learn to meditate. △ write your autobiography. △ keep a journal. △ set goals for
yourself. △ establish your “quiet corner” in your home. Careers Involving.
Multiple Intelligences Indicator Circle the symbol next to each statement you do well or enjoy doing. Then transfer your responses to the chart on the following page.
Competing in a sport ● Listening to others’ opinions and feelings ☎ Collecting things and organizing them ✤ Daydreaming or visualizing ▲ Acting, role-playing and mimicking ● Playing musical instruments Doing problem-solving quizzes in magazines ❏ Learning about other cultures ☎ Odd-one-out picture puzzles ✤ Spending time alone thinking things through ▲ Telling jokes and stories Imagining things in my head in pictures Singing almost anywhere Figuring out the reasons for things ❏ Browsing through books Fixing, assembling and building ● Putting puzzles together Doing my part when I’m part of a team project ☎ Dealing with my own feelings ▲ Doing math in my head ❏ Organizing bookshelves ✤ Listening to music Doing experiments ❏ Reading Resolving conflicts or arguments ▲ Sharing with others ☎ Using music to change my mood or feelings Exercising ● Painting, drawing or sketching Learning animal or plant names ✤ Finding my way using a map Dancing or playing games that require movement ● Working out the answers to logical arguments ❏ Giving encouragement and positive support to others☎ Writing Spot-the-difference picture puzzles ✤ Knowing my sources of strength ▲ Making up songs Telling others about what I have read Doodling in my notes
Smart Chart For each symbol you circled, color in one box in the column with the same symbol, starting at the bottom of the column. For example, if you circled three stars, you’d color in the three bottom boxes in the star or “M” column. The columns with the most colored-in boxes represent how you are smart.
sing in the shower or car listen to a variety of radio stations take a music lesson or join a choir play “name that tune” play “Stomp” by creating your own tunes on household items
Naturalistic Naturalistic Intelligence Skills
✤ ✤ ✤ ✤ ✤
categorization perceives patterns looks for ways to group items spot-the-difference puzzle skills able to distinguish between different items in a group
Careers Involving Naturalistic Intelligence
✤ ✤ ✤ ✤ ✤
Famous People with Naturalistic Intelligence
scientists pilots and sailors surgeons cartoonists
✤ ✤ ✤
Charles Darwin Bobby Flay _____________
✤ ✤ ✤
Lewis and Clark Steve Irwin _____________
Ways to Enhance Your Naturalistic Intelligence
✤ ✤ ✤ ✤ ✤
file books according to type visit the planetarium or aquarium organize your playlists look for patterns in the stars at night think of different types of movies, comedy, dramas, etc.
strong, distinctive personality deep awareness of inner thoughts excellent focus and concentration independent knows personal gifts and limits self-disciplined understands inner processes of others