Journal of Functional Analysis 202 (2003) 247â276. Multiplicator space and complemented subspaces of rearrangement invariant space. $. S.V. Astashkin, a.
Journal of Functional Analysis 202 (2003) 247–276
Multiplicator space and complemented subspaces of rearrangement invariant space$ S.V. Astashkin,a L. Maligranda,b,* and E.M. Semenovc a
Department of Mathematics, Samara State University, Akad. Pavlova 1, 443011 Samara, Russia b Department of Mathematics, Lulea˚ University of Technology, 971 87 Lulea˚, Sweden c Department of Mathematics, Voronezh State University, Universitetskaya pl.1, 394693 Voronezh, Russia Received 20 May 2002; revised 23 August 2002; accepted 7 October 2002 Communicated by G. Pisier
Abstract We show that the multiplicator space MðX Þ of an rearrangement invariant (r.i.) space X on ½0; 1 and the nice part N0 ðX Þ of X ; that is, the set of all aAX for which the subspaces generated by sequences of dilations and translations of a are uniformly complemented, coincide when the space X is separable. In the general case, the nice part is larger than the multiplicator space. Several examples of descriptions of MðX Þ and N0 ðX Þ for concrete X are presented. r 2002 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. MSC: 46E30; 46B42; 46B70 Keywords: Rearrangement invariant spaces; Multiplicator spaces; Lorentz spaces; Orlicz spaces; Marcinkiewicz spaces; Subspaces; Complemented subspaces; Projections
0. Introduction For rearrangement invariant (r.i.) function space X on I ¼ ½0; 1; we will consider the multiplicator space MðX Þ and the nice part N0 ðX Þ of the space X : The space $ Research supported by a grant from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences for cooperation between Sweden and the former Soviet Union (Project 35147). The second author was also supported in part by the Swedish Natural Science Research Council (NFR)-Grant M5105-20005228/2000 and the third author by the Russian Fund of Fundamental Research (RFFI)-Grant 02-01-00146 and the ‘‘Universities of Russia’’ Fund (UR)-Grant 04.01.051. *Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: (S.V. Astashkin), (L. Maligranda), (E.M. Semenov). URL:
0022-1236/03/$ - see front matter r 2002 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/S0022-1236(02)00094-0
S.V. Astashkin et al. / Journal of Functional Analysis 202 (2003) 247–276
MðX Þ is connected with the tensor product of two functions xðsÞyðtÞ; s; tA½0; 1; and N0 ðX Þ is the space given by uniformly bounded sequence in X of projections into Qa;n generated by the dilations and translations of the non-zero, decreasing function k n aAX on dyadic intervals ½k1 2n ; 2n Þ in I; k ¼ 1; 2; y; 2 ; n ¼ 0; 1; 2; y . These functions are given by ( k að2n t k þ 1Þ if tA½k1 2n ; 2n Þ; an;k ðtÞ ¼ 0 elsewhere: The spaces MðX Þ and N0 ðX Þ coincide when X is a separable space but in the nonseparable case the nice part can be larger than the multiplicator space. Such a description is helpful in the proofs of properties of N0 ðX Þ and it motivates us to investigate more the multiplicator space MðX Þ: We will describe MðX Þ for concrete r.i. spaces X as Lorentz, Orlicz and Marcinkiewicz spaces. Suitable results on N0 ðX Þ; especially when X is a Marcinkiewicz space Mj ; are given. The paper is organized as follows. In Section 1 we collect some necessary definitions and notations. Section 2 contains results on the multiplicator space MðX Þ of a r.i. space X on ½0; 1: At first we collect its properties. After that the multiplicator space MðX Þ is described for concrete spaces like Lorentz Lp;j spaces, Orlicz LF spaces and Marcinkiewicz Mj spaces. The main result here is Theorem 1 which gives necessary and sufficient condition for the tensor product operator to be bounded between Marcinkiewicz spaces Mj : In Section 3, we consider a subspace N0 ðX Þ of X generated by dilations and translations in r.i. space on ½0; 1 of a decreasing function from X : The main result of the paper is Theorem 2 showing that the multiplicator space MðX Þ is a subset of the nice part N0 ðX Þ of X and that they are equal when a space X is separable. In the general case, the nice part is larger than the multiplicator space (cf. Example 2). Here we apply results on multiplicators from Section 2 to the description of N0 ðX Þ: Special attention is taken about N0 ðX Þ when X is a Marcinkiewicz space Mj (see Corollary 5 and Theorem 3). Stability properties of the class N0 with respect to the complex and real interpolation methods are presented. There is also given, in Theorem 7, a characterization of Lp -spaces among the r.i. spaces on ½0; 1; which is saying that r.i. space X on ½0; 1 coincides with Lp ½0; 1 for some 1pppN if and only if X and its associated space X 0 belong to the class N0 : Finally, in Section 4 we show that, in general, you cannot compare the results on the interval ½0; 1 with the results on ½0; NÞ and vice versa.
1. Definitions and notations We first recall some basic definitions. A Banach function space X on I ¼ ½0; 1 is said to be a rearrangement invariant (r.i.) space provided xn ðtÞpyn ðtÞ for every tA½0; 1 and yAX imply xAX and jjxjjX pjjyjjX ; where xn denotes the decreasing
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rearrangement of jxj: Always we have imbeddings LN ½0; 1CX CL1 ½0; 1: By X 0 we will denote the closure of LN ½0; 1 in X : An r.i. space X with a norm jj jjX has the Fatou property if for any increasing positive sequence ðxn Þ in X with supn jjxn jjX oN we have that supn xn AX and jjsupn xn jjX ¼ supn jjxn jjX : We will assume that the r.i. space X is either separable or it has the Fatou property. Then, as follows from the Caldero´n–Mityagin theorem [BS,KPS], the space X is an interpolation space with respect to L1 and LN ; i.e., if a linear operator T is bounded in L1 and LN ; then T is bounded in X and jjTjjX -X pC maxðjjTjjL1 -L1 ; jjTjjLN -LN Þ for some CX1: If wA denotes the characteristic function of a measurable set A in I; then clearly jjwA jjX depends only on mðAÞ: The function jX ðtÞ ¼ jjwA jjX ; where mðAÞ ¼ t; tAI; is called the fundamental function of X : For s40; the dilation operator ss given by ss xðtÞ ¼ xðt=sÞwI ðt=sÞ; tAI is well defined in every r.i. space X and jjss jjX -X pmaxð1; sÞ: The classical Boyd indices of X are defined by (cf. [BS,KPS,LT]) aX ¼ lim
lnjjss jjX -X ; ln s
bX ¼ lim
lnjjss jjX -X : ln s
In general, 0paX pbX p1: It is easy to see that j% X ðtÞpjjst jjX -X for any t40; where j ðstÞ j % X ðtÞ ¼ sup0oso1;0osto1 jXX ðsÞ : The associated space X 0 to X is the space of all (classes of) measurable functions R1 xðtÞ such that 0 jxðtÞyðtÞjdtoN for every yAX endowed with the norm jjxjjX 0 ¼ sup
jxðtÞyðtÞj dt : jjyjjX p1 :
For every r.i. space X the embedding X CX 00 is isometric. If an r.i. space X is separable, then X 0 ¼ X n : Let us recall some classical examples of r.i. spaces. Denote by C the set of increasing concave functions jðtÞ on ½0; 1 with jð0þ Þ ¼ jð0Þ ¼ 0: Each function jAC generates the Lorentz space Lj endowed with the norm jjxjjLj ¼
xn ðtÞ djðtÞ
and the Marcinkiewicz space Mj endowed with the norm jjxjjMj ¼ sup
1 jðtÞ
xn ðsÞ ds:
If F is a positive convex function on ½0; NÞ with Fð0Þ ¼ 0; then the Orlicz space LF ¼ LF ½0; 1 (cf. [KR,M89]) consists of all measurable functions xðtÞ on ½0; 1 for
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which the functional jjxjjLF is finite, where jjxjjLF
x o ¼ inf l40 : IF p1 l
with IF ðxÞ :¼
FðjxðtÞjÞ dt: 0
An Orlicz space LF is separable if and only if the function F satisfies the D2 -condition (i.e. Fð2uÞpCFðuÞ for every uXu0 and some constants u0 40 and C40). The Lorentz space Lp;q ; 1opoN; 1pqpN; is the space generated by the functionals (quasi-norms) jjxjjp;q ¼
1=q dt x ðtÞ t
1=p n
½t 0
if qoN
and jjxjjp;N ¼ sup t1=p xn ðtÞ: 0oto1
For 1ppoN and jAC the Lorentz space Lp;j is the space generated by the norm jjxjjp;j ¼
½xn ðtÞp djðtÞ
1=p :
We will use the Caldero´n–Lozanovskiı˘ construction (see [C,M89]). Let ðX0 ; X1 Þ be a pair of r.i. spaces on ½0; 1 and rAU (rAU means that rðs; tÞ ¼ srðt=sÞ for s40 with an increasing, concave function r on ½0; NÞ such that rð0Þ ¼ 0 and rð0; tÞ ¼ 0Þ: By rðX0 ; X1 Þ we mean the space of all measurable functions xðtÞ on ½0; 1 for which jxðtÞjplrðjx0 ðtÞj; jx1 ðtÞjÞ
a:e: on ½0; 1
for some xi AXi with jjxi jjXi p1; i ¼ 0; 1; and with the infimum of these l as the norm jjxjjr : In the case of the power function ry ðs; tÞ ¼ s1y ty with 0pyp1; ry ðX0 ; X1 Þ is the Caldero´n construction X01y X1y (see [C,LT,M89]). The particular case X 1=p ðLN Þ11=p ¼ X ðpÞ for 1opoN is known as the p-convexification of X defined 1=p as X ðpÞ ¼ fx is measurable on I : jxjp AX g with the norm jjxjjX ðpÞ ¼ jjjxjp jjX (see [LT,M89]). For other general properties of lattices of measurable functions and r.i. spaces we refer to books [BS,KPS,LT].
2. Multiplicator space of an r.i. space Let X ¼ X ðIÞ be an r.i. space on I ¼ ½0; 1: Then the corresponding r.i. space X ðI IÞ on I I is the space of measurable functions xðs; tÞ on I I such that x, ðtÞAX ðIÞ with the norm jjxjjX ðI IÞ ¼ jjx, jjX ðIÞ ; where x, denotes the decreasing
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rearrangement of jxj with respect to the Lebesgue measure m2 on I I: For two measurable functions x ¼ xðsÞ; y ¼ yðtÞ on I ¼ ½0; 1 we define the bilinear operator of the tensor product # by ðx#yÞðs; tÞ ¼ xðsÞyðtÞ;
s; tAI:
Definition 1. The multiplicator space MðX Þ of an r.i. space X on I ¼ ½0; 1 is the set of all measurable functions x ¼ xðsÞ such that x#yAX ðI IÞ for arbitrary yAX with the norm jjxjjMðX Þ ¼ supfjjx#yjjX ðI IÞ : jjyjjX p1g:
The multiplicator space MðX Þ is an r.i. space on ½0; 1 because for the product measure we have Z 1 m2 ðfðs; tÞAI I : jxðsÞyðtÞj4lgÞ ¼ mðfsAI : jxðsÞyðtÞj4lgÞ dt: 0
Let us collect some properties of MðX Þ: First note that for any measurable set A in I the functions wA #x and smðAÞ x are equimeasurable, i.e., their distributions are equal dwA #x ðlÞ ¼ m2 ðfðs; tÞAI I : wA ðsÞjxðtÞj4lgÞ ¼ mðftAI : jsmðAÞ xðtÞj4lgÞ ¼ dsmðAÞ x ðlÞ for all l40: In particular, jjxjjMðX Þ Xjjx#w½0;1 =jX ð1ÞjjX ¼ jjxjjX =jX ð1Þ gives the imbedding MðX ÞCX and jjxjjX pjX ð1ÞjjxjjMðX Þ
for xAMðX Þ:
Moreover, MðX Þ ¼ X if and only if the operator # : X X -X ðI IÞ is bounded. In particular, MðLp;q Þ ¼ Lp;q for 1opoN and 1pqpp since from the O’Neil theorem (see [O, Theorem 7.4]) the tensor product # : Lp;q Lp;q -Lp;q ðI IÞ is bounded. From the equality ðw½0;u #w½0;v Þ, ðtÞ ¼ w½0;uv ðtÞ we obtain that if X CMðX Þ; then fundamental function jX is submultiplicative on ½0; 1; i.e., there exists a constant c40 such that jX ðstÞpcjX ðsÞjX ðtÞ for all s; tA½0; 1: Some other properties of the multiplicator space MðX Þ (cf. [A97] for the proofs): (a) jMðX Þ ðtÞ ¼ jjst jjX -X ;
jjst jjMðX Þ-MðX Þ 1 jjs1=t jjX -X pjjst jjMðX Þ-MðX Þ pjjst jjX -X
and bMðX Þ pbX :
¼ jjst jjX -X
for t41: In particular, aMðX Þ ¼ aX
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(b) We have imbeddings Lc CMðX ÞCLp ; where cðtÞ ¼ jjst jjX -X ; 0otp1; p ¼ 1=aX and the constants of imbeddings are independent of X : In particular, ðb1 Þ MðX Þ ¼ LN if and only if aX ¼ 0: ðb2 Þ If the operator # : X X -X ðI IÞ is bounded, then X CL1=aX : (c) If X is an interpolation space between Lp and Lp;N for some 1opoN; then MðX Þ ¼ Lp : In particular, MðLp;q Þ ¼ Lp for 1opoN and ppqpN: Note that the operation MðX Þ is not monotone, i.e., if X ; Y are r.i. spaces on ½0; 1 such that X CY then, in general, it is not true that MðX ÞCMðY Þ: Namely, consider the r.i. space X on ½0; 1 constructed by Shimogaki [S]. This space has Boyd lower index aX ¼ 0 with jX ðtÞ ¼ t1=2 and L2 CX : On the other hand, MðL2 Þ ¼ L2 but MðX Þ ¼ LN by ðb1 Þ: Proposition 1. We have MðMðX ÞÞ ¼ MðX Þ with equal norms. Proof. It is enough to show the imbedding MðX ÞCMðMðX ÞÞ: Let xAMðX Þ with the norm jjxjjMðX Þ pC: Then jjx#ujjX ðI IÞ pCjjujjX ðIÞ
8uAX :
In particular, for u ¼ ðy#zÞ, with fixed yAMðX Þ and any zAX with jjzjjX ðIÞ p1 we have jjx#ðy#zÞ, jjX ðI IÞ pCjjðy#zÞ, jjX ðIÞ ¼ Cjjy#zjjX ðI IÞ : Since m2 ðfðs; tÞAI I : jxðsÞðy#zÞ, ðtÞj4lgÞ ¼
mðftAI : jxðsÞðy#zÞ, ðtÞj4lgÞ ds
m2 ðfðt; aÞAI I : jxðsÞyðtÞzðaÞj4lgÞ ds
¼ m3 ðfðs; t; aÞAI I I : jxðsÞyðtÞzðaÞj4lgÞ ¼
m2 ðfðs; tÞAI I : jxðsÞyðtÞzðaÞj4lgÞ da
mðftAI : jðx#yÞ, ðtÞzðaÞj4lgÞ da
¼ m2 ðfðt; aÞAI I : ðx#yÞ, ðtÞzðaÞj4lgÞ
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for any l40 it follows that jjx#ðy#zÞ, jjX ðI IÞ ¼ jjðx#yÞ, #zjjX ðI IÞ : Taking the supremum over all zAX with jjzjjX ðIÞ p1 we obtain jjðx#yÞ, jjMðX Þ ¼ supfjjðx#yÞ, #zjjX ðI IÞ : jjzjjX ðIÞ p1g ¼ supfjjx#ðy#zÞ, jjX ðI IÞ : jjzjjX ðIÞ p1g p C supfjjy#zjjX ðI IÞ : jjzjjX ðIÞ p1g ¼ CjjyjjMðX Þ : This means that xAMðMðX ÞÞ and its norm is pC:
Note that if X ¼ MðY Þ for some r.i. space Y ; then X ¼ MðX Þ: Indeed, MðX Þ ¼ MðMðY ÞÞ ¼ MðY Þ ¼ X : For concrete r.i. spaces, like Lorentz, Orlicz and Marcinkiewicz, we have the following results about multiplicator space. From the above discussion we have that if 1opoN and 1pqpN; then MðLp;q Þ ¼ Lp;minðp;qÞ :
Proposition 2 (cf. Astashkin [A97] for p ¼ 1). Let jAC and 1ppoN: Then (i) Lp;j% CMðLp;j ÞCLp;j : (ii) MðLp;j Þ ¼ Lp;j if and only if j is submultiplicative on ½0; 1: (iii) If jðtÞ ¼ lims-0þ jðstÞ % jðsÞ ; then MðLp;j Þ ¼ Lp;j% : The proof follows from [A97] (cf. also [Mi76,Mi78]), property (b) and the fact that MðX ÞðpÞ ¼ MðX ðpÞ Þ; where X ðpÞ is the p-convexification of X . Proposition 3. For the Orlicz space LF ¼ LF ½0; 1 we have the following: (i) If FeD2 ; then MðLF Þ ¼ LN : ð (ii) If FAD ; then L CMðL ÞCL ; where FðuÞ % ¼ supvX1 FFðuvÞ ; uX1: % 2 F F F vÞ (iii) If FAD2 ; then MðLF Þ ¼ LF if and only if F is a submultiplicative function for large u; i.e., FðuvÞpCFðuÞFðvÞ for some positive C; u0 and all u; vXu0 : Proof. (i) It follows from property ðb1 Þ and the fact that Boyd index aLF ¼ 0: (ii) The imbedding LF% CMðLF Þ follows from Ando theorem [A, Theorem 6] on boundedness of tensor product between Orlicz spaces. In fact, if xðsÞALF% and
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yðtÞALF ; then IF% ðx=lÞ þ IF ðy=lÞoN for some lX1; and so % Fðl2 jxðsÞjjyðtÞjÞp½1 þ FðjxðsÞj=lÞ½Fð1Þ þ FðjyðtÞj=lÞ; from which IF ðl2 x#yÞp½1 þ IF% ðx=lÞ½Fð1Þ þ IF ðy=lÞoN; that is, x#yALF ðI IÞ: Therefore, LF% CMðLF Þ: The second imbedding follows from (2). (iii) It follows directly from (ii) and it was also proved in [A,A82,Mi81,O]. & The situation is different in the case of Marcinkiewicz spaces. Theorem 1. Let jAC: The following statements are equivalent: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
MðMj Þ ¼ Mj : The tensor product # : Mj Mj -Mj ðI IÞ is bounded. j0 #j0 AMj : There exists a constant C40 such that the inequality !
n n X i i1 1X jðui Þ j ui j pCj n n n i¼1 i¼1
is valid for any ui A½0; 1; i ¼ 1; 2; y; n and every nAN: Proof. The equivalence ðiÞ3ðiiÞ is true for any r.i. space, in particular also for the Marcinkiewicz space Mj : Implication ðiiÞ ) ðiiiÞ follows from the fact that j0 AMj : ðiiiÞ ) ðivÞ: Given an integer n and a sequence u1 ; u2 ; y; un A½0; 1; consider the set n
[ i1 i A¼ ;
ð0; ui ÞC½0; 1 ½0; 1: n n i¼1 Then Z
ðj0 #j0 Þ dm2 pCjðm2 ðAÞÞ; A
where m2 is the Lebesque measure on ½0; 1 ½0; 1: Since Z A
j ðtÞj ðsÞ dt ds ¼
n X i¼1
i i1 jðui Þ j j n n
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and m2 ðAÞ ¼
n X 1 ui n i¼1
it follows that estimate (4) holds. ðivÞ ) ðiiÞ: Assume that (4) is valid. It is sufficient to prove that the inequality jjx#yjjMj pC holds for x; yAMj ; jjxjjMj ¼ jjyjjMj ¼ 1 and x ¼ xn ; y ¼ yn : Given x ¼ xn AMj with jjxjjMj ¼ 1 and e40 there exists a strictly decreasing function z ¼ zn AMj such that jjzjjMj p1 þ e and zXx: Therefore, we can assume in addition that x and y are strictly decreasing and continuous on ð0; 1: We must prove the inequality Z xðtÞyðsÞ dt dspCm2 ðAt Þ At
for any set At ¼ fðt; sÞA½0; 1 ½0; 1 : xðtÞyðsÞXtg;
Given t40; there exists a continuous decreasing function gðtÞ ¼ gt ðtÞ such that At ¼ fðt; sÞ : gðsÞXtg: Put Pn ¼
n [
0; g
i i1 i ;
n n n
and Qn ¼
n [ i¼1
i1 i1 i ; : 0; g
n n n
Then Pn CAt CQn : The continuity of the function g implies that lim mðQn \Pn Þ ¼ lim
p lim
n X 1 i1 i g g n n n i¼1
i1 i max g g ¼ 0: 1pipn n n
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The function xðtÞyðsÞ belongs to L1 ðm2 Þ: Hence Z xðtÞyðsÞ dt ds ¼ 0 lim n-N
Qn \Pn
and Z At
xðtÞyðsÞ dt ds ¼ lim
¼ lim
xðtÞyðsÞ dt ds Pn n Z X 0
i gðnÞ
Z xðtÞ dt
i n
i1 n Z i n
yðsÞ ds
Z i1 n i j g yðsÞ ds yðsÞ ds p lim n-N n 0 0 i¼1
Z i n X n i iþ1 ¼ lim j g yðsÞ ds: j g n-N n n 0 i¼1 n X
i iþ1 j g j g 40 n n and Z
i n 0
i yðsÞ dspj n
it follows that
Z n X i iþ1 i xðtÞyðsÞ dt dsp lim j g j g j n-N n n n At k¼1
n X i i i1 ¼ lim j g j j : n-N n n n i¼1
i ¼ ui and applying (4) we get Denoting g n
Z n X i i1 xðtÞyðsÞ dt dsp lim jðui Þ j j n-N n n At i¼1 ! n 1X p C lim j ui ¼ C lim jðm2 ðPn ÞÞ ¼ Cm2 ðAt Þ; n-N n-N n i¼1 and the proof is complete.
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Observe that we have even proved that the tensor multiplicator norm in the space Mj is equal Pn i i1 i¼1 jðui ÞðjðnÞ jð n ÞÞ Pn : sup 1 jðn i¼1 ui Þ 0oui p1;i¼1;2;y;n;nAN The concavity of j implies that the supremum is attained on the set of decreasing sequences 1Xu1 Xu2 X?Xun 40: Remark 1. Theorem 1 can be formulated in a more general form. Let j1 ; j2 ; j3 AC: Then the tensor product # : Mj1 Mj2 -Mj3 ðI IÞ is bounded if and only if there exists a constant C40 such that the inequality !
n n X i i1 1X j1 ðui Þ j2 ui ð5Þ j2 pCj3 n n n i¼1 i¼1 is true for every integer n and every ui A½0; 1; i ¼ 1; 2; y; n: Condition (5) can be also written in the integral form
Z 1 Z 1 j1 ðuðtÞÞj02 ðtÞ dtpCj3 uðtÞ dt 0
for all functions uðtÞ on ½0; 1 such that 0puðtÞp1: The last integral condition is satisfied when for example Z 1 s 0 j1 j ðtÞ dtpCj3 ðsÞ t 2 0 for all s in ½0; 1: A similar assumption appeared in papers [Mi76,Mi78]. We will find a condition on jAC under which estimate (4) will be true. Lemma 1. Let jAC and jðtÞpKjðt2 Þ for some positive number K and for every tA½0; 1: Then !
n n X i i1 1X jðui Þ j ui j pðK þ 1Þjð1Þj n n n i¼1 i¼1 for every integer n and every ui A½0; 1; i ¼ 1; 2; y; n: Proof. The concavity of j implies that we can suppose the monotonicity 1Xu1 Xu2 X?Xun X0: Denote s¼
n 1X ui : n i¼1
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pffiffi pffiffi There exists a natural number m; 1pmpn; such that um p s and ui 4 s for ipm: Since ns ¼
n X i¼1
ui X
m X
pffiffi ui Xm s
pffiffi it yields that mpn s and
m m m X X i i1 i i1 jðui Þ j j j p jð1Þ j ¼ jð1Þj n n n n n i¼1 i¼1
pffiffi pffiffi n s p jð1Þj ¼ jð1Þjð sÞpKjð1ÞjðsÞ: n If i4m; then jðui ÞpjðsÞ and so
n n X X i i1 i i1 jðui Þ j j j pjðsÞ j pjð1ÞjðsÞ: n n n n i¼mþ1 i¼mþ1 Hence n X i¼1
n i i1 1X jðui Þ j ui : j pðK þ 1Þjð1ÞjðsÞ ¼ ðK þ 1Þjð1Þj n n n i¼1
Immediately from Theorem 1 and Lemma 1 we have the following assertion. Corollary 1. Let jAC and jðtÞpKjðt2 Þ for some positive number K and for every tA½0; 1: Then MðMj Þ ¼ Mj : Let us note that the power function jðtÞ ¼ ta with 0oao1 does not satisfy inequality (4) but there are functions jAC which satisfy the estimate jðtÞpKjðt2 Þ for some positive number K and for every tA½0; 1: This estimate gives, of course, the supermultiplicativity of j on ½0; 1: Example 1. For each l40 there exists a ¼ aðlÞAð0; 1Þ such that the function 8 if t ¼ 0; > : linear if tA½aðlÞ; 1; belongs to C: Clearly, jl ðtÞp2l jl ðt2 Þ for every tA½0; aðlÞ: Consequently, jl satisfies the conditions of Lemma 1.
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Remark 2. There exists a function jAC such that the tensor product acts from Mj Mj into Mj and j does not satisfy the condition jðtÞpKjðt2 Þ for some positive number K and for every tA½0; 1: It is enough to take jðtÞ ¼ ta lnb at for 0oao1; b41 and a4e2b=ð1aÞ : We finish this part with the imbeddings of Caldero´n–Lozanovskiı˘ construction on multiplicator spaces. Proposition 4. Let X0 ; X1 be r.i. spaces on ½0; 1: Then (i) MðX0 Þ1y MðX1 Þy CMðX 1y X y Þ: 0 1 (ii) If rAU is a supermultiplicative function on ½0; NÞ; i.e., there exists a constant c40 such that rðstÞXcrðsÞrðtÞ for all s; tA½0; NÞ; then rðMðX0 Þ; MðX1 ÞÞCMðrðX0 ; X1 ÞÞ: Proof. (i) Observe first that Y CMðX Þ if and only if the operator # : Y X -X ðI IÞ is bounded. Since # : MðXi Þ Xi -Xi ðI IÞ; i ¼ 0; 1; is bounded with the norm p1 and the Caldero´n construction is an interpolation method for positive bilinear operators (cf. [C]) it follows that # : MðX0 Þ1y MðX1 Þy X01y X1y -X0 ðI IÞ1y X1 ðI IÞy ¼ X01y X1y ðI IÞ is bounded with the norm p1: Therefore, MðX0 Þ1y MðX1 Þy CMðX01y X1y Þ . (ii) When r is a supermultiplicative function the Caldero´n–Lozanovskiı˘ construction is an interpolation method for positive bilinear operators (see [As97,M] Theorem 2]) and the proof of the imbedding is similar as in (i). & Note that the inclusions in Proposition 4 can be strict. For the spaces X0 ¼ Lp;q ; X1 ¼ Lp;N with 1pqopoN we have y MðX0 Þ1y MðX1 Þy ¼ MðLp;q Þ1y MðLp;N Þy ¼ L1y p;q Lp ¼ Lp;r ;
where 1=r ¼ ð1 yÞ=q þ y=p and y MðX01y X1y Þ ¼ MðL1y p;q Lp;N Þ ¼ MðLp;s Þ ¼ Lp;minðp;sÞ ;
! Lp;minðp;sÞ gives then the where 1=s ¼ ð1 yÞ=q: The strict imbedding Lp;rD corresponding example.
3. Subspaces generated by dilations and translations in r.i. spaces Given an r.i. space X on I ¼ ½0; 1 let us denote by V0 ðX Þ ¼ faAX : aa0; a ¼ an g:
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k n For a fixed function aAV0 ðX Þ and dyadic intervals Dn;k ¼ ½k1 2n ; 2n Þ; k ¼ 1; 2; y; 2 ; n ¼ 0; 1; 2; y; let us consider the dilations and translations of a function a ( að2n t k þ 1Þ if tADn;k ; an;k ðtÞ ¼ 0 elsewhere:
Then supp an;k CDn;k and mðftADn;k : jan;k ðtÞj4lgÞ ¼ 2n mðftAI : jaðtÞj4lgÞ for all l40: n
For aAV0 ðX Þ and n ¼ 0; 1; 2; y we denote by Qa;n the linear span ½fan;k g2k¼1 generated by functions an;k in X : Definition 2. For an r.i. function space X on ½0; 1 the nice part N0 ðX Þ of X is defined by N0 ðX Þ ¼ aAV0 ðX Þ : there exists a sequence of projections fPn gN n¼0 on X such that ImPn ¼ Qa;n and supn¼0;1;y jjPn jjX -X oN : We say that X is a nice space (or shortly X AN0 ) if an belongs to N0 ðX Þ for every a from X : We are using here similar notions as in the paper [HS99]. They were considering r.i. space X ¼ X ½0; NÞ on ½0; NÞ; the corresponding set V ðX Þ ¼ faAX : aa0; supp aC½0; 1Þ; a ¼ an g and the set NðX Þ of all aAV ðX Þ such that Qa is a complemented subspace of X ¼ X ½0; NÞ; where Qa is the linear closed span generated by the sequence ðak ÞN k¼1 with ak ðtÞ ¼ aðt k þ 1Þ
for tA½k 1; kÞ and ak ðtÞ ¼ 0 elsewhere:
If NðX Þ ¼ X ; then they write that X AN (or say that X is a nice space). We are putting ‘‘sub-zero’’ notions, that is, V0 ðX Þ and N0 ðX Þ; so that we have difference between of our case of r.i. spaces on ½0; 1 and their case ½0; NÞ: Theorem 2. Let X be an r.i. space on ½0; 1 and let X 0 denote the closure of LN ½0; 1 in X : Then we have embeddings (i) MðX ÞCN0 ðX Þ; (ii) N0 ðX 0 ÞCMðX Þ: Before the proof of this theorem we will need some auxiliary results. Let aAV0 ðX Þ and f AV0 ðX 0 Þ be such that Z 1 f ðtÞaðtÞ dt ¼ 1: 0
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Define the sequence of natural projections (averaging operators) Pn xðtÞ ¼ Pn;a;f xðtÞ ¼
2n X
fn;k ðsÞxðsÞdsÞan;k ðtÞ;
n ¼ 0; 1; 2; y :
Lemma 2. The sequence of norms fjjPn;a;f jjX -X gN n¼0 is a non-decreasing sequence. Proof. For x ¼ xðtÞ with supp xCDn;k we define
k1 k Rn;k xðtÞ ¼ x 2t n ; Sn;k xðtÞ ¼ x 2t n : 2 2 Then supp Rn;k xCDnþ1;2k1 ;
supp Sn;k xCDnþ1;2k
and mðftADnþ1;2k1 : jRn;k xðtÞj4lgÞ ¼ mðftADnþ1;2k : jSn;k xðtÞj4lgÞ ¼ 12 mðftAI : jxðtÞj4lgÞ for all l40: Therefore, Z Z Rn;k xðtÞ dt ¼ Dnþ1;2k1
Sn;k xðtÞ dt ¼
1 2
Z xðtÞ dt: Dn;k
Moreover, Rn;k ðfn;k xwDn;k ÞðtÞ ¼ fnþ1;2k1 Rn;k ðxwDn;k ÞðtÞ; Sn;k ðfn;k xwDn;k ÞðtÞ ¼ fnþ1;2k Sn;k ðxwDn;k ÞðtÞ and mðftADnþ1;j : anþ1;j ðtÞ4lgÞ ¼ 12 mðftADn;i : an;i 4lgÞ for all l40 and any i ¼ 1; 2; y; 2n ; j ¼ 1; 2; y; 2nþ1 : Denote Pn ¼ Pn;a;f : The last equality and the equality of integrals give that the function Pn xðtÞ is equimeasurable with the function ! Z 2n X nþ1 Pnþ1 yðtÞ ¼ 2 fnþ1;2k1 ðsÞRn;k ðxwDn;k ÞðsÞ ds anþ1;2k1 ðtÞ Dnþ1;2k1
k¼1 n
2 X k¼1
Z Dnþ1;2k
! fnþ1;2k ðsÞSn;k ðxwDn;k ÞðsÞ ds anþ1;2k ðtÞ;
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where yðtÞ ¼
2n X
½Rn;k ðxwDn;k ÞðtÞ þ Sn;k ðxwDn;k ÞðtÞ:
From the above we can see that y is equimeasurable with x and so jjPn xjjX ¼ jjPnþ1 yjjX pjjPnþ1 jj jjyjjX ¼ jjPnþ1 jj jjxjjX ; that is, jjPn jjpjjPnþ1 jj:
Lemma 3. Let X be a separable r.i. space. If aAN0 ðX Þ; then there exists a function f AN0 ðX 0 Þ such that (6) is fulfilled and for the sequence of projections fPn;a;f g defined by (7) we have sup n¼0;1;2;y
jjPn;a;f jjX -X oN:
Proof. Since X is a separable space and aAN0 ðX Þ it follows that there are functions gn;k AX 0 ðk ¼ 1; 2; y; 2n ; n ¼ 0; 1; 2; yÞ such that Z
gn;k ðsÞan;k ðsÞ ds ¼ 1 and
gn;k ðsÞan;j ðsÞ ds ¼ 0; jak;
and for the projections Tn xðtÞ ¼
2n Z X
gn;k ðsÞxðsÞ ds an;k ðtÞ
we have supn¼0;1;y jjTn jjX -X oN: Let fri gni¼1 be the first n Rademacher functions on the segment ½0; 1: Since X is an r.i. space it follows that for every uA½0; 1 the norms of the operators ! Z 2n 2n X X Tn;u xðtÞ ¼ rk ðuÞ ri ðuÞ gn;k ðsÞxðsÞ ds an;k ðtÞ k¼1
are the same as the norms of Tn : Let us consider the operators ! Z 1 Z 2n X Tn;u xðtÞ du ¼ gn;k ðsÞxðsÞ ds an;k ðtÞ: Sn xðtÞ ¼ 0
Then jjSn jjp sup jjTn;u jj ¼ jjTn jjpC: uA½0;1
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Therefore, we can assume that supp gn;k CDn;k and gn;k is decreasing on Dn;k : Moreover, we shift supports of the functions gn;k ðk ¼ 1; 2; y; 2n Þ to the segment ½0; 2n and consider the averages Gn ðtÞ ¼ 2
2n X
tðk1Þ2n gn;k ðtÞ;
where ts gðtÞ ¼ gðt sÞ: Then the shifts hn;k ðtÞ ¼ 2n tðk1Þ2n Gn ðtÞ generate operators Un xðtÞ ¼
2n X
hn;k ðsÞxðsÞ ds an;k ðtÞ
and we can show that jjUn jjX -X pC: Since hn;k ðtÞ ¼ ðFn Þn;k ðtÞ; where Fn ðtÞ ¼ 2n Gn ð2n tÞ for 0ptp1; it follows that Z
Fn ðtÞaðtÞ dt ¼
Gn ðtÞan;1 ðtÞ dt
¼ 2n
2n Z X k¼1
tðk1Þ2n gn;k ðtÞan;1 ðtÞ dt
2n Z X k¼1
gn;k ðtÞan;k ðtÞ dt ¼ 1: Dn;k
Let us show that there exists a subsequence fFnk ðtÞg of Fn ðtÞ which converges at every tAð0; 1: Lemma 2 gives that the norm of the one-dimensional operator Ln xðtÞ ¼
Fn ðsÞxðsÞ ds aðtÞ
does not exceed jjUn jjX -X ; and consequently also not C: Therefore, C jjFn jjX 0 p : jjajjX
By the definition of Fn we have Fnn ðtÞ ¼ Fn ðtÞ and 1¼
Fn ðsÞaðsÞ dsXFn ðtÞ 0
aðsÞ ds 0
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Z t 1 aðsÞ ds for all tAð0; 1: Fn ðtÞp 0
Applying Helly selection theorem (see [N]) we can choose subsequences fFn g*fFn;1 g*fFn;2 g*y*fFn;m g*y that converge on the intervals 1 1 1 ; 1 ; ; 1 ; y; ; 1 ; y; 2 3 mþ1 respectively. Then the diagonal sequence fn ðtÞ ¼ Fn;n ðtÞ converges at every tAð0; 1 to a function f ðtÞ ¼ f n ðtÞ: Using estimate (8) we obtain Z s C fn ðtÞaðtÞ dtpjjfn jjX 0 jjawð0;sÞ jjX p jjawð0;sÞ jjX : jjajjX 0 Since X is a separable r.i. space it follows that jjawð0;sÞ jjX -0 as s-0þ : Therefore, the equalities fnn ¼ fn and an ¼ a imply that ffn ag is an equi-integrable sequence of functions on ½0; 1: Hence (see [E, Theorem 1.21], or [HM, Theorem 6, Chapter V]) Z
f ðtÞaðtÞ dt ¼ lim
fn ðtÞaðtÞ dt ¼ 1: 0
Let mAN be fixed. By the estimate jjUn jjX -X pC; the definition of fn ; and Lemma 2 we have m ! Z X 2 2m ðfn Þm;k ðtÞxðtÞ dt am;k pCjjxjjX ð9Þ k¼1 Dm;k X
for all nXm and all xAX : Suppose that xðtÞ is a non-negative and non-increasing function on every interval Dm;k ; k ¼ 1; 2; y; 2m : As above, from (8) it follows that fðfn Þm;k xwDm;k gN m¼1 is an equiintegrable sequence on Dm;k : Hence Z Z ðfn Þm;k ðtÞxðtÞ dt ¼ ðf Þm;k ðtÞxðtÞ dt lim n-N
and for all such functions xðtÞ estimate (9) implies m ! Z X 2 m 2 fm;k ðtÞxðtÞ dt am;k pCjjxjjX : k¼1 Dm;k X
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Since X is an r.i. space we can prove that the above estimate holds for all xAX : The proof is complete. & Proof of Theorem 2. (i) At first by the result in [A97, Theorem 1.14], we have that aAMðX Þ if and only if there exists a constant C40 such that n n X X 2 2 cn;k an;k pC cn;k wDn;k k¼1 k¼1 X
ð10Þ X
for all cn;k AR and k ¼ 1; 2; y; 2n ; n ¼ 0; 1; 2; y . Suppose that aAV0 ðX Þ-MðX Þ; that is, estimate (10) holds. If eðtÞ 1; then the operators Pn;e xðtÞ ¼
2n X
Z Dn;k
xðsÞ ds wDn;k ðtÞ
ðn ¼ 1; 2; yÞ
are bounded projections in every r.i. space X and jjPn;e jjX -X p1 (see [KPS, Theorem 4.3]). Define operators Rn;a : Qe;n ¼ Im Pn;e -Qa;n as follows: Rn;a
2n X
! cn;k wDn;k
2n X
cn;k an;k :
By the assumption aAMðX Þ or equivalently by estimate (10) we have jjRn;a jjQe;n -X pC: Therefore, for the operators Pn;a ¼
1 Rn;a Pn;e : jjajjL1
We have jjPn;a jjX -X pCjjajj1 L1 ;
n ¼ 1; 2; y :
It is easy to check that Pn;a are projections and Im Pn;a ¼ Qa;n : Therefore, aAN0 ðX Þ: (ii) If X ¼ LN ; then MðX Þ ¼ N0 ðX 0 Þ ¼ LN : If X aLN ; then X 0 is a separable r.i. space. In this case, by Lemma 3, for any aAN0 ðX 0 Þ there exists a function f AV0 ððX 0 Þ0 Þ such that (6) is fulfilled and for the projections Pn;a;f defined as in (7) we have C¼
sup n¼0;1;2;y
jjPn;a;f jjX 0 -X 0 oN: &
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If x is a function of the form xðsÞ ¼
P2 n
Pn;a;f x ¼ jjf jjL1
cn;k wDn;k ðsÞ; then 2n X
cn;k an;k :
n n X X 2 2 1 cn;k an;k pCjjf jjL1 cn;k wDn;k ; k¼1 k¼1 0 0 X
and we obtain (10) for X : If X 0 ¼ X ; that is, X is a separable r.i. space, then the theorem is proved. If X is a non-separable r.i. space, then X 0 is an isometric subspace of X ¼ X 00 : By using the Fatou property, we can extend the above inequality to the whole space X and obtain (10), which gives that aAMðX Þ: The proof of Theorem 2 is complete. & Immediately from Theorem 2 and the properties of the multiplicator space we obtain the following corollaries. Corollary 2. If X is a separable r.i. space, then MðX Þ ¼ N0 ðX Þ: Corollary 3. If 1opoN; 1pqpN; then N0 ðLp;q Þ ¼ Lp;q for 1pqpp and N0 ðLp;q Þ ¼ N0 ðL0p;N Þ ¼ Lp for poqoN: Corollary 4. Let X0 and X1 be separable r.i. spaces. If X0 ; X1 AN0 ; then X01y X1y AN0 : Corollaries 3 and 4 show that the class of nice spaces N0 is stable with respect to the complex method of interpolation but it is not stable with respect to the real interpolation method. Corollary 5. If jAC and jðtÞpKjðt2 Þ for some positive number K and for every tA½0; 1; then N0 ðMj Þ ¼ Mj : By jAC0 we mean jAC such that limt-0þ
t jðtÞ
¼ 0:
Theorem 3. Let jAC0 : (i) If lim sup t-0þ
jð2tÞ ¼2 jðtÞ
then LN CN0 ðMj ÞCLN ,ðMj \Mj0 Þ:
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(ii) If jð2tÞ ¼2 jðtÞ
then N0 ðMj Þ ¼ LN ,ðMj \Mj0 Þ: Proof. (i) By Theorem 2 the left part of (13) is valid for any r.i. space. Assumption (12) implies lim sup t-0þ
jðtÞ 1 ¼ ; jðtsÞ s
and so jjss jjMj -Mj Xs lim sup t-0þ
jðtÞ ¼1 jðstÞ
for every 0osp1: This means that aMj ¼ 0: Let xAN0 ðMj Þ-Mj0 : By using Corollary 2 and property ðb1 Þ we get xAN0 ðMj0 Þ ¼ MðMj0 Þ ¼ LN : This proves the right part of (13). (ii) We must only prove the inclusion Mj \Mj0 CN0 ðMj Þ: Let aAMj \Mj0 ; jjajjMj ¼ 1 and cðtÞ ¼ distða; Mj0 Þ
Rt 0
an ðsÞ ds: It is well known that
1 ¼ lim sup t-0þ jðtÞ
an ðsÞ ds:
Therefore, g ¼ lim sup t-0þ
cðtÞ 40 jðtÞ
and there exists a sequence ftm g tending to 0 such that lim
cðtm Þ ¼ g: jðtm Þ
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Since lim
jðtm Þ ¼1 2n jðt2mn Þ
for every natural n; it follows that jjan;k jjMj X lim sup m-N
cðtm Þ cðtm Þ jðtm Þ lim n tm ¼ g ¼ lim sup m-N jðt Þ 2n jðt2mn Þ 2 jð2n Þ m-N m
for every 1pkp2n ; n ¼ 1; 2; y . Consider the subspaces Hn;k =closed span ½fan;i giak : These subspaces are closed subspaces of Mj and an;k eHn;k : Thus, by the Hahn–Banach theorem, there are 1 1 bn;k AðMj Þn such that bn;k jHn;k ¼ 0; bn;k ðan;k Þ ¼ 1 and jjbn;k jj ¼ jjan;k jjp g : Then the operators Pn x ¼
2n X
bn;k ðxÞan;k
are projections from Mj onto Qa;n : Moreover, Pn are uniformly bounded since n 2 1 X jjPn xjjMj p jjxjjMj an;k g k¼1 Therefore, aAN0 ðMj Þ: The proof is complete.
1 ¼ jjxjjMj : g
Example 2. There exists a non-separable r.i. space X such that MðX ÞaN0 ðX Þ: Take X ¼ Mj with jðtÞ ¼ t ln et on ð0; 1: Since aMj ¼ 0 it follows that MðMj Þ ¼ LN : The function aðtÞ ¼ ln et for tAð0; 1 as unbounded is not in MðX Þ but it is in Mj \Mj0 and by Theorem 3(ii) it shows that aAN0 ðX Þ: Therefore, N0 ðX ÞaMðX Þ: Corollary 6. If jAC0 and lim sup t-0þ
jð2tÞ jðtÞ
¼ 2; then j0 AN0 ðMj Þ and consequently
N0 ðMj Þ is neither a linear space nor a lattice. Problem 1. For 1opoN describe N0 ðLp;N Þ: Note that MðLp;N Þ ¼ Lp and N0 ðL0p;N Þ ¼ MðL0p;N Þ ¼ Lp : Theorem 4. Let X be an r.i. space X on ½0; 1: The following conditions are equivalent: (i) # : X X -X ðI IÞ is bounded. (ii) MðX Þ ¼ X :
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(iii) X AN0 ; i.e., N0 ðX Þ ¼ X : (iv) There exists a constant C40 such that n n X X 2 2 cn;k an;k pCjjajjX cn;k wDn;k k¼1 k¼1 X
ð14Þ X
for all aAX and all cn;k AR; k ¼ 1; 2; y; 2 ; n ¼ 0; 1; 2; y . Proof. Implication ðiÞ ) ðiiÞ follows by definition ðiiÞ ) ðiiiÞ from Theorem 2 and ðivÞ ) ðiÞ by the result in [A97, Theorem 1.14]. Therefore, it only remains to prove that (iii) implies (iv). First, assume additionally that X is separable. If X AN0 ; then, similarly as in the proof of Theorem 2, for any aAX there exist C1 40 and f AV0 ðX 0 Þ such that R1 0 f ðtÞaðtÞ dt ¼ 1 and n n X X 2 2 1 cn;k an;k pC1 jjf jjL1 cn;k wDn;k : k¼1 k¼1 X
Let us introduce a new norm on X defined by 9 8 Pn > > = < 2k¼1 cn;k an;k X : cn;k AR; k ¼ 1; 2; y; 2n ; n ¼ 0; 1; 2; y : jjajj1 ¼ sup P n > > ; : 2k¼1 cn;k wDn;k X
Then jjajjX pjjajj1 and jjajj1 oN for all aAX : By the closed graph theorem we obtain that jjajj1 pCjjajjX and (14) is proved. Now, let X be a non-separable r.i. space. In the case X ¼ LN both conditions (iii) and (iv) are fulfilled. Therefore, consider the case X aLN : Then X 0 is a separable r.i. space. The canonical isometric imbedding X 0 CX ¼ X 00 gives that X 0 AN0 : Let aAV0 ðX Þ: The separability of X 0 implies n n X X 2 2 ðmÞ ðmÞ cn;k ½a n;k p Cjja jjX 0 cn;k wDn;k k¼1 k¼1 0 0 X n X X 2 ¼ CjjaðmÞ jjX 0 cn;k wDn;k ; k¼1 X
where aðmÞ ðtÞ ¼ minðaðtÞ; mÞ; m ¼ 1; 2; y .
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Since X ¼ X 00 has the Fatou property and ½aðmÞ n;k ¼ ½an;k ðmÞ it follows that " n #ðmÞ X X 2 2n cn;k an;k ¼ lim cn;k an;k m-N k¼1 k¼1 X n X X 2 p CjjajjX cn;k wDn;k k¼1 X
and Theorem 4 is proved.
Theorem 5. Let X be an r.i. space X on ½0; 1: Then X AN0 if and only if X 00 AN0 : Proof. The proof is similar to that of Theorem 4. The essential part is the proof of the estimate (14). We leave the details to the reader. Theorem 6. Let X be a separable r.i. space X on ½0; 1: Then the following conditions are equivalent: (i) aAN0 ðX Þ: (ii) The operators Rn;a : Qe;n -Qa;n given by Rn;a
2n X
! ¼
cn;k wDn;k
2n X
cn;k an;k
are uniformly bounded. (iii) The operators Rn;a and their inverses are uniformly bounded. Proof. ðiÞ ) ðiiiÞ: Let aAN0 ðX Þ: Then jjRn;a jjpC for all n ¼ 0; 1; 2; y; by Theorem 2. Next, since aa0 there exists n0 AN and e ¼ eðn0 Þ40 such that aðtÞXuðtÞ ¼ ewð0;2n0 Þ ðtÞ: Therefore, for all cn;k AR; n n n X X X 2 2 2 cn;k an;k X cn;k un;k ¼ e cn;k wððk1Þ2n ;ðk1þ2n0 Þ2n Þ k¼1 k¼1 k¼1 X X X ! X 2n 2n X n 1 ¼ e s2 0 cn;k wDn;k Xejjs2n0 jjX -X cn;k wDn;k ; k¼1 k¼1 X
which shows that the inverses ðRn;a Þ1 are uniformly bounded. ðiiÞ ) ðiÞ: If the operators Rn;a are uniformly bounded, then we have estimate (14) or equivalently aAMðX Þ and Theorem 2(i) gives that aAN0 ðX Þ: & Now, we present a characterization of Lp spaces among all r.i. spaces on ½0; 1:
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Theorem 7. Let X be an r.i. space X on ½0; 1: The following conditions are equivalent: (i) X AN0 and X 0 AN0 : (ii) There exists a constant C40 such that n n n X X X 2 2 2 1 C cn;k wDn;k p cn;k an;k pC cn;k wDn;k k¼1 k¼1 k¼1 X
ð15Þ X
for all aAV0 ðX Þ with jjajjX ¼ 1 and all cn;k AR with k ¼ 1; 2; y; 2n ; n ¼ 0; 1; 2; y . (iii) For any pair of functions ða; f Þ such that aAV0 ðX Þ; f AV0 ðX 0 Þ satisfying (6) the operators Pn;a;f defined in (7) are uniformly bounded in X : (iv) The operator of the tensor product # is bounded from X X into X ðI IÞ and from X 0 X 0 into X 0 ðI IÞ: (v) There exists a pA½1; N such that X ¼ Lp : Proof. ðiÞ ) ðivÞ: This follows from Theorem 4. ðivÞ ) ðiiÞ: Let aAV0 ðX Þ; jjajjX ¼ 1: Assumption (iv) implies, by Theorem 4, that n n X X 2 2 cn;k an;k pC1 cn;k wDn;k k¼1 k¼1 X
for some constant C1 40: Therefore it only remains to prove left estimate in (15). For arbitrary bAV0 ðX 0 Þ such that Z
aðtÞbðtÞ dt ¼ 1 and
we obtain
R Dn;k
n X 2 dn;k bn;k p1ðdn;k ARÞ k¼1 0 X
an;k ðtÞbn;k ðtÞ dt ¼ 2n and
n ! ! Z 1 X X 2 2n 2n 2n X X n c a X c a ðtÞ d b ðtÞ dt ¼ 2 cn;k dn;k : n;k n;k n;k n;k k¼1 n;k n;k 0 k¼1 k¼1 k¼1 X
Since # is bounded from X 0 X 0 into X 0 ðI IÞ it follows, again by Theorem 4 used to X 0 ; that n n X X 2 2 dn;k bn;k pC2 dn;k wDn;k k¼1 k¼1 0 X
S.V. Astashkin et al. / Journal of Functional Analysis 202 (2003) 247–276
for some constant C2 40; from which we conclude that n ! ! Z 1 X X 2 2n 2n X 1 c a X C2 sup cn;k an;k ðtÞ dn;k bn;k ðtÞ dt k¼1 n;k n;k d 0 k¼1 k¼1 X
¼ 2n C21 sup d
2n X
cn;k dn;k ;
P n n where the supremum is taken over all d ¼ ðdn;k Þ2k¼1 such that 2k¼1 dn;k wDn;k 0 p1: X
The operator Pn;e defined as in (11) by ! Z 2n X n Pn;e xðtÞ ¼ 2 xðsÞ ds wDn;k ðtÞ
ðn ¼ 1; 2; yÞ
satisfies jjPn;e jjX 0 -X 0 p1: Therefore, n ! Z 1 X X 2 2n c w ¼ sup cn;k wDn;k ðtÞ yðtÞ dt k¼1 n;k Dn;k jjyjjX 0 p1 0 k¼1 X ! Z 1 X 2n ¼ sup cn;k wDn;k ðtÞ Pn;e yðtÞ dt jjyjjX 0 p1
sup jjPn;e yjjX 0 p1
sup d
2n X
! cn;k wDn;k ðtÞ Pn;e yðtÞ dt
2n X
cn;k dn;k :
n n X X 2 2 cn;k wDn;k pC2 cn;k an;k : k¼1 k¼1 X
ðiiÞ ) ðvÞ: By Krivine’s theorem [K,LT, p. 141] for every r.i. space X there exists pA½1; N with the following property: for any n ¼ 0; 1; 2; y and e40 there exist disjoint and equimeasurable functions vk AX ; k ¼ 1; 2; y; 2n ; such that n X 2 cn;k vk pð1 þ eÞjjcjjp ð16Þ ð1 eÞjjcjjp p k¼1 X
for any c ¼ ðcn;k Þ2k¼1 ; where jjcjjp ¼ (with the notion
n N
¼ 0Þ that ð1 eÞ2
P n 2
jcn;k jp
: Hence, in particular, it follows
n X 2 p vk pð1 þ eÞ2n=p : k¼1 X
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Let aðtÞ ¼ r
2n X
!n vk
n X 2 where r ¼ vk : k¼1 X
Then jjajjX ¼ 1 and an;k are equimeasurable functions with r1 vk for every k ¼ 1; 2; y; 2n : Therefore, n X 2 1 e n=p 1 þ e n=p 2 2 jjcjjp p cn;k an;k p jjcjjp ; k¼1 1þe 1e X
that is,
n n n X 2 2 2 1 eX 1 þ e X cn;k wDn;k p cn;k an;k p cn;k wDn;k : k¼1 1 þ e k¼1 1 e k¼1 p
Hence, by assumption (15), we have n n n X X X 2 2 2 Ce1 cn;k wDn;k p cn;k wDn;k pCe cn;k wDn;k ; k¼1 k¼1 k¼1 p
where Ce ¼ Cð1 þ eÞ=ð1 eÞ: Let 1ppoN: If X is a separable r.i. space, then (17) implies that X ¼ Lp : In the case when X ¼ X 00 it is sufficient to consider r.i. spaces X aLN : Then X 0 satisfies ð15Þ and so X 0 ¼ Lp : Hence, X 0 ¼ ðX 0 Þ0 ¼ Lp0 and X ¼ X 00 ¼ ðLp0 Þ0 ¼ Lp : Let p ¼ N: Suppose that there is a function xAX \LN : Then from (17) we obtain n n X X 2 2 n n 1 n n x ðk2 ÞwDn;k XCe x ðk2 ÞwDn;k ¼ Ce1 xn ð2n Þ: jjxjjX X k¼1 k¼1 X
Since xeLN it follows that limn-N xn ð2n Þ ¼ N: This contradiction shows that X CLN : The reverse imbedding is always true. ðvÞ ) ðiiiÞ: This follows from the estimate of the norm of natural projections in Lp space jjPn;a;f jjLp -Lp pjjajjp jjf jjp0 : ðiiiÞ ) ðiÞ: By definition of the operators Pn;a;f we have that X AN0 : We want to show that also X 0 AN0 : For all xAX and yAX 0 Z
Pn;a;f xðtÞyðtÞ dt ¼ 0
2n X k¼1
fn;k ðsÞxðsÞ ds Dn;k
Z Dn;k
an;k ðtÞyðtÞ dt ¼
Pn;f ;a yðsÞxðsÞ ds: 0
Therefore, the conjugate operator ðPn;a;f Þn to Pn;a;f is Pn;f ;a on the space X 0 : Since X 0 is isometrically imbedded in X n the last equality implies that the operators Pn;f ;a are uniformly bounded, and so X 0 AN0 : The proof is complete. &
S.V. Astashkin et al. / Journal of Functional Analysis 202 (2003) 247–276
4. Additional remarks and results First we describe the difference between the cases on ½0; 1 and ½0; NÞ: Let X ½0; NÞ denote an r.i. space on ½0; NÞ and X ¼ fxAX ½0; NÞ : xðtÞ ¼ 0 for t41g the corresponding r.i. space on ½0; 1: We use here also the notion X ½0; NÞAN from the paper [HS99, p. 56] (cf. also our explanation after Definition 2). Let us present examples showing that no one of the following statements: (i) X ½0; NÞAN; (ii) X AN0 implies the other one, in general. p
Example 3. The Orlicz space LFp ½0; NÞ; where Fp ðuÞ ¼ eu 1; 1opoN; belongs to the class N: On the other hand, the lower Boyd index aLFp of LFp on ½0; 1 equals 0 and so MðLFp Þ ¼ LN : Therefore, by Theorem 4, LFp eN0 . Example 4. Consider the function ( ta if 0ptp1; jðtÞ ¼ b a t ln ðt þ e 1Þ if 1ptoN; where 0obpao1: Then j is a quasi-concave function on ½0; NÞ; i.e., jðtÞ is increasing on ½0; NÞ and jðtÞ=t is decreasing on ð0; NÞ: Let j * be the smallest concave majorant of j: Then sup 0otp1;nAN
jðntÞ * ¼ N: jðnÞ * jðtÞ *
In fact, for every n ¼ 1; 2; y; we can choose tA½0; 1 such that nto1: Then jðntÞ * 1 jðntÞ X ¼ lnb ðn þ e 1Þ-N as n-N: jðnÞ * jðtÞ * 4 jðnÞjðtÞ This implies that the Lorentz space Lj* ½0; NÞeN (see [HS99, Theorem 4.1]). At the same time for Lj* ¼ Lta ¼ Lp;1 with p ¼ 1=a on ½0; 1 we have, by (3), that MðLj* Þ ¼ MðLp;1 Þ ¼ Lp;1 ¼ Lj* ; and, by Theorem 4, Lj* AN0 : The reason of non-equivalences (i) and (ii) is coming from the fact that the dilation operator st in r.i. spaces on ½0; NÞ does not satisfy an equation of the form jjst xjjX ½0;NÞ ¼ f ðtÞjjxjjX ½0;NÞ ;
for xAX ½0; NÞ and for all t40:
If this equation is satisfied, then the function f ðtÞ is a power function f ðtÞ ¼ ta for some aA½0; 1 and then the above statements (i) and (ii) are equivalent. This observation allows us to improve, for example, Theorem 4.2 from [HS99]: if
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1opoN and 1pqpN; then NðLp;q ½0; NÞÞ ¼ Lp;q 31pqpp: We can characterize NðLp;q ½0; NÞÞ for 1oppqoN: Theorem 8. If 1oppqoN; then NðLp;q ½0; NÞÞ ¼ Lp : Proof. Let aANðLp;q ½0; NÞÞ: The spaces Lp;q ½0; NÞ are separable for qoN: Therefore, similarly as in the proof of Theorem 2, we can show that X X n n c k ak pC ck w½k1;kÞ ð18Þ k¼1 k¼1 Lp;q ½0;NÞ
Lp;q ½0;NÞ
for all ck AR; k ¼ 1; 2; y; n; n ¼ 1; 2; y . Since jjst xjjLp;q ½0;NÞ ¼ t1=p jjxjjLp;q ½0;NÞ
for xALp;q ½0; NÞ and all t40;
it follows that X n n c k ak k¼1
X n pC c w k¼1 k
! k1 k n ; n
; Lp;q
and, by Theorem 1.14 in [A97] together with property (c), we obtain aALp : Conversely, if aALp then, by using property (c), Theorem 1.14 in [A97] and equality (19), we get (18) for all n of the form 2m ; m ¼ 1; 2; y . The space Lp;q has the Fatou property, thus passing to the limit, we obtain X X N N c k ak p ck w½k1;kÞ : k¼1 k¼1 Lp;q ½0;NÞ
Lp;q ½0;NÞ
Next, arguing as in the proof of Theorem 2 (see also [HS99, Theorem 2.3]) we obtain aANðLp;q ½0; NÞÞ:
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