Multipliers of elementary operators and comparison of

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Elementary transformers (named also as mappings or operators) are those of the form EA ... D.R. Joci´c / Linear Algebra and its Applications xxx (2009) xxx–xxx.

Linear Algebra and its Applications xxx (2009) xxx–xxx

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Multipliers of elementary operators and comparison of row and column space Schatten p norms Danko R. Jocic´ University of Belgrade-Faculty of Mathematics, Studentski trg 16, P.O. Box 550, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia



Article history: Received 10 January 2009 Accepted 29 June 2009 Available online xxxx Submitted by P. Šemrl AMS classification: 46B70 46E40 47A30 47A55 47A63 47B10 47B47 47B49 47D50


Sharp upper estimates  for the norm of the weighted elementary operator of the form ∞ n=1 Cn Zn An ⊗ Bn Wn Dn , acting from one symmetrically normed ideal of compact Hilbert space operators to an other, are given. Particularly, we relate the norm of ∞ n=1 Cn Zn An ⊗   ∞ C ⊗ C ∗ on the ∗ A∗n Wn Cn∗ with norms of ∞ n=1 An ⊗ An and n=1 n n appropriate domains and co-domains. © 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Schatten ideals Norm of elementary operator Norm reconvexization

1. Introduction  Elementary transformers (named also as mappings or operators) are those of the form  EA,B = n LA n R B n = n An ⊗ Bn and they act on the given subalgebra of B(H) by formula EA,B X = n An XBn . They naturally arise in a variety of contexts and for various topics on elementary transformers the reader is referred to [3,4] and the references therein. The norm problem for elementary transformers, which consists in finding a formula or just good estimates for its norm in terms of its coefficients An E-mail address: [email protected] 0024-3795/$ - see front matter © 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.042

Please cite this article in press as: D.R. Jocic´ , Multipliers of elementary operators and comparison of row and column space Schatten p norms, Linear Algebra Appl. (2009), doi:10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.042

ARTICLE IN PRESS D.R. Jocic´ / Linear Algebra and its Applications xxx (2009) xxx–xxx


and Bn , i.e., in terms of invariants for those operator families, has been considered over a long period by many authors, and it is still waiting for full elaboration. Recently, a significant progress was made by new formulas presented in [14], which involve the tracial geometric mean for a pair of positive operators and a matrix numerical range associated to n tuples of operators. A new type of formulas for the norm of elementary operators acting on a Hilbert–Schmidt class are given in [9]. The simplest in this class of transformers is the multiplication transformer MA,B : B(H) → B(H) given by MA,B (X ) = AXB for fixed A, B ∈ B(H) and every X ∈ B(H). It was thoroughly investigated by Fialkow and Loebl who proved in [5] that the range of MA,B is contained in a proper two-sided ideal CΦ (H) if and only if Φ ({sn (A)sn (B)}) < ∞ and for the induced operator from B(H) to Cp (H) they proved    MA,B B(H)→Cp (H) = {sn (A)sn (B)}∞ (1) n =1  . p

For the norm of symmetrized two-sided multiplication   UA,B acting on B(H) by formula UA,B X = AXB + BXA the conjecture of Mathieu saying that UA,B B(H)→B(H)  AB was proved in [2,13]; see also [10]. The generalization of (1) to an arbitrary elementary transformer done by Jocic´ in Theorem 2.3 in [7] says that for EA,B = ∞ n=1 An ⊗ Bn we have estimates    ∞ ∞   1 ∞  1   2    ; EA,B B(H)→Cp (H)   si An A∗n si2 Bn∗ Bn (2)    n= 1 n =1 i =1

EA,B B(H)→Cp (H) ⎛


∞  i =1

1 2

si ⎝


n =1


∞  n =1


An A n

⎞ 1 2

An ⎠ si ⎝

∞  n =1


∞  n= 1


Bn Bn


⎞⎞ 1 ∗ ⎠⎠





Specially, if Bn∗ = An for all n ∈ N, a more general answer provides Theorem 2.1 of [9], saying that for any symmetrically normed ideal CΦ (H) we have ∞   ∞ ∞               ∗ ∗ ∗  An ⊗ An  = (4)  An ⊗ An (I ) =  A n An  ;       n= 1 n =1 n= 1 B(H)→CΦ (H) Φ Φ ∞  ∞        ∗ ∗   An ⊗ A n  = An A n  . (5)      n =1

CΦ (H)→C1 (H)

n= 1


Here we naturally arrive to the row space RΦ norm for A = (An )n∈N as ARΦ = (An )n∈N RΦ := ∞ 1 ∞ 1 ∗ 2 ∗ 2   n=1 An An Φ and the column space CΦ norm ACΦ = (An )n∈N CΦ := n=1 An An Φ . This norm enable us to norm a column space CΦ of all Cφ (H) square summable sequences, turning it (even in a non-discrete setting) into a Banach space, as shown by Th. 2.1 in [8]. In a special case Φ = p , the corresponding row and column p norm appearing in (4) and (5) play an important role in noncommutative Lp space theory; see [11] for an insightfull review. 2. Preliminaries Let B(H) and C∞ (H) denote respectively spaces of all bounded and all compact linear operators acting on a separable, infinite-dimensional, complex Hilbert space H. Each “symmetric gauge function" (s.g. function) Φ on sequences

gives rise to a symmetric norm or a unitarily invariant norm on operators defined by X Φ = Φ (sn (X ))∞ n=1 , with s1 (X )  s2 (X )  · · · being the singular values of X. We will denote its naturally associated norm ideal by CΦ (H). This is a non-commutative analog of the standard sequence space Φ , which consists of all complex sequences z = (zn )∞ n=1 satisfying

 zΦ = Φ (zn )n∞=1 < ∞. For f , g ∈ H, we will denote by g ∗ ⊗ f one dimensional operators acting Please cite this article in press as: D.R. Jocic´ , Multipliers of elementary operators and comparison of row and column space Schatten p norms, Linear Algebra Appl. (2009), doi:10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.042

ARTICLE IN PRESS D.R. Jocic´ / Linear Algebra and its Applications xxx (2009) xxx–xxx

as g ∗ ⊗ f (h) = h, g f for all h Cp (H) for 1  p  ∞.


∈ H, known to have their linear span dense in each of Schatten p ideals

 Together with Schatten p norms, the Ky-Fan norms defined as A(k) = kn=1 si (A), k = 1, 2, · · ·, represent another interesting family of unitarily invariant norms. The property, saying that for all X ∈ C∞ (H) and Y ∈ C|||·||| (H) with X (k)  Y (k) for all k  1, we have X ∈ C|||·||| (H) with |||X |||  |||Y |||, is known as the Ky-Fan dominance In of s.g. functions, this property says that


terms ∞  for weakly majorized, non-increasing,  every s.g function Φ is isotone, i.e., Φ (sn )∞ Φ ( t ) n n =1  n =1  positive sequences (sn ) ≺w (tn ), i.e., those satisfying kn=1 sn  kn=1 tn for all k = 1, 2, . . . To present the main results of this paper we will need mainly known, but somewhat profound properties of s.g. functions. First, the the spaces 1 and C1 (H) will be here denoted by , so that it will act by

s.g.∞function  for ∞ 1 formula  (zn )n=1 = n=1 |zn | = z 1 for all z = (zn )∞ n= 1 ∈  . If Φ and Ψ are s.g. functions, then we may consider the space Ψ ◦ CΦ (H) = Ψ (CΦ (H)) (resp. ∞ Ψ ◦ Φ = Ψ (Φ )) consisting of all sequences Z = (Zn )∞ n=1 in CΦ (H) (resp. z = (zn )n=1 in Φ ) such ∞  that (Zn Φ )∞ ∈  (resp. z ∈  .) Its (mixed) norm is naturally defined by ( ) Ψ n Φ n =1 Ψ n =1

∞  ∞  Z Ψ ◦ CΦ := Ψ (Zn Φ )n=1 (resp. zΨ ◦ Φ := Ψ (zn Φ )n=1 ). All those spaces Ψ , CΦ (H), Ψ ◦ CΦ (H) and Ψ ◦ Φ are Banach spaces. Another way to modulate a s.g. function Φ is to p reconvexize p  1, namely to introduce its p  it for

 p p ∞ = Φ (| z reconvexization Φ (p) as a new s.g. function by Φ (p) (zn )∞ n | )n=1 , which will be defined n= 1

p ∞ = (zn )∞ n=1 such that (|zn | )n=1 ∈ Φ . is exactly the s.g. function for the standard spaces p and Cp (H). This shows the way for

on its natural domain consisting of all complex sequences z Thus (p)

1 p

p reconvexization of any CΦ (H) norm  · Φ introduced by formula AΦ (p) = |A|p Φ for all A with |A|p ∈ CΦ (H). Though it is known that  · Φ (p) is an unitarily invariant norm as well, for the reader’s comfort we will present here a simple proof of its triangle inequality. By convexity of t → t p on [0, +∞) for p  1 we have for any α ∈ (0, 1)     p A B snp (A + B) ≺w (sn (A) + sn (B))p = (1 − α)sn + α sn 1−α α     A B ≺w (1 − α)snp + α snp 1−α α

= (1 − α)1−p snp (A) + α 1−p snp (B).

Therefore by isotonicity of Φ we finally derive  

 p A + BΦ (p) = |A + B|p Φ = Φ (snp (A + B))

 (1 − α)1−p Φ (snp (A)) + α 1−p Φ (snp (B)) by virtue of the optimally chosen α


= AΦ (p) + BΦ (p)



BΦ (p) AΦ (p) +BΦ (p) .

We can also note the following “composition rules” for s.g. functions: (p )

(p )

(p )

(p )

(Ψ ◦ CΦ (H))(p) = Ψ ◦ CΦ (H) as well as (Ψ ◦ Φ )(p) = Ψ ◦ Φ , with the equality of norms. For s.g. functions Φ , Ψ , Ω we will use notation Ω ΦΨ whenever they satisfy Ω (sn tn )  Φ (sn ) ∞ Ψ (tn ) for all complex sequences (sn )∞ n=1 and (tn )n=1 . For operators that will induce a generalized Hölder inequality ABΩ  AΦ BΨ for all A ∈ CΦ (H) and B ∈ CΨ (H), providing AB ∈ CΩ (H) as well. Examples of the above subordination for s.g. functions include  and  ΦΦ∗ , where Φ∗ is the dual s.g. function for Φ introduced by ∞   

 n =1 s n t n

 Φ∗ (sn )∞ = sup . n =1 ∞ Φ (tn )n=1 (t n )∞ n=1 ∈Φ

pq p+q

(p) (q) for all p, q > 0 (6)

Please cite this article in press as: D.R. Jocic´ , Multipliers of elementary operators and comparison of row and column space Schatten p norms, Linear Algebra Appl. (2009), doi:10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.042

ARTICLE IN PRESS D.R. Jocic´ / Linear Algebra and its Applications xxx (2009) xxx–xxx


The non-commutative analog is the well known representation formula   |tr(XY )| X Φ∗ = sup : Y is finite dimensional, Y Φ so that


·Φ∗ is actually a norm in a dual space CΦ (H)∗ , i.e. CΦ (H)∗ = CΦ∗ (H). More generally, pq

we have Φ p+q Φ (p) Φ (q) for every s.g. function Φ and all p, q inequality holds



Indeed, as

pq p+q



p+q q

 AΦ (p) BΦ (q) for all A

> 1. Moreover, the following Hölder

∈ CΦ (p) (H) and B ∈ CΦ (q) .

= 1, by Young inequality applied to a dual pair


p+q p



(sn tn ) p+q = (usn ) p+q


pq p+q



qup p+q



when we make the optimal choice by taking u



p +q p+ q , p q

 for all u

> 0 we have




p + q uq

Therefore by isotonicity and subaditivity of Φ we derive   pq

 qup p Φ (sn tn ) p+q  Φ snp + Φ tnq q p+q (p + q)u 


= Φ (p) (sn )Φ (q) (tn )

pq p+q



Φ (t n ) p . Φ (s n )

Ω ΦΨ will also imply Ω (p) Φ (p) Ψ (p) for all p  1 and consequently

XY Ω (p)  X Φ (p) Y Ψ (p) for all X ∈ CΦ (p) (H) and Y ∈ CΨ (p) (H). For example, XY ∈ Cp (H) for all X ∈ CΦ (p) (H) and Y ∈ C (p) (H) and Φ


XY p  X Φ (p) Y Φ (p) for all X ∈ CΦ (p) (H) and Y ∈ CΦ (p) (H). ∗

ΦΨ , then with (8) and (9) combined we have XYZ p  X Φ (p) Y Ψ (p) Z Ω (p) for all X ∈ CΦ (p) (H), Y ∈ CΨ (p) (H) and Z ∈ CΩ (p) (H).

If Ω∗



A dual of a p reconvexized Lorentz sequence space is described in [6, Proposition 3]. For more general

Φ providing smoothness and reflexivity for spaces CΦ (p) (H) and Φ (p) we give description of its dual, which will be considerably simpler and more operative then the one offered in Theorem 2 in [6]. Theorem 2.1. If p

> 1 and CΦ (p) (H) (resp. Φ (p) ) is smooth and reflexive, then 

C∗Φ (p) (H) = BC | B ∈ C 

AC∗ (p) = min B Φ


(H), C ∈ CΦ (p) (H) ,


C Φ (p) | A = BC, B ∈ C ∗

p p−1

(H), C ∈ CΦ (p) (H)


∞ p−1 , (c )∞ ∗Φ (p) = (bn cn )∞ n n=1 ∈ Φ (p) n=1 | (bn )n=1 ∈ 





(an )

p p−1



Φ (p)

= min

a n =bn c n

(bn )



(cn )Φ (p) | (bn ) ∈  ∗

p p−1

, (cn )

∈ Φ (p) ∗



= BC for some B ∈ C p (H) and C ∈ CΦ (p) (H), then due to Hölder inequality and (9) for p−1 ∗ all D ∈ CΦ (p) (H) we do have |tr(AD)|  AD1 = BCD1  B p C Φ (p) DΦ (p) .

Proof. If A


Please cite this article in press as: D.R. Jocic´ , Multipliers of elementary operators and comparison of row and column space Schatten p norms, Linear Algebra Appl. (2009), doi:10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.042

ARTICLE IN PRESS D.R. Jocic´ / Linear Algebra and its Applications xxx (2009) xxx–xxx

∈ C∗Φ (p) (H) by (7), as well as

Therefore A

AC∗ (p)  inf B Φ



C Φ (p) | A = BC, B ∈ C ∗




(H), C ∈ CΦ (p) (H) . ∗


∈ C∗Φ (p) (H) with AC∗ (p) = 1. Also, by Hahn-Banach theorem Φ = CΦ (p) (H) such that

For the opposite direction take an A

∈ CΦ (p) (H)

there exists Y


Y Φ (p) = tr(YA) = 1.


p −1

can be regarded as an element of unit ball in CΦ (H), so another application On the other hand, Y |Y | of the Hahn–Banach theorem provides Z ∈ CΦ∗ (H) such that

Z Φ∗ = Y |Y |p−1 Φ = tr(Y |Y |p−1 Z ) = 1. p −1

We will prove that |Y |

Z is also in CΦ (p) (H). Indeed, let Z

1− 1p

= |Y |p−1 W |Z |

and let B


B p−p 1 = p−1


p p−1


n =1


and C

= W |Z | be the polar decomposition of Z

1 p

= |Z | , so that obviously |Y |p−1 Z = BC. Now we have

(|Y |p−1 W |Z |1− p )  1

∞  n =1

snp (Y )sn (Z ) ≤  |Y |p Φ Z Φ∗

= 1.


Here we used standard singular values majorization properties, (17) and (16) to get (18). It is also clear that C ∈ C (p) (H) and C C (p) = 1. Based on (15) and (18) we deduce |Y |p−1 Z ∈ C∗Φ (p) (H), Φ∗


and due to the uniqueness of A in (16) provided by the smoothness of CΦ (p) (H) we get the desired factorization A = |Y |p−1 Z = BC proclaimed in (11). For this factorization we also established that B p C C (p) (H)  1 = AC∗ , which together with (15) confirms (12). Proofs for (13) and (14) p−1


Φ (p)

go by analogy.

3. Main results Here we will present theorems that will give us control over norms of elementary transformers when their domains and co-domains modify. ∞ ∞ ∞ Theorem 3.1. Let 2  p, q  ∞, let sequences (An )∞ B(H) satisfy n=1 , (Bn )n=1 , (Cn )n=1and (Dn )n=1 in  ∞  ∞ ∞ B B∗ ∈ 2 ∗ 2 ∗ 2 2 ∗ n=1 An f  + Bn f  + Cn f  + Dn f  < ∞ for all f ∈ H and let n =1 A n A n X n =1 n n

Cp (H) for some X ∈ B(H). Then ∞  m,n=1



n= 1

Am XBn pp

Dn∗ Dn Y 

pq pq−p−q


  p ∞  ∞        ∗ ∗  An An X Bn Bn     n= 1  n =1



∞ C C∗ n =1 n n

∈ Cq (H) for some Y ∈ B(H), then for all sequences Z = (Zm,n )∞ m,n=1 ∈ 


and W = (Wm,n )∞ ∈ (∗ ◦ CΩ∗ ) pq−p−q , where Ω and  are some s.g. functions, m,n= 1∞ ∞ then n=1 Zm,n Am XBn Wm,n Dn YCm and n=1 Zm,n Am XBn Wm,n Dm YCn converge absolutely in C1 (H), and ⎫ ⎧ ∞  ∞  ⎨     ⎬ Zm,n Am XBn Wm,n Dn YCm  , Zm,n Am XBn Wm,n Dm YCn  max 1 1⎭ ⎩

( ◦ CΩ )



( ◦ CΩ )


pq pq−p−q


(∗ ◦ CΩ∗ )

   ∞  ∞      ×  A∗n An X  Bn Bn∗   n =1  n =1


pq pq−p−q

   ∞  ∞       Dn∗ Dn Y  Cn Cn∗     n =1  n= 1




Please cite this article in press as: D.R. Jocic´ , Multipliers of elementary operators and comparison of row and column space Schatten p norms, Linear Algebra Appl. (2009), doi:10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.042

ARTICLE IN PRESS D.R. Jocic´ / Linear Algebra and its Applications xxx (2009) xxx–xxx


 2 Proof. Let first remark that ∞ n=1 An f  < ∞ for all f ∈ H is just equivalent to the week converus ∗ A , whereas the uniform boundedness principle shows that in this case the last sum gence of ∞ A n =1 n n actually defines a bounded operator. Now, for a fixed N ∈ N we have 

N  m,n=1






Am XBn pp  [Am XBn ]Nm,n=1 



⎡  A  1 ⎢ . ⎢ . ⎣ .   AN

⎤p BN    .. ⎥ .. .. .. ⎥ . . . . ⎦ ··· ··· . . . 0 p ⎛⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤⎡ ∗ ⎤ ⎡ ∗ ∗ · · · 0 B 1 . . . BN ··· 0 ... A1 X X A1 B1 ∞ p  ⎜⎢ ⎥⎢ . ⎥⎢ . ⎥ ⎢ . . . . 2 ⎜⎢ . . . . .. ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ .. .. .. .. ⎦ ⎣ .. .. ⎦ ⎣ .. .. ⎦ × ⎣ .. λm ⎝⎣ .. . ∗ m =1 AN X 0 ··· 0 ... 0 BN ··· 0 0 ... ⎛ ⎤⎞ ⎡ N ⎡ ∗ ∗ ⎤  ∗ A∗ ⎤ ⎡ A X ∗ A . . . X · · · 0 X Bn Bn · · · 0⎥⎟ 1 ⎜ ⎢ 1 N ∞ p ⎜⎢  ⎥⎟ ⎢ ⎢ .. ⎥ .. ⎥ .. .. ⎢ .. ⎟ ⎥ ⎢ .. ⎥ ⎢n=1 . λm2 ⎜ .. ⎥ . . ⎜⎣ . ⎥⎟ .. ⎦⎣ . ⎦⎢ . . . ⎝ ⎦ ⎠ ⎣ . . . m =1 0 ... AN X ··· 0 0 0 ··· 0  p ⎛ ⎛ ⎞⎞  ∞  ∞  ∞ N N p          ∗ ∗ ⎠⎠   2 ⎝ ∗  ∗ ∗ ⎝ λm X ( An An )X Bn Bn An An X B n Bn    .   m =1 n =1 n =1 n =1 n =1 ⎤⎡




X ⎢ .. ⎥ ⎥ ⎢ .. .⎦ ⎣ . 0 0




B1 ⎢ .. ⎥ ⎥ ⎢ .. .⎦ ⎣ . 0 0

X ∗ A∗N


⎟ .. ⎥ ⎥⎟ . ⎦⎠





Here (21) is by the Th. 2. of [1] relating p norms of the block matrix and its entries, while (22) and (23) is by the non-zero eigenvalues commuting property saying that λn (DC ) = λn (CD) for any C, D ∈ B(H) such that λn (CD) = / 0. The proof of (19) completes  by letting N → ∞. ∞ Proofs for the related inequalities in (20) for ∞ m,n=1 Zm,n Am XBn Wm,n Dn YCm and m,n=1 Zm,n An XBm Wm,n Dn YCm are almost identical, so we will restrict ∞ ourselves to prove only the first of them. Our inequality (20) and the absolute convergence of m,n=1 Zm,n Am XBn Wm,n Dn YCm in C1 (H) will immediately follow from the estimate ∞    Zm,n Am XBn Wm,n Dn YCm 





∞  ∞  m,n=1 i=1


si (Zm,n )si (Wm,n )si (Am XBn )si (Dn YCm )




pq pq−p−q


×⎝ ⎛ ⎝

si (Zm,n Am XBn Wm,n Dn YCm )





(Zm,n )si

⎞1 ⎛



pq pq−p−q

p si (Am XBn )⎠

pq pq−p−q

Ω si

⎞1− 1 − 1 p


(Wm,n )⎠ ⎞1





q si (Dn YCm )⎠

pq pq−p−q

(Zm,n ) Ω∗ si

(26) ⎞ 1− 1 − 1

(Wm,n ) ⎠




Please cite this article in press as: D.R. Jocic´ , Multipliers of elementary operators and comparison of row and column space Schatten p norms, Linear Algebra Appl. (2009), doi:10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.042

ARTICLE IN PRESS D.R. Jocic´ / Linear Algebra and its Applications xxx (2009) xxx–xxx


⎞1 ⎛




1− 1p − 1q

Am XBn pp ⎠





Dn XCm qq ⎠

 ∞  pq   |Zm,n | pq−p−q   

1− 1p − 1q

Ω m,n=1

   ∞  ∞      ×  A∗n An X  Bn Bn∗   n =1  n =1


= Z 

( ◦ CΩ )

pq pq−p−q


∞ (28)

Ω∗ m,n=1



(∗ ◦ CΩ∗ )


  pq   |Wm,n | pq−p−q   

   ∞  ∞      ∗D Y  ∗  D C C n n  n n  n =1  n= 1


   ∞  ∞      ×  A∗n An X  Bn Bn∗   n =1  n =1


pq pq−p−q

   ∞  ∞      ∗D Y  ∗ ,  D C C n n  n n  n =1  n= 1 q

where (25) is by the weak majorization property si (Zm,n Am XBn Wm,n Dn YCm )

≺w si (Zm,n )si (Am XBn )si (Wm,n )si (Dn YCm )

for all m, n  1, which is a consequence of the fact that j + i =1

si (Zm,n Am XBn Wm,n Dn YCm ) 

j + i =1

si (Zm,n )si (Am XBn )si (Wm,n )si (Dn YCm )

for all j  1, obtained by the multiple application of Horn’s inequality (1.12) in [12] combined by Corollary 1.10 in [12]; (26) is by the repeated Hölder inequality, (27) and (28) are by the very definition of the dual norm expressed in (6), while (29) follows by the previously established inequality (19).  ∞ ∞ We perceive (Cn )∞ , (Dn )∞ n=1 , Z = (Zm,n )m,n=1 and W = (Wm,n )m,n=1 as multipliers of the original  ∞ n =1 transformer m,n=1 Am ⊗ Bn . Now, it is easy to give an accurate estimate for the norm of the multiplied transformer on the admissibly changed domain and co-domain. ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ Theorem 3.2. Let 2  p, q  ∞, let sequences (An )∞ n=1 , (Bn )n=1 , (Cn )n=1 , (Dn )n=1 Z = (Zm,n )m,,n=1 and ∞ W = (Wm,n )m,,n=1 be as in Th. 3.1, let Φ , Φ1 , Φ2 , Ψ , Ψ1 , Ψ2 , Ω and  be s.g. functions satisfying Φ∗   ∞ A∗ A ∈ C ∞ B B∗ ∈ C Φ1 Φ2 and Ψ∗ Ψ1 Ψ2 and let X ∈ CΦ (p) (H), (p) (H), (p) (H), n =1 n n n =1 n n Φ1 Φ2   ∞ ∞ ∗ ∗ Y ∈ CΨ (q) (H), n=1 Cn Cn ∈ CΨ (q) (H) and n=1 Dn Dn ∈ CΨ (q) (H). Then the conditions of Th. 3.1 1 2 ∞ ∞ are fulfilled, n=1 Cm Zm,n Am XBn Wm,n Dn and n=1 Cn Zm,n Am XBn Wm,n Dm converge in C∗Ψ (q) (H) and for the related transformers the following estimates hold        ∞   C Z A ⊗ B W D m m,n m n m,n n    m,n=1 ∗

   ∞      ∗   An An    n =1 

× Z 

CΦ (p) →C (q) Ψ



( ◦ CΩ )

   ∞     ∗   B B n  n  n =1 

pq pq−p−q




   ∞     ∗   C C n  n  n =1 

(∗ ◦ CΩ∗ )

pq pq−p−q



   ∞     ∗   D D n   n  n =1 




(30) (p )

(p )

Proof. Let us denote by M the righthand side of (30). An application of (10) on a triple (Φ (p) , Φ1 , Φ2 (q )

(q )

(resp. (Ψ (q) , Ψ1 , Ψ2

)) gives

Please cite this article in press as: D.R. Jocic´ , Multipliers of elementary operators and comparison of row and column space Schatten p norms, Linear Algebra Appl. (2009), doi:10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.042


ARTICLE IN PRESS D.R. Jocic´ / Linear Algebra and its Applications xxx (2009) xxx–xxx


       ∞  ∞   ∞   ∞                ∗A X ∗   ∗A  ∗   A B B A B B X Φ (p) ; n n n n    n n n n  n =1   n =1  (p)  n=1  (p) n =1 p Φ1 Φ2        ∞  ∞   ∞   ∞             ∗D Y  ∗    ∗D  ∗   D C C D C C Y Ψ (q) . n n n n    n n n n  n =1      (q) (q) n= 1 n =1 n =1 Ψ1


Taking Y


= g ∗ ⊗ f for arbitrary f , g ∈ H we see that we have

∞   , -  Cm Zm,n Am XBn Wm.n Dn f , g 


= =

∞  m,n=1

∞  m,n=1



|tr(Cm Zm,n Am XBn Wm,n Dn Y )| |tr(Zm,n Am XBn Wm,n Dn YCm )| Zm,n Am XBn Wm,n Dn YCm 1  M X Φ (p) f g ,


 where the conclusion (31) is drown from the inequality relating (24) and (30). Therefore ∞ m,n=1 Cm Zm,n Am XBn Wm,n Dn (at least) weakly converges in B(H) for any X ∈ CΦ (p) (H), and for its underlying operator we have  ⎛ ⎞    ∞    tr ⎝ Cm Zm,n Am XBn Wm,n Dn ⎠ Y     m,n=1 

∞    tr(Zm,n Am XBn Wm,n Dn YCm )  M X 

Φ (p) Y Ψ (q)


 ∗ for all Y ∈ CΨ (q) (H). Based on (7) we conclude that ∞ m,n=1 Cm Zm,n Am XBn Wm,n Dn is in CΨ (q) (H), as well as    ∞       M X Φ (p) . Cm Zm,n Am XBn Wm,n Dn  (32)   m,n=1  ∗ C (q) (H) Ψ

So we see that (30) holds, as well as that C∗Ψ (q) (H) based on (30). 



Cm Zm,n Am XBn Wm,n Dn converges in the norm of

Acknowledgement This work was partially supported by MNSŽS Grant No. ON144010. References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

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Please cite this article in press as: D.R. Jocic´ , Multipliers of elementary operators and comparison of row and column space Schatten p norms, Linear Algebra Appl. (2009), doi:10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.042

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Please cite this article in press as: D.R. Jocic´ , Multipliers of elementary operators and comparison of row and column space Schatten p norms, Linear Algebra Appl. (2009), doi:10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.042