Multiphoton near-infrared quantum cutting luminescence phenomena of Tm3+ ion in (Y1-xTmx)3Al5O12 powder phosphor Xiaobo Chen,1,* Gregory J. Salamo,2 Guojian Yang,1 Yongliang Li,1 Xianlin Ding,3,4 Yan Gao,5 Quanlin Liu,3,4 and Jinghua Guo1 1
Applied Optics Beijing Area Major Laboratory, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 100875, China 2 Department of Physics, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701, USA School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing, 100083, China 4 State Key Laboratory for Advanced Metals and Materials, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing, 100083, China 5 Laboratory of Nanomaterials, National Center for Nanoscience and Technology of China, Beijing, 100190, China *
[email protected]
Abstract: In the present study, the multiphoton near-infrared downconversion quantum cutting luminescence phenomena of Tm3+ ion in (Y1-xTmx)3Al5O12 powder phosphor, which is currently a hot research topic throughout the world, is reported. The x-ray diffraction spectra, the visible to near-infrared excitation and emission spectra, and fluorescence lifetimes are measured. It is found that Tm:YAG powder phosphor has intense two-photon quantum cutting luminescence, and, for the first time, it is found that Tm:YAG powder phosphor has strong four-photon near-infrared quantum cutting luminescence of 1788 nm 3F4→3H6 fluorescence of Tm3+ ion. It is also found that the theoretical up-limit of four-photon near-infrared quantum cutting efficiency is about 282.12%, which results from both the {1D2→3F2, 3 H6→3H4} and {3H4→3F4, 3H6→3F4} cross-energy transfers. ©2013 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: (300.6440) Spectroscopy, optogalvanic; (250.5230) Photoluminescence; (160.5690) Rare-earth-doped materials; (260.2160) Energy transfer; (300.6340) Spectroscopy, infrared; (300.6410) Spectroscopy, multiphoton.
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#193536 - $15.00 USD Received 8 Jul 2013; revised 27 Jul 2013; accepted 28 Jul 2013; published 7 Aug 2013 (C) 2013 OSA 9 September 2013 | Vol. 21, No. S5 | DOI:10.1364/OE.21.00A829 | OPTICS EXPRESS A829
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1. Introduction Solar energy is very abundant. However there is a great disparity between its utilization and reserves, due to the fact that solar cells have high cost and low efficiency [1,2]. The largest question faced by solar cell photovoltaic equipment is that energy conversion must travel across the entire solar spectrum from ultraviolet, visible to near-infrared. Solar cells must possess high conversion efficiency throughout the entire solar spectrum. At near-infrared, opto-electricity conversion is limited by the energy band-gap Eg of crystalline and polycrystalline Si. That is, the small energy photons, which are lower than Eg, cannot be absorbed by semiconductor materials (transmission losses). However, for the larger energy photons, most of the photon energy is wasted in the conversion. The surplus energy (hν-Eg) is then converted to the kinetic energy of the electron–hole pair, which is sequentially converted to the heat energy of the matrix (thermalization losses). For single-junction crystalline and polycrystalline Si solar cells, Eg = 1.12eV. 70% of all energy losses are related to transmission loss and thermalization loss. This is known as spectral mismatch. Therefore a prospective method to enhance the solar cell efficiency by quantum cutting is to cut a high energy photon to multiple low energy photons to adapt the solar spectrum, in order to better match the solar cell [1–12]. Since the visible quantum cutting in Eu3+-Gd3+ material was reported by Prof. Wegh and Prof. Meijerink in Science in 1999 [3], the importance, application and significance of the quantum cutting phenomenon have been widely recognized [1–22]. In 2005, Vergeer and Meijerink first reported the second-order near-infrared quantum cutting used for developing solar cells [2]. Since 2007, near-infrared quantum cutting has become a hot research topic throughout the world, and many top journals have reported a series of interesting quantum cutting phenomena, such as quantum cutting in YbxY1-xPO4:Tb3+ [2], Ce3+Pr3+Yb3+:SrF2 [9,11], and Er3+-Yb3+:Cs3Y2Br9 [15] described by Meijerink, Vergeer, and Ende; Tb3+Yb3+:BaF2 [12] and Yb2+Yb3+:CaAl2O4 [7] described by Qiu, Chen and Zhou; Ce3+Yb3+:borate glass [6] described by Chen and Wang; (YbxGd1-x)Al3(BO3)4:Tb and NaYF4:Pr3+Yb3+ [5,14] described by Zhang and Huang; and Er3+:GdVO4 [8] described by our group. At present, the best development in solar cells should be silicon solar cells [1], which have been put into production in many countries around the world. New theories, materials, techniques, designs and products of solar cells have been developed at a very rapid pace. The development of germanium (Ge) solar cells as a new type of solar cells with a narrow band-gap width [1–8] has been especially fast, and has been used in the germanium, silicon-germanium and cascade three-junction solar cells [4,13]. The germanium solar cell has the characteristic
#193536 - $15.00 USD Received 8 Jul 2013; revised 27 Jul 2013; accepted 28 Jul 2013; published 7 Aug 2013 (C) 2013 OSA 9 September 2013 | Vol. 21, No. S5 | DOI:10.1364/OE.21.00A829 | OPTICS EXPRESS A830
advantages of its small band-gap width of germanium of 0.67eV:300K (5404cm−1 = 1850.5nm) [1–8]. It can absorb almost all near-infrared solar spectra effectively. Therefore, its transmission loss is very small and can almost be neglected [11]. If solar spectra from ultraviolet to visible can be converted to near-infrared in about 1800 nm by quantum cutting, the absorption efficiency of the Ge solar cell would be greatly enhanced. Furthermore, the radiative photon numbers can be very greatly enhanced by multiphoton quantum cutting. The electron–hole pair numbers of the Ge solar cell would also be very greatly enhanced. It is also very possible that the opto-electricity conversion efficiency of the Ge solar cell would be very greatly enhanced, as it may have large acceleration effects for solar cell project research. Our present manuscript provides the first report of the multiphoton quantum cutting luminescence phenomena of Tm:YAG powder phosphor. It is found for the first time that Tm:YAG powder phosphor has strong four-photon near-infrared quantum cutting luminescence of 1788 nm 3 F4→3H6 fluorescence of Tm3+ ion. It is also found that Tm:YAG powder phosphor has intense two-photon quantum cutting luminescence. In 2002, Trupke and Green theoretically derived that the largest energy efficiency limit of the downconversion quantum cutting solar cell is approximately 40% [22]. It is important to note that this work is based on two-photon quantum cutting, of which the largest quantum cutting efficiency is close to 200%. However, for four-photon quantum cutting, the largest quantum cutting efficiency may approach 400%. Therefore, it is entirely possible for the largest energy efficiency limit of the downconversion quantum cutting solar cell to exceed 40%, thus reaching a higher value for four-photon quantum cutting solar cell. It is valuable to aid in probing the third-generation solar cell proposed by Green [20]. 2. Experimental samples and experimental devices The samples used in our experiment are (A) (Y0.800Tm0.200)3Al5O12 and (B) (Y0.995Tm0.005)3Al5O12 powder phosphor. The Tm:YAG powder samples were prepared by a solid-state reaction. The starting materials were high-purity Y2O3 (99.99%), Al2O3 (99.99%), and Tm2O3 (99.99%). The raw powders were weighted according to the stoichiometric compositions. Then it was sintered at 1600°C for 2 h in a furnace in air. The experimental equipment used was the Fluorescence Spectrometer FL3-2iHR, produced by the Horiba-JY Company(America, Japan, and France). The pumping light source is a Xe lamp. The visible detector used was an R2658p photomultiplier, which has a very high rate of sensitivity in the range of 250 to 1000 nm. The infrared detector used was a Solid State Indium Antimony detector DSS-IS020L, which has a high rate of sensitivity in the range of 1000 to 5000 nm. The monochromator is a high-precision monochromator with a resolution of 0.1nm. The direction of the excitation light is perpendicular to the direction of fluorescence reception. For all of the experimental results, two experimental curves within one figure can be compared directly already in fluorescence intensity. 3. X-ray diffraction spectra and absorption spectrum Figure 1 shows the representative XRD patterns of the (Y0.800Tm0.200)3Al5O12 powder phosphor. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) data for lattice parameter refinements were collected on a Philips (Holland) X’Pert PW-3040 diffractometer (45 kV × 40mA) with Cu Kα radiation (λ = 0.15406 nm) in the range of 2θ = 10–80◦. It can be seen that all diffraction peaks can be well-assigned to the reported data of YAG(PDF#04-008-3458). Figure 2 shows the absorption spectrum of the (Y0.800Tm0.200)3Al5O12 powder phosphor, which is measured by UV-3100 spectrophotometer (Shimadzu, Japan).
#193536 - $15.00 USD Received 8 Jul 2013; revised 27 Jul 2013; accepted 28 Jul 2013; published 7 Aug 2013 (C) 2013 OSA 9 September 2013 | Vol. 21, No. S5 | DOI:10.1364/OE.21.00A829 | OPTICS EXPRESS A831
Intensity (arb.units)
2θ (degree)
Fig. 1. XRD pattern of the (Y0.800Tm0.200)3Al5O12 powder phosphor sample.
Absorption (arb. units)
Wavelength (nm)
Fig. 2. The absorption spectrum of the (Y0.800Tm0.200)3Al5O12 powder phosphor sample.
4. Experimental excitation spectra First, the visible excitation spectra of (A) (Y0.800Tm0.200)3Al5O12 and (B) (Y0.995Tm0.005)3Al5O12 powder phosphor in the wavelength range of 300-710 nm, when the fluorescence received wavelength is positioned at 800 nm, are measured, as shown in Fig. 3. It is found that Tm:YAG powder phosphor has three group of excitation spectra signal peaks from ultraviolet to visible, the main peaks of which are positioned at 357.0, 459.0 and 680.0 nm, respectively. It is easy to
#193536 - $15.00 USD Received 8 Jul 2013; revised 27 Jul 2013; accepted 28 Jul 2013; published 7 Aug 2013 (C) 2013 OSA 9 September 2013 | Vol. 21, No. S5 | DOI:10.1364/OE.21.00A829 | OPTICS EXPRESS A832
Fluorescence Intensity (arb. units)
recognize that these are the 3H6→1D2, 3H6→1G4, and 3H6→3F3 absorption transitions of Tm3+ ion [16,18]. In the figure, the small 415.5 nm peak is noise. The small 658.0 nm peak is the 3 H6→3F2 absorption transitions of Tm3+ ion. B is the excitation spectrum signal of (B) (Y0.995Tm0.005)3Al5O12 powder phosphor. A*10 is the amplified excitation spectrum signal of (A) (Y0.800Tm0.200)3Al5O12 powder phosphor, which is amplified by 10 times. The 357.0 nm 3 H6→1D2, 459.0 nm 3H6→1G4 and 680.0 nm 3H6→3F3 excitation spectra signal intensities of (B) (Y0.995Tm0.005)3Al5O12 powder phosphor are larger than those of (A) (Y0.800Tm0.200)3Al5O12 by 21.00, 72.50 and 122.88 times, respectively. Sequentially, the excitation spectra of (A) (Y0.800Tm0.200)3Al5O12 and (B) (Y0.995Tm0.005)3Al5O12 powder phosphor in the wavelength range of 300-850 nm, when the fluorescence received wavelength is positioned at 1788 nm near-infrared wavelength, are measured, as shown in Fig. 4. It is found that Tm:YAG powder phosphor has four groups of excitation spectra signal peaks from 300 to 850 nm, the main peaks of which are positioned at 357.0, 460.5, 680.0 and 781.0 nm, respectively. It is easy to recognize that they are the 3 H6→1D2, 3H6→1G4, 3H6→3F3, and 3H6→3H4 absorption transitions of the Tm3+ ion [16,18]. A is the excitation spectrum signal of (A) (Y0.800Tm0.200)3Al5O12 powder phosphor, and B is the excitation spectrum signal of (B) (Y0.995Tm0.005)3Al5O12 powder phosphor. The 357.0 nm 3 H6→1D2, 460.5 nm 3H6→1G4 and 680.0 nm 3H6→3F3 excitation spectra signal intensities of (A) (Y0.800Tm0.200)3Al5O12 powder phosphor are larger than those of (B) (Y0.995Tm0.005)3Al5O12 by 15.87, 11.81 and 6.68 times, respectively. It entirely achieves the signal intensity reverse. Near-infrared fluorescence signal intensity is thus greatly enhanced.
B 0.5
A*10 300
Excitation Wavelength (nm)
Fig. 3. The visible excitation spectra of (A) (Y0.800Tm0.200)3Al5O12 and (B) (Y0.995Tm0.005)3Al5O12 powder phosphor, when the fluorescence received wavelength is positioned at 800 nm.
#193536 - $15.00 USD Received 8 Jul 2013; revised 27 Jul 2013; accepted 28 Jul 2013; published 7 Aug 2013 (C) 2013 OSA 9 September 2013 | Vol. 21, No. S5 | DOI:10.1364/OE.21.00A829 | OPTICS EXPRESS A833
Infrared Fluorescence Intensity (arb. units)
A 0.5
B 400
Excitation Wavelength (nm)
Fig. 4. The excitation spectra of (A) (Y0.800Tm0.200)3Al5O12 and (B) (Y0.995Tm0.005)3Al5O12 powder phosphor, when the fluorescence received wavelength is positioned at 1788 nm near-infrared wavelength.
5. Experimental luminescence spectra First, the visible luminescence spectra of (A) (Y0.800Tm0.200)3Al5O12 and (B) (Y0.995Tm0.005)3Al5O12 powder phosphor are measured. The 357.0 nm 3H6→1D2 excitation peak of Tm:YAG powder phosphor is selected as the excitation wavelength to measure the luminescence spectra of 418-700 and 700-1000 nm, as shown in Fig. 5. It is found that there is a strong luminescence peak at (454.5, 460.0 nm), a small peak at (485.0, 493.5 nm), a small peak at (660.5, 670.0 nm), and a middle-sized peak at (759.0, 785.0, 801.0 nm) for the Tm:YAG powder phosphor. It is easy to recognize that these are the luminescence transitions of 1D2→3F4, 1G4→3H6, 1G4→3F4, and 3H4→3H6 [16,18]. In the figure, B is the luminescence spectrum signal of (B) (Y0.995Tm0.005)3Al5O12 powder phosphor. A*10 is the amplified luminescence spectrum signal of (A) (Y0.800Tm0.200)3Al5O12 powder phosphor, which is amplified by 10 times. The 454.5 nm 1D2→3F4, 460.0 nm 1D2→3F4, 485.0 nm 1G4→3H6, 660.5 nm 1G4→3F4, 785.0 nm 3H4→3H6, and 801.0 nm 3H4→3H6 luminescence spectra signal intensities of (B) (Y0.995Tm0.005)3Al5O12 powder phosphor are larger than those of (A) (Y0.800Tm0.200)3Al5O12 by 27.12, 39.25, 21.20, 29.92, 31.02 and 19.15 times, respectively. The 680.0nm 3H6→3F3 excitation peak of Tm:YAG powder phosphor is selected as the excitation wavelength to measure the luminescence spectra of 750-1000 nm, as shown in Fig. 6. It is found that there is a middle luminescence peak at (785.0, 798.0, 804.0 nm) of 3H4→3H6 fluorescence for the Tm:YAG powder phosphor. In Fig. 6, B is the luminescence spectrum signal of (B) (Y0.995Tm0.005)3Al5O12 powder phosphor. A*10 is the amplified luminescence spectrum signal of (A) (Y0.800Tm0.200)3Al5O12 powder phosphor, which is amplified by 10 times. The 785.0 nm 3H4→3H6, 798.0 nm3H4→3H6, and 804.0 nm3H4→3H6 luminescence spectra signal intensities of (B) (Y0.995Tm0.005)3Al5O12 powder phosphor are larger than those of (A) (Y0.800Tm0.200)3Al5O12 by 153.02, 143.10 and 125.00 times, respectively. Then, the infrared luminescence spectra of (A) (Y0.800Tm0.200)3Al5O12 and (B) (Y0.995Tm0.005)3Al5O12 powder phosphor are measured. In the same manner, the 357.0 nm 3 H6→1D2 excitation peak of Tm:YAG powder phosphor is also selected as the excitation #193536 - $15.00 USD Received 8 Jul 2013; revised 27 Jul 2013; accepted 28 Jul 2013; published 7 Aug 2013 (C) 2013 OSA 9 September 2013 | Vol. 21, No. S5 | DOI:10.1364/OE.21.00A829 | OPTICS EXPRESS A834
wavelength to measure the infrared luminescence spectra of 1200-2800 nm, as shown in Fig. 5. It is found that there is a group of strong (1788.0, 1908.0, 2018.0 nm) luminescence peaks for (A) (Y0.800Tm0.200)3Al5O12 powder phosphor. It is easy to recognize that it is 3F4→3H6 luminescence transition [16,18]. In the figure, A and B are the luminescence spectrum signals of (A) (Y0.800Tm0.200)3Al5O12 and (B) (Y0.995Tm0.005)3Al5O12 powder phosphor respectively. The 1788.0 nm 3F4→3H6 and 2018.0 nm 3F4→3H6 luminescence spectra signal intensities of (A) (Y0.800Tm0.200)3Al5O12 powder phosphor are larger than those of (B) (Y0.995Tm0.005)3Al5O12 powder phosphor by 17.30 and 29.11 times, respectively. It entirely achieves the signal intensity reverse. The near-infrared luminescence signal intensity of (A) (Y0.800Tm0.200)3Al5O12 powder phosphor is much larger than that of (B) (Y0.995Tm0.005)3Al5O12 .
Fluorescence Intensity (arb. uints)
B 0.0 500
Lum inescence W avelength (nm )
Fig. 5. The luminescence spectra of (A) (Y0.800Tm0.200)3Al5O12 and (B) (Y0.995Tm0.005)3Al5O12 powder phosphor, when the 357.0 nm 3H6→1D2 excitation peak is selected as the excitation wavelength.
The 680.0 nm 3H6→3F3 excitation peak of Tm:YAG powder phosphor is also selected as the excitation wavelength to measure the luminescence spectra of 1200-2800 nm, as shown in Fig. 6. It is found that (B) (Y0.995Tm0.005)3Al5O12 powder phosphor has three groups of small luminescence peaks positioned at 1478.0 nm, (1750.0, 2022.0 nm), and 2352.0 nm. It is easy to recognize that these are the 3H4→3F4, 3F4→3H6, and 3H4→3H5 luminescence transitions [16,18]. Meanwhile, it is found that the (A) (Y0.800Tm0.200)3Al5O12 powder phosphor has only one group of strong 3F4→3H6 luminescence peaks positioned at (1788.0, 1898.0, 2018.0 nm). That is, when the concentration of Tm3+ ion of Tm:YAG is enhanced from 0.5 to 20%, the luminescence of the 3F4 energy level is enhanced by 7.62 times, while the luminescence of the 3 H4 energy level is greatly reduced.
#193536 - $15.00 USD Received 8 Jul 2013; revised 27 Jul 2013; accepted 28 Jul 2013; published 7 Aug 2013 (C) 2013 OSA 9 September 2013 | Vol. 21, No. S5 | DOI:10.1364/OE.21.00A829 | OPTICS EXPRESS A835
Fluorescence Intensity (arb. units)
B A*10
0.0 700
1000 1200
Luminescence Wavelength (nm)
Fig. 6. The luminescence spectra of (A) (Y0.800Tm0.200)3Al5O12 and (B) (Y0.995Tm0.005)3Al5O12 powder phosphor, when the 680.0 nm 3H6→3F3 excitation peak is selected as the excitation wavelength.
6. Experimental fluorescence lifetime measurement results The fluorescence lifetime of the 460.0 and 800.0 nm visible fluorescence of (A) (Y0.800Tm0.200)3Al5O12 and (B) (Y0.995Tm0.005)3Al5O12 powder phosphor, as shown in Fig. 7, are measured by the Fluorescence Spectrometer FL3-2iHR, produced by the Horiba-JY Company. In the measurements, the pumping sources are the 360 nm NanoLED semiconductor quasi-laser and pulse Xe lamp. All fluorescence lifetime values of 460.0 and 800.0 nm fluorescences are fit from the measured fluorescence lifetime curves [2,5–12]. The fit method is tail fit. The original point is set after equipment response. It is found from the measurements that the fluorescence lifetime values of 460.0 and 800.0 nm of (A) (Y0.800Tm0.200)3Al5O12 are τA(460nm) = 10.97μs and τA(800nm) = 115.2μs. It is also found that those of (B) (Y0.995Tm0.005)3Al5O12 are τB(460nm) = 28.32μs and τB(800nm) = 459.8μs. According to well-known infrared quantum cutting literature, the theoretical energy transfer efficiency of the Tm3+ ion caused by cross-relaxation energy transfer is determined by Eq. (1) [2,5–12]:
ηtr , x %Tm ≈ 1 −
x %Tm
where I denotes intensity, and x%Tm represents the Tm3+ concentration. In Eq. (1), it is assumed that the energy transfer between the Tm3+ ions is very small when x = 0.5%, which can represent the case of non-energy transfer. Therefore it can be calculated that the theoretical energy transfer efficiencies of the 460.0 and 800.0 nm fluorescences are ηtr ,20%Tm (460nm) = 61.26% and ηtr ,20%Tm (800nm) = 74.95% , respectively.
#193536 - $15.00 USD Received 8 Jul 2013; revised 27 Jul 2013; accepted 28 Jul 2013; published 7 Aug 2013 (C) 2013 OSA 9 September 2013 | Vol. 21, No. S5 | DOI:10.1364/OE.21.00A829 | OPTICS EXPRESS A836
Fluorescence Intensity (arb. units)
A A 0.01 0
Lifetim e (us)
Lifetim e (us)
Fig. 7. The fluorescence lifetime of the 800.0 nm (left) and 460.0 nm (right) visible fluorescence of (A) (Y0.800Tm0.200)3Al5O12 (red) and (B) (Y0.995Tm0.005)3Al5O12 (blue) powder phosphor, when excited by 680.0 nm (left) and 368.0 nm (right) pulsed light respectively.
7. Analysis It is well known that energy transfer theories have been developed by Forster, Dexter and Kushida [1,2,5–21]. These theories are based on several interaction models between the donor and acceptor, just like dipolar-dipolar interaction or wave function overlap exchange interaction. Their commonality lies in the fact that they both require resonance between the transitions of the donor and acceptor. That is to say, the cross-energy transfer can be strong only when the emission spectrum of the donor and the excitation spectrum of the acceptor overlap. The entire concept of quantum cutting is based on these theories [1,2,5–12,18–21]. The process and efficiency of quantum cutting of Tm:YAG are analyzed below by discussing the energy transfer processes. The schematic diagram of energy level structure and quantum cutting process are shown in Fig. 8. The main quantum cutting downconversion processes originating from 3H4 energy level are as follows: When the 3H4, 3F3, and 3F2 energy levels are excited, many populations of Tm3+ ion may be populated at the 3H4 energy level, because of the rapid multiphonon non-radiative relaxation from 3F3 and 3F2 energy levels to 3H4. It can be found that Tm3+ ion possesses a very effective {3H4→3F4, 3H6→3F4} CR1:ETr31-ETa01 cross-energy transfer process. Although its theoretical transition mismatch + 1195 cm−1 is large, its reduced matrix elements U2 (0.1275,0.1311,0.2113) and (0.5375,0.7261,0.2382) of Tm3+ ion are extremely large [16,18], therefore the cross energy transfer rate of {3H4→3F4, 3H6→3F4} CR1:ETr31-ETa01 is also very large. For high-concentration Tm3+-doped YAG powder phosphor, the population of 3H4 energy level may directly transfers to the first excited state 3F4 energy level mainly through the {3H4→3F4, 3H6→3F4} CR1:ETr31-ETa01 cross-energy transfer process. It results in the very effective two-photon near-infrared quantum cutting of the 3F4→3H6 fluorescence. Therefore the two-photon near-infrared quantum cutting efficiency of 1788.0 nm 3F4→3H6 fluorescence when the 3F3 energy level is excited by 680.0nm light can be expressed as follows:
#193536 - $15.00 USD Received 8 Jul 2013; revised 27 Jul 2013; accepted 28 Jul 2013; published 7 Aug 2013 (C) 2013 OSA 9 September 2013 | Vol. 21, No. S5 | DOI:10.1364/OE.21.00A829 | OPTICS EXPRESS A837
ηCR , x %Tm (3 H 4 ) = η where ηCR , x %Tm (3 H 4 )
[1 − ηtr , x %Tm (3 H 4 )] + 2η 3 F ηtr , x %Tm (3 H 4 ),
is the two-photon near-infrared quantum cutting efficiency,
ηtr , x %Tm ( H 4 ) is the energy transfer efficiency of CR1:ETr31-ETa01 cross-energy transfer, 3
and η 3 F are the luminescent efficiencies of the 3H4 and 3F4 energy levels of Tm3+ ion, 4
respectively. We assume that η 3 H =η 3 F =1 , as is assumed in most near-infrared quantum 4
cutting literatures [2,5–12]. Therefore, the theoretical up-limit of the two-photon near-infrared quantum cutting efficiency of Tm3+ ion induced by CR1:ETr31-ETa01 {3H4→3F4, 3H6→3F4} cross-energy transfer can be expressed as follows:
ηCR , x %Tm (3 H 4 ) = 1 + ηtr , x %Tm (3 H 4 ).
It is easy to calculate that ηCR ,20%Tm ( H 4 ) = ηCR ,20%Tm (680nm) = 174.95% . 3
25000 1
-1 Energy Level (cm )
ET -ET 15000
800nm r31
F2 F 3 3 H4 3
1788nm 3
Fig. 8. The schematic diagram of energy level structure and quantum cutting process.
The main quantum-cutting downconversion processes originating from 1D2 energy level are as follows: When the 1D2 energy level is excited, many population of Tm3+ ion may populated at the 1 D2 energy level because 1D2 energy level is a metastable energy state. It can be found that the Tm3+ ion possesses an effective {1D2→1G4, 3H6→3F4} CR9:ETr76-ETa01 cross-energy transfer process. Although its theoretical transition mismatch + 1051 cm−1 is large, the reduced matrix elements U2 (0.1874,0.1799,0.0022) and (0.5375,0.7261,0.2382) of the Tm3+ ion are very large as well [16,18], therefore the cross-energy transfer rate of {1D2→1G4, 3H6→3F4} CR9:ETr76-ETa01 is also large. The Tm3+ ion also possesses a very effective {1D2→3F2, 3H6→3H4} CR10:ETr75-ETa03 cross-energy transfer process. Its theoretical transition mismatch + 377 cm−1 is small, and the
#193536 - $15.00 USD Received 8 Jul 2013; revised 27 Jul 2013; accepted 28 Jul 2013; published 7 Aug 2013 (C) 2013 OSA 9 September 2013 | Vol. 21, No. S5 | DOI:10.1364/OE.21.00A829 | OPTICS EXPRESS A838
reduced matrix elements U2 (0.0643,0.3065,0) and (0.2357,0.1081,0.5916) of the Tm3+ ion are very large [16,18], therefore the cross-energy transfer rate of {1D2→3F2, 3H6→3H4} CR10:ETr75-ETa03 is very large. The Tm3+ ion also possesses an effective {1D2→3F3, 3H6→3H4} CR11:ETr74-ETa03 cross-energy transfer process. Its theoretical transition mismatch + 991 cm−1 is moderate, and the reduced matrix elements U2 (0.1633,0.0687,0) and (0.2357,0.1081,0.5916) of Tm3+ ion are large [16,18], therefore the cross-energy transfer rate of {1D2→3F3, 3H6→3H4} CR11:ETr74-ETa03 is large. The Tm3+ ion also possesses an effective {1D2→3H4, 3H6→3F3} CR12:ETr73-ETa04 cross-energy transfer process. Its theoretical transition mismatch + 991 cm−1 is moderate, and its reduced matrix elements U2 (0.1248,0.0096,0.2280) and (0,0.3164,0.8413) of Tm3+ ion are large [16,18], therefore the cross-energy transfer rate of {1D2→3H4, 3H6→3F3} CR12:ETr73-ETa04 is large. The Tm3+ ion also possesses an effective {1D2→3H4, 3H6→3F2} CR13:ETr73-ETa05 cross-energy transfer process. Its theoretical transition mismatch + 377 cm−1 is small, but the reduced matrix elements U2 (0.1248,0.0096,0.2280) and (0,0,0.2550) of Tm3+ ion are moderate [16,18], therefore the cross-energy transfer rate of {1D2→3H4, 3H6→3F2} CR13:ETr73-ETa05 is large. The Tm3+ ion also possesses a very weak {1D2→3H5, 3H6→1G4} CR14:ETr72-ETa06 cross-energy transfer process. Its theoretical transition mismatch −1427 cm−1 is very large, and its reduced matrix elements U2 (0,0.0011,0.0193) and (0.0483,0.0748,0.0125) of Tm3+ ion are small [16,18], therefore the cross-energy transfer rate of {1D2→3H5, 3H6→1G4} CR14:ETr72-ETa06 is very small. The Tm3+ ion also possesses a weak {1D2→3F4, 3H6→1G4} CR15:ETr71-ETa06 cross-energy transfer process. Its theoretical transition mismatch + 1051 cm−1 is very large, its reduced matrix elements U2 (0.5680,0.0928,0.0230) and (0.0483,0.0748,0.0125) of Tm3+ ion are moderate [16,18], therefore the cross energy transfer rate of {1D2→3F4, 3H6→1G4} CR15:ETr71-ETa06 is small. In conclusion, for high-concentration Tm3+-doped YAG powder phosphor, the population of the 1D2 energy level may directly transfer to the lower energy level mainly through the {1D2→3F2, 3H6→3H4} CR10:ETr75-ETa03 cross-energy transfer process, i.e. one population of the 1D2 energy level may very effectively lead to two populations of the 3H4 energy level through {1D2→3F2, 3H6→3H4} CR10:ETr75-ETa03 cross-energy transfer process. Then it may also very effectively lead to four populations of the 3F4 energy level through CR1:ETr31-ETa01{3H4→3F4, 3H6→3F4} cross-energy transfer process consequently. It results in the effective four-photon near-infrared quantum cutting of the 3F4→3H6 fluorescence of Tm3+ ion. Therefore the four-photon near-infrared quantum cutting efficiencies of the 1788.0 nm 3 F4→3H6 fluorescence when the 1D2 energy level is excited by 357.0 nm can be expressed as follows:
ηCR , x %Tm (1 D2 ) = {η
[1 − ηtr , x %Tm (1 D2 )] + 2η 3 H ηtr , x %Tm (1 D2 )} 4
{[η 3 H [1 − ηtr , x %Tm ( H 4 )] + 2η 3 F ηtr , x %Tm (3 H 4 )}, 3
where ηCR , x %Tm (1 D2 )
is the four-photon near-infrared quantum cutting efficiency,
ηtr , x %Tm ( D2 ) is the energy transfer efficiency of the CR10:ETr75-ETa03 cross-energy transfer, 1
and η 1 D ,η 3 H and η 3 F are the luminescent efficiencies of the 1D2, 3H4 and 3F4 energy levels 2
of Tm3+ ion respectively. We assume that η 1 D = η 3 H =η 3 F =1 , as is also assumed in most 2
#193536 - $15.00 USD Received 8 Jul 2013; revised 27 Jul 2013; accepted 28 Jul 2013; published 7 Aug 2013 (C) 2013 OSA 9 September 2013 | Vol. 21, No. S5 | DOI:10.1364/OE.21.00A829 | OPTICS EXPRESS A839
near-infrared quantum cutting literatures [2,5–12]. Therefore, the theoretical up-limit of the four-photon near-infrared quantum cutting efficiency of the Tm3+ ion induced both by CR10:ETr75-ETa03 {1D2→3F2, 3H6→3H4} and CR1:ETr31-ETa01 {3H4→3F4, 3H6→3F4} cross-energy transfers can be expressed as follows:
ηCR , x %Tm (1 D2 ) = [1 + ηtr , x %Tm (1 D2 )][1 + ηtr , x %Tm (3 H 4 )].
It is then easy to calculate that ηCR ,20%Tm (1 D2 ) = ηCR ,20%Tm (357 nm) = 282.12% . It can be found from Fig. 2, Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 that compared to the absorption spectrum of Fig. 2 and visible excitation spectrum of Fig. 3, the action of 357.0nm peak in infrared excitation spectrum of Fig. 4 is very effective. It illustrates that the excitation of 1D2 energy level can result in very strong 1788.0nm 3F4→ 3H6 luminescence, which is a very effective quantum cutting. It is obviously that the (Y0.800Tm0.200)3Al5O12 powder phosphor has very higher quantum cutting efficiency. The reason for high quantum cutting efficiency is partly due to the cross-energy transfer processes in (Y0.800Tm0.200)3Al5O12 powder phosphor is first-order energy transfer mechanisms, which generally have a much higher probability (typically a factor of 103) to occur than second-order mechanisms, emphasized by Meijerink [11]. Because emission wavelength of the 3F4→3H6 fluorescence of Tm3+ ion of (Y1-xTmx)3Al5O12 powder phosphor is 1788 nm, it is resonant entirely with the band-gap width Eg of germanium of 1850.5 nm, 5404 cm−1 (0.67 eV:300 K). The resonant energy transfer from Tm3+ ion to germanium would be very effective. It is very valuable to enhance the efficiency of Ge solar cell by the multiphoton near-infrared quantum cutting of (Y1-xTmx)3Al5O12 powder phosphor. The further work is to look for suitable sensitizer to enhance the absorption efficiency both in the strong absorption intensity and broad absorption wavelength range. 8. Conclusion In the present manuscript, the x-ray diffraction spectra, visible to near-infrared excitation and emission spectra, and fluorescence lifetimes have been measured. It is found that (A) (Y0.800Tm0.200)3Al5O12 powder phosphor possesses intense two-photon quantum cutting luminescence resulting from the CR1:ETr31-ETa01{3H4→3F4, 3H6→3F4} cross-energy transfer. It is found that its theoretical up-limit of the two-photon near-infrared quantum cutting efficiency is approximately 174.95%. Moreover, it is found for the first time that (A) (Y0.800Tm0.200)3Al5O12 powder phosphor has strong four-photon near-infrared quantum cutting luminescence of 1788 nm 3F4→3H6 fluorescence of Tm3+ ion, which results both from the {1D2→3F2, 3H6→3H4} and {3H4→3F4, 3H6→3F4} cross-energy transfers. It is found also that the theoretical up-limit of the four-photon near-infrared quantum cutting efficiency is approximately 282.12%. To the knowledge of the authors, this is the first time that the near-infrared quantum cutting efficiency exceeding 200% has been reported. Acknowledgments This project was supported mainly by the National Natural Science Foundation of China through grant 10674019 and by the significant project of Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China (212-105560GK). The author thanks very much for the help of Academician Prof. Jingkui Liang, Academician Prof. Bingkun Zhou, Prof. Luan Chen, Dr. Yu Ye, Prof. Nan Xiao, Prof. Yujie Zhu, Prof. Zhiyong Tang, Prof. Dacheng Ma, Prof. Shangyu Gao, Prof. Qihuang Gong, Prof. D. Wu, and Prof. Daoheng Sun.
#193536 - $15.00 USD Received 8 Jul 2013; revised 27 Jul 2013; accepted 28 Jul 2013; published 7 Aug 2013 (C) 2013 OSA 9 September 2013 | Vol. 21, No. S5 | DOI:10.1364/OE.21.00A829 | OPTICS EXPRESS A840