Multitarget Detection/Tracking for Monostatic ... - Semantic Scholar

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It exploits the lateral continuity of echoes arising from a ... no reference to lateral continuity of interfaces, even when .... allow, in principle, the estimation of the.


Multitarget Detection/Tracking for Monostatic Ground Penetrating Radar: Application to Pavement Profiling Umberto Spagnolini and Vittorio Rampa Abstract— Monostatic ground penetrating radar (GPR) has proven to be a useful technique in pavement profiling. In road and highway pavements, layer thickness and permittivity of asphalt and concrete can be estimated by using an inverse scattering approach. Layer-stripping inversion refers to the iterative estimation of layer properties from amplitude and time of delay (TOD) of echoes after their detection. This method is attractive for realtime implementation, in that accuracy is improved by reducing false alarms. To make layer stripping useful, a multitarget detection/tracking (D/T) algorithm is proposed. It exploits the lateral continuity of echoes arising from a multilayered medium. Interface D/T means that both detection and tracking are employed simultaneously (not sequentially). For each scan, both detection of the target and tracking of the corresponding TOD of the backscattered echoes are based on the evaluated a posteriori probability density. The TOD is then estimated by using the maximum a posteriori (MAP) or the minimum mean square error (MMSE) criterion. The statistical properties of a scan are related to those of the neighboring ones by assuming, for the interface, a first-order Markov model. Index Terms—Ground penetrating radar (GPR), radar applications, radar detection, radar signal processing, tracking.



ROUND penetrating radar (GPR) is a short range pulse system for remote-sensing applications [1]. Electromagnetic (EM) inversion has been shown to be a useful tool for quantitative analysis in monostatic GPR applications. To estimate multilayered media properties, two approaches have been compared in [2]: 1) inverse problem or parameter optimization solved by minimizing the mean square error (MSE) between measured and modeled data and 2) layer-stripping inversion solved by exploiting amplitude and time delay of radar echoes. The inversion approach 1) for the estimation of the permittivity profile is accurate but computationally expensive. On the contrary, layer stripping 2), though less accurate (the permittivity model could be biased by false alarms in echo detection), is the only feasible solution for processing large amounts of data in real time. The application that motivated the first study [2], as well as the follow up presented in this paper, refers to the estimation of layer thicknesses and structural Manuscript received February 11, 1997; revised March 2, 1998. U. Spagnolini is with the Dipartimento Elettronica e Informazione, Politecnico di Milano, I-20133 Milano, Italy (e-mail: [email protected]). V. Rampa is with the Center for Space Communications-National Research Council (C.S.T.S.-C.N.R.), Politecnico di Milano, I-20133 Milano, Italy (email: [email protected]). Publisher Item Identifier S 0196-2892(99)00332-0.

Fig. 1. GPR system mounted on a vehicle for continuous survey.

features in road and highway pavements. The monostatic GPR system, which performs a continuous survey travelling at about 50 Km/h, is mounted on a vehicle to avoid any slowing in traffic (Fig. 1). For each GPR system, the number of measurements is approximately 15–20 Mbytes/Km (or, equivalently, 12.5–16.7 Mbytes/min); more systems operate simultaneously on the same vehicle to increase measurement redundancy. The layer-stripping algorithm consists basically of the following steps: • detection of the echo that corresponds to the interface (in a multilayered structure, the echoes originating from the physical interface between layers are called target or interface in time); • estimation of amplitude and time of delay (TOD) of the detected echo; • derivation of the permittivity model and therefore the corresponding depth of the interfaces (depth mapping of targets). Detection and TOD estimation are considered to be the main issues as the detection of erroneous echoes (false alarms) introduces errors into the permittivity model estimation. In addition, errors from shallow interfaces accumulate with depth and bias the permittivity model and layer thickness estimates. Most false alarms arise as both detection and TOD estimation are usually performed separately on a scan-by-scan basis with no reference to lateral continuity of interfaces, even when several measurements are performed on contiguous locations. We propose here to estimate the TOD of interfaces after interface detection/tracking (D/T), instead of tracking only TOD’s

0196–2892/99$10.00  1999 IEEE



of isolated echoes after their detection. Lateral continuity of echoes pertaining to the same interface is exploited by tracking the detected echoes to reduce the probability of false alarms while preserving the continuity of interfaces in time. The known advantage of multitarget tracking is the reduction of the probability of false alarms of detected echoes [3], [4]. However, in GPR applications, echo detection and resolution are limited, not only by the waveform bandwidth, but by the different amplitudes of backscattered echoes. The multitarget D/T algorithm finds its roots in the work of Bethel and Paras [5], but it has been revised and adapted to the monostatic GPR application. In any case, for single-target tracking, refer to the original work [6] or to [7] (for frequency tracking using hidden Markov models). Once interfaces have been estimated in a time domain, they are mapped in depth domain by timeto-depth (T-D) scaling that is performed according to the T-D function obtained from the permittivity model or the propagation velocity. In monostatic GPR, the permittivity for T-D scaling is estimated from the echoes amplitude (or it can be estimated in any reasonable way; e.g., in reflection seismology the velocity model is obtained separately from depth migration by exploiting the redundancy of the seismic experiment). Even if a detailed discussion of the wavefield propagation is beyond the scope of this paper, errors in the permittivity model estimation as well as the bias due to multiple echoes in scattering (due to interface roughness and/or finite size particle density embedded in the propagating medium) are evaluated for a simple dielectric model with normal incidence reflectivity. In layer stripping, the multitarget D/T algorithm allows us to exploit the same lateral continuity of the investigated medium that makes the EM inversion more reliable [2]. The paper is organized as follows. Data model and principles of layer-stripping inversion are discussed briefly in Section II. The D/T algorithm is first introduced for a single interface (Section III) and then extended to multipleinterface D/T by using a simple but effective iterative approach (Section IV). Section V shows an example of the application of the proposed approach to a monostatic GPR system used for the estimation of asphalt and concrete layer thicknesses. II. DATA MODEL AND LAYER-STRIPPING INVERSION In pavement, each layer of asphalt or concrete is basically a mixture of particles embedded in an homogeneous matrix [2]. Since particle size is considered to be small if compared to the waveform resolution of the GPR system, each layer can be modeled as a homogeneous medium with “effective” complex dielectric permittivity values [8]. The effective real part of the permittivity value (herein referred to as permittivity) is given by the combination of particle volume fractions. The equivalent attenuation is given by the superposition of both the scattering and the absorption (i.e., due to conductivity) of the propagating wavefield. The medium can be assumed horizontally layered, or one-dimensional (1-D) (at least within the antenna beamwidth), and homogeneous within each layer. Layer-stripping inversion is used to estimate the permittivity profile as well as the location in depth of those interfaces estimated in time. For low-loss medium, discontinuity of the permittivity profile is assumed to be the origin of interface

echoes. Permittivity variations are laterally smoother than antenna beamwidth so that the content of any diffraction or laterally reflected energy is negligible. A. Data Model In layer-stripping inversion, it is assumed that the normal incidence plane wave model holds true for a horizontal-layered media. The measured signal at space location (regular space sampling is understood) is simplified as a echoes (interbed multiples are neglected) superposition of interfaces that correspond to (1) is the received baseband waveform with pulsewidth and normalized amplitude ; and are, respectively, the amplitude and TOD of the echo due (see Fig. 1 for geomto the th interface at depth is the zero-mean white etry of monostatic GPR); ; here Gaussian noise with variance denotes the expectation operator. The measured signal can be normalized to the amplitude of the (measured [2]) is made transmitted waveform so that the amplitude proportional to the reflection coefficient at the interface and it The TOD’s corresponding to the th interface is are laterally continuous (when present), varying slowly across (this constraint can be scans: released according to the interface model). In the estimation of interface TOD’s for layer-stripping inversion, we assume can change from one location that the number of interfaces to an adjacent one, but it is bound by the maximum number According to model (1), these of interfaces : that may be assumptions involve multiple interfaces (up to continuous or discontinuous across scans. B. Layer-Stripping Algorithm In the following part of this section, we assume that the echo TOD’s are already known. Even if the D/T step is carried out before the permittivity model estimation, the layer-stripping algorithm is described here to show how the errors from the D/T algorithm accumulate with interface localization. One of the purposes of the D/T algorithm is the reduction of these errors during target TOD estimation. and interface depth The permittivity profile are obtained from the estimation of the interface TOD’s and amplitude derived from monostatic GPR Let the estimated echoes be sorted measurements the for increasing TOD (i.e., permittivity values and interface thicknesses are estimated iteratively from the following relationships:




In the air, the relative permittivity is and the cm/ns; and are propagation velocity is the TOD and the amplitude of the air–ground interface; the is known antenna distance from the pavement surface interfaces useful to set the TOD reference for deeper In (2), the first term within brackets as denotes the normal incidence reflection coefficient, while the second term indicates the two-way transmission coefficient depends on at th interface; equivalent attenuation set the specific application and is evaluated during the GPR calibration [2]. allow, in principle, the estimation of the Amplitudes permittivity for mapping in depth of those interfaces tracked in their TOD’s. However, the model described by (2) and (3) is too simple as the propagation within random media and/or across interfaces with rough surfaces generates an echo of composite reflections (i.e., those reflections that superimpose within the Fresnel zone; see [9] and [10] for a discussion of the Fresnel zone for wideband waveforms). As a result of the interference of composite reflections, the amplitude of this (composite) echo is smaller than the amplitude given by the normal incidence reflection coefficient for homogeneous The amplitude reduction with respect medium can be translated into the permittivity to the amplitude as [2]. The error depends on the physical media amplitude reduction and the spectral properties of the wideband waveform. The is obtained in the Appendix-A for one evaluation of composite echo as the result of multiple overlapping echoes having a relative TOD smaller than the time resolution of This simplified analysis is carried out in the waveform time domain, and it is aimed to show the correlation between waveform bandwidth and delays dispersion. The effect of in layer stripping (2), (3) is considered in the next paragraph. C. T-D Mapping T-D mapping of those Given the permittivity model interfaces tracked in time is an increasing function that is obtained from (3) as (4) Errors in T-D mapping depend on the estimated permittivity model as a consequence of amplitude errors. To evaluate the influence of the permittivity model in (4), let the permittivity be small the time error error in T-D mapping becomes (5) For depth-error, this relationship needs to be reversed. Because in (5), T-D mapping (4) of the reduction factor is not very sensitive to (small) permittivity errors (see also Section V). Apart from the bias in the permittivity model that arises from the bias in amplitude estimation, most of the errors in layer thickness estimation depend mainly on false alarms


in TOD D/T. Equation (5) holds true also for error analysis when the permittivity profile varies across adjacent scans. This shows that, for pavements with small lateral variations of permittivity profile, an average permittivity can be used to build a “lookup table” for quick T-D mapping that achieves a moderate layer thickness error. III. SINGLE-INTERFACE D/T Now we introduce a statistical framework for interface D/T similar to the one proposed by [6]. For the tracking algorithm, let us first assume that there is up to one interface: This limitation will be removed in the next section. For one echo only, the likelihood ratio test (e.g., exploited by the front-end detector) may be used to discriminate between and Here two alternative hypotheses denotes the presence of an echo within the observation window , regardless of its TOD , while indicates ]. absence of echo [from the model (1): is known, the correlation filter When the waveform represents an optimum approach in the estimation of echo amplitude and TOD once the echo has been detected within the observation window [11]. However, the detected echo may be part of an interface or due to a false alarm. By exploiting the continuity of interfaces across neighboring locations, it is possible to dramatically reduce the false alarms. A. D/T Algorithm is sampled in time For the th scan, the signal samples or bins) with constant time interval and ( arranged in a column vector The echo (if present) may have any of TOD’s within the time sampling bins. Let us assume that the echo delay ; this is considered as subhypothesis is equal to The sequence of all disjoint subhypotheses is a partition of the hypothesis: Null hypothesis is included as it takes into account for termination or initiation subhypotheses of the interface. The sequence of (for is thus a partition of the whole hypotheses space: The a posteriori probability density function (pdf) of the subhypotheses conditioned to the received signal up to the th scan is the key point for interface D/T. It is understood that A posteriori pdf needs to be evaluated to assess the presence of an interface (exploited by the interface detection) and its TOD [exploited by the maximum a posteriori (MAP) or the minimum mean square error (MMSE) criterion]. Interface detection is evaluated by checking, from is true or not: the a posteriori pdf, if the hypothesis The MAP or the MMSE delay is evaluated as the maximum or the , mean value of a posteriori pdf (evaluated for respectively. Based on the a posteriori pdf’s, the algorithm can be in either tracking-state (i.e., it is tracking the TOD corresponding to an interface) or non-tracking-state. Transitions



from these two states are allowed when moving to scan. From Bayes’ theorem, the a posteriori pdf by described,

th is

where is a normalization term (note that If the time interval is long enough to contain the waveform : without edge effects, the likelihood ratio is given by (12a)

(6) denotes the a priori pdf that hypothHere holds true in the th scan; is the esis conditional pdf of observations conditioned to have an echo and under the assumption that the observations with TOD are independent of all observations up to scan th represents a (i.e., normalization term as the a posteriori pdf (6) is normalized The a posteriori pdf of to one: detection (here denoted with superscript ) is derived from the union of all subhypotheses (7) For

depends on the SNR (here denotes the energy of the sampled waverepresents form) and the cross correlation between measured data and waveform For the likelihood ratio across delayed by As scans depends on then the likelihood ratio is bound by depending on if there is an echo (see also Appendix-B). A simple way to compensate for waveform distortion that frequently occurs in GPR systems (where the antenna is placed close to the ground) is to use the analytic signals for both data and waveform In this case, the likelihood ratio (12a) is modified accordingly [12], [13]


the a posteriori pdf of tracking (superscript )


(8) holds true, assuming is the probability that hypothesis that an echo has been detected in scan th regardless of its TOD [this condition introduces the denominator term in (8)]. For each scan, an interface is considered present if or, equivalently (9) The estimation of interface TOD to MAP or MMSE criteria

is performed according

is the modified Bessel function and is the cross correlation of analytic is the conjugate). signals ( In all cases previously considered, it is understood that the likelihood ratio depends on the SNR and the (unknown) these are free parameters that waveform amplitude can be estimated from data with some simplifying hypotheses. Herein we show that signal normalization can be used to negligible (for high make the dependency on amplitude SNR). Normalization is basically an amplitude compensation The cross correlation carried out as a gain on data set can be normalized with respect to the target’s amplitude as

(10a) (10b) (13) Both interface detection (7) and interface tracking (8) pdf’s need to be evaluated to assess the presence of an interface and estimate its TOD. At the th scan, the pdf value of allows us to check if the hypothesis subhypothesis [or, equivalently, ] holds true. B. Conditional Probability with Known Waveform The conditional pdf for is evaluated known or measured by assuming the waveform (6) can separately. Because of the normalization term be more conveniently rewritten in terms of the likelihood ratio function of the data samples : (11)

is chosen to be larger than the waveform , and it is The normalized cross correlation (13) is known to be bound by

The window

(14) where the equality holds true for high SNR. The bound (14) can be useful to approximate the likelihood ratio (15) the bias introduced by the approximation (14) is negligible for high SNR. The likelihood ratio (15) can be used for D/T algorithm, while the SNR becomes a parameter.





Remark: The evaluation of accuracy in TOD estimation deserves a separate analysis. For signals having only one pulse corrupted by white Gaussian noise, the MSE of the estimated TOD depends on the moments of the waveform spectrum the (Cram´er–Rao) lower bound of the MSE is [12] (16) Since the MSE approaches asymptotically (for large SNR) the has been evaluated in Table I for Gaussian bound (16), and Ricker waveforms (Ricker represents the second-order derivative of the Gaussian waveform) as these are reasonable can be used to approximations in GPR systems (Gaussian model the envelope of analytic signals). For analytic signals, where the MSE increases to (e.g., see reference [13]) The loss of accuracy in TOD estimation due to the use of analytic signals is not negligible if compared with the case of real signals or, equivalently, known phase distortion. Therefore, the use of the analytical signal can be referred to as a “quick and simple” way to approximate the unknown waveform distortion by a phase shift. This is one reason for its practical use and the brief mention made here. However, to improve the accuracy in TOD estimation using only real signals, it is advisable to estimate the average phase shift of the pulse (e.g., by using a large data set with the same or phase distortion) and then compensate for it in better in C. First-Order Markov Model for a priori pdf The lateral continuity constraint is applied in the form of a relationship between the a priori pdf of the th scan and th scan. The a priori pdf the a posteriori pdf of the for scan th is thus obtained from the a posteriori pdf’s th by using a Markov model with different for scan transition probabilities for detection pdf and tracking pdf



the width depends on the lateral variability of interfaces according to the specific problems; in any case, it is bound Here we preferred a by the pulse resolution with ranging from triangular shape (smooth interface mostly for shallow reflections) to (rough interface for deeper reflections, see Appendix A). To preserve uniform stationary pdf across scans, the mirror boundary condition should be adopted in (17b). During the initialization phase (at scan ), the a priori pdf of detection and tracking are assumed to be uniformly distributed (complete uncertainty): and If needed, false alarms during first scans can be avoided by choosing at the expense of a longer lock delay. and tranA posteriori detection probability sitions of a posteriori detection probability from interface absent to interface present (lock transition) or vice versa (unlock transition) depend on the SNR and the Markov model parameters ( and ). A general analysis of the number of scans required to describe lock/unlock transition is rather cumbersome as the recursive relationships to describe the lock/unlock transition are nonlinear. However, a first-order approximation has been derived in Appendix B by using one horizontal interface only, a simplified Markov model or ) and the likelihood ratio bounds previ( ously discussed. Steady-state values of a posteriori probability are depicted in Fig. 2(a) for a likelihood ratio independent of scans (see Appendix-B for details). It is apparent that, for a given SNR, smaller values of have a larger steady-state value with respect to the threshold value 1/2. This is mainly due to the implicit smoothing of the a posteriori pdf that is performed by the Markov model. In addition, large steady-state values make the D/T algorithm less sensitive to temporary lock/unlock due to noise. In Fig. 2(b), the results of a numerical simulation for the first-order approximation discussed in Appendix-B show the average number of scans needed to let the a posteriori probability of detection complete the lock (solid line) and unlock (dashed line) transition between the two corresponding steady-state values (up to 99%). According to practical experience, lock transition is faster than unlock. For a given the lock/unlock transition needs a SNR and low values of larger number of scans as the transition probability acts as a smoothing factor for the transition between the two steadystate values. hypotheses The a priori pdf for the to be used in Bayes’ formula (6) is derived from a priori pdf’s for detection (18a)

(17b) The transition probability for detection is the probability of changing from the state of interface absent to interface present or vice versa. The transition have probabilities for tracking an even symmetry with respect to and are normalized to one: The choice as well as of the shape of the transition probabilities

and tracking (


(18b) as a consequence of relationships (7)–(8). The overall algorithm for single interface D/T is summarized in Table II.





(b) Fig. 2. First-order analysis: (a) steady-state detection probability [0.001, 0.01, and (b) lock/unlock transition versus SNR and q 0.05, 0.1]. (a) Steady-state a posteriori probability of detection p(1d) [; q] = limi!1 p(d) [H1 (xi )jS i ] for 3[si jhm (xi )] =  (see Appendix-B); above threshold (dashed line) when the echo is present 1 ( = 0 ); below threshold when the echo is not present ( = 0 0 ): (b) Number of scans between two steady-state a posteriori detection pdf’s. Lock transition (solid line) is computed from the steady-state value (d) 01 (d) p1 [0 ; q] to the steady state value p1 [0 ; q] conditioned, during the transition, to have 3[si jhm (xi )] 0 ; unlock transition (dashed line) is symmetrically evaluated.


IV. MULTIPLE-INTERFACE D/T The approach discussed so far refers to D/T of one interface only. In the presence of more than one interface, the a posteriori pdf is multimodal and the D/T algorithm tracks the echo delay with the largest SNR. In principle, this tracking ambiguity could be avoided by processing subsequences of time samples. In practice, errors are difficult to avoid when two interfaces are close to each other (because of limits in

echo resolution), when one interface splits into two interfaces, or even when two or more interfaces merge into one. Here, the tracking of multiple interfaces is performed iteratively. Each iteration corresponds to D/T of one interface, as previously discussed. The estimated TOD for the th is indicated interface from data at the th iteration (superscript denotes the measured data at th as th have iteration after all the interfaces up to the been detected/tracked). The maximum likelihood estimate of echo amplitude, if present, simply follows from correlation , namely, filter output evaluated at the estimated TOD In this way, both TOD and amplitude of the echo of the th interface are estimated [for is complex valued as it includes the analytic signals, waveform phase shift]. To avoid multiple tracking of the same interface, echoes corresponding to th tracked interface are , while care should be given to cancelled from maintain the association of each tracker with the corresponding th interface target. Therefore, the data to be used for th iteration) are: D/T (or , while, for the first iteration, it is: D/T iterations are performed until achieves a reasonable level or the residual the detection probability is mostly below threshold and/or by limiting the maximum number of iterations



A. Markov Model and Tracking Filter In the multimodal a posteriori pdf, each new measurement has different effects: it can either reinforce one of the modes or introduce a new mode. The reinforcement of a mode that is not the one corresponding to the interface being tracked may let the algorithm track another interface (target skip). This is because, in the D/T algorithm, all information (from all remaining targets) that arises from the conditional pdf is preserved in the a posteriori pdf. It is important to maintain all of this information during the interface detection step as bins. However, the interface can be anywhere within the when the th interface has been detected and the corresponding has been estimated, the th tracker can be TOD forced on the th scan to maintain the association with the th interface. This effect may be obtained by changing the for the a priori pdf evaluation. transition probabilities set set, we prefer In our case, instead of changing the to obtain the same result by enhancing, before the a priori pdf evaluation, the tracking pdf around the estimated TOD

(19) Similarly to (17b), the a priori pdf now becomes (20) is the normalization term. Therefore, the a priori where is basically forced to be pdf of tracking , regardless of unimodal around the estimated TOD the choice of transition probabilities has Gaussian shape with dispersion For simplicity, can be made comparable to the waveform width even if D/T performances (in terms of lock/unlock and tracking capability) are not very sensitive to the choice of as far as Here it is chosen however, D/T performances depend also on The effect of data windowing (or gating [3]) to eliminate unlikely data-to-tracker association would be similar to (19). Here, we prefer to control the tracking pdf once the echo has been detected in the current scan, whereas data windowing would be carried out on data from the previous scan. It it is is understood that, when It is implicit in the Markov model described by the relationship (17b) that the interface can be horizontal with the same TOD across scans. In multiple-interface application, the iterative D/T algorithm will track those interfaces that are laterally invariant in their TOD’s (this can be easily experienced in GPR applications when interfaces are splitting). The Markov model for tracking can be modified by including a tracking filter (e.g., see [4]) for the prediction of TOD at th scan once the TOD’s up to the th scan are known. Finite-memory filter for tracker gradient (or slope) is given by (21)



Fig. 3. Branching test: probability of correct tracking PCT versus SNR. Ricker waveform with Tw = t tracking parameters: q : ; N f ; g f : ; : ; : g 1000 runs.

1 = 4; = 2 3 ; = 07 08 09 ;

= 0 01

where denotes a coefficient that depends on the memory length. If the echo is not present due the filter (21) reduces to to as this choice lets the tracking for filter converge, after scans, to it is Tracking of dipping interfaces can be improved by constraining the MAP (or MMSE) estimator to the delay of the neighboring scans. This has been achieved by including the TOD slope in the Markov model

(22) Mirror boundary conditions still where hold true to preserve uniform pdf’s. In all aforementioned situations, interface tracking using the tracking filter (21) will retain the slope of the tracked interface; thus increasing the for splitting targets. probability of correct tracking for interface splitting are shown Simulation results of in Fig. 3 (details of the experiment are illustrated in the lower right corner); without the tracking filter and for low SNR, it is , as there is no privileged target to be tracked after branching. The small width of the transition probability of and large memory length ( close to one) Markov model of the multitarget D/T algorithm. However, increases the all of the advantages of using the tracking filter are negligible as, in the a posteriori pdf, the modes of both for large interfaces become equally likely around the branching. B. Comments Complexity of the multitarget D/T approach based on the a posteriori pdf for (potential) targets is not practical as it increases exponentially with To make the problem tractable in literature, suboptimum solutions are proposed. The iterative approach described here is inherently suboptimum as it rely on




Tw = 61t]; residual [ (xi )jS i(`) ] for iterations

Fig. 4. Multitarget tracking of simulated data (from the top): synthetic data with SNR 13.5 dB [Ricker waveform with s(4) t; xi after tracking (tracking parameters: q : ;N ; : ); MAP estimation of interface TOD’s; p(d) H1 from ` ; ` ; and ` :


) = 1

= 2

= 3

= 0 01


= 0 85

the capability to resolve the targets in time and approximate, for the interface under track, the multimodal a priori pdf as unimodal. The interface with largest SNR becomes the dominant mode in the a posteriori pdf; in a priori pdf, other modes are reduced according to the estimated delay (19). The method proposed here is, in principle, similar to the inverse probability used in [5] to avoid multiple tracking of the same target; instead of soft inverse probability, here an hard downweighting is used for the a priori pdf. Comparative analysis in [14] and [15] have shown that the iterative D/T approach should be preferred to the global approach of multitarget tracking when it is performed after echo detection (i.e., data after a front-end detector), mostly due to its capability to handle the tracking of interfaces closely spaced with respect to their TOD’s. Furthermore, simultaneous interface D/T instead of echo detection followed by multitarget D/T is less affected by false alarm events. However, the multitarget tracking proposed by Bethel and Paras [5] for tracking after echo detection can be fully adapted to the case of GPR with known waveform. The only modification is the change of the conditional pdf according to Section III. The main advantage is the capability of handling trackers simultaneously instead of sequentially as for the D/T algorithm. In summary, the parameters of the D/T algorithm are: (or and Markov model transition probabilities SNR and tracking filter memory The transition probabildoes not depend on the SNR ity but only on the variability of the target across scans. The set can be tailored according to the interface model, and the D/T algorithm could be optimized according to the available can be modeled as dynamic data (e.g., the interface

system driven by white Gaussian process noise [4]); for the triangular shape, it is The width depends on the variability of the target and the confidence of the The transition estimated TOD; in any case, it is probability for detection is a parameter that depends on the SNR and on the rate of lock/unlock transition, as previously discussed (Appendix-B); here it is In principle, the SNR can be estimated indirectly from data (e.g., by selecting a suitable subset from the overall data); in practice, when using the normalization as in (15), it can be considered as a free parameter. The filter memory is bound by When the interfaces are rough with sharp direction changes, association with the th interface (19) and tracking filter (22) might introduce a loss of lock. This effect can be avoided by choosing large and/or large with small at the expenses of increased target skips. In monostatic GPR applications, this happens mostly for deeper interfaces with smaller SNR (Appendix A). Fig. 4 shows a simulation of the multitarget D/T algorithm for a complex (but not realistic) situation with two interfaces (SNR 13.5 dB). The maximum number of targets is assumed to be The a posteriori probability of detection pdf for shows that, after there are no more interfaces to be tracked as it is mostly for (except the below threshold, (potential) crossing points). In addition, after tracking interfaces, the residual does not show any additional target to be tracked. The software implementation of multitarget D/T can be easily extended from the one described in Table II. If the first the second one D/T iteration is carried out on



Fig. 5. Multitarget D/T of monostatic GPR data (from the top): data; residual after L 6 iterations of D/T algorithm (q = 0:01; = 12 dB; data of both plots have been enhanced for visual purposes); tracked interfaces.

is performed using and, in general, the th iteration It can be shown that each single D/T step refers to can be arranged to operate in cascade on each residual data. In real-time parallel implementation, D/T iterations are performed concurrently with one scan of delay (on neighboring scans are allowed to change as the pdf the number of targets is used to track the null hypothesis on ). V. D/T



Layer-stripping inversion with monostatic GPR is rather complicated since the echo amplitude decreases (and clutter increases) with time (or depth) due to wavefront attenuation. Moreover, the estimate of the echo amplitude is biased due to propagation through random media (Appendix-A). Consequently, in pavement profiling, the SNR decreases with depth. Even if the reliability of amplitude estimates used in layerstripping inversion are mostly fair for deeper interfaces, layer thickness estimates obtained from TOD and T-D mapping can be made accurate enough for most practical purposes (error below 8–12%). T-D mapping can be made more reliable if performed by using a permittivity profile estimated with a large data volume (e.g., by global EM inversion as described in [2]) or by calibrating T-D mapping with core samples. As in seismic applications in which the velocity of deeper layers is poorly estimated and less constrained, in monostatic GPR const.) of deeper applications, a linear T-D mapping layers is commonly used (unless the permittivity profile can be more reliably estimated by using synthetic aperture methods).



= 4



= 08

Regardless of T-D mapping, D/T of multiple interfaces seems to be the key for real-time application of monostatic GPR to pavement profiling. An example of multiple interface D/T is shown in Fig. 5 ( is similar to the Ricker waveform ns). The interfaces (within 8 ns) of with pulsewidth this multilayered structure of asphalt layers of different particle size and density are rather difficult to track also because of the presence of discontinuities. However, after tracking (potential) interfaces, does not show any can residual interface to be tracked. Estimated targets be transformed into depth by T-D mapping function In Fig. 6, it is shown the average T-D mapping function (averaging has been obtained over a subset of approximately 200 m of laterally homogeneous media in the middle of the data of Fig. 5) obtained either with layer-stripping inversion (Section II) and 2-D EM inversion [2]. According to the discussion of Section II, dispersion of T-D mapping function obtained with layer stripping is increasing with depth for EM (shadow area) but is still limited compared to for layer-stripping inversion is related inversion (bias of to the simplified model with a limited number of targets). Remark 1: The analysis of the statistics of the residual (Fig. 5) shows larger tails with respect to Gaussian pdf assumption; this would imply a change of the conditional pdf based on the statistical properties of noise. However, this can be accomplished by a suitable choice of the D/T parameters still retaining the Gaussian model. Remark 2: False alarms or misses due to SNR decreasing with depth can be compensated by decreasing the transition



the overall residual has been reached. A tracking filter applied to the TOD slope reduces target skipping and preserves the tracked interface continuity. The D/T algorithm is an effective means to detect discontinuous, overlapping, and splitting interfaces. Based on the specific application (not necessarily GPR), optimum D/T parameters can be easily estimated for some typical examples. From the preliminary tests carried out, it would appear that multitarget D/T for TOD estimation, followed by T-D mapping based on EM inversion [2] carried out on a small data set, has great potential as a processing sequence for pavement profiling. APPENDIX A. Simplified Model for Multiple Backscattered Echoes Below Waveform Resolution Fig. 6. T-D mapping for data in Fig. 5 (from 200-m subset). Solid line: T-D from layer stripping (shadow area is standard deviation). Dashed line: T-D from 2-D EM inversion.


probability and/or increasing the memory length In addition, simulation results show that the D/T algorithm is not very sensitive to the choice of SNR; deviations of 5 dB around the true SNR value lead to negligible loss of performance mostly if normalization is used in conditional pdf (15). Remark 3: Target fragmentation of the D/T algorithm that occurs for locks/unlocks can be a drawback when interfaces are expected to be continuous. The minimization of the fragmentation of the interfaces can be employed either by decreasing transition probability or, if needed, adding a simple postprocessing step after the D/T algorithm. In addition, interface detection may be carried out by using two different thresholds for lock/unlock instead of (9) (threshold values can be chosen according to the first-order analysis in Fig. 2) as this reduces temporary unlocks [6]. VI. CONCLUSIONS In layer-stripping inversion, layer thickness and permittivity estimates are severely biased by false alarms. Multitarget D/T in GPR is a useful tool to reduce the false alarms and improve the lateral continuity of detected echoes. For pavement profiling, the tracking of the interfaces in time followed by T-D mapping represents, in spite of its simplicity, a promising approach to automatically process large amounts of data in real time. For the single interface, the evaluation of the TOD’s is based on their a posteriori probability (MAP or MMSE criteria); a modified first-order Markov model is used for a priori probability estimation. The conditional pdf is based on the assumption that the waveform is known. The iterative technique for D/T of multiple interfaces has been proposed as a two-step approach: first the interface is detected and echoes are spatially tracked, then the echoes belonging to the detected interface are cancelled from the data. Next, iterations are applied to the reduced data set until a given threshold of

be the superposition of Let pulses having random TOD’s with zero-mean Gaussian distribution, where each TOD is independent from the others and variance The and with dispersion of the echo amplitudes are normalized to the amplitude Without any loss echo without random delays: of generality, echo amplitudes can be considered independent The signal from each echo of pulse and TOD: can be approximated by its expansion around one extremum (e.g., in

(23) depends on the waveform spectrum. [This approximation holds true also for matched filter with its autocorrelareceiver by replacing the waveform ]. tion function; in this case, it is The measured signal thus becomes (24) where the delay of the composite echo is a random variable whose variance is reduced by the superposition of the waveforms and it is The amplitude of evaluated for is itself a random variable (because it is a combination of echoes having random delays), and the mean amplitude as well as its variance is (25a) (25b) This simplified analysis is derived from the one employed for narrowband waveforms (see [16] and [17]). Given the spectral (or properties of the waveform, the amplitude reduction bias) of the mean amplitude (25a) depends only on the TOD dispersion; variance depends also on the number of echoes can be approxithat have independent TOD’s. Basically, mated by the ratio between the area covered by the antenna


footprint and the area given by the correlation length of the random media (instead, for interface roughness, the correlation length of surface has to be considered). Increasing the number of echoes having independent TOD’s, or decreasing the it results in lower amplitude disperdispersion of TOD sion. Amplitude bias and fluctuation accumulates with depth because of propagation across rough interfaces. In addition, propagation through random media makes the delay dispersion linearly dependent on interface depth; target fluctuations increase with depth. Echoes in homogeneous media show no Additional amplitude and TOD amplitude bias as dispersion (but not bias) arise from additive random noise. B. Lock/Unlock Transition For the sake of simplicity, we assume that the unit amplitude interface has, if present, the same TOD across scans. The cross-correlation represents a random variable, and the random [note that term is For an approximate first-order analysis of the lock/unlock transition, we first assume that the likelihood ratio is independent (or, equivalently, of scans: ). Moreover, the mean value is bound by if the interface is present and two extreme values: if there is no interface. The detection probability becomes (26)

Due to the Markov model, the a priori probability of detection across neighboring scans is given by (27) The recursive relationship for detection probability is given by (28), shown at the bottom of the page. Because of the relationship between tracking probability and likelihood ratio, the recursive (28) can be solved analytically in some special cases with simplifying hypotheses. If we assume that tracking transition probability is and for (i.e., ), the a priori pdf of tracking The a simplifies to priori probability is then related to detection probability (18b) as follows:



Let the likelihood ratio be independent of bin: With the aforementioned assumptions, it is easy to show that tracking probability is also independent of bin

(30) and therefore the a posteriori pdf is equally distributed: This situation occurs ). More interesting is the for random noise (i.e., situation when the echo is present at a known TOD. Without any loss of generality, we can choose the number of bins and as we are interested in detection probability only (the bin is centered around the known TOD). The recursive relationship (28) for detection probability is modified to [after (29)]

(31) The steady-state solution for is


and can be evaluated analytically for any value of the D/T The steady-state solution for parameters (complementary solution is achieved for ) is almost of the Markov independent of the transition probability (or low SNR), model and approaches one. For the steady-state solution is strongly sensitive to transition (the probability of false probability and is alarms approaches 0.5 in this case). Transition from any initialization probability that evolves into can be evaluated numerically from (31). For instance, if we consider the case of transition from interface present to interface absent also referred to as unlock transition, the initialization value of (31) is and steady-state solution is The number of scans necessary to complete the transition (up to 99%) and reach the steady state (unlock transition) are shown in Fig. 2. Lock transition (i.e., from interface absent to interface present) can be evaluated in a similar way.




ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank F. Rocca for some helpful discussions and G. Stagni and C. Toja for the software implementation of the multitarget D/T algorithm. Field data have been provided by AICORADAR and SEDING.

[15] G. Stagni and C. Toja, “Sviluppo di tecniche per la stima e l’inseguimento dei tempi di arrivo degli echi radar,” Dottore in Ingegneria Elettronica thesis, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy, 1995. [16] P. Beckmann and A. Spizzichino, The Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves from Rough Surfaces. London, U.K.: Pergamon, 1963. [17] A. Ishimaru, Wave Propagation and Scattering in Random Media, vols. 1 and 2. New York: Academic, 1978.

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Umberto Spagnolini received the Dottore degree (cum laude) in electronic engineering from the Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy, in 1988. He has been with the Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione, Politecnico di Milano, since 1988, where he presently holds the position of Associate Professor of Digital Signal Processing. His primary research interests include signal processing applied to geophysics (tomographic methods for velocity model estimation and reduction of EM noise in magnetotellurics) and radar problems (inverse problems for GPR and 2-D phase unwrapping for SAR). Dr. Spagnolini is a member of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) and of the European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE). He was awarded, in 1991, the Associazione Elettrotecnica ed Elettronica Italiana Award and the Van Weelden Award of EAGE.

Vittorio Rampa was born in Genoa, Italy, in 1957. He received the Laurea (with honors) degree in electronic engineering in 1984 from the Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy. He has been a Research Assistant at Center for Space Communications-National Research Council (C.S.T.S.-C.N.R.), Milan, since 1986. He was a Visiting Scholar at the Center for Integrated Systems, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, from 1987 to 1988. Presently, his research interests include signal processing and neural network processing for radar systems, wavelets, and seismic data compression.