MSc Physics Programmes General Handbook - University of Surrey

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MSc Programmes at the Physics Department of the University of Surrey .... The Departmental Library (29BB03) is well stocked with relevant books, PhD theses ...
University of Surrey Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences Department of Physics Guildford, Surrey GU2 7XH

MSc Physics Programmes General Handbook


MSc Programmes at the Physics Department of the University of Surrey




MSc Programmes at the Physics Department of the University of Surrey




The information in this section of the Handbook should be read in conjunction with the General Regulations for Higher Awards of the University for Students Pursuing Programmes on a Modular Basis (Appendix J).


The information contained within this Handbook is believed to be accurate at the time of production but the University and the Faculty cannot be held responsible for errors, omissions or changes which may have occurred.


The information in this Handbook will be amplified during the course with the issue of additional material.


MSc Programmes at the Physics Department of the University of Surrey


INTRODUCTION This Handbook aims to describe the structure of the University of Surrey MSc courses, providing information on the academic course elements and requirements. The Physics Department offers MSc programmes in: Medical Physics (MP); Course Director: Prof. D.A. Bradley Radiation and Environmental Protection (REP),; Course Director: Prof. P.H. Regan Radiation Detection and Instrumentation (RDI); Course Director: Dr. Zs. Podolyák Euromasters; Course Director: Prof. O. Hess. The present handbook provides general information on all these programmes, the department and the university. An additional programme specific handbook details the objectives, outcomes, course structures and module descriptions for the programme you are registered on. The Department of Physics has approximately 140 postgraduate students, 25 academic staff, 20 support staff and 30 research fellows, all of whom are involved in our wide-ranging research programme. Approximately 40% of the Department's students are postgraduates, studying for either MSc or PhD degrees. This proportion of postgraduates, one of the highest in UK physics departments, reflects the Department's strength in research. Our well-established MSc courses have gained depth from our research. The use of external lecturers, who are specialists in their fields, adds a significant strength to our teaching capability.

We wish you all a happy and successful time with us at Surrey.


MSc Programmes at the Physics Department of the University of Surrey


THE PHYSICS DEPARTMENT The Physics Department is part of the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences, and the Dean of Faculty is Professor M Kearney. The Head of the Department of Physics is Professor Paul Sellin. Departmental Offices: The administrative staff will be only too pleased to help and advise if you have any problems. Please feel free to visit them in their offices if you need any help. The administrative staff who can be directly of assistance to you are as follows: Mrs Cristobel Soares-Smith Mrs Saima Akram Mrs Lucie White/Mrs Jan Poingdestre

PA to HoD/Academic Administrator (06BB03) Administrative Assistant (01BB03) MSc Course Administrators (04AA02)

Support Staff Dr David Hemsley

Teaching Laboratory Superintendent (15BC03)

Mr Garry Strudwick

Radiation Teaching Laboratory Supervisor (20BC04)

Mr John-William Brown

Research Laboratory Technician (21BC04)

Professor Wilton Catford is Chairman of the Staff/Student Liaison Committee Professor Phil Walker is Chairman of the MSc Programmes Board of Examiners Prof David Bradley is Chairman of the MSc Board of Studies PHYSICS DEPARTMENT TEACHING STAFF 2010-2011 Head of Physics Department and Professor: P J Sellin, BSc (Birmingham), PhD (Edinburgh), MIEEE, CPhys, MInstP Distinguished Professors: W Gelletly, OBE, PhD (Edinburgh), CPhys, FInstP Professors: J S Al-Khalili, BSc, PhD (Surrey), CPhys, FInstP J Allam, BA, MA (Oxford), PhD (Surrey), CPhys, MInstP, MIEEE D Bradley, BSc (Essex), MSc (London), PhD (USM), FInstP, FIPEM W N Catford, BSc (Adelaide), DPhil (Oxford), CPhys, MInstP O Hess, BSc (U Erlangen), Diplom, PhD (TU Berlin), Habil (U Stuttgart) J L Keddie, BA, BSc (Alfred), MSc, PhD (Cornell), CPhys, FInstP, MIMMM P J McDonald, PhD (Nottingham), CPhys, MInstP B N Murdin, BA (Cambridge), MSc, PhD (Heriot Watt), CPhys, FInstP A Nisbet, BSc (Edinburgh), MSc, PhD (Aberdeen), CSci, FIPEM P H Regan, BSc (Liverpool), DPhil (York), CPhys, FInstP

S J Sweeney, BSc, CertEd (Bath), PhD (Surrey), CPhys, MInstP, MIEEE, QTS J A Tostevin, BSc, PhD (Surrey), CPhys, FInstP P M Walker, MA (Cambridge), PhD (ANU), CPhys, FInstP Reader: D A Faux, BSc (Nott’ham), MSc, PhD (Birmingham), CPhys, MInstP


MSc Programmes at the Physics Department of the University of Surrey


Senior Lecturers: C. Barbieri, MSc (Pavia, Italy), PhD (U. Washington, St Louis) A B Dalton, BA, PhD (Dublin) Zs Podolyák, MSc (Cluj, Romania), PhD (Debrecen, Hungary), CPhys, FInstP, MBA R P L Sear, BSc, PhD (Sheffield) P D Stevenson, MA, DPhil (Oxon), CPhys, MInstP Lecturers: J. Adams, MA (Cambridge), PhD (Cambridge) P. Jarowski, PhD (New York) A. Lohstroh, Dipl. phys. (Göttingen), PhD (Surrey) S Pani, MSc (Trieste), PhD (Trieste) Emeritus Professors: A S Clough, BSc, PhD (London), CPhys, FInstP A G Crocker, PhD (Sheffield), DSc (London), ARCS, CEng, CPhys, FInstP, FSA R C Johnson, PhD, DSc (Manchester), CPhys, FInstP N M Spyrou, BSc, MPhil, DIC (London), MD A R Adams, PhD, DSc (Leicester), CPhys, FInstP, CEng, FIEEE, FIET, FRS Physical location: where we are

Austin-Pearce Building





not to scale




Postgraduate Teaching Support Office (PGTSO) The PGTSO (04AA02) is where the MSc Administrators (Lucie White and Jan Poingdestre) can be found. All routine queries from students and matters relating to students can be dealt with here. Student Common Rooms The Physics Department common room is in 28BB03, the quiet room is in 30BB04, with facilities for private study and network connections and the general student common room is in 06AA02. MSc Notice Board The MSc notice boards are in the Physics Department Student Common Room (28BB03) and outside of the PGTSO in AA02.


MSc Programmes at the Physics Department of the University of Surrey


Mail The MSc pigeonholes are located in the in the general common room in 06AA02. URN (University Registration Number) To use any University facility you will need a Student Card coded with your University Registration Number (URN). If you did not receive a registration form before induction, go to the Student Centre and register. They will give you the required paperwork to take to the library, who provide you with a Card. Telephones Departmental telephones may be used in connection with MSc work or in an emergency. Departmental Library The Departmental Library (29BB03) is well stocked with relevant books, PhD theses and MSc dissertations. These are all available on loan. Students should contact the Physics Departmental Office (01BB03) for details of this procedure. University Library The University Library holds journals and many course textbooks. Most of these may be borrowed using the University Library Card. This card is issued to the students upon registration and contains their University Registration Number (URN). The University Library is laid out over six floors in the George Edwards Building. A new extension is being added at the East End of the existing building. We are open seven days a week during semester and can offer you numerous facilities and services. We support teaching, learning and research by providing:  600,000+ books including readings for your modules  72,000+ electronic books with full text available online from the library catalogue  1,400 current print journal titles and 13,700 e-journal titles with full text available online  Access to 100+ online databases  Online subject guides  Library inductions  Drop in sessions for information search and writing at SPLASH (3rd floor)  Individual and group training on searching for information  Self service photocopying, printing  Wireless computer access  159 networked PCs for student use  Remote access (access from home) to our online resources  12 bookable group study rooms  Silent, quiet and group study zones  Interlibrary loans  SCONUL access to other libraries  Distance learner support Find information about all the above and more services by visiting our website: and the A to Z index of library webpages. For general enquiries please email us here: [email protected] For online or print journal queries: [email protected] SPLASH (3rd floor) provides workshops, drop-in sessions, appointments and online resources to help you develop your learning writing and study skills. Contact SPLASH here: [email protected] For help with your literature search come for a drop in session at SPLASH to meet with a Subject Librarian. Monday to Friday 11.00 till 3.00 during semester.


MSc Programmes at the Physics Department of the University of Surrey


You can get updates about news on your subject by checking our blog here: Books, periodicals and other material needed for your study and research, which are not available in this Library, may be obtained from other libraries. Contact us here: [email protected] Your Subject Librarian is Evi Tramantza Evi is the Librarian for the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences (FEPS). She knows how to help you with finding information on your subject and locating print and online resources relevant to your modules, projects and/or dissertations. Contact Evi: email: [email protected] office: 20LB01 tel: 01483682874 or ext: 2874.

Access to Buildings Normal weekday hours are 07:30 to 19:00. A library card will be issued during registration that will give you access to the buildings. After the first few weeks authority may be given to you to access the computer rooms in the department or the main computer unit after 19.00 hours and at all weekend and holiday periods, please ask at the Faculty Reception (02BB04). Late / Weekend Working Students wishing to obtain late and / or weekend access to the facilities in the department must apply to the PGTSO (04AA02). The process usually takes 48 hours. Computers The University Registration Number (URN) allows access to all University computer facilities. These include an extensive range of PC and UNIX terminals, full internet access and e-mail. Students are encouraged to make full use of these facilities. The University has invested in an online resource to allow students to develop their IT skills within a number of Microsoft packages including Word, Excel, Access, Powerpoint, Outlook, and Internet Explorer. This material is available to UniS staff and students both on and off campus at: Computers are located in the dedicated computer rooms: Duck Lab (34aBB04), Penguin Lab (32BB03) and Whale Lab (34BB03). Access to these rooms is available 24 hours per day if the student has been granted late and/or weekend access to the building (see below). Students need both a username and password in order to use the facilities. Students are given information explaining the procedure upon arrival. Full online support and information is available at Computer Terminal Rooms These are mostly on levels BB04 and BB03. There are four main computing labs that are for use by students within the Faculty. They are located in 34BB04, 34aBB04, also 32BB03 and 34BB03 (see website These labs are sometimes booked for classes (timetables are displayed outside the labs), but you may use these labs at other times, they are open 24 hours a day. These facilities are n addition to the University's central computing facilities. If you have a computing problem you will need to speak to one of the Computing support staff. They prefer you to contact them via a ‘web request’ from the Faculty Computing Services (SCS) web pages at They provide an efficient service when problems are reported in this way. There is also further information here regarding the Faculty’s computing facilities. Alternatively, you can contact them by email at [email protected]. If you need to see a computing officer in person, you can do this by visiting the Faculty Computing Office in 26BB03; Office hours are from Monday-Friday 09.00 – 17.00.


MSc Programmes at the Physics Department of the University of Surrey


Postgraduates are entitled to print up to 500 pages per academic year, free of charge, on the Faculty printers. Extra pages above this limit will be charged at £4 per 100 sheets. If the 500 limit is reached students will be notified by email. The University’s central computing facilities are provided by IT Services. Services available to you include email, ULearn, Athens, central filestore and access to the campus network from halls of residence. They also provide various large PC areas, which are available 24 hours a day 7 days a week, with PCs running Windows XP with scanning and CD writing facilities. IT Services is mainly based in the Austin Pearce Building (AP) but you can also access facilities across campus including the Library. IT Services has a Help Desk in the AP building and the 1st floor of the library (semester only) which provides user-support to all students. The services offered to students are detailed on the IT Services web site at and e-mail contact is available via [email protected]. The University has invested in an online resource to allow students to develop their IT skills within a number of Microsoft packages including Word, Excel, Access, Powerpoint and Outlook. This material is available to UoS students both on and off campus at: Notices via Email MSc notices will be sent to each students University e-mail account, and also posted on ULearn. Students should check their University e-mail account regularly, since job advertisements and other course information is posted there. Change of Address The MSc Administrator should be informed immediately of any change of address and/or telephone number. Name on Transcript The name recorded on any transcript or certificate issued by the University will be the name in which the student was last registered. It is your responsibility to notify the University Registry at the first opportunity if your name is not recorded correctly and not later than the date of the Student Progress and Assessment Board at which your award is considered. Attendance Attendance at all formal lectures and classes is expected. Persistent absence can be grounds for course termination. In case of sickness or other personal difficulties students should contact the Course Director and their personal tutor as soon as possible. A letter or certificate from a general practitioner should be sent to the Course Director if assessment may be affected by ill health. Timetables These are available from the Postgraduate Office on the first day of each semester. A copy is also posted via e-mail to each student. Coursework Coursework should be handed to the MSc Administrator before each deadline. Calculators The only University approved calculators are: Casio: FX-82 Series, FX-83 series, FX-85 ES, FX-115MS, 115W, 115S and FX-570W. Sharp: EL-531 LH; Texas Instruments: TI-30X; Tandy: EC-4031, EC-4032.


MSc Programmes at the Physics Department of the University of Surrey


Nuclide Charts Students are recommended to purchase a Chart of the Nuclides from the Postgraduate office. There is a charge of £10 for each of these charts. Past Exam Papers Sets of examination papers for the past three years are available from the MSc Course Administrator. Copies of the papers from the Summer 2009 and 2010 examinations are also available from the Library web site at: Photocopying Access to the department photocopier can be arranged through the Physics Department Administrator, Saima Akram in 01BB03. Online Materials and ULearn All lecture notes and past examination papers are available online via the departmental webpages or via the pages on the University ULearn website: Teaching Staff Physics Department teaching staff and personal tutors are available to discuss coursework directly with students. Questions for external lecturers should be prepared for the teaching sessions at which the lecturer is present. At other times, external lecturers should only be contacted through the Course Director and / or the MSc Course Administrator. Personal Tutoring System Each student will be assigned a personal tutor from the academic staff members within the Physics Department. Students can also arrange to see the Course Director should they wish to discuss any problem or idea relating to the course in general. Coffee Club Students may join the Physics Department Coffee Club by contribution of a monthly membership fee. University Student Handbook The University Student Handbook, which should have been sent to you with your joining instructions, contains general information about different aspects of life as a postgraduate student at the University. As well as containing useful advice, the Handbook supplies the names and telephone numbers of those people who can help you further. Staff Student Liaison Committee The MSc Staff Student Liaison Committee (SSLC) exists for the purpose of obtaining feedback from students on any aspects of the MSc programmes, so that improvements can be discussed and potential problems avoided. A representative from each course run in the Physics department is invited to attend a Staff Student Liaison meeting. The student SSLC members are also PGBoS (PG Board of Studies) members and are expected to attend the PGBoS meetings held approximately twice a semester. SSLC student members should aim to represent the collective views of students within their group. The student representatives are theoretically chosen from among the variety of courses but due to the relatively short length of study, in practice, there tend to be only a few active volunteers who come forward. The committee meetings take place twice each semester over lunch and they discuss problems that may be affecting the students. All students are expected to raise any issues they have via their SSLC representatives.


MSc Programmes at the Physics Department of the University of Surrey



27 September to 1 October 2010

MSc Taught Course Commences:

Monday 4 October 2010

Christmas Vacation:

Saturday 18 December 2010 to Sunday 9 January 2011

Semester 1 ends

Friday 4 February 2011

Semester 2 begins:

Monday 7 February 2011

Easter Vacation:

Friday 9 April 2011 to Sunday 8 May 2011


30 May 2011 – 17 June 2011

Submission deadline for MSc Project:

22 August 2011

Summer resit examinations

22 August – 2 September 2011

Finish date of course

Friday 9 September 2011

Examination papers (duration of two hours in each case) will typically comprise six questions of which four must be attempted; each question is usually equivalent to 25% of the full marks available on a given paper with the total marks for each paper given for the four best answers. The Coursework marking criteria are outlined in Appendix A. Information about the dissertation is given in Appendix B.


MSc Programmes at the Physics Department of the University of Surrey


REGULATIONS AND ASSESSMENT Regulations for students pursuing modular programmes of study for higher awards in the Department of Physics These Regulations should be read together with the Regulations for Taught Modular Programmes leading to Higher Awards (approved by Senate on 12 July 2010). This and other regulatory guidance is published in the University Calendar (available at the website An authoritative interpretation of these regulations will be made by the Postgraduate Board of Examiners of the Department of Physics. 1.



An AWARD is a recognised qualification of the University of Surrey. The higher awards that may follow from the modular Programmes of Study in the Department of Physics described in these regulations are the following: Postgraduate Certificate Postgraduate Diploma Master of Science

PGCert PGDip MSc

The name of the award may indicate a specialisation appropriate to the programme of study. 1.2

The PROGRAMME OF STUDY is the full or part-time modular programme of the Department of Physics for which the student is registered. A student may be registered for one of the following modular programmes: PGCert

Radiation Physics


Radiation and Environmental Protection Medical Physics Radiation Detection and Instrumentation


Radiation and Environmental Protection Medical Physics Radiation Detection and Instrumentation Physics (EuroMasters)


A MODULE is an assessed unit of learning (e.g. a lecture or laboratory based activity) in the programme of study. Masters level modules are normally valued at 15 credits.


A MULTIPLE MODULE is an assessed unit of learning in the programme of study with a credit value that is an integer multiple of that for an individual module.


The LEVEL is the academic standard of modules or multiple modules. All modules in the programmes of study covered by these higher awards regulations are Masters Level, Level M.


CREDITS are awarded upon the successful completion of modules or multiple modules. Credits are awarded at the level of the module. The credit value of modules or multiple modules is in proportion to the expected workload of the modules or multiple modules, 15 credits being equivalent to a notional study period of approximately 150 hours.


MSc Programmes at the Physics Department of the University of Surrey





On entry to the Department of Physics, all students must register for one of the programmes of study named in 1.2 above. Students registering for the Physics (EuroMasters) programme of study may be admitted to the programme with accredited prior learning (APL) of 120 credits at Level M, based on taught modules and multiple modules from programmes at Surrey and elsewhere. For details see the regulations in Appendix J, sections 20-28.


Programme Administration


The Combined Postgraduate Board of Studies of the Department of Physics is responsible for advising the Dean of the Faculty, through the postgraduate taught Course Directors, on the overall design, administration, monitoring and development of the programmes of study within the Department of Physics.


There shall be a named Course Director for each named programme of study with responsibility for the day-to-day running of the named programme of study and for submitting any changes in the programme for approval to the Combined Postgraduate Board of Studies.


There will be named Module Co-ordinator(s) for each module, normally being the lecturer(s) responsible. These responsibilities include co-ordinating the teaching and assessment for the module and the timely reporting of the results of assessments to the Examinations Officer.


Each student will be allocated a personal tutor who, together with the Course Director of the programme of study, may offer advice on the programme of study, where appropriate.


Board of Examiners


Membership of the Postgraduate Board of Examiners will consist of all members of the Academic Staff of the Department of Physics, all module lecturers and External Examiner(s).


There will be meetings of the Postgraduate Board of Examiners to consider the results of assessments of modules and multiple modules (examinations, coursework, project work and dissertations).


The Postgraduate Board of Examiners will report its recommendations to the Senate Progression and Conferment Executive (SPACE), the University committee responsible for confirmation of student progress and awards.


Accuracy and Programme Modifications Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information concerning the programme(s) of study contained in the Programme Handbooks and in these Programme Regulations. The Department of Physics and the University of Surrey reserves the right to introduce changes to the information given, including the addition, withdrawal or restructuring of programmes of study.


MSc Programmes at the Physics Department of the University of Surrey


STUDENT INVOLVEMENT Student Feedback and Representation There are several routes for students to provide feedback on the course and on teaching quality. For example, each student is asked for feedback through the lecture course assessment form. Additionally, the Course Director is happy to receive feedback on progress and for raising any general or personal concerns. Additionally, there is student representation on both Staff/Student Liaison Committee and the Board of Studies. Staff/Student Liaison Committee The Staff/Student Liaison Committee (SSLC) comprises student representatives from each course in the department together with several academic staff and meets each semester to discuss any matters of general relevance to the courses. This Committee is a forum for frank and open discussion of any concerns relating to running of the degree courses and provides valuable feedback on teaching practices. Board of Studies The role of the Board of Studies (BoS) is to advise the Head of Department on matters relating to the academic content and running of the MSc Programmes in Physics. The Board of Studies meets twice a year, usually in July and December. The current Chair of the BoS is Prof. David A. Bradley. Student Feedback on Teaching Following completion of each lecturer’s presentations, questionnaires (see Appendix C) are distributed with feedback being reviewed by the course lecturers and Course Director. Student Concerns or Grievance Procedures The Departmental policy to be followed in the case of individual concerns or grievances is attached as Appendix E.


MSc Programmes at the Physics Department of the University of Surrey


STUDENT WELFARE Health Care Medical Services are available through the Student Health Service located in University Court. The Student Health Service also maintains a list of local dentists and provides a counselling service. Student Welfare Help on academic or personal matters should be obtained, in the first instance, from the Personal Tutor or the Course Director. Registration of Overseas Nationals Students from certain non-EEA and non-Commonwealth countries who have been admitted to the UK for a period of six months or longer may be required to register with the Police. The requirement to register is stamped in your passport so please check carefully. The holder is normally required to register with the Police within seven days of arrival. However, as the Police visit the University in October, students are permitted to wait until then. Police registration at the University will take place, for new students, at Oak House, 2nd Floor: Wednesday 6 October 09:00 – 15:00 Wednesday 13 October 09:00 – 15:00 Monday 18 October 09:00 – 15:00 Students may book an appointment online, once they have formally registered as a student, by visiting: • Your passport • One recent passport-type photograph • The £34 registration fee • Your University offer letter • Confirmation of your campus appointment (if you register online) Detailed information can be found in the ‘International Insight’ section of the Big Guide. Health and Safety Information The Safety Policy is co-ordinated by the Faculty Safety Officer. Details of this policy are outlined through a presentation made during the Induction Days. Of particular importance to this course are the ionising radiation regulations. Students will be asked to read an abbreviated version of these regulations at the start of the course and must sign to acknowledge that they have read and understood these regulations. A list of qualified first aiders is displayed in various places in the department, including the entry to the radiation laboratory, together with the names of first aiders in adjacent departments. Ethical Considerations Thermoluminescent Dosimeter (TLD) Badges Information obtained from the TLD badge forms an essential part of your lifetime dose record as a radiation worker. It is essential that this record is both complete and up to date. Each badge is processed independently by a commercial organisation to ensure the accuracy of the dose record. Every three months the dose must be recorded by sending the TLD insert from the badge for processing. Students are given information on when this needs to happen. If students do not meet the deadlines given, then a surcharge is made to the


MSc Programmes at the Physics Department of the University of Surrey


University. Failiure to return one or more TLD badges on time will result in a charge to the student.

ALARP (As Low As Reasonably Practicable) In order to promote good practice in handling of radioactive sources and the design of radiation experiments, the student will be required to subscribe to the principles of ALARP. This means that all radiation sources should be specified at the minimum activity consistent with performing the experiment in a reasonable time. As a result of this policy the department's safety record is very good and we expect our students to work to maintain this record. Radiation Monitoring When performing Laboratory Experiments and Dissertation Projects involving the use of radiation, students will be taught to use appropriate monitoring techniques. This ensures good experimental procedure. Supervision of Projects The Dissertation Project will be (co)-supervised by at least one member of the academic staff. This ensures that good radiation practice is taught to the student and that experiments proceed in a timely fashion. Ethics Committee Approval in appropriate cases In certain circumstances, it is necessary to obtain ethical approval to undertake a particular project where this involves administration of a radiation dose to a human being. Such projects are rare and when necessary the University Ethics Committee will be approached by the academic member of staff responsible for the project to obtain approval.


MSc Programmes at the Physics Department of the University of Surrey


APPENDIX A: COURSEWORK MARKING CRITERIA A1. LABORATORY EXPERIMENT REPORTS These will consist of not more than 10 pages in total, including title page (with date experiment started), brief abstract, text, tables, diagrams and references. The text should follow standard format, i.e. aims of experiment, brief theory, description of apparatus and method (to the extent that this differs from the laboratory script, which must accompany the report), results, discussion and conclusions. Each report is marked using the marks sheet (below). Final grading levels can be compared with overall averages required to pass the MSc course. 70% and above


Distinction level



Merit level



Pass level



Eligible for (module) Compensation Level



Fail mark

In line with general regulations, a penalty will normally be incurred for reports submitted after deadline. The standard marking format used to assess Laboratory reports is shown overleaf:


MSc Programmes at the Physics Department of the University of Surrey


Experiment Title: ………………………………………

(Attach this form to each report)

Student Name: ...……………………………………..


Very Good

0 3 6 9 12




0 5 10 15 20



35 40

0 15 30 45 60



105 120 135 150

0 15 30 45 60



105 120 135 150

0 15 30 45 60



105 120 135 150



27 30



0 25 50 75 100

175 200 225 250

0 10 20 30 40



70 80 90 100







70 80 90 100





0 10 20 30 40

( = sum/10)

Feedback: Comments on any aspects where the report could perhaps have been improved

Assessor: In the table please circle a mark in the appropriate grade column. Sum marks and divide by 10. Signature of Assessor and Date:.………………………………………………………………………… Very Good, Excellent, Perfect” (i.e., distinction or above 70%); “Good” (60-69%); “Sufficient” (5059%); “Inadequate” or below (