Multiple Hypothesis Group Tracking in Video Sequences - INESC-ID

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[3] Pedro Miguel Torres Mendes Jorge. Seguimento de Pessoas e Grupos em. Sinais de Video com Redes Bayesianas. PhD thesis, 2007. [4] Boris Lau, Kai O.
In 16th Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition (RecPad 2010) Vila Real, Portugal, October 2010

Multiple Hypothesis Group Tracking in Video Sequences David Antunes1,

David Martins de Matos2 ,

Jos´e Gaspar3


L2 F - INESC-ID, R. Alves Redol 9, Lisboa, Portugal 1,3 Institute for Systems and Robotics, IST/UTL, Av. Rovisco Pais 1, Lisboa, Portugal 1 [email protected], 2 [email protected], 3 [email protected]

Abstract—123 In this paper the Multiple Hypothesis Tracking with group tracking is applied to tracking targets in video sequences. The width/height ratio is used as a target feature to help in target/detection association. Group tracking is tested in real video sequences (PETS 2001) and shows that is possible to keep linked the otherwise interrupted tracks.

I. I NTRODUCTION The Multiple Hypothesis Tracking (MHT) algorithm, proposed by Reid [6], is fundamental in the field of Multi-Target Tracking [1]. In this paper we describe an application of the MHT enhanced with group tracking. Group tracking is necessary to maintain the tracks of several targets when they come together for several frames. The target width/height ratio feature is used to help in the association problem. The MHT has also been applied, with group tracking, to track persons with a robot’s range finder by [4]. II. F RAME P ROCESSING In order to detect targets in the frame we start by detecting active pixels as in [3]. To detect active pixels in frame Ii the last frame Ii−1 is used. The difference frame ID is calculated as ID = |Ii −Ii−1 |. A threshold T1 is applied to ID in order to generate a binary matrix IB with active pixels. IB (x, y) = 1 if ID (x, y) >= T1 . In order to avoid many false alarms, we apply morphological processing based on the local density of the active pixels. Each pixel of the filtered image, IM (x, y) is considered active if the number of active pixels in the neighborhood, IB (w(x, y)) where w(x, y) denotes the window centered at (x, y), is larger than a threshold. Agglomerative hierarchical clustering [2] is then applied to IM to generate clusters of active pixels. Each cluster j is represented by its centroid, cj which is termed a detection (measurement). We denote Z(k) = {cj : j ∈ 1..N } the set of measurements observed in frame k, and Z k = {Z(1), Z(2), ..., Z(k)} the set of all measurements up to time k. III. T RACKING Target information includes its (x, y) position and, an additional feature, the width/height (w/h) ratio, to help solve associations. No motion model is used to predict the position of targets in the future frames. The targets’ gates are circular around the target. The number of the last frame where the target was detected is also maintained, for track termination. The MHT is implemented with clustering [6]. 123 hello

A. Probability evaluation Let Ωki denote an hypothesis at time k, where i is the hypothesis number. The probability of a new hypothesis in time k given the measurements Z k is denoted by P (Ωki |Z k ), and is calculated recursively as follows [5]: P (Ωki |Z k ) = P (ψik |Ωpk−1 , Z(k)) · P (Ωpk−1 |Z k−1 )


where Ωpk−1 is the parent hypothesis, and ψik represents the associations in the current frame. The second term on the righthand side (RHS) of the equation corresponds to the probability of the parent hypothesis in the hypothesis tree, and the first term on the RHS of the equation represents the probability of the assignments in the current hypothesis. The modeling of P (ψik |Ωik−1 , Z(k)) is introduced in the following. Considering a hypothesis Ωik−1 and a new set of detections Z(k), each detection may have several different origins: an existing target was detected, the detection is a false detection, or a new target is detected. For each existing target: it may have not been detected in the current frame, it may be associated with a detection, or its track may be terminated (for lack of detections for several frames). The probabilities of false detection, new target, and a target not being detected are constants, respectively, PF A , PN T , PMD . Let dM,T be the distance between the detection D and the target T , the probability of association of a measurement D with a target T (PD,T ) is 1/dD,T , or 0 if the detection if not within the target’s gate. A track is terminated if its target is not detected after Nnd frames. A track termination has no influence on the hypothesis probability. Let NF A , NN T , NMD be the number of false alarms, new tracks, and missed target detections, then: P (ψik |Ωik−1 , Z(k)) = (PF A )NF A · (PN T )NN T · (PMD )NM T ·



(D,T ) ∈ψik

where (D, T ) is an assignment of detection D to track T . B. Group tracking At any frame, any two targets or target groups may merge together. Only two targets or target groups are allowed to merge at each frame to prevent a combinatorial explosion of hypothesis. The groups are formed when several targets (or groups of targets) are associated with the same detection, so each detection may have been caused by one or more targets and groups of targets. At any frame any group may split into several subgroups (or single targets).

Group creation/merging and splitting have no direct influence in the hypothesis probability. The group operations which better explain the input data will be selected through greater probability. For example, if in Ωik−1 there where two close tracks and in Z(t) there is only one measurement in that area, then the hypothesis that the two targets form a group will be selected. This hypothesis will have greater probability than, for example, one where only a target is detected.

(a) moving objects

(b) without group tracking

(c) without group tracking

(d) with group tracking

(e) with group tracking

(f) with group tracking

C. Target Features The width/height ratio of each target is used to solve association problems. It is particularly useful in problems involving certain types of targets, most noticeably people and vehicles. Each target has a ratio which is only updated when the target is the sole responsible for a single detection (i.e. the target is not in a group) because a group of targets has a different ratio than each of its elements. In certain frames a target’s ratio may suffer an abrupt change due to the process of cluster detection. To attenuate this effect the targets’ ratio is calculated as a floating average. In a hypothesis Ωki , a change in a target’s T ratio RT T modifies the hypothesis probability by CT = 1/(1 + |Rψ k − i T RΩk−1 | · F ). The factor F adjusts the weight of ratio changes i in hypotheses probability calculation. Then: P (ψik |Ωik−1 , Z(k)) = (PF A )NF A · (PN T )NN T · (PMD )NM T · Y PD,T · CT (D,T ) ∈ψik

IV. R ESULTS Without group tracking, when two targets get close together they are included in the same cluster of active pixels. They may remain in the same cluster for several frames. After some time of the two tracks being tracked, only one will remain active and the other track will be terminated for lack of detections. When the group separates, one of the targets will generate a new track. Figure 1 shows an example tracking scene (a), with two pedestrians (they will be considered as a single target, as they are always close together) on the left, and a car on the right. In (b) and (c) group tracking is not enabled: when the two tracks come together (b) they eventually become part of the same cluster (c) and one of them is terminated. In this case it is the dark blue track (people) which is terminated. When the persons separate from the car one of them will generate a new track (not shown). Figure 1 (d), (e), and (f) illustrate the same situation with group tracking: when the two targets form the same cluster they are joined in a new group (d). The track of the group of targets is colored green. Because of the width/height target feature the two targets separate from one another correctly (e). Finally after the car has left the image, the persons are still being tracked correctly (f).

Fig. 1: Comparing not-having vs having group tracking.

V. C ONCLUSIONS The benefits of enhancing the standard MHT application with group tracking were evidenced. The width/height ratio, can be very effective in discriminating between different targets as the provided example demonstrated. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work has been partially supported by the Portuguese Government - Fundac¸a˜ o para a Ciˆencia e Tecnologia (ISR/IST pluriannual funding) through the PIDDAC program funds, and by the project DCCAL, PTDC / EEA-CRO / 105413 / 2008. R EFERENCES [1] Samuel S. Blackman. Multiple hypothesis tracking for multiple target tracking. IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, 19:5–18, 2004. [2] Stephen Johnson. Hierarchical clustering schemes. Psychometrika, 32:241–254, 1967. [3] Pedro Miguel Torres Mendes Jorge. Seguimento de Pessoas e Grupos em Sinais de Video com Redes Bayesianas. PhD thesis, 2007. [4] Boris Lau, Kai O. Arras, and Wolfram Burgard. Tracking groups of people with a multi-model hypothesis tracker. In ICRA’09: Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE international conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 3487–3492, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 2009. IEEE Press. [5] Manuel Mucientes and Wolfram Burgard. Multiple hypothesis tracking of clusters of people. pages 692 –697, 2006. [6] Donald B. Reid. An algorithm for tracking multiple targets. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 24:843–854, 1979.