Multiple-Antenna Systems

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Improved signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs)/ signal-to-interference-plus- noise ratios ( SINRs) .... y[k] = UHy′[k] = UH(Hx′[k] + n[k]) = UHHUx[k] + UHn[k]. ︸. ︷︷. ︸.


Multiple-Antenna Systems Jan Mietzner ([email protected], Room: Kaiser 4110)

1. Introduction •

Multiple−antenna techniques

How is it possible to build (digital) wireless communication systems offering high data rates and small error rates ?



Trade-off between spectral efficiency (high data rates) and power effi-



ciency (small error rates), given fixed bandwidth & transmission power •

Example: Increase cardinality of modulation scheme ⇒ Data rate ↑, error rate ↑ Decrease rate of channel code ⇒ Error rate ↓, data rate ↓

Spatial multiplexing techniques

Smart antennas (Beamforming)

Conventional transmitter & receiver techniques operate in time domain and/ or in frequency domain

Spatial diversity techniques (Space−time coding & diversity reception)


Idea: Utilize multiple antennas at the transmitter and/ or the receiver

Multiplexing gain

Trade−off Diversity gain

Antenna gain

Coding gain

Interference suppression

Smaller error rates

Higher bit rates/ Smaller error rates

– Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system – Single-input multiple-output (SIMO) system – Multiple-input single-output (MISO) system

⇒ Exploit spatial domain (in addition to time/ frequency domain)

⇒ Better trade-off between spectral efficiency and power efficiency

Benefits of multiple antennas: – Increased data rates by means of spatial multiplexing techniques – Decreased error rates by means of spatial diversity techniques – Improved signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs)/ signal-to-interference-plusnoise ratios (SINRs) by means of beamforming techniques

Higher bit rates


2. Basic Principles


Improved SNRs: Focus antenna patterns on desired angles of reception/ transmission, e.g., towards line-of-sight (LoS) or significant scatterers ⇒ Antenna gain

2.1 Beamforming Techniques •

Goal: Improved SNRs or SINRs in multiuser scenarios

Beamforming can be interpreted as linear filtering in the spatial domain

Consider antenna array with N elements and directional antenna pat-

Steer nulls towards co-channel users ⇒ Interference suppression •

frequency-division multiple access (TDMA/ FDMA)

Due to antenna array geometry, impinging RF signal reaches antenna elements at different times (underlying baseband signal does not change)

⇒ Adjust phases of RF signals to achieve constructive superposition

SNR/ SINR gains can be utilized to decrease error rates or to increase data rates (by switching to a higher-order modulation scheme)

⇒ Corresponds to steering of antenna pattern towards desired direction ⇒ Additional weighting of RF signals can shape antenna pattern

Principle can also be utilized at the transmitter (reciprocity)

In practical systems directions of significant scatterers must be estimated (e.g., MUSIC or ESPRIT algorithm); SINR can also be optimized without knowing the directions of all co-channel users (Capon beamformer)

(N −1 degrees of freedom for placing maxima or nulls)

Beamforming/ smart antenna techniques thus enable space-division multiple access (SDMA), as an alternative to time-division or

tern receiving a radio-frequency (RF) signal from a certain direction •

Improved SINRs:

Beamforming techniques are well established since the 1960’s (origins are in the field of radar technology); however, intensive research for wireless communication systems started only in the 1990’s





N Desired directions of transmission/reception

Phased array

Phased array

• Beamformer



Information bit sequence



Literature: An exhaustive overview on smart antenna techniques for wireless communications can be found in [Godara’97]

to detector •

Final remark: Beamforming can also be performed in baseband domain, if channel is known at transmitter and receiver (eigen-beamforming)


2.2 Spatial Multiplexing Techniques


2.3 Spatial Diversity Techniques

Goal: Increased data rates compared to single-antenna system

Goal: Decreased error rates compared to single-antenna system

Capacity of MIMO systems grows linearly with min{M, N }

Send/ receive multiple redundant versions of the same data sequence

At the transmitter, the data sequence is split into M sub-sequences that

and perform appropriate combining (in baseband domain)

⇒ If the redundant signals undergo statistically independent fading,

are transmitted simultaneously using the same frequency band

it is unlikely that all signals simultaneously experience a deep fade

⇒ Data rate increased by factor M (multiplexing gain) •

⇒ Spatial diversity gain (typically, small antenna spacings sufficient)

At the receiver, the sub-sequences are separated by means of interferencecancellation algorithm, e.g., linear zero-forcing (ZF)/ minimum-mean-

combining of the received signals

squared-error (MMSE) detector, maximum-likelihood (ML) detector, suc-

– Various combining strategies, e.g., equal-gain combining (EGC),

cessive interference cancellation (SIC) detector, ... •

Typically, channel knowledge required solely at the receiver

For a good error performance, typically N ≥ M required

Intensive research started at the end of the 1990’s

Literature: [Foschini’96]

Receive diversity: SIMO system with N receive antennas and linear

selection combining (SC), maximum-ratio combining (MRC), ... – Well-established since the 1950’s, see [Brennan’59] •

Transmit diversity: MISO system with M transmit antennas – Appropriate pre-processing of transmitted redundant signals to enable coherent combining at receiver (space-time encoder/ decoder) – Optionally, N > 1 receive antennas for enhanced performance

(Tutorials can be found in [Gesbert et al.’03], [Paulraj et al.’04]) Transmitter

– Typically, channel knowledge required solely at the receiver – Intensive research started at the end of the 1990’s


– Well-known techniques are Alamouti’s scheme for M = 2 transmit 1 2 M

M sub−sequences




Information bit sequence



antennas [Alamouti’98], space-time trellis codes [Tarokh et al.’98], Detection Algorithm

and orthogonal space-time block codes [Tarokh et al.’99] Estimated bit sequence

– An abundance of transmitter/ receiver structures has been proposed (some offer additional coding gain) •

Literature: An exhaustive overview of the benefits of spatial diversity in wireless communication systems can be found in [Diggavi et al.’04]





Discrete-time channel model (cont’d): – xµ [k]: Transmitted symbol of transmit antenna µ, time index k ,

1 Space−Time Decoder


Information bit sequence

Space−Time Encoder


E{xµ [k]} = 0, Estimated bit sequence

E{|xµ[k]|2} =: σx2µ

(Underlying information symbols are denoted as a[k]) – hν,µ : Channel gain between µth transmit & ν th receive antenna,

hν,µ ∼ CN (0, σh2 ) (i.i.d)

Redundant signals

(Amplitude |hν,µ | is Rayleigh distributed)

– nν [k]: Additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) sample at receive

3. Mathematical Details

antenna ν , time index k ,

nν [k] ∼ CN (0, σn2 ) (i.i.d)

3.1 System Model

– yν [k]: Received symbol at receive antenna ν , time index k •

Consider a MIMO system with M transmit and N receive antennas

Assumptions: – Frequency non-selective fading & square-root Nyquist filters at

Matrix-vector model – Transmitted vector: x[k] := [ x1[k], ..., xM [k] ]T

transmitter and receiver (pulse energy Eg := 1)

– Noise vector: n[k] := [ n1[k], ..., nN [k] ]T

⇒ No intersymbol interference (ISI)

– Received vector: y[k] := [ y1[k], ..., yN [k] ]T

– Rayleigh fading (no LoS component), i.e., channel gains are

– Channel matrix:

       

– Block fading, i.e., channel gains are invariant over complete data block and change randomly from one block to the next •

Discrete-time channel model: – k : Discrete time index (1 ≤ k ≤ NB, NB block length)

– µ: Transmit antenna index (1 ≤ µ ≤ M ) – ν : Receive antenna index (1 ≤ ν ≤ N )

h1,1 · · · h1,M ... . . . ... H := hN,1 · · · hN,M

zero-mean complex Gaussian random variables

        

⇒ System model: y[k] = H x[k] + n[k]



3.2 Eigen-Beamforming


Transmit power allocation: In addition, the transmit power allocated to the parallel channels can be

Consider a quadratic MIMO system with M = N > 1 antennas

Assume that the instantaneous realization of the channel matrix is

optimized, based on the instantaneous SNRs

|λν |2 σx2µ σn2

(ν = 1, ..., N ) and a

certain optimization criterion

perfectly known both at the transmitter and at the receiver •

Eigenvalue decomposition of H:

3.3 Spatial Multiplexing H

H := UΛU


U: Unitary (N×N )-matrix, i.e., UHU = IN

Consider a MIMO system with N ≥ M > 1 antennas (For N < M , the system is inherently rank-deficient)

Λ: Diagonal (N×N )-matrix containing eigenvalues λ1, ..., λN of H: 

λ1 · · · 0 Λ = diag(λ1, ..., λN ) = ... . . . ...        

0 · · · λN

       

Assume that the instantaneous realization of the channel matrix is known solely at the receiver

Linear ZF detection: Received vector y[k] is post-processed as

zZF[k] := (HHH)−1 HHy[k] =: H+y[k]

Since H is perfectly known, transmitter and receiver can calculate the


matrix U (e.g., using the Jacobian algorithm [Golub et al.’96, Ch. 8.4])

(H+: Left-hand pseudo-inverse of H; for M = N and full rank use H−1 )


– Instead of x[k], transmitter sends pre-processed vector x′ [k] := Ux[k] ′

i.e., spatial interference completely removed; however, variance of the

H ′

– The received vector y [k] is post-processed as U y [k] =: y[k]

H y[k] = UHy′ [k] = UH(Hx′ [k] + n[k]) = UHHUx[k] + U n[k]} {z |

¯ [k] = Λx[k] + n ¯ [k] = UHUΛUH Ux[k] + n

yν [k] = λν xµ [k] + n ¯ ν [k] for all µ, ν = 1, ..., N

¯ [k] =: n

resulting noise samples may be significantly enhanced •

Linear MMSE detection: (assume σx21 = ... = σx2M =: σx2 ) Received vector y[k] is post-processed as

zMMSE [k] := (HH H + σn2 /σx2 · IM )−1 HHy[k]



– Usually better performance than ZF detection, since better trade-off

– Thus, assuming full rank (λ1 6= 0, ..., λN 6= 0) we have N parallel

between spatial interference mitigation & noise enhancement

scalar channels without spatial interference (i.e., data rate enhanced

– For high SNR values (σn2 → 0), both detectors become equivalent

by factor N compared to single-antenna system) – Noise samples n ¯ ν [k] are still i.i.d. ∼ CN (0, σn2 ), due to unitarity of U

zZF[k] = H+y[k] = H+ (Hx[k] + n[k]) = x[k] + H+n[k],

Performance of ZF/ MMSE detection often quite poor, unless N ≫ M


ML detection:

3.4 Receive Diversity

ˆ ML [k] := argminx˜ [k] ||y[k] − H˜ x[k]|| x



˜ [k] – For example, brute-force search over all possible hypotheses x for the transmitted vector x[k]

⇒ For Q-ary modulation scheme, there are QM possibilities ⇒ Optimal detection strategy (w.r.t. ML criterion), but very complex •


Consider a SIMO system with N receive antennas

Assume that the instantaneous realization of the (N×1)-channel matrix is perfectly known at the receiver

Received sample at receive antenna ν , time index k :

yν [k] = hν,1 x1[k] + nν [k]

SIC detection:

– hν,1 ∼ CN (0, σh2 ) ⇒ Amplitude |hν,1| =: αν Rayleigh distributed

– Good trade-off between complexity and performance – Originally proposed in [Foschini’96] for the well-known BLAST

p(αν ) =

scheme (‘Bell-Labs Layered Space-Time Architecture’) – QR decomposition of H: (assume N = M )

H := QR

– Instantaneous SNR


p(γν ) =

Q: Unitary (N×N )-matrix, i.e., QHQ = IN R: Upper triangular (N×N )-matrix: 

r1,1 · · · r1,N R = ... . . . ...        

where γ¯ :=

        

0 · · · rN,N (There are various algorithms for calculating the QR decomposition)

be detected – Assuming that the detection of xN [k] was correct, the influence of

xˆN [k] can be subtracted from the (N −1)th row of (8); then symbol


=: γν Chi-square (χ2) distributed 

1 γν exp −  γ¯ γ¯

(γν ≥ 0),


⇒ Large probability of small instantaneous SNRs

favorable SNR distribution at combiner output (γcomb ) – Equal-gain combining (EGC): Add up all samples

zcomb [k] :=



yν [k] = 


– Symbol xN [k] is not affected by spatial interference and can directly

xN−1 [k] can directly be detected, and so on ...

|hν,1 |2 σx21 σn2

(αν ≥ 0),

Idea: Combine received samples y1[k], ..., yN [k] to obtain more

– Received vector y[k] is first post-processed as zSIC [k] := QH y[k]

¯ [k] ⇒ zSIC [k] := QHy[k] = QH (Hx[k]+n[k]) = Rx[k]+ n

σh2 σx21 σn2

αν2  2αν  − exp  2 σh σh2

hcomb ∼ CN (0, N σh2 ),




=: hcomb





nν [k] ν=1 {z } =: ncomb [k]


ncomb [k] ∼ CN (0, N σn2 ), i.e., no gain!

⇒ Do it coherently (hν,1 := αν ejφν ) ′ zcomb [k] :=

hν,1 x1[k] +

e−jφν yν [k] = 


αν  x1[k] +

ν=1{z | } =: h′comb

Combiner-output SNR: γcomb =


ν=1 |

e−jφν nν [k] {z

=: n′comb [k] P ( ν αν )2σx21 /(N σn2 )



– Selection combining (SC): Select branch with largest instant. SNR Combiner-output SNR: γcomb =

maxν {αν2 }σx21 /σn2


Example: BPSK, N = 1, ..., 4 receive branches

= maxν {γν }



N=1 receive branches N=2 receive branches N=3 receive branches N=4 receive branches Alamouti‘s scheme (M=2, N=1)

– Maximum-ratio combining (MRC): ν=1

h∗ν,1 yν [k]



Combiner-output SNR:





h∗ν,1 nν [k]

|hν,1| x1[k] + ν=1 {z ν=1 {z } } | =: hcomb =: ncomb [k] P P γcomb = ( ν |hν,1|2)σx21 /σn2 = ν γν =


10 SER

zcomb [k] :=




⇒ Maximizes combiner-output SNR; optimal w.r.t. ML criterion •

Symbol error rates (SERs) with MRC: (without derivation ;-) )



γ¯ : Average SNR per receive branch – Binary Phase-Shift Keying (BPSK)

SER(¯ γ) =


v u u u t

1  γ¯  1 −  2N 1+ γ¯

N−1 X i=0

 

[Proakis’01, Ch. 14]

N −1 + i  1  γ¯  1 +  2i 1+ γ¯ i

– Q-ary Phase-Shift Keying (Q-PSK)

1 SER(¯ γ) = π

(Q−1)π  ZQ


 


– Q-ary Amplitude-Shift Keying (Q-ASK)

[Simon et al.’00]

2(Q−1) Z2  (Q2 −1) sin2ϕ   dϕ  SER(¯ γ) = Qπ 0 (Q2 −1) sin2ϕ + 3¯ γ 






  






Consider a MISO system with M transmit antennas

Assume that the instantaneous realization of the (1×M )-channel matrix is perfectly known at the receiver, but not at the transmitter

1  Z2  2(Q−1) sin2ϕ  4  1− √   dϕ SER(¯ γ) =  π Q 0 2(Q−1) sin2ϕ + 3¯ γ 4 1  1− √  −  π Q

6 8 10 12 14 Average SNR per branch (in dB)

Asymptotic slope (i.e., γ¯ → ∞) of the curves is −N (‘diversity order N ’)


– Q-ary Quadrature-Amplitude Modulation (Q-QAM) [Simon et al.’00] 


3.5 Transmit Diversity





[Simon et al.’00]

sin2ϕ   dϕ sin2ϕ + γ¯ sin2(π/Q)




v u u u t

2(Q−1) sin2ϕ   dϕ 2(Q−1) sin2ϕ + 3¯ γ

Transmit Diversity: Suitable pre-processing of transmitted data sequence required to allow for coherent combining at the receiver – Example: Send identical signals over all transmit antennas


⇒ No diversity gain! (corresponds to EGC without co-phasing)

– Instead: Perform appropriate two-dimensional mapping/ encoding in time and space (i.e., over the transmit antennas)


Example: Alamouti’s scheme for M = 2 transmit antennas (N = 1 receive antennas considered; can be extended to N > 1) – Space-time mapping: Information symbols to be transmitted are processed in pairs [ a[k], a[k + 1] ]; at time index k , symbol a[k] is


⇒ Two parallel scalar channels for the symbols a[k] and a[k+1] (no spatial interference)

⇒ Corresponds to MRC with M = 1 transmit and N = 2 receive antennas; however, using the same average transmit power, Alamouti’s scheme

transmitted via the first antenna and symbol a[k + 1] via the second

exhibits a 3 dB loss compared to MRC

antenna; at time index k+1, symbol −a∗[k+1] is transmitted via the first antenna and symbol a∗[k] via the second antenna  

A =

4. Literature

a[k] a[k+1]  ←− time index k  ∗ −a [k+1] a∗[k] ←− time index k+1 ↑ ↑

antenna 1

4.1 Cited References •

antenna 2

L. C. Godara, “Application of antenna arrays to mobile communications – Part I: Performance improvement, feasibility, and system consid-


erations; Part II: Beam-forming and direction-of-arrival considerations,”

(In terms of prior system model: A =: [ xT[k], xT [k+1] ]T )

Proc. IEEE, vol. 85, no. 7/8, pp. 1031–1060, 1195–1245, July/Aug. 1997.

– Received samples (time index k, k+1): •

y1[k] = h1,1 a[k] + h1,2 a[k+1] + n1[k]

cation in a fading environment when using multi-element antennas,” Bell

y1[k+1] = −h1,1 a∗[k+1] + h1,2 a∗[k] + n1[k+1]

Syst. Tech. J., pp. 41–59, Autumn 1996.

– Equivalent matrix-vector model (by taking the (.) of y1 [k+1])    


y1[k] y1∗ [k+1] {z

=: yeq [k]

    }

 

=  |

h1,1 h1,2 h∗1,2 −h∗1,1 {z

=: Heq

    }|

a[k] a[k+1] {z

=: a[k]

   }

+ 

n1[k] n∗1 [k+1]



=: neq [k]

G. J. Foschini, “Layered space-time architecture for wireless communi-

to practice: An overview of MIMO space-time coded wireless systems,”

  

IEEE J. Select. Areas Commun., vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 281–302, Apr. 2003.


– Detection step at the receiver:

D. Gesbert, M. Shafi, D. Shiu, P. J. Smith, and A. Naguib, “From theory

A. J. Paulraj, D. A. Gore, R. U. Nabar, and H. Boelcskei, “An overview of MIMO communications – A key to gigabit wireless,” Proc. IEEE,

2 2 Heq is always orthogonal (!), while HH eq Heq = (|h1,1 | + |h1,2 | ) I2 H H ⇒ zcomb [k] := HH eq yeq [k] = Heq Heq a[k] + Heq neq [k] |


=: n′eq [k]


= (|h1,1|2 + |h1,2|2) a[k] + n′eq[k]

vol. 92, no. 2, pp. 198–218, Feb. 2004. •

D. G. Brennan, “Linear diversity combining techniques,” Proc. IRE, vol. 47, pp. 1075–1102, June 1959, Reprint: Proc. IEEE, vol. 91, no. 2, pp. 331-356, Feb. 2003.


S. M. Alamouti, “A simple transmit diversity technique for wireless communications,” IEEE J. Select. Areas Commun., vol. 16, no. 8, pp. 1451– 1458, Oct. 1998.


4.2 Books on Multiple-Antenna Systems •

Hall, 1985.

V. Tarokh, N. Seshadri, and A. R. Calderbank, “Space-time codes for high data rate wireless communication: Performance criterion and code

Mar. 1998.

B. Vucetic and J. Yuan, Space-Time Coding. John Wiley & Sons, 2003.

V. Tarokh, H. Jafarkhani, and A. R. Calderbank, “Space-time block codes

E. G. Larsson and P. Stoica, Space-Time Block Coding for Wireless Communications. John Wiley & Sons, 2003.

from orthogonal designs,” IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 45, no. 5, pp. 1456–1467, July 1999. •

and W. Utschick, Eds., Smart Antennas – State of the Art.

expectations: The value of spatial diversity in wireless networks,” Proc.

Hindawi Publishing Corp., 2004. •

G. H. Golub and C. F. van Loan, Matrix Computations, 3rd ed.

J. G. Proakis, Digital Communications, 4th ed.

New York: McGraw-

Hill, 2001. •

M. K. Simon and M.-S. Alouini, Digital Communication over Fading Channels: A Unified Approach to Performance Analysis. John Wiley & Sons, 2000.

New York:

E. Biglieri and G. Taricco, Transmission and Reception with Multiple Antennas: Theoretical Foundations.


Hanover (MA) - Delft: now Pub-

lishers Inc., 2004.

more - London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996. •

T. Kaiser, A. Bourdoux, H. Boche, J. R. Fonollosa, J. Bach Andersen,

S. N. Diggavi, N. Al-Dhahir, A. Stamoulis, and A. R. Calderbank, “Great IEEE, vol. 92, no. 2, pp. 219–270, Feb. 2004.

A. Paulraj, R. Nabar, and D. Gore, Introduction to Space-Time Wireless Communications. Cambridge University Press, 2003.

construction,” IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 744–765,

S. Haykin, Ed., Array Signal Processing. Englewood Cliffs (NJ): Prentice-

H. Jafarkhani, Space-Time Coding – Theory and Practice. University Press, 2005.
