Modern Geometries. Spring 2014 ... Geometry (2nd edition), by Brannan, Esplen
and Gray. Topics ... Transformation groups; the Kleinian view of geometry.
MTH 121 Modern Geometries Spring 2014 COURSE OUTLINE Instructor: Dr. David Rosenthal Office: SJH 334C Office hours: Mondays & Thursdays 2:00-3:30pm (or by appointment) Email address:
[email protected] Course homepage:∼rosenthd/MTH 121 Homepage.html Textbook Geometry (2nd edition), by Brannan, Esplen and Gray Topics • Affine Geometry. • Projective Geometry; the Projective Plane RP2 . • Inversive Geometry; M¨ obius transformations. • Hyperbolic Geometry (the Poincar´e Disc and Half-Plane models). • Elliptic Geometry (the Spherical Model). • Transformation groups; the Kleinian view of geometry. Course Work • Homework is crucial to learning mathematics and will make up the majority of your grade. After each class a problem set will be assigned that is due two weeks later. You are encouraged to discuss the course material with your classmates, but it is expected that all submitted solutions are your own work. • Midterm (date to be announced). • Final Exam (date to be announced). Evaluation • Problem Sets: 80% • Midterm: 10% • Final Exam: 10%