MS Weekly Bulletin March 19 to 25.pdf - Google Drive

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Page 1 of 4. Pioneer Middle School. Pioneer Union Elementary School District - Hanford, CA. Home of the Panthers! Weekly
Pioneer Middle School    Pioneer Union Elementary School District - Hanford, CA  Home of the Panthers! 

Weekly Bulletin 

March 19th- March 25th


101 W. Pioneer Way Tel: 559-584-0112 Fax: 559-584-0118 Important Phone Numbers/Extensions Administration: Ext. 7 Attendance Hotline: Ext. 5 Student Services: Ext. 0 Cafeteria: Ext. 8 Foggy Day Hotline: (559)585-2450

In this Issue Parent Meetings Sports News Upcoming Events Band Events

March 19th, 2017 Hello Pioneer Families! This week our 8th grade students will complete High School Placement Tests, please be sure your student is present for these important tests, as the results are used to place students in English, Math, and Science classes next year. Spring Pictures will take place on Tuesday. Interested students can pick up an order form from Student Services. Also all CJSF applications are due Wednesday. This Wednesday, we will be celebrating our P5 Students of the Month at 7:30 in the Library. Also, this week on Friday will be our Trimester 2 Awards. All parents are invited to attend. Please be sure to bring your Photo ID if you plan to attend. We will be recognizing students with a 3.0 GPA and above for Trimester 2. Times are listed below: ● ●

6th Grade 8:30 AM (Period 1) 7th Grade 10:30 AM (Period 3)

8th Grade 2:30 PM (Period 7)

This week in athletics we have softball and baseball away, Monday our teams will travel to Liberty and Wednesday our teams will travel to El Monte. Also on Thursday our Track team will travel to Dinuba. This Friday our ASB students will host our “Totally Awesome 90’s” Dance. The dance will begin at 3:30 and conclude at 5:00pm. No students will be admitted after 4pm. The cost is $5, there will also be a snack bar and pictures for sale. Also, Monday March 20th the HJUHSD is sponsoring a “What’s your + ?” College Information night at Sierra Pacific High School from 6-8pm. 8th Grade students and parents are invited to attend, please see the attached flyer for more information. Thank you again for your continued support of Pioneer Middle School! Jamie Rogers, Principal Pioneer Middle School

Show Panther P5 Pride…Be Prompt, Prepared, Positive, Polite, and Productive Today and Every Day!

Cafeteria Info

LUNCH PRICING: Hot Lunches $3.25 Milk $.30 Snack Bar $.75 - $3.00 Please Note Snack Bar is CASH ONLY

Weekly Menu:  Mon. March 20  Spaghetti & Meatballs w/Bread Stick Chicken Nuggets & Fries Tues. March 21  Crunchy Taco & Refried Beans Chicken Enchilada & Refried Beans Wed. March 22  Pancakes, Sausage Patties, Syrup & Apple Juice Bean & Cheese Burrito Cookie Thurs. March 23  Grilled Cheese Sandwich & Tots Chicken Strips & Tots ​Fri. March 24  Chicken Patty Sandwich & Seasoned Potato Wedges Pizza Wedge, Parmesan Cheese & Jalapeno Slices Available Every Day: Fresh Salad Bar Fat Free Chocolate Milk 1% White Milk


  Snack Bar Menu:  Break & Lunch 

Tornado-sold at lunch only​-$2 Corn Dog- sold at lunch only​-$2 Popcorn​-$1 All Chips​-$1 Cookie-​$1 Gogurt​-$1 Cereal with Milk​-$2 Yogurt with Granola-​$1.50 Churro-$1 Cinnamon Roll​-$1 Drinks  Bottle Water​-$1 Juice Box apple/orange-​$ .50 Milk​-$ .50 Izze​-$2

Parent Meetings   District Board Meeting:   Wed. March 22nd 2017 District Office PLC Closed Session @ 5:30 PM Open Session @ 6:00 PM ELAC & Migrant Meetings:  Thursday, March 23rd , 12:30 PM District Office PLC Wellness Committee Meetings:  TBA

Sports News   Track Practice: Mon, Tues & Fri 3:30 PM-4:30 PM Wednesday 2:30PM-3:30PM Track Meet:  Thursday, March 23rd @ Dinuba High School Softball Practice​: Tues & Thurs 3:30 PM-5:00 PM B​aseball Practice:  Tues & Thurs 3:30 PM-5:00 PM Baseball & Softball Games:  Monday, March 20th @ Liberty Wednesday, March 22nd @ El Monte  

Upcoming Events Spring Pictures:  Tuesday, March 21st  If you wish for your child to have Spring Pictures taken, order forms can be picked up in Student Services.   Parents​! ​We need chaperones for the 90's Dance March 24 from 3:30 till 5:00. Come relive the awesome 90's, dance to Nirvana or Fresh Prince and help your student understand how "totally awesome" the ninetys were! Interested parents please ​ call or email Mrs vaughn

School Clubs

  Academic Awards:  Friday, March 24th, MS GYM 6th Grade 8:30 AM 7th Grade 10:30 AM 8th Grade 2:30 PM School Dance:  Friday. March 24th   3:30 PM-5:00 PM Book Fair:  March 27th-31st Spring Fling Week:  April 3rd-7th Spring Break:  April 10th-17th  


After School Math Homework:  Monday Tuesday & Thursday’s 3:30 PM-4:30 PM, Room 701 Book Club:  Mondays at lunch, Room 704 Chess Club:  Thursdays at lunch,Room 402  CJSF Club:  Once a month on Wednesdays Google CS Club:  Thursdays After School, 3:15 - 4:15 French Club:  Friday’s at lunch, Room 909 Kindness Club:  Every other Thursdays at lunch Room 902 Ukulele Club:  Every Tuesday, 3:30 PM-4:30 PM Room 404  

       Visit us on the Web!! ​             Like and follow us on Facebook,Ca 

Band Boosters General Meeting:   Tuesday, March 21st 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Pioneer Middle School Band Room Spring Arts Gala Spaghetti Dinner &  Concert:  Tuesday, April 25th 7:00 PM-8:00 PM Pioneer Middle School Gym Symphonic & Jazz Band performance   at Pioneer Elementary:  Thursday, April 27th 12:30 PM-2:30 PM Symphonic & Jazz Band performance   at Frontier Elementary:  Friday, April 28th 8:30 AM-10:30 AM Band Trip-Magic Mountain:   Saturday, April 29th  

Pioneer UESD Is Seeking To Fill A Vacancy On Its Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee. Pioneer Union Elementary Citizens Bond Oversight Committee is seeking to fill ​the vacancy of its Committee member representing and currently active in a senior citizens organization​. This organization could be any number of organizations including being a member of retirement community, a member of AARP (American Association of Retired Persons, or similar organization representing senior citizens. If you are interested in applying for a position on the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee, please see the Pioneer Website at​ for an application or for more information please contact Debby Sorrick at 585-2400.

Background: In November, 2000, the voters of the State of California approved an amendment to the California Constitution (​Proposition 39​) which lowered the voter approval requirement from 2/3rds to 55% for school districts that provide voters a specific list of projects, requires a committee of appointed citizens to oversee the expenditure of funds and an annual performance audit and financial audit of the bond funds and bond projects. Proposition 39 provides that the Citizens’ Oversight Committee shall have at least seven (7) members who may serve up to three (3) consecutive terms of two (2) years each. Committee members are governed by the rules and regulations as set forth and contained in the CBOC ​bylaws. Purpose: To actively review and report on the proper expenditure of taxpayers' money for school renovations.

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Ensure Bond funds are used for legally authorized purposes.

Provide information to the public on the progress of Bond projects and expenditures of Bond funds. 

Ensure Funds are not used for teacher or administrative salaries. Receive and review copies of the annual performance and financial audits of Bond projects as required by California State law (Prop 39).