
52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106
Cocos Islands Cocos-Keeling/Christmas Island Coral Sea Cortezian Crozet Islands Delagoa East African Coral Coast East Antarctic Dronning Maud Land East Antarctic Enderby Land East Antarctic Wilkes Land East Caroline Islands East China Sea East Greenland Shelf East Siberian Sea Easter Island Eastern Bering Sea Eastern Brazil Eastern Caribbean Eastern Galapagos Islands Eastern India Eastern Philippines Exmouth to Broome Faroe Plateau Fernando de Naronha and Atoll das Rocas Fiji Islands Floridian Gilbert/Ellis Islands Great Australian Bight Greater Antilles Guayaquil Guianan Gulf of Aden Gulf of Alaska Gulf of Guinea Central Gulf of Guinea Islands Gulf of Guinea South Gulf of Guinea Upwelling Gulf of Guinea West Gulf of Maine/Bay of Fundy Gulf of Oman Gulf of Papua Gulf of St. Lawrence - Eastern Scotian Shelf Gulf of Thailand Gulf of Tonkin Halmahera Hawaii Heard and Macdonald Islands High Arctic Archipelago Houtman Hudson Complex Humboldtian Ionian Sea Juan Fernandez and Desventuradas Kamchatka Shelf and Coast Kara Sea
20169 20120 20150 20060 20215 20102 20095 20226 20225 20224 20124 20052 20003 20015 20163 25014 20076 20064 20173 20107 20127 20144 20021 20074 25147 20070 25154 20208 20065 20171 20071 20089 20054 20083 20084 25085 20082 25081 25040 20091 20138 20037 20115 20112 20129 25152 20213 25010 20211 20008 20176 25034 20179 25046 20017
107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161
Kerguelen Islands Kermadec Island Lancaster Sound Laptev Sea Leeuwin Lesser Sunda Levantine Sea Line Islands Lord Howe and Norfolk Islands Macquarie Island Magdalena Transition Malacca Strait Maldives Malvinas/Falklands Manning-Hawkesbury Mariana Islands Marquesas Marshall Islands Mascarene Islands Mexican Tropical Pacific Namaqua Namib Natal New Caledonia Nicoya Ningaloo North American Pacific Fijordland North and East Barents Sea North and East Iceland North Greenland North Patagonian Gulfs North Sea Northeast Sulawesi Northeastern Brazil Northeastern Honshu Northeastern New Zealand Northern and Central Red Sea Northern Bay of Bengal Northern California Northern Galapagos Islands Northern Grand Banks - Southern Labrador Northern Gulf of Mexico Northern Labrador Northern Monsoon Current Coast Northern Norway and Finnmark Ogasawara Islands Oregon, Washington, Vancouver Coast and Shelf Oyashio Current Palawan/North Borneo Panama Bight Papua Patagonian Shelf Peter the First Island Phoenix/Tokelau/Northern Cook Islands Prince Edward Islands
20214 25195 25009 20016 20209 20132 25032 20155 20151 20212 20061 20118 20105 20186 20203 20123 20162 20153 20098 20166 20191 25190 20193 20149 20168 20145 25055 20018 20002 20001 25184 20025 20133 20075 20048 25196 20087 20108 25058 20172 20005 20043 20006 20094 20023 20122 25057 20047 20126 20170 20130 25185 20218 20156 20216
162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216
Puget Trough/Georgia Basin Rapa-Pitcairn Revillagigedos Rio de la Plata Rio Grande Ross Sea Saharan Upwelling Sahelian Upwelling Samoa Islands Sao Pedro and Sao Paulo Islands Scotian Shelf Sea of Japan/East Sea Sea of Okhotsk Seychelles Shark Bay Snares Island Society Islands Solomon Archipelago Solomon Sea South and West Iceland South Australian Gulfs South China Sea Oceanic Islands South European Atlantic Shelf South Georgia South India and Sri Lanka South Kuroshio South New Zealand South Orkney Islands South Sandwich Islands South Shetland Islands Southeast Madagascar Southeast Papua New Guinea Southeastern Brazil Southern California Bight Southern Caribbean Southern China Southern Cook/Austral Islands Southern Grand Banks - South Newfoundland Southern Gulf of Mexico Southern Java Southern Norway Southern Red Sea Southern Vietnam Southwestern Caribbean St. Helena and Ascension Islands Sulawesi Sea/Makassar Strait Sunda Shelf/Java Sea Three Kings-North Cape Tonga Islands Torres Strait Northern Great Barrier Reef Trindade and Martin Vaz Islands Tristan Gough Tuamotus Tunisian Plateau/Gulf of Sidra Tweed-Moreton
25056 20159 20164 20182 20181 20229 20028 25080 20157 20073 20039 20049 20045 20096 20210 20201 20161 20135 20136 20020 20207 20114 20027 20220 20104 20121 20200 20221 20219 20222 20099 20137 20180 25059 20066 20113 20160 20038 20069 20119 20022 20088 20116 20067 20078 20128 20117 20197 20146 20142 20077 20189 20158 25033 20202
217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232
Uruguay-Buenos Aires Shelf Vanuatu Virginian Weddell Sea West Caroline Islands West Greenland Shelf Western and Northern Madagascar Western Arabian Sea Western Bassian Western Caribbean Western Galapagos Islands Western India Western Mediterranean Western Sumatra White Sea Yellow Sea
20183 20148 20041 20227 20125 20004 20100 20092 20206 20068 20174 20103 25035 20111 20019 20050