Other Comments: The human Complement component C6 and ... correspondence should be addressed k.) 1991 Oxford University Press. 1'. .-. 6 1. EE6. -j..,i.
194 Nucleic Acids Research, Vol. 19, No. 1
Mspl polymorphism at the human Complement component C6 gene (C6) E.Coto*, O.Dominguez, E.Martinez-Naves, F.Seti6n, V.Guti6rrez and C.L6pez-Larrea Servicio de inmunologfa. Hospital Covadonga, 33006-Oviedo, Spain
Source and Description of Clone: C6pVX, a 0.5 kb 5 ='-End C6-cDNA clone in M13. Polymorphism: MspI detects a two allele polymorphism Al = 6.5 kb A2 = 7.5 kb Frequency: Estimated from 40 Spanish individuals Al = 0.332 A2 = 0.668 Not Polymorphic For: EcoRI, HindIl, Pstl and BamHI. Chromosomal Localization: Chromosome 5. Mendelian Inheritance: Co-dominant in 3 two generation families
(Fig. 1). Probe Availability: Dr. R.G.DiScipio, Dept. of hmmunology, Scripps Clinic, La Jolla, California, USA. Other Comments: The human Complement component C6 and C7 genes are closely linked (1). A C7 RFLP (TaqI) has been described (2). Analyses of 80 haplotypes showed that both loci are in linkage disequilibrium for these RFLPs (X2 = 17.31; p