formulas for harmonic functions, and for solutions of terminal-value problems associated to a heat type PDEs system. Section 3 studies the stochastic multi-time ...
6th WSEAS International Conference on CIRCUITS, SYSTEMS, ELECTRONICS,CONTROL & SIGNAL PROCESSING, Cairo, Egypt, Dec 29-31, 2007
Multi-Time Stochastic Control Theory CONSTANTIN UDRISTE University Politehnica of Bucharest Faculty of Applied Sciences Department of Mathematics Splaiul Independentei 313 BUCHAREST, ROMANIA Abstract: The object of this paper is (i) to formulate the multi-time stochastic control theory, (ii) to propose a multi-time Itˆo chain rule, (iii) to find stochastic representations formulas for suitable functions, and (iv) to provide a connection between the multi-time stochastic control theory and multi-time dynamic programming. Section 1 defines and studies the multi-time random partial differential equations, the multi-time stochastic control theory, the multi-time Brownian flow and the multi-time Itˆo chain rule. Section 2 describes a stochastic representation formulas for harmonic functions, and for solutions of terminal-value problems associated to a heat type PDEs system. Section 3 studies the stochastic multi-time Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman PDEs system. Section 4 formulates same conclusions regarding the original results of the paper. Key–Words: Multi-time stochastic control theory, multi-time Itˆo-Pfaff stochastic system, multi-time dynamic programming, multi-time Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman PDEs.
1 Multi-time stochastic control theory In order to extend the theory of single-time stochastic control theory to the multi-time case, when the evolution in Rn is m-dimensional, we can formulate a path-integral stochastic optimal control or a multiple integral stochastic optimal control.
ξα (·) = (ξαi (·)) denote white noises terms causing random fluctuations. We extend the previous point of view in two ways: - the smooth nonholonomic case, re-writing as a stochastic Cauchy-Pfaff problem dX i (t) = Fαi (X(t))dtα + σξαi (t)dtα m X(0) = x0 , t ∈ R+ ;
Multi-time stochastic partial differential equations
Let us formulate the theory of multi-time random PDE (partial differential equations). Consider the vector fields Fα = (Fαi ), α = 1, ..., m; i = 1, ..., n, on Rn and the Cauchy problem (P DE)
∂xi m (t) = Fαi (x(t)), x(0) = x0 , t ∈ R+ , ∂tα
associated to a completely integrable PDE system. By similarity, some evolution physical phenomena are described by a Cauchy problem ∂X i m (t) = Fαi (X(t))+σξαi (t), X(0) = x0 , t ∈ R+ , ∂tα attached to a stochastic completely integrable augmented PDE system, where X(·) = (X i (·)) are random variables representing the stochastic process, and
- the eventually non-smooth case, as a Cauchy problem involving path-dependent stochastic integrals Z i
X (t) =
(Fαi (X(s)) + σξαi (t))dsα ,
where γ0,t is a piecewise C 1 curve joining the points m. 0 and t in R+ A solution X(·) is a collection of sample msheets of a stochastic process, plus probabilistic information as to the likelihood of the various multi-time evolutions.
Multi-time stochastic control theory
m we use the product order. Then, a multiOn R+ m is identified to the hypertime interval [t0 , t] ⊂ R+ parallelepiped Ωt0 ,t , where t0 , t are diagonal opposite points. The functions Fα : Rn × U → Rn , U ⊂ Rk
6th WSEAS International Conference on CIRCUITS, SYSTEMS, ELECTRONICS,CONTROL & SIGNAL PROCESSING, Cairo, Egypt, Dec 29-31, 2007
determine the multi-time controlled stochastic Cauchy problem ∂X (s) = Fα (X(s), U (s)) + σξα (s) ∂sα X(t) = x0 , s ∈ Ωt,t0 ,
under the hypothesis of complete integrability. A mapping U (·) of Ωt,t0 into U ⊂ Rk , such that for each multi-time t ≤ s ≤ t0 the value U (s) depends only on s and observations of X(τ ) for t ≤ τ ≤ s is called control. The corresponding cost functional is the expected values over all sample m-sheets for the solution of (SP DE). There are two different approaches when dealing with cost functionals in the multi-time context. One variant is to use the curvilinear integral functional:
Multi-time Brownian flow
A multi-time stochastic process W (t) is called a Wiener process or Brownian m-flow (motion) if 1) W (0) = 0; 2) W (t), t = (t1 , ..., tm ) is Gaussian with µ = 0, σt2 = vol Ω0,t , i.e., W (t) is N (0, σt2 ). These imply: 3) each sample m-sheet is at least continuous; 4) for all choices of multi-times, 0 < t1 < · · · < tk , the random variables W (t1 ), W (t2 ) − W (t1 ), · · · , W (tk ) − W (tk−1 ) are independent (independent increments). In this context, E(W (t)) = 0
Px,t (U (·)) = (Z
E(W 2 (t)) = vol Ω0,t = t1 =
Fβ0 (X(s), U (s))dsβ + g(X(t0 )) ,
where the runing cost Fβ0 (X(s), U (s))dsβ is an integrable 1-form and g(X(t0 )) is the terminal cost. Another variant is to use a multiple integral functional: Px,t (U (·)) = (Z
) 0
F (X(s), U (s))ds ...ds + g(X(t0 )) .
The main goal is to find an optimal control U ∗ (·) such that Px,t (U ∗ (·)) = max Px,t (U (·)). U (·)
To do that we adapt the multi-time dynamic programming methods, introducing the sup value function v(x, t) = sup Px,t (U (·)). U (·)
For finding an optimal control U ∗ (·) we follow two steps: - we look for a multi-time Hamilton-JacobiBellman type PDEs system satisfied by the function v(x, t); - we use the solution v(x, t) in designing the optimal control U ∗ (·). Of course, the stochastic effects modify the structure of the multi-time Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman type PDEs system (mtHJB), as compared with deterministic case. In the next explanations we use only the curvilinear integral cost functional.
d(τ 1 ...τ m ).
Define a Brownian m-flow (motion) on Rn as W (t) = (W 1 (t), ..., W n (t)), where each W i (t) is an independent Brownian m-flow (m-motion) on R. Let ∂W (t), though the function us accept that ξα (t) = ∂tα t → W (t, ω) is usually nowhere differentiable. We introduce the multi-time stochastic PDE ∂X m (t) = Fα (X(t)) + σξα (t), t ∈ R+ , ∂tα ∂W (·). Also where we informally think of ξα (·) = ∂tα we accept that the conditions of complete integrability are satisfied, though in many problems this fact is not necessary (see the nonholonomic case and the existence conditions for an integral). Adding the initial point X(0) = x0 , we obtain a stochastic Cauchy problem. A multi-time stochastic process is solution of this Cauchy problem if and only if it solves the pathintegral equation Z
X(t) = x0 +
Fα (X(s))dsα + σW (t),
where γ0,t is an arbitrary C 1 curve joining the points 0 m . On the other hand, this integral equation and t in R+ can be solved by the method of successive approximation: X0 (t) = x0 Z
Xk+1 (t) = x0 +
Fα (Xk (s))dsα + σW (t)
limk→∞ Xk (t) = X(t).
6th WSEAS International Conference on CIRCUITS, SYSTEMS, ELECTRONICS,CONTROL & SIGNAL PROCESSING, Cairo, Egypt, Dec 29-31, 2007
Now, let us consider a more general completely integrable multi-time stochastic P DE system ∂X i m (t) = Fαi (X(t)) + Hji (X(t))ξαj (t), t ∈ R+ , ∂tα
At least from geometrical point of view, the generalization of the single-time Itˆo chain rule to the multi-time case must bifurcates as follows. First Itˆo chain rule. Firstly, we use the euristic rules
which can be written ∂X i ∂W j i i (t) = F (X(t)) + H (X(t)) (t) α j ∂tα ∂tα or as an Itˆo-Pfaff stochastic system dX i (t) = Fαi (X(t))dtα + Hji (X(t))dW j (t). By analogy with the foregoing, we say X(·) is a solution, with the initial condition X(0) = x0 , if
dW i dW j = δ ij ds, ds2 = δαβ dtα dtβ (arclength element, degree one in dtα ), plug these identities into the previous formula and keep only terms of degree one in dtα . We obtain the first Itˆo chain rule: dY (t) =
∂u ∂u (X(t), t)dtα + i (X(t), t)(Fαi (X(t))dtα ∂tα ∂x
X(t) = x0 +
Fα (X(s))dsα +Hj (X(s))dW j (s),
1 where γ0,t is a piecewise C Z curve joining the points
0 and t in
m. R+
The parts
Hj (X(s))dW (s) are
called Itˆo stochastic curvilinear integrals. Remark. Let W (·) be a multi-time Brownian flow. A process Y (·) with the property that Y (s), 0 ≤ s ≤ t depends on W (τ ) for 0 ≤ τ ≤ t, but not on W (τ ) for s ≤ τ , is called nonanticipating. These elementsZdetermine the Itˆo stochastic curvilinear integrals Hj (X(s))dW j (s), where γ0,t is γ0,t
an arbitrary C 1 curve joining the points 0 and t in m . The most important property of such integrals R+ Ã !
+σdW i (t)) +
Second Itˆo chain rule. Secondly, we use the euristic rules dW i dW j = δ ij cα (W )dtα (linear in dtα ), plug these identities into the previous formula and keep only terms which are linear in dtα . We obtain the second Itˆo chain rule: dY (t) =
is E
Hj (X(s))dW (s) = 0.
Multi-time Itˆo chain rule
As is well-known the chain rule in a single-time Itˆo calculus contains additional terms as compared with the usual chain rule from differential calculus. To pass to the multi-time case and to justify how appear new additional terms, we shall consider a suitable multitime Cauchy-Itˆo-Pfaff stochastic problem dX i (t) = Fαi (X(t))dtα + σdW i (t), X i (0) = xi0 , and we define the composed function Y (t) = m → R. Let us accept the u(X(t), t), u : Rn × R+ approximative formula dY (t) ≈ +
∂u ∂u (X(t), t)dtα + i (X(t), t)dX i (t) α ∂t ∂x 1 ∂2u (X(t), t)dX i (t)dX j (t). 2 ∂xi ∂xj
∂u ∂u (X(t), t)dtα + i (X(t), t)(Fαi (X(t))dtα α ∂t ∂x
+σdW i (t)) +
σ2 ∆u(X(t), t)ds. 2
σ2 ∆u(X(t), t)cα (X(t))dtα . 2
Remark. From geometrical point of view, we can replace automatically the pair of Euclidean spaces (Rm , δαβ ), (Rn , δij ) with a pair of simple Riemannian manifolds (Rm , hαβ ), (Rn , gij ), or more generally (T, h), (M, g), extending nontrivially the multitime Itˆo chain rule. In this context, the natural domain of Lagrange functions is the first order jet bundle J 1 (T, M ).
Stochastic representation formulas for solutions of PDEs
Let us show that the solutions of multi-time elliptic and parabolic PDEs, both with Cauchy and Dirichlet boundary conditions, have a probabilistic interpretation, which not only provides intuition on the nature of the problems described by these PDEs, but it is quite useful in the proof of general theorems.
6th WSEAS International Conference on CIRCUITS, SYSTEMS, ELECTRONICS,CONTROL & SIGNAL PROCESSING, Cairo, Egypt, Dec 29-31, 2007
A stochastic representation formula for harmonic functions
Let D be a domain in Rn with the boundary ∂D. The solution of the boundary-value problem ∆u(x) = 0, x ∈ D; u(x) = g(x), x ∈ ∂D is called harmonic function. In order to find a stochastic representation formula for the harmonic function u, we consider the random process X(t) = W (t) + x, t = (t1 , ..., tm ), i.e., m dX(t) = dW (t), X(0) = x, t ∈ R+ ,
where W (·) denotes an m-dimensional Brownian sheet. The compound function Y (t) = u(X(t)) has a first Itˆo differential dY (t) =
∂u (X(t))dW i (t) + ∆u(X(t))ds. ∂xi 2
Consequently dY (t) =
∂u (X(t))dW i (t) ∂xi
Fixing x ∈ Rn and 0 ≤ t < t0 , we introduce the multi-time stochastic process dX(s) = σdW (s), s ≥ t, X(t) = x. The second Itˆo chain rule permits to write du(X(s), s) =
∂u ∂u (X(s), s)dsα + i (X(s), s)dX i (s) α ∂s ∂x
σ2 ∆u(X(s), s)cα (u)dsα . 2 Taking the curvilinear integral, we obtain +
u(X(t0 ), t0 ) = u(X(t), t)+ ¶
∂u + α (X(s), s) dsα + ∂s
Z γ0,t
σ2 ∆u(X(s), s)cα (u) 2
∂u (X(s), s)dW i (s). ∂xi
Since u solves the previous terminal-value problem, we can write Ã
u(x, t) = E g(X(t0 )) −
fα (X(s), s)ds
This is a stochastic representation formula for the solution u of the initial nonhomogeneous backwards heat system problem.
or as Stieltjes curvilinear integral Z
u(X(t)) = Y (t) = Y (0) +
∂u (X(s))dW i (s), ∂xi
where γ0,t is a curve joining the points 0 and t. Let τ denote the random first multi-time the sample m-sheet hits ∂D. Then, replacing t = τ , we obtain Z
u(x) = u(X(τ )) −
∂u (X(s))dW i (s). ∂xi
On the other hand, u(X(τ )) = g(X(τ )) by the definition of τ , and hence u(x) = E[X(τ )]. Consequently, to recover the solution u(x) of the previous boundary problem, we need to consider all the sample m-sheets of the multi-time Brownian flow starting at the point x and take the average g(X(τ )).
Multi-time stochastic control theory and dynamic programming
The multi-time controlled stochastic Cauchy-Itˆo-Pfaff problem dX(s) = Fα (X(s), U (s))dsα + σdW (s) X(t) = x, s ∈ Ωt,t0 is equivalent to Z
X(τ ) = x +
Fα (X(s))dsα + σ(W (τ ) − W (t)),
where γt,τ is a piecewise C 1 curve joining the points t and τ in Ωt,t0 . We add the cost functional Px,t (U (·)) =
A stochastic representation formula for solution of heat PDE system
Let us consider the terminal-value problem associated to a nonhomogeneous backwards heat system σ2 ∂u (x, t) + cα (u)∆u(x, t) = fα (x, t) ∂tα 2 x ∈ Rn , 0 ≤ t ≤ t0 , u(x, t0 ) = g(x).
Fβ0 (X(s), U (s))dsβ
+ g(X(t0 )) ,
where the runing cost Fβ0 (X(s), U (s))dsβ is an integrable 1-form and g(X(t0 )) are terminal cost. These produce the sup value functions v(x, t) = sup Px,t (U (·)) U (·)
6th WSEAS International Conference on CIRCUITS, SYSTEMS, ELECTRONICS,CONTROL & SIGNAL PROCESSING, Cairo, Egypt, Dec 29-31, 2007
which permits to pass to the method of dynamic programming in two steps: - find a P DE system satisfied by the function v(x, t); - use this P DE system to design an optimum control U ∗ (·).
v(x, y) ≥ E
Fβ (X(s), U (s))dsβ
µ γt,t+h
∂v ∂v + Fβ0 + i Fβi β ∂s ∂x !
σ2 + cβ ∆v dsβ . 2 Let us convert the previous inequality into a partial derivative inequality. We set h = εeβ , ε > 0, and we write ( Z
+ v(X(t + h), t + h)}
∂v ∂v i σ 2 + F + cβ ∆v dsβ . ∂sβ ∂xi β 2
The previous relations imply
Multi-time stochastic Hamilton-JacobiBellman PDE system
Let U (·) be an arbitrary control used for multi-time s ∈ Ωt,t+h , where h > 0. Thereafter we employ an optimal control. It appears the inequality
1 ε
∂v (X(s), s) + Fβ0 (X(s), U (s))+ ∂sβ
U ∗ (·),
with equality for an optimal control U (·) = where γt,t+h is a piecewise C 1 curve joining the points t and t + h. For an arbitrary control we can write (Z
Fβ (X(s), U (s))dsβ
+ v(X(t + h), t + h) − v(x, t)} = (Z
∂v σ2 i cβ ∆v(X(s), s) dsβ . (X(s), s)F (X(s), U (s))+ β ∂xi 2 Taking ε → 0, and having in mind X(t) = x, U (t) = u ∈ U , we find 0≥
∂v ∂v (x, t) + Fβ0 (x, u) + i (x, t)Fβi (x, u) β ∂t ∂x
Fβ (X(s), U (s))ds
+E {v(X(t + h), t + h) − v(x, t)} .
dv(X(s), s) =
∂v ∂v (X(s), s)dsβ + i (X(s), s)dX i (s) β ∂s ∂x 2 1 ∂ v + (X(s), s)dX i (s)dX j (s) 2 ∂xi ∂xj ∂v ∂v σ2 = β dsβ + i (Fβi dsβ +σdW i (s))+ cβ dsβ ∆v, ∂s ∂x 2 we can write =
v(X(t + h), t + h) − v(X(t), t) = Z γt,t+h
∂v ∂v i σ 2 0 + F + F + cβ ∆v β ∂tβ ∂xi β 2
∂v dW i (s). ∂xi
Taking expected values, we deduce E{v(X(t + h), t + h) − v(X(t), t)} =
= 0.
Theorem (multi-time stochastic HamiltonJacobi-Bellman PDE system). The maximum value function v associated to a multi-time stochastic control problem is a solution of the (mtSHJB) problem σ2 ∂v (x, t) + cβ (v)∆v(x, t) ∂tβ 2
∂v ∂v i σ 2 + F + cβ ∆v dsβ ∂sβ ∂xi β 2 Z
σ2 cβ ∆v(x, t). 2
This inequality holds for any x, t, u, with equality for an optimal control, i.e.,
Using second Itˆo formula,
+ max u∈U
Fβ0 (x, u)
∂v + i (x, t)Fβi (x, u) ∂x
v(x, t0 ) = g(x). In this way, the multi-time stochastic HamiltonJacobi-Bellman P DE system consists in semilinear parabolic P DEs.
6th WSEAS International Conference on CIRCUITS, SYSTEMS, ELECTRONICS,CONTROL & SIGNAL PROCESSING, Cairo, Egypt, Dec 29-31, 2007
Designing an optimal control
Suppose that we know a solution v of the (mtSHJB) problem. For each point (x, t), we compute a value ∂v (x, t)Fβi (x, u) is u ∈ U for which Fβ0 (x, u) + ∂xi maximum, i.e., for each (x, t) we choose u = α(x, t) as the point of maximum. Then we solve the multitime controlled stochastic Cauchy problem dX ∗ (s) = Fβ (X ∗ (s), α(X ∗ (s), s))dsβ + σdW (s) X ∗ (t) = x, assuming this is possible. We find X ∗ (s), and then U ∗ (s) = α(X ∗ (s), s) is an optimal feedback control.
This paper studies the stochastic optimal control problems involving curvilinear integral cost functionals constrained by stochastic evolution PDEs (infinitedimensional systems), combining the ideas of [1]-[11] with several additional ingredients. These problems are of special interest in a variety of applications, e.g., image processing, geometric optics and stochastic differential games. The topics include: multi-time stochastic partial differential equations, multi-time stochastic control theory, multi-time Brownian flow, two variants of multi-time Itˆo chain rule, a stochastic representation formula for harmonic functions, a stochastic representation formula for solution of heat PDE system, multi-time stochastic Hamilton-JacobiBellman PDE system and designing an optimal control. The previous theory is sometimes imprecise, but we can introduce rigorous derivations. It offers open problems for the researchers involved into optimal stochastic theories. Acknowledgements: Partially supported by Grant CNCSIS 86/ 2007 and by 15-th ItalianRomanian Executive Programme of S&T Cooperation for 2006-2008, University Politehnica of Bucharest. The author would like to thank all those who have provided encouraging comments about the contents of this paper, especially Valeriu Prepelit¸a, Ionel T¸evy, and Gheorghit¸a˘ Zb˘aganu. References: [1] M. Dozzi, Stochastic processes with a multidimensional parameter, Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series, 194, Longman Scientifgic&Technical, 1989.
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