NCVPRIPG-13, pp 1-4, DOI:10.1109/ NCVPRIPG.2013.6776252; IEEE publisher. 4. Sandeep, R., Aswatha and A. R., Deshpande, N
VIDYAVARDHAKA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING P.B. No.206, Gokulam, III - Stage, Mysuru - 570 002, Karnataka, INDIA.
FACULTY PROFILE Name of the Faculty
Contact Numbers
Mobile: 9880426745
Email ID
[email protected]
Educational Qualification Degree
Year of Passing
Image and Video Processing
IIT Guwahati
Work Experience Teaching
Publications National/ International Journals
National/ International Conferences
Areas of Interest Content Perceptual Based Video Video/Image Video/Image Summarization Hashing Retrieval
Bio-Medical Image Processing
Subjects Taught Signals and System
Image Processing
Multirate System and Filter Banks
Analog Electronic Circuits
Modern DSP
Digital Signal Compression MORE
Digital Signal Processing
Image and Video Processing
Network Analysis
In-House Experience
Sl. No. 1.
Designation Associate Professor
Jul 2016
Till date
Outside Experience Sl. No.
Period From
Associate Professor
CiTech, Bengaluru
Jul 2014
Jul 2016
Teaching Assistant
IIT Guwahati
Dec 2010
Jul 2014
DSCE, Bengaluru
Aug 2006
Dec 2010
Technical Intern
BMSCE, Bengaluru
Jul 2008
Jul 2009
Membership in Professional Bodies/University Bodies/Organizations
Indian Society of Technical Education
Publications National/ International Journals: 1. Sandeep, R., Saksham Sharma, Mayank Thakur and Prabin K. Bora, “Perceptual Video Hashing Based on Tucker Decomposition with Application to Indexing and Retrieval of Near Identical Videos”, Multimedia Tools and Applications; Springer Publications, pp. 1-19, DOI 10.1007/s11042-015-2695-1, June, 2015; Impact Factor: 1.346; ISSN (Online): 1573-7721. 2. Govindaraj P. and Sandeep R., “Ring Partition and DWT based Perceptual Image Hashing with Application to Indexing and Retrieval of Near-Identical Images”, vol. 3, issue 2, pp. 242-249, I2OR-IJRECE, 2015, Global Impact Factor: 0.241 and Scientific Journal Impact Factor: 2.918; ISSN (Online): 2348-2281. 3. Srilakshmi B. and Sandeep R., “Shot Boundary Detection using Structural Similarity Index”, vol. 3, issue 2, pp. 250-259, I2OR-IJRECE, 2015. Global Impact Factor: 0.241 and Scientific Journal Impact Factor: 2.918; ISSN (Online): 2348-2281. 4. Sushma H. R. and Sandeep R., “Multi Biometric Template Protection using Random Projection and Adaptive Bloom Filter”, vol. 3, issue 2, pp. 228-237, I2OR-IJRECE, 2015, Global Impact Factor: 0.241 and Scientific Journal Impact Factor: 2.918; ISSN (Online): 2348-2281. 5. Meghashree H. S. and Sandeep R., “Perceptual Hashing for Minimally Changing Videos using Adaptive Correlation and 3D-DCT”, IJIS [Scopus and Science Indexed , Imapact factor: 0.519; Accepted].
National/ International Conferences: 1. Srilakshmi B. and Sandeep R., “Shot Boundary Detection using Structural Similarity Index”, ICACC-2015, pp. 439 - 442, DOI: 10.1109/ICACC.2015.94, IEEE publisher. 2. Govindaraj P. and Sandeep R., “Ring Partition and DWT based Perceptual Image Hashing with Application to Indexing and Retrieval of Near-Identical Images”, ICACC-2015, pp. 421 - 425, DOI: 10.1109/ICACC.2015.90; IEEE publisher. 3. Sandeep, R. and Prabin K. Bora, “Perceptual Video Hashing Based on the Achlioptas’s Random Projections”, NCVPRIPG-13, pp 1-4, DOI:10.1109/ NCVPRIPG.2013.6776252; IEEE publisher. 4. Sandeep, R., Aswatha and A. R., Deshpande, N.T., “Analysis and Evaluation of Low Power Low Area SRAM Cell in Deep Submicron CMOS”, IETET-10, pp.514-519, Dec.2010. 5. Sandeep, R., Deshpande, N.T and Aswatha, A. R., “Design and Analysis of New Loadless 4T SRAM Cell in Deep Submicron CMOS Technologies” ICETET-09, pp.155-161, DOI: 10.1109/ICETET.2009.67; IEEE publisher.
Faculty Development Programmes/Training Programmes Participated 1.
Faculty Development Programmes/Training Programmes Organized 1. “Two days FDP on Programmable Digital Signal Processors”, 11-12, Sep, 2015, held at CiTech, Bengaluru. 2. “National Conference on Advanced Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering, 2015”, held at CiTech, Bengaluru. 3. “International Conference on Convergence of Science and Engineering 2010”, held at DSCE, Bengaluru.
Workshops Attended 1. Workshop on “Medical Image and Signal Processing (MISP) 2012”, organized and held at IIT- Guwahati. 2. One month workshop on “Advanced VLSI Design, 2009”, organized and held at VLSI Design Centre, DSCE, Bengaluru. 3. Two day workshop on “VLSI CADENCE Tool, 2009”, conducted by Dept. of ECE, DSCE at DSCE, Bengaluru. 4. Two day seminar on “Trends in Electronics and Communication, 2007”, conducted by DSCE in co-operation with ISRO, Bengaluru at DSCE, Bengaluru. 5. One day workshop on “ARM Processor, Architecture and Instruction set, 2006”, conducted by VTU in collaboration with ARM Embedded Technologies Pvt. Ltd., India, at VTU, Belgaum. 6. One day workshop on “Entrepreneurship Awareness Program, 2006”, conducted by Dept. of ECE, DSCE at DSCE, Bengaluru.
Workshops Organized 1. 2. 3. 4.
“Workshop on MATLAB and its Applications, 2015”, 12-23, Jan, 2015, held at CiTech, Bengaluru. “IEEE Workshop on Graphics and Presentation 2013”, held at IIT Guwahati. “IEEE MATLAB Workshop 2013”, held at IIT Guwahati. “IEEE Workshop on Compressive and Technical Writing 2013”, held at IIT Guwahati.
Invited Lectures 1. “Analysis of Signals in Fourier Domain – Fundamentals and Applications”, organized by the Department of ECE, DSCE (Autonomous), Bengaluru, India. 2. “Second National Level Workshop cum Summer Internship on LabVIEW and Selected Applications” on the topic “Linear Algebra using MathScript”, organized by Gauhati University, Guwahati, India. 3. “IEEE MATLAB Workshop 2013” on the topic “Signal Processing”, organized by IEEE Student Branch, IIT Guwahati under IEEE Kolkata Section. 4. “IEEE Workshop on Compressive Sensing and Technical Writing”, on the topic “Technical writing using LyX”, organized by IEEE Student Branch, IIT Guwahati under IEEE Kolkata Section. 5. On the topic “Perceptual Hash Functions”, organized by the Department of ECE, DSCE, Bengaluru, India.
6. “Workshop on Digital Image Processing using MATLAB”, organized by the PG students, Department of ECE, CiTech, Bengaluru. 7. “Workshop on MATLAB and its Applications”, held at CiTech, Bengaluru. 8. “National Level Workshop cum Summer Internship on Advanced Signal Processing and Communications Applications using MATLAB and LabVIEW” on the topic “Introduction to Video Processing using MATLAB ”, organized by Gauhati University, Guwahati, India.
College Level Committee As a Coordinator
As a Member
Department Level Committee As a Coordinator 1. Project Committee 2. Industry Academic Board
As a Member 1. Department Accreditation Committee 2. NBA committee 3. E-Sutra and Time table Committee
Additional Responsibilities (if any) Class Teacher (1st and 3rd M.Tech)
Syllabus reviewer for the following universities: DSU and IST-GU. Session chair at various International Conferences and Project Exhibition/Competition. Received a certificate of appreciation as an outstanding Graduate Technical Intern at Intel Technology India Pvt. Ltd., in the year 2008-2009. Awarded first prize at SKITECHNOVA-2009, an inter-collegiate paper presentation competition for students at SKIT, Bengaluru on the topic “Design and Analysis of 1K-Bit SRAM using a New Loadless 4T SRAM Cell in 180nm CMOS Technology”. Google Scholar link : h-index: 2 RG Score: 2.68 Total 18 citations as on Dec’16 (As per Google Scholar)