Mr. Arnold - United States History - Weebly

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I am pleased to have you in my United States History Class. ... comprised of 50 questions except for mid-term and final exams that typically range from 75 to 150 ... dress code, and electronics policy as established by Marina High School. I.
Mr. Arnold - United States History Class Overview and Expectations 2013 – 2014 Welcome! I am pleased to have you in my United States History Class. This is a one-year course, which will provide you with in-depth knowledge of American History. We will explore through our history closely follow the California “Social Science” Standards Framework. The semester will begin with a brief review of Early America using chapters 1 and 2, concentrating on geography, American Revolution, The Constitution, Westward Movement, Civil War, and the Industrial Revolution. The remainder of the year will focus on 19th and 20th Century historical events, concentrating on the social, political, and economic issues of the times and their influence on the making of America. To cover the required “Standards” and class text, we will use a variety of strategies e.g. notes, projects, videos, reading questions, class debates, study guides, quizzes and tests. A comprehensive examination written by the social science department will be given at the end of each quarter and a “Final Exam” at the end of each semester. Student grades will be frequently updated online and also posted in the classroom. Please be sure to check the portal regularly to stay on top of your grade so there are no surprises at the end of the semester. Requirements: To be prepared for class each day, students must: 1. Be on time, in your seat and ready to work when the bell rings. 2. Bring pencil / pen, paper, and notebook to class daily. 3. Have homework assignments completed, ready to be checked and turned in. 4. Participate, participate, participate in class discussions, group activities, and projects. 5. Cell phones, Ipods, and any other electronic device MUST be put away when the bell rings. This letter will serve as your “warning” about using electronic devices in my classroom; devices will be confiscated for parental pick up with me! Grading Scale A = 90% - 100, B = 80% - 89%, C = 70% - 79%, D = 60% - 69%, Below 59% = Fail Grades will be based on tests, quizzes, projects, homework assignments, and participation. A departmental final exam is given at the end of each semester and is valued at 20% of your final grade! The approximate value of your grade is a combination of each of the following components: 40% Tests and Quizzes 40% Homework, Class work, Participation, and Projects 20% Mid Term / Final Exam (Over)

Low Grades - Tutorial Students with a “D” or an “F” grade will be required to stay in for tutorial. The student may request a conference with the teacher to formulate a specific study plan or test-taking procedures to improve the student’s grade. Students are encouraged to request assistance to improve their grades. Homework Homework will be assigned on a regular basis and it is due at the beginning of the period. Work will be collected or stamped at that time. All work must be labeled with the students name, date, period, and assignment number in the top right hand corner or it will not be accepted or graded. Assignments are posted online daily. If you miss class, it is YOUR responsibility to get the work from the student portal! Late work is accepted but it will be only worth a maximum of 50% of the assignments value. Tests Tests will consist of multiple choice, matching, and true – false questions. The majority of tests will be comprised of 50 questions except for mid-term and final exams that typically range from 75 to 150 questions. I allow you to re-take one test per semester (your choice except for midterm or final) and the higher score stands. Make-Up Policy Notification of an upcoming test will be given one week prior to the actual test date so if you know you will be absent on the day of the test, you will be expected to take it prior. Students with special circumstances may meet me for a case-by-case evaluation. Students are responsible for all work assigned during the absence. It is the Students Responsibility to check the portal for work or assignments that were missed. Discipline Policy Students are expected to be on task, following all classroom and school rules while in my class. I will meet with those who violate the rules, codes of conduct, and communicate home if the problem persists. I will enforce the attendance, dress code, and electronics policy as established by Marina High School. I encourage you to call or email me with any questions or concerns. **Cheating, plagiarism, or any academic dishonesty will not be tolerated, refer to MHS Honor Code**

I wish you the best this academic year! Darrel Arnold U.S. History / Government / Economics Webpage: Contact Info: Email: [email protected]    / Phone: 714- 893-6571 x4101 Please sign, detach and return to class: I have read and understand all information on this sheet. My signature indicates my willingness to cooperate with the teacher and follow the procedures described in the “Classroom Expectations” and by Marina High School. Print Name________________________________________________________Date_________________ Students Signature__________________________________________________Period________________ I have read this information and understand what is expected. I will do everything I can to help my son/daughter to be successful. Parents Signature___________________________________________________Date_________________ Email Address__________________________________________________________________________