4. Wireless Power Transmission With Self-Regulated Output Voltage for
Biomedical. Implant (IEEE 2014). 5. Application of Image Processing Techniques
for the ...
Innovative M-Tech projects list IEEE-2013-14 papers 1. Analysis and Practical Considerations in Implementing Multiple Transmitters for Wireless Power Transfer via Coupled Magnetic Resonance (IEEE 2014) 2. Design and Implementation of Shaped Magnetic-Resonance-Based Wireless Power Transfer System for Roadway-Powered Moving Electric Vehicles(IEEE 2014) 3. Online Measuring Power Factor in AC Resistance Spot Welding (IEEE 2014) 4. Wireless Power Transmission With Self-Regulated Output Voltage for Biomedical Implant (IEEE 2014) 5. Application of Image Processing Techniques for the Extraction of Vehicle Number Plates over ARM target Board (IEEE 2013) 6. Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR): A State-of-the-Art Review(IEEE 2013) 7. Development of Automatic Vehicle Detection System(IEEE 2013) 8. License Plate Extraction From Still Images (IEEE 2013) 9. Localization of License Plate Number Using Dynamic Image Processing Techniques And Genetic Algorithms (IEEE 2013) 10. Microcontroller based control system for rotating display with multiplexed LED array (IEEE 2013) 11. Internet-based Human-Vehicle Interface for Ubiquitous Telematics (IEEE 2013) 12. Designing Android Applications Using Voice Controlled Commands: For Hands Free Interaction with Common Household Devices (IEEE 2013) 13. Research and Design of Location Tracking System Used in Underground Mine Based on WiFi Technology (IEEE 2013) 14. Hybrid RFID system-based pedestrian localization (IEEE 2013) 15. A Machine Learning Approach for Dead-Reckoning Navigation at Sea Using a Single Accelerometer (IEEE 2013) 16. ARM Hardware Platform for Vehicular Monitoring and Tracking (IEEE 2013)
Ph: +91 9490219339, 040-23731030
17. Developments of the in-home display systems for residential energy monitoring (IEEE 2013) 18. A smart prepaid energy metering system to control electricity theft (IEEE 2013) 19. Low-cost electronic equipment architecture proposal for urban search and rescue robot (IEEE 2013) 20. A rescue-assist wireless sensor networks for large building (IEEE 2013) 21. An Open Monitoring Environment for primary school children engaged in tabletbased learning (IEEE 2013) 22. Audio sensors fusion based on vote for robot navigation (IEEE 2013) 23. A Study on Visitors Tracking Method Using Wireless Communication (IEEE 2013) 24. An Experimental Study for Inter-User Interference Mitigation in Wireless Body Sensor Networks (IEEE 2013) 25. Low cost Arduino/Android-based Energy-Efficient Home Automation System with Smart Task Scheduling (IEEE 2013) 26. A Wireless Electrocardiogram Detection for Personal Health Monitoring (IEEE 2013) 27. Application of Temperature Compensated Ultrasonic Ranging for Blind Person and Verification Using MATLAB (IEEE 2013) 28. ARM Hardware Platform for Vehicular Monitoring and Tracking (IEEE 2013) 29. Building a Smart Home System with WSN and Service Robot (IEEE 2013) 30. Child Activity Recognition Based on Cooperative Fusion Model of a Triaxial Accelerometer and a Barometric Pressure Sensor (IEEE 2013) 31. Hardware Demonstration of a Home Energy Management System for Demand Response Applications (IEEE 2013) 32. Implementation of Automatic Gas Monitoring in a Domestic Energy Management System (IEEE 2013) 33. Intelligent e-Restaurant using Android OS (IEEE 2013) 34. Online Monitoring of Geological CO2 Storage and Leakage Based on Wireless Sensor Networks (IEEE 2013) 35. Personal health monitoring with Android based mobile devices (IEEE 2013)
Ph: +91 9490219339, 040-23731030
36. Sensing Devices and Sensor Signal Processing for Remote Monitoring of Vital Signs in CHF Patients (IEEE 2013) 37. Towards the Implementation of lot for Environmental Condition Monitoring in Homes (IEEE 2013) 38. WiFi for Vehicular Communication Systems (IEEE 2013) 39. Accessible Display Design to Control Home Area Networks (IEEE 2013) 40. ARM7 BASED SMART CAR SECURITY SYSTEM (IEEE 2013) 41. Automated Control System for Air Pollution Detection in Vehicles (IEEE 2013) 42. Building Lighting Automation through the Integration of DALI with Wireless Sensor Networks (IEEE 2013) 43. Design of a WSN Platform for Long-Term Environmental Monitoring for IoT Applications (IEEE 2013) 44. GPRS Terminals for Reading Fiscal Registers (IEEE 2013) 45. Hardware implementation of GPRS enabled embedded server for remote access terminal. (IEEE 2013) 46. Integration of a Pletysmographic Sensor for Pulse Measurements in a ZigBee Medical Network (IEEE 2013) 47. Location-Aware and Safer Cards: Enhancing RFID Security and Privacy via Location Sensing (IEEE 2013) 48. Optical Wireless for Intravehicle Communications: A Channel Viability Analysis (IEEE 2013) 49. Remote-Control System of High Efficiency and Intelligent Street Lighting Using a ZigBee Network of Devices and Sensors (IEEE 2013) 50. The New Approach to RFID Assisted Navigation Systems for VANETs (IEEE 2013) 51. Use of Ultrasonic Signal Coding and PIR Sensors to Enhance the Sensing Reliability of an Embedded Surveillance System (IEEE 2013) 52. Data acquisition and control using Arduino-Android Platform: Smart plug (IEEE 2013) 53. Experimental Study and Design of Smart Energy Meter for the Smart Grid (IEEE 2013)
Ph: +91 9490219339, 040-23731030
54. Green House Monitoring and Controlling Using Android Mobile Application (IEEE 2013) 55. HRI-2013 Workshop on Probabilistic Approaches for Robot Control in Human-Robot Interaction (PARC-HRI) (IEEE 2013) 56. Investigating the Accuracy of Mobile Urban Sensing (IEEE 2013) 57. Older adult’s medication management in the home: How can robots help? (IEEE 2013) 58. Physical computing and Android in Robotics (IEEE 2013) 59. Remote Monitoring System of ECG and Body Temperature Signals (IEEE 2013) 60. Robot Control Design Based On Smartphone (IEEE 2013) 61. WiFi for Vehicular Communication Systems (IEEE 2013) 62. A Wireless Sensor Network for RF Characterization of Buildings (IEEE 2013) 63. An improved ultra-low-power wireless sensor-station supplied by a photovoltaic harvester (IEEE 2013) 64. Array Designs for Long-Distance Wireless Power Transmission: State-of-the-Art and Innovative Solutions (IEEE 2013) 65. Embedded Multimodal Nonverbal and Verbal Interactions between a Mobile Toy Robot and Autistic Children (IEEE 2013) 66. Exploiting Multiple Wireless Interfaces in Smart phones for Traffic Offloading (IEEE 2013) 67. Hardware Implementation of Ground Classification for a Walking Robot (IEEE 2013) 68. Indoor WIFI localization on mobile devices (IEEE 2013) 69. Mobile Application for Driver’s Health Status Remote Monitoring (IEEE 2013) 70. Personal health monitoring with Android based mobile devices (IEEE 2013) 71. Real time positioning system using different sensors (IEEE 2013) 72. Remote Monitoring System of ECG and Body Temperature Signals (IEEE 2013) 73. Visual Detection of Vehicles Using a Bag-of-Features Approach (IEEE 2013)
Ph: +91 9490219339, 040-23731030
RASBERRY PI BASED PROJECT LIST 1. Application of Image Processing Techniques for the Extraction of Vehicle Number Plates over ARM target Board (IEEE 2013) 2. Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR): A State-of-the-Art Review(IEEE 2013) 3. Development of Automatic Vehicle Detection System(IEEE 2013) 4. License Plate Extraction From Still Images (IEEE 2013) 5. Localization of License Plate Number Using Dynamic Image Processing Techniques And Genetic Algorithms (IEEE 2013) 6. Editor's Letter (IEEE 2013) 7. Easy as pi (IEEE 2013) 8. Bluetooth communication using a touch screen interface with the Raspberry Pi (IEEE 2013) 9. Experimental analysis of an event tracking energy-efficient WSN (IEEE 2013) 10. Raspberry Pi based Home Automation. 11. Raspberry Pi and WiFi based Industrial Automation. 12. Embedded Linux based DC Motor Control System 13. Robotic arm design using embedded linux (Linux RTOS) 14. Wireless control of Robot with video surveillance (Embedded Linux) 15. RFID interfacing with Raspberry Pi (Embedded Linux) 16. GSM Modem based automation using Real-time embedded OS. 17. Autonomous Robot using Embedded ARM based Linux OS. 18. Android Smart and Raspberry Pi interfacing over advanced WiFi Protocol. 19. Android Smart and Raspberry Pi interfacing over Bluetooth Serial Protocol 20. Student attendance monitoring and access control using Embedded Linux OS based single board computer. 21. BeagleBone (Black) based Home automation. 22. Beagle Board based Robot control.
Ph: +91 9490219339, 040-23731030
23. Multitasking Hardware control using embedded Linux. 24. Solar powered Raspberry Pi for automation. 25. Embedded Linux based Energy Meter. 26. Video surveillance based on Linux Embedded Mini computer. 27. PIR Sensor triggered image capturing system. 28. Embedded Linux based door access control system. 29. GPS data logger using Linux single board computer 30. Wireless powered raspberry Pi. 31. Number plate recognition and automatic gate opening system using Raspberry Pi 32. Image processing based Vehicle Number plate recognition and alerting system