MSc International Accounting

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International Accounting at the School of Management................................................ ...................................... .... MN5906 Dissertation in an Accounting-Related Area .
School of Management MSc in International Accounting Postgraduate Student Handbook – Section 1 2015-2016

CONTENTS Page International Accounting at the School of Management ......................................................................................1 Director of International Accounting ..................................................................................................................1 Director of Graduate Studies, School of Management .......................................................................................1 Postgraduate Administrator ................................................................................................................................1 Programme Specification .......................................................................................................................................2 Assessment Regulations: Individual Courses ........................................................................................................4 Core Courses .......................................................................................................................................................4 MN5901 International Financial Accounting ...................................................................................................4 MN5902 International Management Accounting ...........................................................................................4 Research Courses ................................................................................................................................................4 MN5445 Dissertation Preparation and Research Methods ............................................................................4 MN5906 Dissertation in an Accounting-Related Area.....................................................................................4 Specialist courses ................................................................................................................................................4 MN5903 Sustainability and Accounting ..........................................................................................................4 MN5904 Creative Accounting and Impression Management .........................................................................4 MN5907 Comparative International Accounting ............................................................................................4 Optional Course ..................................................................................................................................................4 MN5555 Foundations of Modern Management .............................................................................................4 Content of Individual Courses ................................................................................................................................5 Core Courses .......................................................................................................................................................5 MN5901 International Financial Accounting ...................................................................................................5 MN5902 International Management Accounting ...........................................................................................5 Research Courses ................................................................................................................................................5 MN5445 Dissertation Preparation and Research Methods ............................................................................5 MN5906 Dissertation in an Accounting-Related Area.....................................................................................6 Specialist courses ................................................................................................................................................6 MN5903 Sustainability and Accounting ..........................................................................................................6 MN5904 Creative Accounting and Impression Management .........................................................................6 MN5907 Comparative International Accounting ............................................................................................6 Optional Course ..................................................................................................................................................7 MN5555 Foundations of Modern Management .............................................................................................7


International Accounting at the School of Management International Accounting is a rapidly developing field, which has grown in conjunction with globalisation and an increasing awareness of the need to set the theory and practice of accounting in the context of its social, political, economic, natural and cultural environments. There is a corresponding place in organisations for graduates with knowledge and understanding of contemporary international accounting who have also reflected on its broader setting and implications. The MSc/PG Diploma in International Accounting aims to be innovative and to offer a course with a different slant by adding such broader perspectives to a traditional base. It is open to students from all disciplines. It would well suit those with academic backgrounds in business, management or accounting, who wish to advance their accounting knowledge and further to explore more specialized areas of accounting which are not always available at undergraduate level. It would equally well appeal to students from other disciplines, whether arts, sciences or social sciences, who wish to obtain a postgraduate qualification which will enhance their understanding of accounting issues within organizations. For this latter group, the MSc/PG Diploma aims to act as a bridge between a humanities or science degree on the one hand and a career in accounting, business, or the not-for-profit sector on the other. The course is international in content, and covers a mix of the theoretical and the practical. Students will be challenged to improve their accounting, conceptual, quantitative, and personal skills, which are useful to the process of learning and applicable in the workplace. Royal Holloway’s School of Management has taught and researched Accounting from its inception, and the MSc and PG Diploma in International Accounting will be taught by staff who are knowledgeable about accounting and who are established researchers in the discipline. They also supervise PhD students who are investigating topics related to International Accounting. The award is aimed at those students intending subsequently to work in professional accounting or pursue management or other careers in, for example, public companies, charities or the public sector.

Director of International Accounting Dr Leonardo Rinaldi, Senior Lecturer in Accounting [email protected]

Director of Graduate Studies, School of Management Dr Niran Subramaniam, Senior Lecturer in Accounting & Information Systems [email protected]

Postgraduate Administrator Helen McEwan [email protected]


Programme Specification The MSc International Accounting Programme Specification can be found in the Programme Specification Repository at the following link: This document describes the Master’s Degree programme and Postgraduate Diploma in International Accounting. The 2015 Programme Specification is valid for new entrants from September 2015.


Figure 1: Course Structure of the MSc in International Accounting

Masters Degree MSc International Accounting Core Courses

Core Research Courses

Specialist Courses

60 Credits

60 Credits

60 Credits

MN5445 Dissertation Preparation & Research Methods 20 Credits

MN5901 International Financial Accounting 30 Credits

MN5902 International Management Accounting 30 Credits

MN5906 Dissertation in an Accounting-Related Area 40 Credits

MN5903 – Sustainability & Accounting 20 Credits MN5904 – Creative Accounting and Impression Management 20 Credits MN5907 – Comparative International Accounting 20 Credits


Assessment Regulations: Individual Courses Assessment types and weightings for individual courses are as follows: Core Courses MN5901 International Financial Accounting (30 Credits) One 2,000-2,500 word written assignment (40%), and a three-hour examination (60%) MN5902 International Management Accounting (30 Credits) One 2,000-2,500 word written assignment (30%), one group presentation (10%) and a three-hour examination (60%) Research Courses MN5445 Dissertation Preparation and Research Methods (20 Credits) One in-class test of one hour (30%) and one 3,000 word research proposal (70%) MN5906 Dissertation in an Accounting-Related Area (40 Credits) Dissertation submission, 12,000-15,000 words (100%) Specialist courses MN5903 Sustainability and Accounting (20 Credits) Report related to a group presentation (40%) and a three-hour examination (60%) MN5904 Creative Accounting and Impression Management (20 Credits) One 2000-2500 word written assignment (40%) and a three-hour examination partly based on a pre-distributed annual report. (60%) MN5907 Comparative International Accounting (20 Credits) A 2500-word individual coursework assignment, related to the group presentation (40%), and one three-hour examination (60%). Optional Course MN5555 Foundations of Modern Management Optional Course - Not assessed


Content of Individual Courses Core Courses MN5901 International Financial Accounting (30 Credits) This course aims to develop students’ knowledge and understanding of contemporary issues in the theory and practice of international financial accounting in the context of society. Following an introductory session, there will be in-depth examination of a variety of issues, such as international differences in accounting, tools of financial analysis, international conceptual frameworks and arguments related to the international regulation of financial accounting. Case studies, student-led presentations and a written assignment will cultivate students’ ability to evaluate literature and forge links between theory and practical examples. MN5902 International Management Accounting (30 Credits) This course aims to develop in students a critical awareness of issues in management accounting together with an understanding of related social, organizational and international influences. It will cover a wide variety of topics, including performance management and investment appraisal in an international context; perspectives on culture, control and accountability; the transition to a knowledge and service-based business environment; and empirical studies of differences in management accounting across countries. It will consider these issues within the private sector and through an examination of new public management in a comparative context. Seminars will take a variety of forms, and will aim to integrate theory and practice and to encourage students to reflect on their knowledge, experience and practice through a process of student, peer and tutor interaction. Research Courses MN5445 Dissertation Preparation and Research Methods (20 Credits)            

To prepare students for their dissertation To encourage students to reflect critically upon the theoretical and philosophical assumptions underlying research methodology To facilitate the ability of students to achieve a self-managed process of systematic and logical enquiry consistent with writing a dissertation To enable students to research and write a structured research proposal that will form the basis of the student’s dissertation To encourage students to consider the ethical aspects of conducting research. To recognise and critically evaluate approaches to management research and the assumptions upon which they are based To evaluate in a critical manner primary and secondary data sources To make justified choices as to appropriate quantitative/qualitative research methods for data collection and subsequent analysis To conduct research in a systematic and critically reflective manner To evaluate in a critical manner potential limitations to research investigation and application To develop a coherent and appropriate research proposal To recognise the ethical implications of research investigations and their impact upon findings


MN5906 Dissertation in an Accounting-Related Area (40 Credits) By the end of the dissertation, students should be able to plan and manage a project; define the aims of this project; identify the data sources and methods appropriate to conduct the project; identify the potential pitfalls to conducting such projects; execute the dissertation plan; and construct an effective argument with the dissertation. For full details on the dissertation please see the Dissertation Handbook, a copy can be located via the Postgraduate Vault Specialist courses Please note that for all of the elective courses to run, a minimum number of students must have enrolled in each (usually 10 students). MN5903 Sustainability and Accounting (20 Credits) This course aims to develop students’ knowledge and understanding of contemporary issues in the theory and practice of sustainability accounting and accountability. The first sessions map the terrain of sustainability accounting, explore the philosophical underpinnings of corporate social responsibility and sustainability accounting and evaluate their historical development. The middle sessions examine the roles of stakeholder engagement and dialogue, the motivations for (and verification of) social and environmental reports. The final group of lectures consider the applicability of sustainability reporting to NGOs, full impact accounting and the role of silent and shadow accounts in sustainability. Seminars will take a variety of forms, but will primarily be student-led through group presentation followed by class discussions, where students may appraise their academic reading and consolidate it with empirical analysis. MN5904 Creative Accounting and Impression Management (20 Credits) The course aims to develop students’ knowledge and critical understanding of contemporary issues regarding the theory and practice of communication in accounting. After a consideration of the nature of the international reporting environment it will examine the roles, needs and characteristics of lay and expert readers of financial reports. Following this, it will examine impression management through graphs, narratives and pictures, and the role of experimental research. A final series of sessions will explore rhetorical, literary and cultural theory perspectives in the critical study of financial reporting documents. Seminars will take a variety of forms, but will be primarily student-led through group presentations of case studies from a variety of international reporting practice, where students may apply their research reading and evaluate its usefulness through examination of practical examples. MN5907 Comparative International Accounting (20 Credits) The course will explore the causes and nature of international differences in financial reporting; critically appraising the literature on harmonisation and classification and assessing the obstacles to and progress of adoption of international standards in major countries. It will also analyse the major practical issues facing multinational companies as they prepare financial statements; examine the empirical literature on major aspects of international accounting; and develop students’ presentation and group-working skills. The convergence of China, Japan and the US with International Standards will be examined. The course will also look at the effects of differences on capital markets, and how companies and analysts cope with them. Current academic and regulatory literature will be used throughout the course, as well as the financial statements of major companies. The sessions are partly lecture-based and partly consist of student-led presentations.


Optional Course MN5555 Foundations of Modern Management (Optional course taught during Induction Week – Not Assessed) Students are introduced to salient aspects of management in an integrative manner by identifying five elements important to the commercial success of an organization, namely customers, shareholders, employees, numbers and technology. The course accentuates historical roots to help students gain a better appreciation of current practice with regard to the first three elements and how the remaining two can influence management decision-making. The course will also consider issues of business ethics and trust in managing relations with each of the stakeholder groups.


School of Management Royal Holloway, University of London Egham Hill, Egham Surrey, TW20 0EX Telephone +44 (01784) 276213 8