Multiple quasi-phase matched resonant radiations induced by

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We demonstrate that the train of solitons arising from modulation instability is ... widely investigated [13], and it has been shown that each ..... hey are not s.

Multiple quasi-phase matched resonant radiations induced by modulation instability in dispersion oscillating fibers Matteo Conforti,1 Stefano Trillo, 2 Alexandre Kudlinski,1 Arnaud Mussot, 1 * 1

PhLAM/IRCICA, CNRS-Universite Lille 1, UMR 8523/USR 3380, F-59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq, France 2  Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Università di Ferrara,Via Saragat 1, 44122 Ferrara, Italy *Corresponding author: [email protected] Received Month X, XXXX; revised Month X, XXXX; accepted Month X, XXXX; posted Month X, XXXX (Doc. ID XXXXX); published Month X, XXXX

The propagation of a continuous wave in the average anomalous dispersion region of a dispersion oscillating fiber is investigated numerically and experimentally. We demonstrate that the train of solitons arising from modulation instability is strongly affected by the periodic variations of the fiber dispersion. This leads to the emission of multiple resonant radiations located on both sides of the spectrum. Numerical simulations confirm the experimental results and the position of the resonant radiations is well predicted by means of perturbation theory. OCIS Codes: (060.4370) Nonlinear optics, fibers; (190.4380) Nonlinear optics, four-wave mixing; (190.4410) Nonlinear optics, parametric processes; (190.5530) Pulse propagation and temporal solitons

In optical fibers, resonant radiation (RR) results from the perturbation of a fundamental soliton by higher order dispersion when propagating in the low dispersion region [1]. It has been shown that, at first order, the RR frequency shift is ruled by a phase matching relation that depends mainly on the fiber dispersion slope [2]. RRs, also termed Cherenkov radiations, can be generated either on the short or the long wavelength sides of the soliton, depending on the sign of the dispersion slope. In the special case of flattened dispersion optical fibers, where the dispersion slope is extremely weak, dispersion terms of order larger than three must be accounted for. Consequently, two RRs are generated on both sides of the soliton [3]. During the last decade, RR generation has been widely investigated in uniform optical fibers in the context of supercontinuum generation, because it seeds the blue side of their spectrum (see Refs. [4] and [5] for complete reviews). More recently, it has been shown numerically [6,7] and experimentally [8–10] that, by using optical fibers whose group velocity dispersion (GVD) is engineered along their propagation axis, several RRs can be generated from a single soliton. Two different configurations can be distinguished. Firstly, by inducing a relatively slow and non-periodic variation of the fiber GVD compared to the soliton length, multiple collisions of the soliton [8] with the first zero dispersion wavelength (ZDW) of the fiber or multiple crossing through the second ZDW of the fiber [9] by the RR itself leads to additional RRs on the same side of the spectrum. Secondly, if the variation is periodic with a short period compared to the soliton length, a completely different behavior occurs. In these dispersion oscillating fibers (DOFs), multiple RRs are parametrically excited due to the periodic variation of the GVD and are localized on both sides of the soliton spectrum [10]. Note that similar observations have been recently achieved in a passive cavity as a result of its


periodic boundary conditions [11]. All these investigations have been performed with short laser pulses (~hundred of femtoseconds) in order to excite only one fundamental soliton. By increasing the pulse duration well beyond this limit, the continuous or quasi-continuous wave (CW) regime is reached, leading to a radically different dynamics. In uniform fibers, it is well known that the CW input field is transformed into a train of soliton pulses by modulation instability (MI) [12]. This process has been widely investigated [13], and it has been shown that each soliton propagating in the vicinity of the fiber ZDW is disturbed by higher order dispersion. Consequently, each of these solitons generate its own RR [14] on one side of the spectrum, which are all localized around the same frequency, since they originate from almost identical solitons. The propagation of a CW optical field has also been investigated in DOFs. It has been shown theoretically [15–18] and experimentally [19–23] that the MI process can be induced by the periodicity of the dispersion. This leads to the generation of many symmetric quasi-phase matched side lobes around the pump. To our knowledge, these investigations have been performed in the normal average dispersion region of the DOFs. As a consequence no train of bright solitons can be generated. In this Letter, we investigate the propagation of a CW in the average anomalous dispersion region of a DOF. We show that, as in uniform fibers, the average dispersion induces the standard MI process, which transforms the CW field into a train of solitons. Then, by propagating inside the DOF, the solitons shed energy to multiple RRs, as it was demonstrated in Ref. [10] for a single excitation. The experimental setup is schematized in Fig. 1(a). The pump system is made of a CW tunable laser (TL) diode that is sent into an intensity modulator (MOD) in order to shape 2 ns square pulses at 1 MHz repetition rate. They are amplified by two ytterbium-


d doped fiber amplifiers (YDFAs) at the outpu ut of w which two su uccessive tu unable filterss are inserted to reemove mostt of the amp plified sponttaneous emiission (A ASE) in exccess around the pump. These quassi-CW la aser pulsess have beeen launch hed along one b birefringent axis of the DOF, which h outer diam meter evolution is shown in Fig. 1(b). It has a sine m modulation shape s with a 5 m-long g period an nd its a average ZDW W is 1060.4 nm. The pu ump waveleength h has been fixeed to 1070 n nm in order to operate in n the a average anom malous disp persion region (9 nm a above th he average ZDW of thee fiber). We first investtigate th he MI processs with a rellatively weak k pump pow wer (P = 5 W), in order to work in the un ndepleted (lin near) reegime of thee MI processs. The red curve c in Fig. 2(a) reepresents th he experimen ntal output sspectrum.

numerical solutions of tthe generalized nonlin near Sch hrödinger eequation (GN NLSE) [13]). We assum med tha at the DOF has a perfecct sinusoidall shape defin ned as : sin 2 ⁄ and we used the folllowing parrameters tthat corresspond to our exp periments: 1.22 p ps ⁄km , ⁄ 1.2 1 ps ⁄km , 0.077 , 1.1 ⁄km . 10 ps ⁄km , 10 ⁄ ⁄km, 5 dB⁄ The simulated d output sp pectrum is shown in b blue currve in Fig. 2(a). As can be seen n, a very g good agrreement is oobtained witth experimeents apart frrom thee noise ba ackground llevel that is higher in exp periments. We W expect that it ma ainly origina ates from the ASE E of YDFA As generated d between the unted for in simulationss. It pullses, which is not accou low wers the sign nal to noise ratio of the side bands but doees not affectt their dyna amics. As ca an be seen, the relative levels of the side b bands are almost similarr in exp periments a and in simu ulations. Wee would likee to poiint out th hat this iss the first experimen ntal obsservation oof the MI process in n the averrage anoomalous diispersion rregion of DOFs, wh here sta andard MI sside lobes ( 0) and th hose due to the perriodicity of th he GVD ( 0) coexist.

F Figure 1 : (a) Scheme of tthe experimen ntal setup an nd (b) loongitudinal evolution off the outer diameter. Inset: sccanning electrron microscop pe image of th he fiber input..

S Several symm metric side lobes are generated g arround th he pump. T Their positioons can be p predicted by y the foollowing qua asi-phase matching (QP PM) relation n that ch haracterizess the MI proccess in DOF Fs [15,19] : ∆ ²

⁄12 2




w with , thee second and fourth av verage dispeersion teerms, ∆ thee angular freequency shifft, Z the periiod of m modulation, the nonlin near coefficiient, P the p pump p power and an integer. T The graphiccal solution oof the Q QPM relation n is represeented in Fig g. 2(b). The roots (oobtained a at crossings with h horizontal lines) l coorrespond to t different MI side lobe orders, 0 b being the sta andard MI process thatt would occu ur in u uniform fibers and 0 the ones induced by y the p periodicity. A As can be seeen in this fig gure, the possition of MI side lob bes is accurately prediccted by Eq. ((1). It iss important to note that MI side lobes that coorrespond too 0, are m much strong ger than the ones in nduced by th he periodicitty and lead tto the generration of harmonics by beating with the pum mp (Fig. 2(a a)). In act, it has b been demonstrated in R Ref. [21] tha at the fa p parametric gain g of QPM M MI side llobes due too the p periodicity ( 0) is always weakeer than thee one th hat would correspond to uniform m fibers ( 0). T These experim mental resu ults have beeen compared d with  

Fig gure 2: (a) Exp perimental (red curve) and d numerical (b blue currve) output spectra for 5 W of pump power. (b) QPM Q rela ation. Vertica al black lines ccorrespond too the MI side llobe possitions determ mined by the g graphical solu utions of Eq. (1 1).

In order to coomplete ourr investigatiions about the dyn namics of th he process, w we gradually y increased the pum mp power frrom 5 W to 8 W. Corresp ponding outtput speectra are d displayed in n Fig. 3(a a). By sligh htly inccreasing the pump powerr to P = 6 W, W the amplitu ude of standard MI M side lobess increases and additioonal harrmonics app pear which ooverlap with h other MI sside lob bes induced b by the perioodicity (green n curve). Up p to thiis pump pow wer level, alll spectral ccomponents are perrfectly symm metric with regards too the pump as theey all origin nate from foour wave miixing processses (ph hase match hed or not)). A completely differrent piccture occurss when thee pump pow wer is furtther inccreased. From m 6.5 W of pump powerr (red and p pink currves in Fig. 3(a)), the spectrum keeeps broaden ning and d QPM MI sidebands are not visible anymoore. Ad dditional sideebands thatt are asymm metric from the pum mp appear at large frrequency deetunings. Th heir possitions do not n correspon nd to QPM processes that t app pear at loweest pump poowers (to be compared w with


th he blue curv ve, P = 5 W W). This dyn namical evolu ution v versus pump p power is confirmed c b by the numeerical siimulations reported in n Fig. 3(b). There iss an excellent ag greement w with experiimental ressults. T Therefore thee simulation ns can be exp ploited to dissclose th he dynamicss in order to understand d this unexpected b behavior. The evolution along the fib ber of the ou utput pectrum coorresponding sp g to the maximum m p pump p power value ((8 W, pink curve in Fig. 3(b)) is show wn in F Fig. 4(a). Up to about 80 m, only the two standarrd MI siide lobes as well as thoose due to th he periodicity are v visible. By fu urther propa agating insid de the fiber until a about 120 m length, harmonics of tthe standarrd MI siide lobes sta art to appea ar progressiv vely and ov verlap th he other wea aker ones.  

em mitted also in uniform fibeers whereas 0 gives the RR Rs induced by the peeriodicity. From F numerrical sim mulations, wee estimated that t the typiccal values of the pea ak power of the solitons at which th hey emit RR Rs is aboout 25 and the deviation d of tthe actual grroup veloocity is aboutt Δ 4 fs⁄m m.

Fig gure 4: (a) Speectral and (b) temporal evolutions of the inp put CW field fr from numerica al simulationss. Inset : closeup on a few solittons.

F Figure 3: (a) Experimenttal and (b) numerical ooutput sp pectra for diffferent pump p powers.

T The appearan nce of MI sidee lobes harmoonics is the ty ypical siignature of tthe formation n of a train oof soliton pulsses in th he time dom main. This is indeed confiirmed in Fig g. 4(b) w where the evoolution in the time domain n is shown. W We see a pulse train with a period d of ~0.56 pss, very close tto the in nverse of the MI frequency y shift for 0 (~0.58 ps,, from F Fig. 4(a) at L = 80 m, Δ 1.7 THz). Frrom that leng gth, a ra apid broaden ning of the spectrum s is oobserved with h the g generation of a additional sid de lobes. How wever, these arre not h harmonics of the standarrd ( 0) M MI process beecause th hey are not ssymmetric froom the pump p. Their origiin can b be explained by applying g perturbatioon theory too the p propagation of solitons in DOFs [1 10]. It has been d demonstrated that the proopagation of a single solitton is p perturbed by tthe periodic variations v of the dispersioon. As a consequencee it sheds en nergy to mu ultiple RRs, w whose p positions are predicted p by tthe following QPM Q relation n: ∆

⁄2 ∆ ∆ ⁄2 Δ ∆

⁄6 2

∆ ∆ ⁄ ,

⁄24 (2)

w with the av verage value of the disperssion slope, Δ the d deviation of the t actual grroup velocity from the na atural on ne [24,25], the peak pow wer of the soliiton when RR Rs are emitted, and an integ ger. In orderr to facilitate the coomparison wiith the solutioons of this eq quation, the ooutput sp pectrum of F Fig. 4(a) (L = 150 m) is reepresented in n Fig. 5 5(a) (blue cu urve). Roots of Eq. (2) ccorrespond too the crrossing of th he dispersion relation witth horizontal lines (F Fig. 5(b)). Sim milarly to Eq q. (1), 0 ccorresponds too RRs  

As can be seen in Figs 5, th he positions oof almost all the RR Rs are very w well predicted d by Eq. (2) (g green lines). For com mparison, sollutions of E Eq. (1) are superimposed s d in dasshed black lin nes to highlig ght the fact that t this relattion can nnot predict tthe positions of RRs. Thiss unambiguou usly prooves that thesse multiple siide bands tha at appear from mL =1 130 m in Fig. 4 are indeed d multiple RR Rs induced by the perriodic variattions of th he fiber dispersion. d T The exp perimental sp pectrum is ssuperimposed d in this figu ure, and d we see thatt an excellentt agreement is achieved with w thee numerical siimulations (reed curve).

Fig gure 5: (a) Exp perimental (red curve) and d numerical (b blue currve) output sp pectra for 8 W of pump poower. (b) Specctral QP PM evolution. The vertical green lines ccorrespond to the RR R positions deetermined by the graphica al solution of Eq. (2) while black d dashed lines too the one of Eq. E (1).

Theese experim mental and numericall investigatiions dem monstrate th hat the pertu urbation theoory developed d in thee context of tthe propagatiion of a sing gle soliton [10 0] in DO OFs is also v valid when a train of soliitons propaga ates insside this fiber.. The frequen ncy shifts of R RRs generated d by soliitons is indeeed accuratelly predicted by the relattion dev veloped in Reef. [10]. Indiviidual solitonss in the train are


so close to each other in terms of their parameters that the RRs are generated around the same frequencies. As a result, each side lobe in the spectral domain is indeed composed of many RRs emitted by each soliton. A similar scenario occurs when a CW field propagates in the anomalous dispersion region of an uniform fiber (see Ref. [14] and chapter 8 of Ref. [5] ). To conclude, we have experimentally and theoretically investigated the propagation of a CW optical field in the average anomalous dispersion of a dispersion oscillating fiber. We have experimentally reported, for the first time to our knowledge, the fact that MI process either induced by the average negative value of the dispersion or by the periodic variation of the dispersion can be observed simultaneously. We have then demonstrated that the standard MI leads to a train of solitonic pulses that are significantly affected by the periodic variation of the dispersion. As a consequence, they shed energy into multiple resonant radiations on both sides of the spectrum whose positions can be accurately predicted by means of perturbation theory [10]. This work was partly supported by the ANR TOPWAVE and FOPAFE projects, by the "Fonds Européen de Développement Economique Régional", by the Labex CEMPI (ANR-11-LABX-0007) and Equipex FLUX (ANR-11-EQPX-0017) through the "Programme Investissements d'Avenir" and by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MIUR) under Grant PRIN 2012BFNWZ2. Bibliography 1. P. K. A. Wai, C. R. Menyuk, Y. C. Lee, et H. H. Chen, "Nonlinear pulse propagation in the neighborhood of the zero-dispersion wavelength of monomode optical fibers," Opt. Lett. 11, 464‑ 466 (1986). 2. N. Akhmediev et M. Karlsson, "Cherenkov radiation emitted by solitons in optical fibers," Phys. Rev. A 51, 2602 (1995). 3. F. Benabid, F. Biancalana, P. S. Light, F. Couny, A. Luiten, P. J. Roberts, J. Peng, et A. V. Sokolov, "Fourth-order dispersion mediated solitonic radiations in HC-PCF cladding," Opt. Lett. 33, 2680‑2682 (2008). 4. S. Coen, A. H. L. Chau, R. Leonhardt, J. D. Harvey, J. C. Knight, W. J. Wadsworth, et P. S. J. Russell, "Supercontinuum generation by stimulated Raman scattering and parametric four-wave mixing in photonic crystal fibers," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 19, 753‑764 (2002). 5. J. M. Dudley et J. R. Taylor, Supercontinuum Generation in Optical Fibers, 1re éd. (Cambridge University Press, 2010). 6. F. R. Arteaga-Sierra, C. Milián, I. TorresGómez, M. Torres-Cisneros, A. Ferrando, et A. Dávila, "Multi-peak-spectra generation with  






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