Multimedia Design And Development In Mathematics Learning Courseware For Preschool Education Zurina Muda and Ros Emiliana Kartina Mohamed Faculty of Information Science & Technology Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Phone Number: 603-89216711 Fax Number : 603-89256732 e-mail:
[email protected]
Abstract Multimedia technology has reform the current education system and is successfully implemented for its advantages and capabilities. This paper is about the multimedia implementation in developing learning courseware to introduce basic Mathematics knowledge for preschool children within the age of 4 to 6 years old. The objectives are to design an ID Model for Mathematics Preschool and to develop multimedia courseware used as CAI and CAL tools. The constructivism theory incorporated in the form of thematic and contextual approach used to allow learners construct their own knowledge and relate it with their daily life. The courseware prototype discussed consists of three main modules including Knowing Numbers Module, Writing Numbers Module and Activities Module. The combination of multimedia elements such as graphic and animation facilitate learners to experience mathematics. The courseware is expected to act as a catalyst for the implementation of Information and Communication Technology in preschool education in Malaysia.
1. Introduction Multimedia offers a lot of advantage and potential in education. The importance of multimedia technology in education system has inspired the Malaysia Government to introduce smart school project as one of the Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) flagships. Since then, the used of multimedia technology becomes popular and widely used for its capability to enhance learning rate, increase learner concentration and involvement in the learning activity and also promote learning across curriculum. Multimedia is highly effective, as indicated by the
Computer Technology Research report; student retain only 20% of what they see, 30% of what they hear but 50% of what they see and hear and as much as 80% of what they see, hear and do simultaneously [1]. Therefore, the advantage of multimedia interactive environment should be integrated in all level of education including preschool education level.
2. Objectives and scopes The purpose of the project is to develop prototypes of Mathematics Learning Courseware based on multimedia technology.
2.1 The courseware objectives The objectives of the courseware development are: 1) To design and develop an ID Model for teaching and learning in Mathematics Preschool. 2) To develop multimedia preschool courseware prototypes by creating interactive learning environment. 3) To develop alternative medium in the form of CD-ROM that could be used as CAI and CAL tools.
2.2 The courseware scopes In developing the courseware, curriculum syllabus used is referred to Preschool Curriculum by Ministry of Malaysia Education and others that suitable for preschool education. The courseware content covered mostly on Mathematics Preschool subject, which delivered either in English or Malay. The targeted user are preschool children in the range of 4-6 years old that will be assist by their teacher at the preschool institution or by their parent at home.
Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation, and International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technologies and Internet Commerce (CIMCA-IAWTIC’05) 0-7695-2504-0/05 $20.00 © 2005
3. Constructivism theory and approach Constructivism is a process where an individual create self-understanding toward a knowledge that presented to him by adapting his previous experience and knowledge [2]. Constructivism is based on something that being investigated and found by a person. With the definition given, how Mathematics learning courseware could be delivered based on constructivism theory? At early stage, Mathematics acquisition knowledge will affect children perception and attitude towards Mathematics for their whole life [3]. The children thinking pattern is different than adult as we can see clearly the used of mathematics in our life but they have to construct the knowledge by connecting the information that have been taught with the new one. Therefore, a courseware learning presentation should adopt the constructivism teaching and learning characteristics which including [4]: 1) The aim and objective acquire and achieve by the student or in negotiation with the teacher or the system. 2) Teacher plays the role as a guidance, monitor, tutor, coach and facilitator. 3) Student play main role in using and controlling learning. 4) Problem solution, high level thinking skills and in-depth understanding should be stress. 5) Student mistake is an opportunity in understanding the construction of previous knowledge. 6) Exploration/Discovery is an optional approach to promote student to search for knowledge independently and manage their achievement. By implementing those characteristics, it is hoped the courseware developed could deliver learning information and knowledge effectively and at the same time train the children/student in making their decision with what they have learnt.
4. Approach and design The package is developed based on ADDIE Methodology [5] that adopt multimedia concept and approach. Basically multimedia is defined as the combination of text, graphic, audio, animation, video and also interactivity into one digital environment. The courseware development applied WYSIWYG (what-you-see-is-what-you-get) concept. An ID model design and storyboard development plays an important role in the methodology to ensure the success of the package implementation [6]. ID model shown a
holistic view of the courseware prototype and storyboard provide a systematic guideline in creating the flow of each objects or multimedia elements; design and developing interfaces; coding and integrating all the modules involved in order to produce a complete courseware prototypes. Most of the courseware prototypes that have been developed covered four integrated component including: 1) Learning component 2) Exercise component 3) Activities component 4) Support component Each prototype has organized the component differently with different approach and module. Figure 1 show the combination of all the approach and module involved, which gathered from all the prototypes. Help Guidance Dictionary
Support Component
Learning Component Numbers
Component of mathematics preschool courseware
Activities Component
Games Add Operation Subtract Operation
Exercises Module
Song/Musi Exploration Discovery
Figure 1. Mathematics learning courseware component Constructivism, thematic and contextual approaches were chosen to allow learners construct their own knowledge and relate the knowledge with their daily life. After going thru the learning process, exercises were given to enhance user understanding towards subject matter. Activities in the form of discovery, entertainment and exploration are powerful forces in the development of the individual mind because these activities allow learners to create, reflect and work out
Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation, and International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technologies and Internet Commerce (CIMCA-IAWTIC’05) 0-7695-2504-0/05 $20.00 © 2005
their understanding. Whereas the games and song that related directly to Mathematics number and counting could help them indirectly revised their learning in an interesting, fun and interactive way. The courseware prototypes used the element graphics and animations extensively with character and colors to generate and produce interactive and userfriendly interfaces that are suitable for the children. Other elements such as background music, sound and voice also selected based on user preferences and suitability.
5. Prototype development Three prototypes developed based on the component in Figure 1. One of the prototypes that will be discussed in this paper is called Basic Mathematics Preschool. The prototype is divided into three main module including:. 1) Knowing Numbers Module named Garden of Number. 2) Writing Numbers Module named House of Writing. 3) Activities Module named Garden of Count. Knowing Number Module and Writing Number Module covered learning and exercises component, whereas Activities Module act as activities component. The prototype also consists of help component, which integrated under each module.
which is based on thematic approach. The activities also involve with the adding and subtract operations. Figure 3 showed interface navigation flow for the whole content of the interfaces in the Basic Mathematics Preschool prototype.
Introduction Screen
Main Menu Screen Garden of Number
Knowing Numbers Module Knowing Number s Screen
Display Number 1-10 with spelling
Knowing Number s
Writing Numbers Module House of Writing
Writing Numbers Screen
Display Writing number 1-10
Counting Activities Module
5.1 The knowing numbers module The module also named as Garden of Numbers. Indirect learning approach such as contextual approach used to introduce children to numbers as well as make them relate to the previous knowledge and experience in their daily life. Learning process involved beautiful and colorful objects that can be found in the garden or park such as flowers, butterfly, snail and others.
5.2 The writing numbers module The module also named as House of Writing where children were taught how to write the numbers by using the pictures of the number and an animated arrow to show how to write the numbers correctly.
5.3 The activities module The module also named as Garden of Count where children will learn how to count the object in the garden. Constructivism approach used in the learning process by using a suitable objects and environment,
Garden of Count
Counting Activities screen
Counting activities 1 And 2
No Exit Screen
Figure 2. Interface navigation flow During the development of the prototype, each module has been testing and evaluated informally by the developer and the teachers. Formal evaluation for the completed prototype with the teacher as well as the children, which are the targeted users, will be conducted soon. From the evaluation result, the strengths and the weaknesses of the prototype could be accessed in order to improve and enhance the prototype to fulfill the requirement of the users.
Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation, and International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technologies and Internet Commerce (CIMCA-IAWTIC’05) 0-7695-2504-0/05 $20.00 © 2005
An example of the prototype interfaces is shown in Figure 3 and 4.
environment. This courseware is expected to be a major contributor in learning and teaching Mathematics preschool and as a catalyst for the implementation of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in preschool education in Malaysia. It is hoped that the development of the courseware could help in promoting and enhancing Preschool Education specifically in Malaysia and act as catalyst to the development of other education package in future.
7. Acknowledgements The courseware project is supported by a grant from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, which allocated under the Faculty of Information Science and Technology. Special thanks to member in-group, which are including Mrs. Amirah Ismail and Associate Professor Dr. Juhana Salim. Figure 3. Main menu screen
8. References [1] Hofstetter, F. T. Multimedia Literacy, McGraw Hill, New York, 1995. [2] Anthonysamy, A. “Pemikiran matematik pada peringkat awal kanak-kanak: Satu pendekatan Konstruktivisme”, (Online), 2003 [3] Copley, J.V. “The Young Child and Mathematics”, National Association for the Education of Young Children. 2000. [4] Hashimi. “Teori Konstruktivisme”, (Online) eori_konstruktivisme.html 2001.
Figure 4. Writing number module screen
6. Conclusion As a conclusion, the ID Model of Multimedia Preschool Learning courseware has been design and the proposed prototypes of Mathematics Preschool Education which called Basic Mathematics Preschool has been successfully develop even though it is still need to be improve and tested before it could be delivered. The prototype has implemented various learning approach and integrated various elements of multimedia. The courseware prototypes could create an alternative medium in changing the traditional teaching and learning that only use textbooks as a reference or chalk and talk into a better form of learning
[5] Jamalludin Harun, Zaidatun Tasir. Pengenalan Kepada Multimedia, Venton Publishing, Kuala Lumpur, 2000. [6] Zurina Muda. “Multimedia Approach In Education Courseware Architecture And Development”, Proceeding of ED-MEDIA 2004 - World Conference on Educational Multimedia,Hypermedia & Telecommunications. 2004, Switzerland, Volume3, pg. 1879.
Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation, and International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technologies and Internet Commerce (CIMCA-IAWTIC’05) 0-7695-2504-0/05 $20.00 © 2005