Multiplayer 3D Space Hulk is an adaptation of the regular Space Hulk rules ...
The Teams: As you might expect there are two basic teams in 3D Space Hulk,
oneĀ ...
Multiplayer 3D Space Hulk By Alan Hoch, Based on a Fusion of Games workshop's Warhammer 40K and Space Hulk games
Two teams with one wipe out the enemy! Multiplayer 3D Space Hulk is an adaptation of the regular Space Hulk rules (with similar material from Warhammer 40K thrown in) to allow for as many as eight players to go up against each other all at once. Accordingly, in places the normal rules have been simplified or changed while doing the upmost to retain the same look and feel of the original game.
The Teams: As you might expect there are two basic teams in 3D Space Hulk, one of which is always Tyranids while the other is usually Space Marine terminators (for the sake of simplicity from here on out the Tyranids will be referred to as "Bugs" and their opposition as the "Hunters"). However, in certain variations (rules are listed below) the bugs may face squads from other races. Each team can have up to four members, all of which work together to bring about a collective victory over their opponents. The amount of models each player starts off with depends on the scenario and race being used.
The Turn: Events in 3D Space Hulk takes place during a single "turn" where each side gets to take various actions with players alternating who goes before another. The chart to the right lists each phase and the order in which they occur. An explanation of each follows.
1. Draw One Action Card: 3D Space Hulk uses what are
Multiplayer 3D Space Hulk Turn Sequence
1. Draw One Action Card 2. Bug Reinforcement Phase 3. Allocate Movement Order 4. Movement Phase 5. Shooting Phase 6. Assault Phase 7. Hunter Recovery Phase
called "Action Cards" to give each player the option of doing something unexpected once every turn. There are two types of Action Cards, one set for the Bugs and one for the Hunters. At the beginning of the turn each player draws one card. Each card lists the particular benefit it gives the player and when it can be used. A player is not required to use an Action Card and may retain it from turn-to-turn until. However, he can never have more than a single card. If he already has one left over from the previous turn when drawing another he must choose which of the two to keep. The other is discarded. Likewise, a card is automatically discarded when used. Note that each pile of cards is reshuffled at the beginning of this phase, meaning that theoretically the same card could be drawn and used repeatedly during the course of the game. You also are not required to reveal the exact nature of the Action Card until used.
2. Bug Reinforcement Phase: The great advantage of the Tyranid army is that it always has more and more bugs to throw into the fight. To reflect this during the Bug Reinforcement Phase a Tyranid player receives 2d6 squad points with which to use for buying new bugs. Reinforcements must be placed either 12" away from any hunter model or out of line of sight and at least 6" away. Any reinforcements may subsequently act as normal. Note that as with other forces every Tyranid squad can only have a single Leader on the board at any given time.
3. Allocate Movement Order: In 3D Space Hulk players from both teams alternate moving and shooting their models. To determine in what order members of a particular team will go they use up to four rank tokens -- 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. Not surprisingly, the player with the "1st" token goes first, the one with the "2nd" token second, and so forth. Who gets which token is the decision of the team as a whole. Once each team has made their choice the game continues with the 1st Hunter player going first, then the 1st Genestealer player, etc. In later turns this process is repeated from scratch, meaning that a player who went 1st one turn may for example, if his team decides to do so, have him go 4th the next turn.
4. Movement Phase: Every model can move at least up to 6". However, since all Bugs have the Fleet special rule they can move an extra 1d6 for a maximum of 6+d6". Note that while Space Marines do not benefit from being Fleet some other races do (check the individual readouts for each race). A model can move anywhere within range on the board but except for
Tyranids (see below) must measure around corners and obstacles. No model can end up any place that is "off" the board, including the blank areas between halls and rooms (which is considered to be full of bulkheads and machinery).
A. Special Tyranid Movement Ability: Because they can skitter across walls and squeeze in through ductwork all Tyranids can move to any two points on the board as long as they are otherwise within the movement range of the model. This means they can move across the "off" board areas without having to follow the path of the hallways as do all other models. As with regular movement they cannot end up anywhere "off" the board, but must be placed within a hallway or room. Note that this ability only applies during the Action Phase and not with movement during the Assault Phase.
B. Timed Movement: Because a game with up to eight players may take a while, particularly if players indulge any tendency to take their time and argue over details, players only have a limited amount of time to move all their models. Once the first player starts his movement he turns over the 3-minute hourglass and begins. If the sand in the hourglass runs out then he must end his movement right then-and-there even if not finished. However, if he finishes before all the sand has drained through he instead announces that he is done moving and turns the hourglass back over. The next player (who will always be on the other team) has only as much time is left in the hourglass to complete his turn. Again, if he does not do so in time he ends his movement immediately. If he does finish in time then he too announces he is done and flips over the hourglass, thereby leaving only that much time for the next player (again, always someone on the other team). This process continues until all players have moved or when one has failed to finish before running out of time. In the latter case the next player gets to start the timer from scratch and the process picks up again from there. Note that all movement must be done correctly which will require at least some amount of measuring to make sure of the distance. Likewise, hasty decisions may leave you models exposed and/or on a poor position to shoot or assault. After movement is done for both sides anyone can ask for the movement of another player's models is checked (or, if you are using a referee he can check at any time, even during movement as he's not otherwise involved). If it turns out that any of the models in a particular player's squad moved more than an extra inch further than he could have otherwise gone then that player's entire movement is canceled. All of his models are moved back to where they had started that turn, but can otherwise later shoot and assault as normal.
A. Restrictions on Movement: When moving a model can move to any place on the playing board that is otherwise in range of its movement allowance, excepting that Hunters must always move along the line of hallways while Bugs can ignore this along as they end their movement in a legal location. Members of your own squad or that of an allied squad do not movement (it is assume they squeeze over to let a squad mate pass). Members of the enemy squad do so if there is not enough space between enemy models to move the base of a model then that model cannot move in that direction. However, Bug models can move past enemy models even if they might otherwise block movement as it is assumed they crawl on the walls and ceilings when necessary. Nevertheless, the Bug model must always end movement in some location where its base can fit entirely upon the floor of a room or hallway.
5. Shooting Phase: If a model has a weapon capable of ranged attacks they may use it after moving in an attempt to kill an enemy model. Except for those that use a template all ranged weapons can shoot at any legal target that it can see -- its range is line-of-sight.
Note that many of the rules for resolving Shooting are the same for Close Combat as well. When a particular section applies to both its title says so.
A. Rolling to Hit: Once a target(s) is selected a player rolls to hit with whatever weapon the model carries. The amount of dice he rolls for a given weapon is listed with its description -- typically it ranges from 1 to 4 d6. What number must be equaled or surpassed on the dice roll is given in the readout for the model in question, but is usually 3+, 4+, or 5+. Every successful roll represents a "hit". b. Rolling to Wound (Used for Close-Combat as Well): For every hit the shooting player must now roll to wound the target model. To find the necessary result to wound you compare the strength of the weapon to the toughness of the model hit. If the two are the same a wound is done on a 4+. For every point that the toughness of the model is greater than the strength of the model the necessary roll is increased by one. Likewise, for every point the strength of the weapon is greater than the toughness of the target the roll is reduced by one. However, all rolls of 1 will fail to wound no matter the strength of the weapon while all rolls of 6 automatically succeed. c. Rolling Armor Saving Throws (Used for Close-Combat as Well): Once the number of wounds is determined the owning player of the targeted model must make an "armor saving throw" for every wound. All models have two armor values, with the first usually being a lower number (and therefore better) than the second. The first is the model's Basic Armor Value while the second is its Invulnerable Armor Value. In normal cases the basic value is used. However, there are two instances when the Invulnerable value is used in place of the other:
1. When the Armor Piercing Value of the Ranged Weapon is equal to or less than the Basic Armor Value: All ranged weapons come with an "AP" (Armor Piercing) value. This is a measure of the weapon's ability to cut through certain types of armor. The lower the AP total the better it is at slicing through a target's protection. If the weapon's AP value is equal to or less than the Basic Armor Save of the model then you must use the Model's Invulnerable save instead.
2. When the Close Combat Weapon has the "Powered" or "Empowered" Trait: Melee weapons that are (em)powered possess special energy fields or are made of rare materials expressly designed to cut through normal armor. Thus, any close combat weapon that is either "Powered" or "Empowered" automatically ignores a target's Basic Armor Value. You must use its Invulnerable Armor Value instead. Once the proper type of Armor check is determined the owner of the targeted model must roll one d6 for every hit. If the result is equal to or greater than the model's armor value then it shrugs off the attack. Otherwise, the weapon gets through and the target takes one wound.
3. Cover Saves: In addition to the two types of (armor) saves mentioned above it is also possible for a model to benefit from a cover save, although only from shooting. Simply draw a line between the shooter and target and check to see if any portion of the target is obscured, either from being partially behind a corner or from being behind some piece of terrain (boxes, old drums, etc.). If the model is obscured from 10% to 50% it receives a 5+ cover save. If the model is obscured from 51%-90% then it receives a 4+ cover save. Cover saves otherwise work as invulnerable armor saves. Note that as always you can never take more than a single saving throw against any single attack. The one exception is that all attacks that use the teardrop shaped template negate cover saves, so some other type of (armor) save must be used. As there is some element of judgment involved in determining whether or not a cover save applies it is good form that upon moving a model to a position with cover you announce you are placing your model "in cover" so that your opponents know such is the case. As for the amount of coverage please apply common sense and reasonable benefit of the doubt to keep the game going smoothly without arguments.
D. Taking a Wound (Used in close combat as well): When a model takes a wound you must check its total Wounds characteristic. Most models only have a single wound and therefore when wounded are removed as a
casualty. In the rare case when the model has more than one wound (typically the case with "Leader" models) then record the damage and keep a running total. If during the course of the entire turn -- including the Action and Assault Phases -- the model takes as many wounds equal to or more than its Wound total then it is removed as a casualty. If instead it manages to reach the Recovery Phase without taking enough wounds its Wound total is automatically reset to its full amount. Unless otherwise noted a weapon only does one wound per unsaved hit except when the strength of the attack is equal to or greater than twice the target's Toughness characteristic. In that case the weapon does two wounds per unsaved hit.
E. Allocating Attacks (Used in Close Combat as Well): Normally when shooting or attacking in melee the attacker does not get to pick which model takes his attacks, but rather the defender. As long as a model is within 2" of the theoretical primary attack or within 2" of that model (e.g. any model within 4" as long as there is at least one model in-between) and the model is otherwise a legal target (that is, can the attacking model see the model?) then the defending player may select that as the one to take the attacks. He must do so before the attacker rolls to Wound since different models may require different results to both wound and resist damage using armor. However, there are two instances when the normal allocation rules do not apply:
1. When the weapon being used has the "Sniper" Weapon Trait: These sorts of weapons have special sensors or even quasi-magical abilities that allow the user to hit exactly who they wish to hit.
2. When One Leader is in Close Combat with Another: Those that lead warriors into battle not only possess extensive experience and skill won over perhaps centuries of conflict, they likewise know who the most dangerous opponents are on the battlefield. As a result in close combat one leader may always have his attacks allocated to another leader if he wishes -- assuming his target is otherwise a valid choice.
F. Leadership Checks During Shooting: Naturally, the aim of any soldier shooting is to kill his target -- while the aim of any soldier being shot is to survive. However, combat is a nasty business and inevitably anyone who survives is liable to see his squad mates butchered right before his eyes. This is a psychologically disturbing event and may lead the soldier to conclude his turn is next. Whenever a model has a squad mate die that is within 4" they must make a leadership check to see if they are Shaken or Broken. Roll 2d6 and compare the result to the current Basic Leadership Score of the model. If the result is equal to or lower than his leadership then the model remains steadfast. However, if the result is greater than his leadership then he is Shaken. For the rest of the turn all his attack rolls are at -1 (although a 6 always hits). If he is already Shaken then he becomes Broken, immediately running 1d6" away from the enemy. Move the model in such a way to best avoid all enemy models and toward the nearest airlock beyond. If the Broken model reaches the airlock then he is removed as if killed. If for some reason the model cannot move then it remains in place. A Broken model cannot take any offensive actions -- shoot or charge into close combat -- but can defend itself in melee, if with a -1 to his hit rolls. During the Recovery Phase a model that is Broken automatically rallies to become merely Shaken while a Shaken model is returned to normal.
5a. Overwatch: In the standard order of actions a model does its shooting during the Shooting Phase. However, some times the enemy won't be in sight even after moving to get into position to shoot -- perhaps they are too far away or are hiding behind a corner waiting to jump out at you during the Assault Phase. In such cases a model can go into "Overwatch" to prepare
to shoot once the enemy moves. To do so a model must not be Shaken while giving up his chance to shoot during the Shooting Phase. Place a token next to the model to indicate he is in "Overwatch." Subsequently, the model may fire during the Assault Phase at any time after an opposing player has moved all his models, although others on his side may not have yet gone. It must be after the movement has been conducted, but you can fire in Overwatch even against a model that has moved into base-to-base contact as part of a charge. Movement stops long enough for the model to shoot precisely as he would during the normal Shooting Phase. However, since Overwatch shooting takes place in a nerve-racking split second as an enemy is likely attempting to assault you and/or your friends, the shooter can only fire upon those models that have moved into base-to-base with him. Even if he kills all such models and has more shots left over he cannot use them against other enemy models. The exception to this rule are weapons that are "Fast" -- light and easy to use such firearms can be used so quickly the model may fire at any target otherwise valid for Shooting. Likewise, if the model is not charged then he may fire just as if his weapons were "Fast". Template weapons cannot be fired in Overwatch.
The Close Combat Round
Once the model has fired in Overwatch remove the Overwatch token. Play proceeds normally except that a model that was in Overwatch cannot move in the Assault Phase although he can fight in close-combat if charged.
6. Assault Phase: After all regular movement and shooting is concluded a
1. Determine the # of your Attacks 2. Roll to Hit 3. Roll to Wound 4. Target Makes Saving Throws 5. Check Leadership if Necessary
squad has the chance to move once again and potentially charge into close-combat with the enemy. Movement is conducted just as in the Movement Phase with players going in the order decided upon in Allocate Movement Order Phase. Any unit may move up to 6", but unlike the Movement Phase they cannot benefit from the Fleet trait or any other similar effect. If a player so wishes a model may use this movement to charge an enemy model and place the two in close-combat. To do so just measure out the distance, make sure the model can actually reach that far, and if he can place him base-to-base with the target enemy model. The player must complete all his movement and charges before proceeding to close-combat.
A. Close Combat: Except where listed here fighting in close-combat follows the same basic rules as Shooting so when the two match the details will not be repeated here. There are, however, important differences. 1. Models Fight in Initiative Order: Every model has an initiative value which is used to determine who swings first in close-combat. A model with a higher Initiative value rolls to hit with all his normal attacks and otherwise completes his all his actions for that close-combat round before the opposing model gets to go at all. Thus, if a model which goes first kills his opponent that enemy model doesn't get to attack back at all. However, if he does manage to survive then he engages in close-combat just like his enemy. If the initiative values are equal then both go simultaneously with any results applied after both have finished.
2. Determining a Model's Number of Attacks: The basic amount of attacks -- that is, the number of dice to roll to see if you hit -- in close-combat a model receives is equal to its Attack value. Likewise, if the model charged into combat this turn he receives +1 Attack. Other special abilities may add additional attacks and are listed with the model's description. 3. Roll to Hit: This is just like with Shooting except that the model uses his "Melee" value to determine what he must roll or exceed on 1d6 to hit his opponent. Note that a roll of "1" always fails and a roll of "6" always hits.
4. Roll to Wound: This is done in exactly the same way as Shooting, with a "1" automatically failing and a "6" automatically succeeding as before. 5. Make All Armor Saving Throws: Again, done exactly like with Shooting. If after all saving throws have been made the target model has taken an amount of wounds equal to or greater than his Wound value he is dead. Remove him from the board.
6. Check Leadership: If a model has survived a round of close-combat he must make a leadership check to see if he can summon up the courage to continue fighting (assuming he cares about leadership at all). If he succeeds in his check (using the rules given for leadership above) then he continues fighting. If not then he is automatically Broken (close-combat is an inherently more violent experience than Shooting) and attempts to run away. To check to see if the running model gets away you must perform an Initiative Check. Both models in combat roll 1d6 and add their initiative value. If the model attempting to run away rolls a total greater than or equal to that of his opponent then he escapes 1d6" away just like a model Broken in Shooting. If not he automatically takes a wound and, if still alive, must continue fighting. As he now counts as being Broken his rolls to hit in Melee are -1. If he manages to eventually kill his opponent he automatically recovers to being merely Shaken (winning improves your confidence). Note that it is possible for both sides to run away by each failing their leadership check. In such an instance don't bother making an Initiative Check -- just move both 1d6" away from each other. Both remain Broken. Close Combat continues until one side is killed or has run away. Thus, if one round of combat has not produced either result you continue on to another round.
7. Recovery Phase: The final phase of the turn is where a Hunter squad attempts to recovery from the strains and injuries of combat that inevitably come with fighting a host of Bugs. The following events take place: A. Recover from Broken Leadership: All Broken models automatically have their psychological state improved to merely Shaken while Shaken soldiers are returned to normal. B. Recover Downed Squad Members: In many cases a soldier who has been "killed" can come back thanks to the use of advanced drugs and first-aid -- or maybe the fellow had just lost his wits for a while! To simulate this effect roll 1d6 for every lost model. On a roll of 4+ the model gets back up. If the model benefits from the Feel No Pain Trait then he recovers on a 3+. Place him anywhere within 2" of one of your remaining models. If the roll to recover fails then obviously the model does not return, but you may roll again next Recovery Phase. You may attempt recovery for any of your lost models for the remainder of the game. If the entire squad has been wiped out then all its members automatically return to play (central command decides to send back in a new set of soldiers to finish the job). Place them at any starting airlock location as if beginning the game. Of course, using the Standard Scenario rules a killed model still counts as victory points for the Bug team even if he later "recovers" from his injuries. In fact, he may potentially be "killed" and "recovered" every turn of the game with the Tyranids receiving victory points each time! From here you start again with a new turn by drawing a new Action Card. Play continues for as long as the scenario rules you are using dictates.
8. Forming Hunter Squads: When creating your hunter squad (e.g. the guys faced with going up against the Tyranids) you have 20 Unit Points with which to buy members of your team. Every model -- and sometimes the extra weapons it takes -- has a Unit Point cost which you spend to add it to your squad. Any points not spent are wasted. You cannot take more models than the maximum squad size listed. Likewise, you can only ever have one Leader, one Special Weapon and one Heavy Weapon in your squad (the type is listed with its readout) unless specifically stated otherwise. Also, you can only ever pick from the same race -- you cannot mix and match different races in the same squad although your teammates may use other races besides your own. Note that in some scenarios you may be further limited as to what you may take or even simply given a predetermined squad to use.
Psychic Abilities In the universe of Space Hulk during the Age of the Imperium of Man there exists the Warp, the source of great power that is, among other things, the domain of daemons. Most important to the rules here, however, the Warp likewise allows certain people to manifest and direct psychic abilities. 1. Who can Use Psychic Abilities: Only those models listed as being "Psychic" may use psychic abilities. What particular abilities are available to them are listed with their racial readout.
2. Using Psychic Abilities: When a psychic ability must be used is listed in its specific description. If it is not used during the necessary phase then it cannot be used until the next turn. Any model that is listed as "psychic" (or the entire force in the case of Grey Knights) may attempt to use a power available to its race. Simply announce that it is doing so. You must then declare which model is going to be used as the "psychic focus" -- it serves either as the target of the power or its starting point in the case of ranged attack (often the focus is the same as the user). No model may attempt to use more than one Psychic Ability per turn even if he has access to more than one unless it is listed in the racial special abilities he may do so. A. Making Psychic Control Checks: To see if a psychic ability actually works you must make a "Psychic Control Check" which is really just Leadership Check. Roll 2d6 and compare the result to the Basic Leadership Value of the model using the power. If the result is equal to or less than his leadership then the power works. If not then it fails. B. Psychic Feedback: However, due to the dangerous and unpredictable nature of the Warp using any psychic power (even when it is used successfully) carries the risk of Psychic Feedback. If the Psychic Control Check results in doubles then feedback has occurred. The model automatically takes a wound. He can attempt to save this wound, but only using his normal invulnerable armor saving value. If he fails this armor save then he takes a wound (which in the case of most models means he dies). 2. List of Psychic Abilities: The following are all the psychic powers potential available to a model with the "psychic" trait in this game (what specifically they can use is listed in their racial readout). A power with a focus of "Leader" may be used by a psychic who is also a leader. A power listed as "group" affects the whole squad at once while those listed as "individual" affect only the psychic himself while "any" means that any single member of his squad may be the target. A power likewise listed as "difficult" is so hard to properly summon and control that the user receives a -2 to his leadership when checking to do so.
Used During
Assault Phase
Movement Phase
Shooting Phase
Shooting Phase
All models of the user's squad within 4" gain +1 attack until the end of the turn If successful then model(s) counts as Fleet; if used as Group but failed all squad only moves 1d6" in movement phase All enemy models within 4" of user suffer a -1 to their leadership under the end of the turn; those that enter this range gain minus while those that leave it lose the minus Target receives a +1 to all Shooting until start of next turn; if used on group affects any squad members within 4"
Hammerhand Hellfire
Individual Leader
Assault Phase Shooting Phase
Protective Aura
Shooting Phase
Shooting Phase
Movement Phase
User's attacks become Empowered but at normal Initiative User exchanges any normal shooting for the following stat line: Str 5, AP 5, Use 3" Template The target gains a +1 to their invulnerable save until the start of the next turn; for group all within 4" are affected Instead of regular shooting use following stat line: Str 6, AP 4, 2 Shots Move entire squad to a location up to (2d6)x3" away; if cannot place in safe location then place in nearest area not further away than rolled amount; must be used by Leader
No No Yes only if used as "Group" No No Yes only if used as "Group" No Yes
Weapon Traits The following are descriptions of the various traits of the weapons available in Multiplayer 3D Space Hulk.
Close Combat (CC)
Can be used in close combat to fight any enemy model either base-to-base or within 2" of the model using it; Normally, regular armor can be used to resist hits caused by CC weapons unless they also possess the "Powered" ability
Can be used at range against any target that the model using it can see; e.g. the range of the weapon is Line-of-Sight
Any weapon with this ability is unusually large and difficult to use in battle; to reflect this the user receives a -1 to hit when using it
A heavy weapon with this ability can be "emplaced" at the start of the Action Phase; as long as it does not move during the Action or Assault Phases it does not receive a -1 for being cumbersome or for firing on Overwatch
Empowered Fast
A Close-Combat weapon with this ability not only automatically counts as "Powered" but likewise doubles the strength of the attacker when determining whether it wounds; However, the downside of this ability is that it reduces the user's initiative to 1 when determining who attacks first. This type of ranged weapon is especially quick and easy to use; as a result if used while on Overwatch the owning model can fire at any enemy model that is otherwise a valid target
A weapon with this ability has a tendency to generate a lot of excess heat, perhaps enough to injure the model that is using it; any double (or more) rolled while attempting to Wound causing the user to receive an automatic wound themselves that can be saved as normal A weapon with this ability has a tendency to jam when used for sustained firing; therefore, if this weapon rolls three or more results that are the same then the weapon is jammed and all of its attacks this turn automatically fail as the owner model spends the time clearing the weapon When this style of Close-Combat Weapon is paired with another of its kind (e.g. the model is using one in each hand) the model receives +1 Attack and +2 Initiative. However, he cannot use any sort of ranged weapon.
Any close-combat weapon with this ability can automatically negate any one attack sent against its owner; the controlling player determines which attack will be lost and by which enemy models before the enemy rolls to hit
Gets Hot! Jams
Only found with Close Combat weapons; contains a power field that allows the weapon to cut effortlessly through normal armor; any enemy model hit by such a weapon can only use their Invulnerable save to resist (assuming they have one) A weapon with this ability can either fire normally and allow the owning model to otherwise act normally or it can be fired with +1 shots at the cost that the model cannot move or assault in the Assault Phase; Rapid Fire can be used while on Overwatch When a weapon with this ability roles a 6 to wound that one hit automatically counts as "Powered" and therefore can only be resisted using Invulnerable armor; Otherwise, the weapon can be resisted as normal
When a weapon with this ability roles a 6 to hit the target automatically receives 2 additional hits; these hits are otherwise resolved as normal
Powered Rapid Fire
A weapon with this ability has been especially designed to aid the user in targeting his foe; accordingly, the using player can use it against any enemy model otherwise an legal target and if he successfully kills then that model is removed rather than the enemy player having the choice of which otherwise legal target is removed This weapon uses a template to denote its area of effect; any enemy model whose base is at all under the template is automatically hit; if the weapon is also listed as "Ranged" then the template can be placed anywhere the model can see; otherwise, when listed as "Type" must be placed with one edge up against the base of the model using it (note that the model is not hit by its own weapon); Template is either 3" round or tear-drop shaped (the weapon lists which one) A weapon with this ability always wounds on a 4+ regardless of the Toughness of the target model
Weapon Descriptions The following are the full descriptions of all the various weapons available in Multiplayer 3D Space Hulk divided out according to what race uses them. Note that weapons listed as "leader" can only be used by Leader models while "Special" and "Heavy" types count against your allotment (usually only one) of each type. Abbreviations: "AP" = Armor Piercing; "STR" = Strength; when strength is listed as "Model" you use the strength value of the model; "M" = Model
Space Marines: Name
Assault Cannon Bolter Bolter Pistol Chainfist Chainsword Force Axe Heavy Bolter Heavy Flamer
Ranged Ranged Ranged CC CC CC Ranged Template
Heavy Standard Standard Special Standard Powered Heavy Heavy
6 4 4 Model Model M+2 5 5
4 5 5 ---4 5
4 1 1 ---3 --
Lightning Claws Meltagun Missile Launcher Plasma Gun Power Sword Power Fist/Thunder Hammer Sniper Rifle Storm Bolter
CC Ranged Ranged Ranged CC CC
Standard Special Heavy Special Powered Powered
Model 8 8 7 Model Model
-2 2 2 ---
-1 1 2 ---
Jams; Rending; Cumbersome Rapid Fire Gives +1 Attack in CC; Fast Empowered; Ripping Ripping Powered Cumbersome; Emplaced Use Teardrop template; Gets Hot!; Negates Cover Saves Powered; Paired; Parry Ripping Use 3" Template; Cumbersome; Emplaced Gets Hot! Parry; Powered Empowered
Ranged Ranged
Special Standard
X 4
6 5
1 2
Sniper; Rending; Wounding Rapid Fire
Deathspitter Devourer Flesh Borer Powered Claw Rending Claw Scything Talons Spine Fists
Ranged Ranged Ranged CC CC CC Ranged
Special Special Standard Leader Standard Standard Standard
4 5 4 Model Model Model 3
6 5 ----6
2 1 2 ---2
Rending Use 3" template; Ripping Ripping Powered Rending Ripping Fast; Rapid Fire
Banshee Sword Battle Sword
Standard Standard
Model Model
Powered; Parry Parry
Deathspinner Fusion Gun Force Sword Harlequin's Kiss Scorpion Sword Shuriken Cannon Shuriken Catapult Shuriken Pistol Scatter Laser Starcannon
Use 3" template; Ripping Rapid Fire Powered; Parry Rending; Sniper Ripping; Parry
Ranged Ranged CC CC CC Ranged Ranged Ranged Ranged Ranged
Standard Special Powered Standard Standard Heavy Standard Standard Heavy Heavy
4 6 Model Model Model 6 4 4 6 6
6 2 ---4 6 6 6 2
1 1 ---3 2 1 4 2
Autocannon Chainsword Grenade Launcher Flamer
Ranged CC Ranged Template
Heavy Standard Special Special
7 -4 4
4 -5 5
2 -1 --
Force Staff Heavy Bolter Hot-Shot Lasgun Lasgun Las Pistol Meltagun Missile Launcher Plasma Gun Power Fist Power Sword Ripper Gun Sniper Rifle
CC Ranged Ranged Ranged Ranged Ranged Ranged Ranged CC CC Ranged Ranged
Standard Heavy Standard Standard Standard Special Heavy Special Leader Leader Standard Special
Model 5 3 3 3 8 8 7 Model Model 5 --
-4 3 6 6 2 3 2 ---6
-3 1 1 1 1 1 2 --3 1
Ripping; Cumbersome; Emplaced Ripping; Parry Use 3" template Use teardrop template; Gets Hot!; Negates all cover saves Rending Cumbersome; Emplaced Rapid Fire Rapid Fire Gives +1 Attack in CC; Fast Ripping Use 3" template; Cumbersome; Emplaced Gets Hot! Empowered Powered; Parry Ripping Sniper; Rending; Wounding
Gauss Blaster Gauss Flayer Particle Beamer Rending Claws Ripping Claws Tesla Carbine Synaptic Disintegrator Staff of Light
Ranged Ranged Ranged CC CC Ranged Ranged
Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard
5 4 6 Model Model 5 X
4 5 5 ---5
2 1 1 --3 1
Rending Rapid Fire Fast Rending; Paired Ripping Ripping Sniper; Rending; Wounding
Ranged CC CC
Leader Leader Standard
5 Model M+2
3 ---
3 ---
Powered Powered; Ripping
Rapid Fire Gives +1 Attack in CC; Fast Rapid Fire
Imperial Guard:
Dark Eldar:
Ranged CC CC CC Ranged Ranged Ranged Ranged CC
Heavy Leader Standard Standard Special Heavy Standard Standard Leader
8 X M+1 Model 6 X X X X
1 ----5 5 5 --
2 ---1 5 1 1 --
Cumbersome; Emplaced Parry; Wounding; Powered Powered; Paired Parry Use 3" template; Ripping Jams; Wounding Gives +1 Attack in CC; Wounding; Fast Rapid Fire; Wounding Wounding; Parry; Rending
Nemesis Force Falchions Nemesis Force Great Sword/Hammer Nemesis Force Halberd Nemesis Force Sword Psilencer Psycannon Storm Bolter
Use Teardrop template; Gets Hot!; Negates Cover Saves Powered; Paired; Parry
Powered; +2 to Initiative
CC Ranged Ranged Ranged
Standard Heavy Heavy Standard
Model 4 7 4
--4 5
-6 4 2
Parry; Powered Cumbersome; Emplaced Cumbersome; Emplaced; Rending Rapid Fire
Bolter Bolter Pistol Chainfist Chainsword Daemon Claws Daemon Weapon Flamer
Ranged Ranged CC CC CC CC Template
Standard Standard Special Standard Standard Leader Special
4 4 Model Model Model Model 4
5 5 ----5
1 1 ------
Heavy Bolter Heavy Flamer
Ranged Template
Heavy Heavy
5 5
4 5
3 --
Las Pistol Lightning Claws Meltagun Paired Bolters Plague Sword Plasma Gun Power Sword Power Fist Reaper Autocannon Warpfire
Ranged CC Ranged Ranged CC Ranged CC CC Ranged Ranged
Standard Leader Special Standard Standard Special Powered Powered Heavy Standard
3 Model 8 4 X 7 Model Model 7 4
6 -2 5 -2 --4 4
1 -1 2 -2 --3 3
Rapid Fire Gives +1 Attack in CC; Fast Empowered; Ripping Ripping Paired; Rending Powered; Parry; Ripping Use teardrop template; Gets Hot!, Negates Cover Saves Cumbersome; Emplaced Use Teardrop template; Gets Hot!; Negates Cover Saves Gain +1 Attack; Fast Powered; Paired; Parry Ripping Rapid Fire Wounding; Ripping; Parry Gets Hot! Parry; Powered Empowered Jams; Ripping; Cumbersome Rapid Fire
Dark Lance Husk Blade Klaive Razor Sword Shredder Splinter Cannon Splinter Pistol Splinter Rifle Venom Blade
Grey Knights:
Big Choppa Big Shoota Burna
CC Ranged Template
Leader Heavy Special
M+2 5 4
-5 5
-4 --
Choppa Deffguns Power Claw Rokkit Launcha Shoota Slugga
CC Ranged CC Ranged Ranged Ranged
Standard Heavy Leader Heavy Standard Standard
Model 7 Model 8 4 4
-4 -3 6 6
-3 -1 2 1
Rending; Parry Jams Use teardrop template; Gets Hot!; Negates all cover saves Parry Ripping; Jams Empowered Use 3" template Rapid Fire Gives +1 Attack in CC; Fast
Burst Cannon Flamer
Ranged Template
Heavy Leader
5 4
5 5
3 --
Fusion Blaster Honor Blade Kroot Rifle
Ranged CC Ranged CC Ranged Ranged Ranged Ranged
Special Leader Standard Standard Leader Standard Standard Heavy
8 M+2 4 Model 6 5 5 6
1 -6 -2 5 5 3
1 -1 -1 2 2 1
Ripping Use teardrop template; Negates all cover saves Ripping Parry; Rending Rapid Fire Ripping Rapid Fire Rapid Fire; Fast Rapid Fire; Ripping Rending
Plasma Rifle Pulse Carbine Pulse Rifle Rail Rifle
Racial traits The following is a list of those racial traits that can be found within 3D Space Hulk. Trait
Armor Piercing Chameleonic Skin/Stealth
Effects Models with this trait have their AP number of the weapon they are using reduced by one. This ability can only be used in the Action Phase and not using Overwatch. If employed the model cannot move in Assault Phase. Cannot be used with Special or Heavy weapons. Models with this trait naturally blend in with their surroundings thereby making them harder to see and shoot. The Model receives a +1 to its armor save whenever being shot at range.
Charging Scream
This model gives a bloodcurdling scream whenever charging into combat. This unnerves their opponents and in effect gives them +1 Initiative for that turn only.
Combat Dodge
A model with this trait is especially trained to dodge close combat attacks. Therefore, they benefit from a 4+ Invulnerable save when in CC; this has no effect on resisted damage for shooting attacks
These models are especially reluctant to fight when push comes to shove -- or are just out-and-out cowards! They receive a -1 to their Basic Leadership score.
Deep Strike
Models with this trait can deploy anywhere on the board when they arrive (this does not include the first turn) as long as it is at least 12" away or out of line-of-sight and 6" away from any Tyranid models.
Models with this trait laugh at danger and aren't afraid to die for their cause. Accordingly, they will automatically make any Morale test -- Don't even bother rolling!
Feel No Pain
Some models are so tough and resilient that they can shrug off injures that would incapacitate lesser beings. All models with this trait receive a +1 to recovering during the Recovery Phase.
Models with this trait get to add a +1d6" to their movement during the Action Phase.
Furious Charge
Whenever a model with this trait charges into combat for that turn only they receive +1 Attack and +1 Initiative
This model's appearance is so hideous and disgusting that it instills extra fear in whatever it fights in close combat. Any enemy model in base-to-base receives a -1 to their Leadership score.
These models excel at stealth and moving into combat efficiently. Whenever the model is first placed on the board (including the first turn) they can deploy an extra 1d6" further.
This unit is especially bulky and/or clumsy. As a result it just doesn't move as fast as the average model. Instead of a basic move of 6" in the Action Phase the model rolls 1d6" to see how far it goes. It still moves as normal during the Assault Phase. Models with this trait ignore the "Cumbersome" weapon trait. Nevertheless, they can still benefit from the Emplaced weapon trait.
Sustained Fire
When a Model with this trait uses Rapid Fire it gains +2 attacks and not just the regular +1
Models with this trait can literally teleport between places, thus allowing them to avoid obstacles. The model may move between different hallways and rooms during the Action Phase just like a Tyranid
Well Armored
Units with this trait has extra armor or just especially hard armor protecting them from harm. As a result they ignore the first hit (shooting or CC) caused to them during that Turn.
Tyranid Team/Racial Readout The following is the description and details of all various Tyranid models available in the game.
Tyranids: Maximum Squad Size: Infinite
Basic Leadership Score: 10
Racial Special Abilities: A. Fearless: Because of their innate connection to the hive mind of the Tyranid Swarm and because the Space Hulk they are defending is their home, all Tyranids fight with complete disregard for their personal well-being. Therefore, all Tyranids count as Fearless. B. Fleet of Claw: All bugs have literally been designed to sprint into combat at full speed, able to jump between walls and buildings, and generally very dexterous. As a result of such breeding all Tyranid models count as being Fleet. C. Endless Swarm: Tyranids are naturally bred in huge numbers, seeking to overwhelm their enemies by weight of numbers if nothing else. Therefore, they have no maximum squad size. D. They Come from Everywhere: Tyranids have a knack for finding any and all ways into a particular hallway or room. As such all Tyranid models benefit from the Deep Strike Trait. E. The Evolving Swarm: The Tyranids are always using the power of evolution to develop new weapons with which to use on their many enemies. As a result there is no limit on the amount of Special Weapons they can take. F. The Squirming Swarm: Because Tyranids can bend their bodies in seemingly impossible ways while being able to climb walls or crawl on ceilings all Tyranids benefit from the Teleport Trait. G. Psychic Swarm: The Brood Lord counts as "Psychic" and can use the following Psychic Abilities: Frenzy and Gloom. Model
Equipment + Traits
Brood Lord Genestealer Lictor Ravener Termagant Tyranid Warrior
Leader Soldier Soldier Soldier Soldier Soldier
---4+ 4+ 4+
3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4+ 4+
5 4 6 4 3 4
5 4 4 4 3 4
7 6 6 5 4 4
3 2 2 3 1 2
3 1 2 2 1 2
4+/5+ 4+/6+ 4+/5+ 4+/5+ 5+/6+ 4+/6+
Power Claws; Combat Dodge Rending Claws; Combat Dodge Rending Claws; Chameleonic Skin Spine Fists; Rending Claws Spine Fists or Flesh Borer Scything Talons; May buy Special Weapon
5 2 3 3 1 2
Weapon and Equipment Upgrades: Name Adrenal Glands Deathspitter Devourer
Type Leader Special Special
Str -4 5
AP -6 5
Shots -2 1
Upgrade For Brood Lord Tyranid Warrior Tyranid Warrior
Effects Bestows Furious Charge Rending Use 3" Template; Ripping
Cost +1 +1 +1
Hunter Team/Racial Readouts Space Marines Maximum Squad Size: 8
Basic Leadership Score: 9
Racial Special Abilities: a. Fearless: A Space Marine's faith in the Emperor and final victory makes him immune to taking Morale Checks B. Chapter Captain: Leaders among Space Marines, they are so skilled at their job that any model within 2" of them receives a +1 to Shooting. This includes Overwatch.
C. Chapter Chaplain: Spiritual leaders of the Space Marines, they whip their men into a righteous frenzy when charging into close combat. All models within 2" at the start of the Assault Phase receive the Furious Assault trait for that phase only.
D: Master Sergeant: Skilled and experienced Space Marines are often put chosen as second-in-command to the squad's leader. As a result while otherwise counting as a Leader model the Sergeant does not take up a Leader slot. E. Librarians: A handful of Space Marines possess psychic abilities and are called "Librarians". All Librarians have the following Psychic Abilities: Smite and Teleport. Model
Equipment + Traits
Terminator Marine Scout Sergeant
Soldier Soldier Soldier Leader
3+ 3+ 4+ 3+
4+ 4+ 4+ 3+
4 4 4 4
4 4 4 4
3 3 3 3
2 1 1 +1
1 1 1 +0
2+/5+ 3+/6+ 4+/6+ --
3 2 1 +1
Captain, Terminator
Captain, Marine Chaplain, Terminator
Storm Bolter; Power Fist; Relentless Bolter; Chainsword Bolter or Boltgun and Chainsword; Infiltrate Power Sword; otherwise, same as base type; upgrade of soldier to Leader Storm Bolter and Power Sword or Power Fist; May Upgrade to any weapon available to Leader for points listed; Relentless Bolter or Bolt Pistol and Power Sword; Otherwise Upgrade as per term Captain Storm Bolter and Crozius (Power Sword); May Upgrade to any weapon available to Leader for points listed; Relentless Bolt Pistol and Crozius (Power Sword); Otherwise upgrade as per Term Chaplain Storm Bolter and Force Axe; Relentless
Storm Bolter and Force Axe; Psychic
Chaplain, Marine Librarian, Terminator Librarian, Marine
5 4 5 4 5
Weapon and Equipment Upgrades: Name Assault Cannon Chain Fist Heavy Bolter Heavy Flamer Lightning Claws Meltagun Missile Launcher Plasma Gun Sniper Rifle Storm Shield
Type Heavy Special Heavy Heavy Standard Special Heavy Special Special Standard
Str 6 Model 5 5 Model 8 8 7 X --
AP 4 -4 4 -1 3 2 6 --
Shots 4 -3 --1 1 2 1 --
Upgrade For Terminator Terminator Marine; Scout Terminator Terminator; Leader Marine Marine; Scout Marine; Scout Scout Terminator; Leader
Thunder Hammer
Terminator; Leader
Effects Jams; Cumbersome; Rending; Replaces Storm Bolter Empowered; Ripping Cumbersome; Emplaced Use teardrop template; Gets Hot!; Negates Cover Saves Powered; Paired; Parry Ripping Use 3" Template; Cumbersome; Emplaced Gets Hot! Sniper; Rending; Wounding Gives user 4+ Invulnerable save or 3+ if Captain or Chaplain; Must be used with Thunder Hammer; no ranged weapon can be used Empowered; Always used with Storm Shield
Cost +1 +1 +1 +1 Free +1 +1 +1 +1 Free Free
Eldar Maximum Squad Size: 10 Racial Special Abilities:
Basic Leadership Score: 8
A. Fleet of Foot: All Eldar are supremely graceful and dexterous creatures. As such all Eldar with a 4+ Basic Armor Saving Throw or less benefit from the Fleet racial trait. B. Aspect Warriors: Those dedicated to all types of warcraft, Aspect Warriors are the cream of the Eldar army. As such they all receive a +2 to their Basic Leadership Score. C. Autarch: Veterans of countless battles, these leaders among the Eldar possess guile and skill at strategy far beyond most. All Eldar within 2" receive a +1 to Initiative and can reroll failed leadership checks. D. Farseers: These are a special group of seers with psychic powers that allow them to protect and guide those under their charge. Each can use each of these psychic powers once per turn: Guide and Protective Aura. Model
Equipment + Traits
Dire Avenger
Howling Banshee Striking Scorpion Warp Spider
Soldier (Aspect) Soldier (Aspect) Soldier (Aspect) Leader (Aspect)
Shuriken Catapult; Battle Sword; Sustained Fire Shuriken Catapult; One each may upgrade to a special weapon and one a heavy weapon Harlequin's Kiss; Shuriken Pistol; Combat Dodge; Fearless; Furious Charge Banshee Sword; Shuriken Pistol; Charging Scream Scorpion Sword; Shuriken Pistol
Soldier (Aspect) Soldier
Deathspinner; Teleport
Upgrade for one Aspect Warrior; changes from soldier to leader; CC weapon gains "Powered"; Shimmer Shield Fearless; Banshee Sword; Shuriken Pistol; Shimmer Shield Shuriken Pistol; Force Sword; Shimmer Shield; Psychic
2 2
5 5
Weapon and Equipment Upgrades: Name Fusion Gun Shimmer Shield Shuriken Cannon Scatter Laser Starcannon
Type Special Leader Heavy Heavy Heavy
Str 6 -6 6 6
AP 2 -4 6 2
Shots 1 -3 4 2
Upgrade For Guardian Leader Guardian Guardian Guardian
Effects Rapid Fire Provides 4+ Invulnerable save Rapid Fire
Cost +1 Free +1 +1 +1
Imperial Guard Maximum Squad Size: 12 Racial Special Abilities:
Basic Leadership Score: 6
A. Firepower Supreme: The members of the Imperial Guard do not get to benefit from advanced genetic rebuilding programs or strange alien powers, so to help balance the scales the Guard brings along extra firepower. To reflect this any Imperial Guard Squad can take as many as 2 Heavy and 2 Special weapons. B. Officer Training: Those tasked in leading men into combat have received advanced tactical and leadership training. As a result their own leadership is +2 (for a total of 8) while they improve the leadership of any soldier within 2" by +2 as well. C. Fear the Commissar: No member of the Imperial Guard is more devoted to the task of fighting the enemies of the Imperium than a commissar. Because of this they count as Fearless. Likewise, any soldier within sight of the commissar receives a +1 to his leadership (cannot be combined with officer bonuses). However, if that soldier still fails his leadership check the commissar automatically shoots the man for desertion. Resolve as automatic hit and wound which the soldier can attempt to save normally. D. Veteran Non-Coms: Non-Commissioned officers are the backbone of any Imperial Guard force. Any squad may improve one Guardsman to a sergeant without him counting against the squads number of leaders. Sergeants do benefit from the Officer Training special ability except that they receive merely a +1. E. Safety in Numbers: Guard doctrine and practice insists that squad mates remain near each other to provide mutual support. Therefore, whenever a model has another member of his squad within 2" his leadership is +1. This stacks with the effects of Officer Training. F. Sanctioned Psycher: Sometimes those that are born with psychic abilities aren't immediately killed, but trained to use their talents even if the strain of doing so will likely kill them. Sanctioned Psychers can use either of the following Psychic Abilities: Fleet or Smite. Since most such psychics don't survive long you can never take more than one in your squad. Note that Officer Training does not influencing a Sanctioned Psyker's Psychic Ability Checks, but Safety in Numbers does. Model
Equipment + Traits
Ogryn Ratling Sanctioned Psyker Storm Trooper Sergeant Lieutenant Commissar
Soldier Soldier Soldier
6+ 3+ 4+
4+ 5+ 4+
5 2 3
5 2 3
2 4 3
2 1 1
2 1 2
5+/6+ 5+/6+ 5+/6+
Lasgun; may be upgraded with Special or Heavy Weapons (up to squad max) Ripper Gun; Furious Charge Sniper Rifle; Craven Las Pistol; Force Staff; Psychic
Leader Leader Leader
4+ 3+ 3+
4+ 4+ 4+
3 3 3
3 3 3
4 4 4
2 2 2
1 3 3
5+/6+ 4+/5+ 4+/5+
Hot-Shot Lasgun; Infiltrate; may be upgraded with Special Weapons (up to squad max) Las Pistol; Chainsword Las Pistol; Power Sword or Power Fist Las Pistol; Power Sword or Power Fist; Fearless
3 1 2
+1 4 4
Weapon and Equipment Upgrades: Name Autocannon Flamer
Type Heavy Special
Str 7 4
AP 4 5
Shots 2 --
Grenade Launcher Heavy Bolter Meltagun
Special Heavy Special
4 5 8
5 4 1
1 3 1
Missile Launcher Plasma Gun
Heavy Special
8 7
3 2
1 2
Upgrade For Guardsman Guardsman or Storm Trooper Guardsman Guardsman Guardsman or Storm Trooper Guardsman Guardsman or Storm Trooper
Effects Ripping; Cumbersome; Emplaced Use teardrop template; Gets Hot!; Negates all cover saves Use 3" template Cumbersome; Emplaced Ripping
Cost +1 +1
Use 3" Template; Cumbersome; Emplaced Gets Hot!
+1 +1
+1 +1 +1
Necrons Maximum Squad Size: 8 Racial Special Abilities:
Basic Leadership Score: 10
A. Soulless: All Necrons long ago gave up their souls to become the mechanical metal men they are now. As such the usual concerns of mortality and flesh do not bother them. As a result all Necrons are Fearless.
B. Resilient: The metal bodies that all Necrons now have were designed to be immortal, with automatic recovery systems quickly repairing any damage. Due to this all Necrons benefit from the Feel No Pain trait.
c. Psychically Dead: Due to their unnatural mechanical and metal nature all Necrons are dead psychically speaking. As such any Psychic attack used against them has its Strength reduced by one. If the attack has no Strength value there is no effect. Model
Equipment + Traits
Canoptek Wraiths Deathmark Flayed One Immortal Lychguard Warrior Necron Lord
Particle Beamer; Ripping Claws; Teleport
Soldier Soldier Soldier Soldier Soldier Leader
3+ -3+ -4+ 3+
5+ 4+ 4+ 3+ 5+ 3+
4 4 4 5 4 5
4 4 5 5 4 5
2 2 2 3 2 3
1 1 1 2 1 3
1 1 1 1 1 3
3+/6+ 4+/6+ 3+/5+ 3+/5+ 4+/6+ 3+/4+
Synaptic Disintegrator Rending Claws; Horrifying Gauss Blaster or Tesla Carbine; Well Armored Warscythe; Well Armored Gauss Flayer; Well Armored Staff of Light
2 2 3 3 2 5
Dark Eldar Maximum Squad Size: 10 Racial Special Abilities:
Basic Leadership Score: 8
A. Fleet of Foot: All Dark Eldar are supremely graceful and dexterous creatures. As such all Dark Eldar benefit from the Fleet racial trait. B. Powered by Pain: The Dark Eldar are sadists who literally require the pain of others to extend their lives. Thus, once they start downing their opponents Dark Eldar fall into a frenzy of killing. To reflect this once any Dark Eldar model has successfully killed at least one model of the enemy their owning player receives one free reroll that he can use to reroll any die he wishes (although he is stuck with the results of this second roll). He can only have one reroll at a time, but killing another enemy model automatically restores the reroll until used. C. Leadership Through Arrogance: Those that lead the Dark Eldar cabals are -- along with their prime lieutenants -exceedingly capable individuals, able to keep their rivals in line both due to their great combat skills and their gift for betrayal. Such success breeds confidence. As a result all Dark Eldar Archons and Incubi receive a +2 to their Basic Leadership Score. D. Sybarite/Hekatrix Upgrade: Both units of Wychs and Kabalite Warriors often have one of their own -- yet trained to a higher standard thanks to centuries of hard won experience -- leading them into battle. Sybarites lead Kabalite Warriors while Hekatrix lead Wyches. You may upgrade one model of either type into a Sybarite and/or Hekatrix (for a total of two upgrades). While both otherwise count as leaders they do not count against the total number of leaders you can have in your squad. All Sybarites likewise benefit from a +1 to their Basic Leadership Score. Model
Equipment + Traits
Incubi Kabalite Warrior Wych Sybarite Hekatrix Archon
Soldier Soldier
3+ 4+
4 3
3 3
5 5
1 1
1 1
3+/5+ 5+/6+
Klaive Splinter Rifle
3 1
Soldier Leader Leader Leader
4+ 3+ 4+ 3+
3+ 4+ 3+ 3+
3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3
6 5 6 7
2 2 3 4
1 1 1 3
5+/6+ 5+/5+ 5+/5+ 4+/4+
Razor Sword; Splinter Pistol; Combat Dodge Razor Sword and Splinter Pistol Venom Blade; Splinter Pistol; Combat Dodge Husk Blade; Splinter Pistol; Furious Charge
2 +1 +1 5
Weapon and Equipment Upgrades: Name Blaster Dark Lance Shredder Splinter Cannon Webway Portal
Type Special Heavy Special Heavy Standard
Str 8 8 6 X --
AP 1 1 -5 --
Shots 1 2 1 5 --
Upgrade For Kabalite Warrior Kabalite Warrior Kabalite Warrior Kabalite Warrior Archon
Effects Cumbersome; Emplaced Use 3" template; Ripping Jams; Wounding Gives entire Dark Eldar Squad Deep Strike
Cost +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
Grey Knights Maximum Squad Size: 8 Racial Special Abilities:
Basic Leadership Value: 9
A. And they Shall Know no fear: All Grey Knights receive the greatest amount of training and psychologically conditioning. Combined with their great faith in their Emperor makes all Grey Knights Fearless.
B. Psychically Active: All Grey Knights have some innate psychic ability and therefore any model may be used as a psychic focus or use an individual psychic ability. You must roll for success as normal using the Basic Leadership Value of 9. Grey Knights have access to the following Psychic Abilities: Hammerhand, Smite, and Teleport. C: Justicar: Skilled and experienced Grey Knight are often put chosen as second-in-command to the squad's leader. As a result while otherwise counting as a Leader model the Justicar does not take up a Leader slot. D. Weapon Masters: Any model that uses a Nemesis Force Sword by default may trade out that weapon for any other "Nemesis" weapon for free. E. Exorcists: The main task of all Grey Knights is to combat Daemons in all their forms. Thus, whenever shooting at one or fighting one in close combat all Grey Knights get to reroll any failed rolls to wound. They must accept the second result. Model
Equipment + Traits
Grey Knight Grey Knight Terminator Justicar
Soldier Soldier
3+ 3+
4+ 4+
4 4
4 4
3 3
1 2
1 1
3+/5+ 2+/4+
Storm Bolter; Nemesis Force Sword Storm Bolter; Power Fist; Relentless
3 4
Grey Knight BrotherCaptain
Storm Bolter; Nemesis Force Sword; upgrade of soldier to Leader Storm Bolter; Nemesis Force Sword; Relentless
Weapon and Equipment Upgrades: Name Incinerator
Type Special
Str 6
AP 4
Shots --
Effects Use Teardrop template; Gets Hot!; Negates Cover Saves
Cost +1
Upgrade For Grey Knight (Terminator) Any
Nemesis Force Falchions Nemesis Force Hammer Nemesis Force Halberd Psilencer
Powered; Paired; Parry
Model Model
Any Any
Empowered Powered; +2 to Initiative
Free Free
Cumbersome; Emplaced
Grey Knight (Terminator) Grey Knight (Terminator)
Cumbersome; Emplaced; Rending
Chaos Maximum Squad Size: 10 (Special) Racial Special Abilities:
Basic Leadership Score: 7
A. Chaos Space Marines: Once servants of the Imperium these supreme warriors betrayed their emperor and sold their souls in exchange for the power of Chaos. As a result they have lost their faith and are no longer Fearless as regular Space Marines, but their fiendish obsession toward power nevertheless gives any Chaos Space Marine a +2 to their Basic Leadership Score. B. The Weak Shall Perish: Many cultists and renegade Imperial Guardsmen fall into the worship of Chaos. For their troubles they are allowed to fight in the name of their new gods, but usually as little more than cannon fodder. To represent this if any non-cultist Chaos model takes an unsaved wound and there is a cultist within 2" the cultist may take the wound instead, thereby killing him. This cannot be used to protect against weapons with the Sniper trait or when Leader fights Leader. C. Daemon Summoning: A Chaos Squad can include summoned daemons, but they possess their own rules in terms of how they start and grow in numbers. To Start a Chaos Daemon of any type does not immediately start on the board like the rest of the squad would when either starting the game or recovering. Instead, the Chaos player rolls 1d6 at the start of the Assault Phase. If the result is 4+ then the Daemon is summoned (otherwise, you must wait until next round to try again). When summoned it is placed in any location at least on member of the Chaos squad can see. Once placed it may act as per normal from that point onward (including assaulting up to 6" and then engaging in close combat). If still around in later turns the Daemon acts per normal. If the summoning roll fails then the Chaos player can try again next turn, but then the needed result is 3+. This goes to as much as 2+ if the player fails twice in a row. The roll resets to 4+ once successful. A Chaos player can do this summoning every turn even if he already has a daemon in play -- in the case of success he adds another extra Daemon. He can make as many rolls a turn as he originally buys Daemons as part of his squad. D. Marks of the Gods: There are four Chaos Gods and they can bestow their dark blessings on their servants through the use of Marks. All Marks serve as upgrades to some other model, two for Chaos Space Marines and two for Chaos Daemons. No model can be given more than a single Mark. Gaining a mark alters a model's capabilities as listed. They also trade out their original equipment and traits for what's listed under the Mark. E. Chaos Sorcerers: Some rare Chaos Space Marines have been taught the arts of sorcery by Tzeentch or one of his servants. These sorcerers count as "psychic" and can use any of the following psychic abilities: Hellfire and Teleport. Model
Equipment + Traits
Chaos Cultist Chaos Daemon Chaos Marine Chaos Terminator Mark of Khorne
Soldier Soldier (Daemon) Soldier Soldier
4+ --
4+ 4+
3 4
3 4
3 3
1 2
1 1
5+/6+ 5+/5+
Las Pistol and Chainsword Daemon Claws; Fleet; Fearless
1 2
3+ 3+
4+ 4+
4 4
4 4
3 3
1 2
1 1
3+/6+ 2+/5+
2 3
Soldier (Marine)
Mark of Slaneesh Mark of Nurgle Mark of Tzeentch Chaos Terminator Lord Chaos Lord
Soldier (Marine) Soldier (Daemon) Soldier (Daemon)
Bolter; Chainsword Paired Bolters; Power Fist or Power Sword; Relentless Bolt Pistol and Chainsword; Furious Charge; Fearless; Upgrade for Chaos Marine Bolt Pistol and Chainsword; Fleet; Fearless; Upgrade for Chaos Marine Plague Sword; Horrifying; Fearless
Warp Fire; Teleport; Fearless
Daemon Weapon; Paired Bolters; Fearless; Relentless
Daemon Weapon; Bolter or Bolt Pistol; Fearless Daemon Weapon and Bolt Pistol; Fearless
+1 +1 +1
4 5
Weapon and Equipment Upgrades: Name Chain Fist Flamer
Type Special Special
Str Model 4
AP -5
Shots ---
Lightning Claws Meltagun
Standard Special
Model 8
Plasma Gun
Reaper Autocannon
Upgrade For Chaos Terminator Chaos Cultist or Chaos Marine Chaos Terminator Chaos Cultist or Chaos Marine Chaos Cultist or Chaos Marine Chaos Terminator
Effects Empowered; Ripping Use Teardrop Template; Gets Hot!; Negates All Cover Saves Powered; Paired; Parry Ripping
Cost +1 +1
Gets Hot!
Jams; Ripping; Cumbersome
Free +1
Orks Maximum Squad Size: 10 (Special) Racial Special Abilities:
Basic Leadership Score: 7
A. Bigger is Better: Within Orkish culture (such as it is) the bigger you are the more confident you are. Thus, due to their greater size over other greenskins the following models receive the following Leadership bonuses: 'Ard Boyz +1; Nobz +2, and; Warboss +3. Likewise, gretchin are considered to be so small and inconsequential that if one dies within 2" of any squad mate no one besides other gretchin need make leadership checks. B. Them Buggers iz Everywhere: If there are always plenty of Orks around, Gretchin -- their smaller, more craven cousins -- exist in even greater numbers. To reflect this an ork squad can take any number of Gretchin. C. The Great Waagh!: Once per game at the start of a turn an Ork player can announce that he is declaring a Great Waagh. For that turn only all Orks (even gretchin!) become Fearless. D. Mob Rulz!: As long as one other member of the squad is within 2" a model receives +1 to their leadership. However, in the case of all orks gretchin do not count for this rule. E. Killer Kans can Kill: Orks like things that are big, clunky, and have plenty of dakka. They also don't care if it supposed to be impossible to bring a vehicle on to a space hulk. Thus, you may take up to one killer kan as part of your squad. F. Nobz Are Best!: Once an Ork becomes suitably experienced and therefore bigger he can eventually pound enough 'eads to become a Nobz. You may upgrade one boyz to be a Nobz. While the Nobz otherwise a leader he does not count against your squad limit for leaders.
Equipment + Traits
'Ard Boyz
Choppa and Slugga; Well Armored
Shoota or Choppa and Slugga
Gretchin Killer Kans
Soldier (Ork) Soldier (Ork) Soldier Soldier
5+ 5+
5+ 4+
3 5
3 5
2 2
1 2
1 2
6+/6+ 3+/4+
2 for 1 4
Nobz Warboss
Leader Leader
5+ 5+
3+ 3+
4 5
4 5
3 4
3 4
1 3
4+/5+ 3+/4+
Slugga; Craven Big Shoota; Power Claw; Well Armored; Plodding Big Choppa and Slugga Power Claw and Slugga; Furious Charge
+1 5
Weapon and Equipment Upgrades: Name Big Shoota Burna
Type Heavy Special
Str 5 4
AP 5 5
Shots 4 --
Upgrade For Boyz Boyz
Deffguns Rokkit Launcha
Heavy Heavy
7 8
4 3
3 1
Boyz Boyz
Effects Jams Use teardrop template; Gets Hot!; Negates all cover saves Ripping; Jams Use 3" template
Cost +1 +1 +1 +1
Tau Maximum Squad Size: 10 Racial Special Abilities:
Basic Leadership score: 7
A. May the Ethereals Guide Us: It was the Ethereals who guided the Tau toward advanced civilization and the goal of striving for the "Greater Good." All Ethereals are therefore held in great esteem. As long as an Ethereal is on the board all Tau (but not Kroot) of the same squad count as Fearless. However, the loss of an Ethereal represents a bitter defeat for the Tau so killing him gains the Tyranid team twice his normal victory points. B. Shas'ui Upgrade: These experienced Fire Warriors routinely lead their squads into battle. To reflect this one fire warrior may be upgraded to a Shas'ui without it counting against the squad's normal limit for leaders. However, the Shas'ui is otherwise treated as a leader in every way. C. Crisis Suits: Unlike the leaders of other armies the special battle suits that Tau Commanders use allow them to use heavy and special weapons. You may therefore purchase a heavy or special weapon for them without it counting against your limit for both. However, a crisis suit only ever carries a single weapon (which you must buy from the list below). D. Practiced Killers: The alien Kroot are a warlike species used to seeing their compatriots die in battle. As such they never take leadership checks if one of their squad mates dies. E. Machine Servant: All gun drones are essentially floating weapon platforms using a basic artificial intelligence to guide their actions. As the lack the emotions and survival instinct of living creatures all gun drones count as Fearless. Model
Equipment + Traits
Fire Warrior
Pulse Rifle
4+ 4+ 4+
6+ 3+ 5+
3 4 3
3 3 3
4 3 2
1 2 1
1 1 1
4+/6+ 6+/6+ 4+/6+
Pulse Carbine; Sustained Fire Kroot Rifle Pulse Carbine
2 1 2
Burst Cannon; Stealth
Shas'ui Commander
Soldier (Tau) Soldier Soldier Soldier (Tau) Soldier (Tau) Leader Leader
4+ 3+
4+ 4+
4 5
3 4
3 4
2 3
1 3
4+/6+ 3+/5+
+1 4
Pulse Rifle Well Armored; Must purchase one special or heavy weapon available to him Honor Blade; Fearless
Gun Drone Kroot Pathfinder Stealthsuit
Weapon and Equipment Upgrades: Name Burst Cannon Flamer Fusion Blaster Plasma Rifle Rail Rifle
Type Heavy Special Special Leader Heavy
Str 5 4 8 6 6
AP 5 5 1 2 3
Shots 3 -1 1 1
Upgrade For Commander Commander Commander Commander Pathfinder
Effects Ripping Use teardrop template; Negates all cover saves Ripping Rapid Fire Rending
Cost +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
Rules for the Standard Scenario Most games of Multiplayer 3D Space Hulk utilize the following "standard" scenario rules. These explain how to setup the board, where the various squads begin, what special scenario conditions are to be used, and how to determine which side is the winner.
Setting up the Board: The board in the standard scenario can be configured in any fashion the players or the referee (if one is being used) wishes. However, there should be at least four hallways with airlocks setup along the outer edge of the playing field. Then randomly draw one artifact token for every room and then place it face down in the middle of each room on the board (if a miniature is being used to denote the artifact in addition to the token then place the former on top of the latter). Choosing Squads: All players have the standard 20 Unit Points with which to pick the members of their squad. Except where Racial Special Abilities allow otherwise no squad may have more than one leader, one special weapon, and one heavy weapon.
Quick start Squads: In order to quicken the time to setup the game or when playing with inexperienced players who are still learning the rules players or the referee has the option of giving everyone a "quick start" squad where its members, weapons, and numbers are predetermined. In this case all four of the Hunters will play Space Marine Terminators so as to match the basic premise of "Terminators vs. Genestealers" of the original Space Hulk game.
The Quick Start Space Marine Squad: 1 Terminator Captain with one of the following: Storm Bolter and Power Sword; Storm Bolter with Power Fist; Lightning Claws; Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield 1 Terminator Sergeant with Storm Bolter and Power Sword 1 Terminator with one of the following Heavy Weapons: Assault Cannon or Heavy Flamer 1 Terminator with Storm Bolter and Chain Fist 1 Terminator with Storm Bolter and Power Fist The Quick Start Tyranid Brood: 1 Brood Lord with Adrenal Glands 7 Genestealers When bringing in reinforcements the Tyranid players can only choose more genestealers or, if it is no longer on the board, to bring back his Brood Lord.
Length of Game: Two hours or when the referee calls it. Winning the Game: The winning side is determined by the use of victory points. Each side must keep a running total of the amount of points they have scored to that point throughout the game. The side with the most points once the game ends is the winner. You receive victory points for any of the following:
A. Killing an Enemy Model (Even if it Later Returns): When you kill a model you receive its Unit Point cost in Victory Points.
B. Securing an Artifact (Hunters Only): To secure an artifact one of your models must end its Movement or Assault Phases on top of the token/miniature. You then remove the artifact and receive the points value listed on the token, usually from 2 to 5 Victory Points. C. Wiping Out an Enemy Squad (Tyranids Only): If at the end of any turn an enemy squad has been completely wiped out then the Tyranid team receives a bonus 5 Victory Points.
Action Card Listing Card List: Here are the twenty different cards that either side can possibly draw and use during the course of the game. Numbers are included down the left side in case you wish to roll to see what "card" you receive (this requires three six-sided dice). Note that some results are more likely than others, reflecting how some cards are more common than others.
Bug Cards
Hunter Cards
Bug Swarm -- When bringing in reinforcements you automatically gain the maximum possible amount. Used during Reinforcement Phase.
The Emperor Protects -- Any and all of your downed soldiers stand back up automatically during your recovery phase. Used during the Recovery Phase (duh!).
4 5 6 7 8
Refractor Field -- For the remainder of the turn one model counts as having a 5+ invulnerable save (or 4+ if they already had one). Must be used at start of the turn.
Lucky Bugger -- Ignore any single wound done to any single model. May be used at any time.
10 11
Skittering Along -- One model of yours may move an extra d6 inches during the Action Phase Rabid -- One single model gains +1 attack until end of the turn. However, its saving throw is -1. Use in Assault Phase.
Berserk -- Any model that successfully kills its opponent(s) in close combat may move up to 2" and attack again if it can get into base-to-base contact. Use during Assault Phase.
14 15 16
17 18
Heroic Dodge -- Ignore any single wound done to any single model in close combat. May be used in the Assault Phase. Remote Control -- May declare any door within LOS of any of your models "open" or "closed" even if it would automatically be the other. The door remains in that state until the end of the turn. May be used at any time. Lucky Charm -- Reroll any single armor save. May be used at any time. Extra Fire -- Any single model may roll one extra die when shooting. May be used with any ranged weapon except flamer. Use during Action Phase. Strategic Retreat -- Use this card to declare any single model to not be in base-to-base with any opponents and therefore not vulnerable to close-combat attacks. The model is not actually moved and may not contribute to any close combats. Use during Assault Phase.
Strategic Redeployment -- Instead of moving during your Action Phase you instead just teleport to any other location on the map. Cannot be used to place any of your models directly into close combat. Brood Lord -- If you do not already have a Brood Lord in play you may automatically add one during the Reinforcement Phase. This is in addition to any other reinforcements, but you can never have more than one Brood Lord at a time.
The Privileges of Rank -- If you are missing a leader model you may automatically add one during the Recovery Phase in addition to any other effects. If more than one leader is missing you decide which to automatically return.