Muon anomalous magnetic moment, lepton flavor violation, and flavor ...

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arXiv:hep-ph/0104146v1 16 Apr 2001. KEK-TH-760. ICRR-Report-476-2001-6. Muon anomalous magnetic moment, lepton flavor violation, and flavor changing ...
KEK-TH-760 ICRR-Report-476-2001-6

arXiv:hep-ph/0104146v1 16 Apr 2001

Muon anomalous magnetic moment, lepton flavor violation, and flavor changing neutral current processes in SUSY GUT with right-handed neutrino Seungwon Baek,1 Toru Goto,2 Yasuhiro Okada,2,3 and Ken-ichi Okumura4 1 Department

of Physics, National Taiwan University, Taipei 106, Taiwan

2 Theory

Group, KEK, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0801 Japan

3 Department

of Particle and Nuclear Physics,

The Graduate University of Advanced Studies, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0801 Japan 4 Institute

for Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo,

Kashiwanoha 5-1-5, Kashiwa, 277-8582 Japan (April 16, 2001)

Abstract Motivated by the large mixing angle solutions for the atmospheric and solar neutrino anomalies, flavor changing neutral current processes and lepton flavor violating processes as well as the muon anomalous magnetic moment are analyzed in the framework of SU(5) SUSY GUT with right-handed neutrino. In order to explain realistic mass relations for quarks and leptons, we take into account effects of higher dimensional operators above the GUT scale. It is shown that the supersymmetric (SUSY) contributions to the CP violation ¯ 0 mixing, εK , the µ → e γ branching ratio, and the muon parameter in K 0 − K


anomalous magnetic moment become large in a wide range of parameter space. We also investigate correlations among these quantities. Within the current experimental bound of B(µ → e γ), large SUSY contributions are possible either in the muon anomalous magnetic moment or in εK . In the former case, the favorable value of the recent muon anomalous magnetic moment measurement at the BNL E821 experiment can be accommodated. In the latter case, the allowed region of the Kobayashi-Maskawa phase can be different from the prediction within the Standard Model (SM) and therefore the measurements of the CP asymmetry of B → J/ψ KS mode and ∆mBs could discriminate this case from the SM. We also show that the τ → µ γ branching ratio can be close to the current experimental upper bound and the mixing induced CP asymmetry of the radiative B decay can be enhanced in the case where the neutrino parameters correspond to the Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein small mixing angle solution.


In order to explore physics beyond the Standard Model (SM), indirect searches play an important role complimentary to direct searches of new particles at high energy frontiers. The indirect searches include flavor changing neutral current (FCNC) processes, lepton flavor violation (LFV) and the muon anomalous magnetic moment. In the minimal SM, lepton flavor is conserved and FCNC is forbidden at tree level, so that B, K and µ decay experiments have supplied severe constraints on models beyond the SM. At the recent BNL E821 experiment, it was reported that the muon anomalous magnetic moment had 2.6 σ deviation from the SM prediction [1]. If the deviation is confirmed by improvement in both statistics and understanding theoretical uncertainty of the SM prediction, the muon anomalous magnetic moment becomes a clear signal of physics beyond the SM. Among candidates of the physics beyond the SM, supersymmetry (SUSY) is the most 2

attractive one. Because of the cancellation of quadratic divergence in the renormalization of the Higgs field, SUSY models do not have the hierarchy problem of the SM. Furthermore, the gauge coupling unification is realized in the SUSY grand unified theories (SUSY GUT) based on SU(5) gauge group or its extensions. In view of the flavor physics, it is important that the scalar partners of quarks and leptons, namely squarks and sleptons, have a new source of flavor mixing. Due to the new ¯ 0 /B 0 − B ¯ 0 mixing flavor mixing, LFV and FCNC such as µ → e γ, b → s γ and K 0 − K could be induced through SUSY loop diagrams. Because these processes receive too large contributions for generic flavor mixing in squark and slepton sector, the structure of SUSY breaking sector of the Lagrangian is required to have a special form, unless the masses of the SUSY particles are beyond multi-TeV region [2]. The simplest possibility to avoid this problem is that the SUSY breaking mechanism is assumed to be flavor blind. However, even in such a case, the squark and slepton mass matrices receive radiative corrections from interactions below the scale where the SUSY breaking is originated, and flavor blindness is broken [3,4]. In particular, effects of the large top Yukawa coupling constant can not be neglected. A number of analyses have been done in the context of minimal supergravity (minimal SUGRA) anzats where SUSY breaking parameters are assumed to be flavor blind at the Planck scale [5–8]. It was shown that the flavor mixing is controlled by the CabibboKobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix element. As a result the maximal deviation from the ¯ 0 mixing, εK , and Bd − B ¯d /Bs − B¯s mixing is of SM in the CP violating parameter of K 0 − K the order of 10 %, while the SUSY contribution to b → s γ process can be much important [7,8]. In the GUT scenario, there are additional contributions to FCNC/LFV processes from GUT interactions [4,9–12]. As for LFV processes the µ → e γ branching ratio is close to the current experimental bound, especially for SO(10) model [10]. Recent experimental evidences of neutrino oscillation indicate existence of small neutrino mass and large flavor mixings in the lepton sector [13]. A natural explanation for small neutrino mass is the seesaw mechanism [14]. In this mechanism, heavy right-handed neutrinos are introduced, and these neutrinos have Majorana mass term and new Yukawa interactions. 3

Because the neutrino Yukawa coupling constants can be as large as the top Yukawa coupling constant if the right-handed neutrinos are O(1014) GeV, radiative corrections from these interactions contribute to the renormalization of slepton mass matrix above the mass scale of the right-handed neutrinos. Within the minimal SUGRA scenario, it was shown that the branching ratios of LFV processes becomes large enough to be measured in near-future experiments [15–17]. Some GUT models which have predictable neutrino mass and mixing are already constrained [18]. In the context of SUSY GUT, these new interactions in the lepton sector also contribute to the quark sector, because radiative corrections on the squark from neutrino interactions can become a new source of quark FCNC processes as well as the LFV processes. Recently, these processes are analyzed in the minimal SU(5) SUSY GUT with right-handed neutrino and large deviations from the SM are predicted [19,20]. However, in these analyses, simple flavor structure was assumed so that the correct mass relations between the down-type quarks and charged leptons in the first and second generations can not be realized. Very recently, the BNL E821 experiment reported a new result on the muon anomalous magnetic moment [1]. The measured value of aµ = (gµ −2)/2 is aµ (exp) = 11659202(14)(6)× 10−10 , which is compared to the SM prediction aµ (SM) = 11659159.6(6.7) × 10−10 . It was concluded that the theory and experiment had 2.6 σ difference aµ (exp) − aµ (SM) = 43(16) × 10−10 . The deviation can be explained in the context of the SUSY model [21]. In contrast to the LFV and FCNC processes which are very sensitive to the origin on the flavor mixing at high energy scale, the muon anomalous magnetic moment can provide us information on the slepton masses, rather independent of the flavor structure of the slepton mass matrices. In this paper, we discuss FCNC/LFV processes in the SU(5) supersymmetric grand unified theory with right-handed neutrino (SU(5)RN SUSY GUT) taking account of realistic mass relations. The seesaw mechanism generates small neutrino masses and large mixing angles which incorporate atmospheric and solar neutrino anomalies. In order to reproduce realistic mass relations, we introduce a higher dimensional operator including 24 superfield 4

which gives contributions to the Yukawa coupling matrices for the down-type quarks and the charged leptons in a different manner. Moreover, new degrees of freedom arise in the choice of the bases when the MSSM multiplets are embedded in the SU(5) multiplets. We show that the main effect of these new mixings is described by two mixing angles which parameterize rotations of the bases between the down-type quarks and charged leptons in the first and second generations. We perform numerical analysis on FCNC/LFV processes taking account of various sources of flavor mixing. We also calculate the muon anomalous magnetic moment and investigate the correlations among these quantities. Solving renormalization group equations for the Yukawa coupling matrices and the SUSY breaking parameters, the flavor mixing in the squark and slepton sectors is evaluated at the electroweak (EW) scale. In addition to the muon anomalous magnetic moment, we calculate following FCNC/LFV observables: the branching ratios of µ → e γ, τ → µ γ and b → s γ, εK , the mass differences ¯d mixing and Bs − B ¯s mixing, and the time-dependent CP asymmetries of B → in Bd − B J/ψ KS and B → Ms γ where Ms is a CP eigenstate including a strange quark. We find that the SUSY contributions to εK , the µ → e γ branching ratio, and the muon anomalous magnetic moment become large in a wide range of parameter space. Within the current experimental bound on B(µ → e γ), large SUSY contributions are possible either in the muon anomalous magnetic moment or in εK . In the former case, the favorable value of the recent muon anomalous magnetic moment measurement at the BNL experiment can be accommodated. In the latter case, the new contribution εK modifies the constraint for the CKM matrix elements and affects B decay observables because allowed region of ∆mBs /∆mBd and the time-dependent CP asymmetry of the B → J/ψ KS mode can be quite different from that of the SM or MSSM without the new flavor mixing source. We also show that B(τ → µ γ) and the indirect CP asymmetry of the radiative B decay can be large in the case where the neutrino parameters correspond to the small mixing angle Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein (MSW) solution. We also notice that the branching ratio of µ → e γ can be close to the present experimental upper limit both in the large and small mixing angle MSW solutions. 5

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II, the SU(5)RN SUSY GUT is introduced. The higher dimensional operators are included to incorporate the realistic fermion mass relation. Two new mixing angles are defined to parameterize the effect of these operators. In Sec. III, the minimal SUGRA model is introduced for the SUSY breaking sector. Radiative corrections for the SUSY breaking parameters and FCNC/LFV processes are discussed qualitatively using approximated formulas. In Sec. IV, the numerical results for the muon anomalous magnetic moment and FCNC/LFV processes are presented. Sec. V is devoted for conclusion and discussions. In Appendices, useful formulas are collected.


In this section we discuss quark and lepton Yukawa couplings in the SU(5)RN SUSY GUT. Before introducing higher dimensional operators, we first discuss the case without them. Later, we introduce those operators to accommodate realistic mass relation. Without higher dimensional operators, the Yukawa coupling and the Majorana mass term of the superpotential for this model are given by 1 i WSU(5)RN = ǫabcde (λu )ij (T i )ab (T j )cd H e + (λd )ij (F )a (T j )ab H b 8 1 i j i j +(λν )ij N (F )a H a + (Mν )ij N N , 2 i



where T i , F and N are 10, 5 and 1 representation of SU(5) gauge group, respectively. i, j are generation indices and a, b, c, d and e are SU(5) indices. ǫabcde is the totally antisymmetric tensor of SU(5) gauge group. H and H are Higgs superfields with 5 and 5 representations. i


In terms of SU(3)×SU(2)L ×U(1)Y , T i contains Qi (3, 2, 16 ), U (3, 1, − 23 ) and E (1, 1, 1) superfields. Here the representations for SU(3) and SU(2) groups and the U(1)Y charge are i



indicated in the parentheses. F includes D (3, 1, 13 ) and Li (1, 2, − 21 ), and N is a singlet of SU(3)×SU(2)L ×U(1)Y . H consists of HC (3, 1, 0) and H2 (1, 2, 12 ) and H contains H C (3, 1, 0) and H1 (1, 2, − 21 ). (λu )ij , (λd )ij and (λν )ij are Yukawa coupling matrices and (Mν )ij is a Majorana mass matrix. In addition to the above formula, we also need a superpotential for 6

Higgs superfields, WH (H, H, Σ) where Σab is a 24 representation of SU(5) group. It is assumed to develop vacuum expectation values as hΣab i = diag( 13 , 31 , 31 , − 12 , − 21 )vG at the GUT scale (MG ≈ 2 × 1016 GeV) and breaks the SU(5) symmetry to SU(3)×SU(2)L ×U(1)Y . Below the GUT scale, the heavy superfields such as HC , H C and Σ are integrated out and the superpotential of the MSSM with right-handed neutrino (MSSMRN) is given by i



WMSSMRN = (yu )ij U Qj H2 + (yd )ij D Qj H1 + (ye )ij E Lj H1 + µH1 H2 1 i i j +(yν )ij N Lj H2 + (Mν )ij N N , 2


where Yukawa coupling matrices are related to those of the SU(5)RN as (yu )ij = (λu )ij , (yd )ij = (ylT )ij = (λd )ij and (yν )ij = (λν )ij . Below the Majorana mass scale (≡ MR ), the singlet fields are also integrated out from the superpotential and a dimension five operator is generated as follows: 1 ∆Wν = − (Kν )ij (Li H2 )(Lj H2 ), 2

Kν = (yνT )ik (

1 kl ) (yν )lj . Mν


After the EW symmetry breaking, this operator induces by the seesaw mechanism the following neutrino mass matrix, (mν )ij = (Kν )ij hH2 i2 .


In this model, the naive GUT relation is predicted at the GUT scale, (ye )ij = (yd )ji.


Although this relation gives a reasonable agreement for mb and mτ , it is well known that the mass ratio of down-type quarks and charged leptons in the first and the second generations can not be explained in this way. One possibility to remedy this defect is to introduce higher dimensional operators above the GUT scale because they can give different contributions to the Yukawa coupling matrices of down-type quarks and charged leptons after the SU(5) symmetry breaking. We consider higher dimensional operators including the 24 Higgs superfield up to dimension five terms. Relevant parts of the superpotential is parameterized as follows: 7

∆WSU(5)RN =

1 1 a i fb j cd i ab c j fd e ǫabcde (κ+ u )ij {Σ f (T ) (T ) + (T ) Σ f (T ) }H MX 4 1 a i fb j cd i ab c j fd e + ǫabcde (κ− u )ij {Σ f (T ) (T ) − (T ) Σ f (T ) }H 4 i

+(κd )ij (F )a Σab (T j )bc H c j

+(κd )ij (F )a (T j )ab Σcb H c i


+ (κν )ij N (F )a Σab H b ,


where MX is the cut-off scale which we take as the Planck mass MP . We also assume that the elements of coupling matrices κ± u , κd , κd and κν are smaller than O(1). After SU(5) symmetry is broken, they give contributions of the order of ξ = vG /MX ≈ 0.01 to the Yukawa coupling constants of the MSSMRN as follows: 

1 + 5 (κu )ij + (κ− )ij , 2 6 u   1 1 (κd )ij − (κd )ij , (yd )ij = (λd )ij + ξ 3 2   1 T 1 T T (ye )ij = (λd )ij + ξ − (κd )ij − (κd )ij , 2 2 ξ (yν )ij = (λν )ij − (κν )ij . 2

(yu )ij = (λu )ij + ξ

(7a) (7b) (7c) (7d)

The naive GUT relation between the lepton and the down-type quark Yukawa coupling matrices in Eq. (5) is modified to 5 (ye )ij = (yd )ji + ξ(κd )ji . 6


With this small contribution from the higher dimensional operator, realistic mass relations between the down-type quarks and charged leptons can be incorporated in the model. In − the following analysis we take (κ+ u )ij = (κu )ij = (κd )ij = (κν )ij = 0 because they are not

necessarily required to reproduce the realistic mass relations. In the following, we show that new mixing angles are introduced at the GUT scale because of κd . Using SU(5) symmetry, we can rotate the generation indices of superfields in Eq. (2) so that the Yukawa coupling constants and the Majorana mass matrix are parameterized as follows: 8

T (yu )ij = (VCKM VU∗ )i k yu k (VCKM )kj ,


(yd )ij = (VD∗ )i j yd j ,


(ye )ij = (VE∗ )i j ye j ,


(yν )ij = yν i (VL )i j ,


(Mν )ij = (VNT )i k Mν k (VN )kj ,


where VU , VE , VD and VN are unitary matrices and VCKM is the CKM matrix at the GUT scale. yu i , yd i , ye i , yν i , and Mν i represent the eigenvalues of the Yukawa coupling matrices and the Majorana mass matrix. The GUT relation between the two Yukawa coupling constants is then given by 5 (VD∗ )i j yd j − ye i (VE† )i j = ξ(κd )ij . 6


From this formula we can derive the following approximate relations for the 1-3 and 2-3 (3-1 and 3-2) elements of the mixing matrices because the Yukawa coupling constants of the first and second generations are much smaller than that of the third generation, 5ξ ∗ (κ )i3 , 6 yb d 5 ξ † (κ )i3 , (VE )i 3 ≈ − 6 yτ d 5ξ T (VE )3i ≈ (V κd VE )3i , 6 yb D 5 ξ (V T κT VD )3i , (VD )3i ≈ − 6 yτ E d

(VD )i 3 ≈

(11a) (11b) (11c) (11d)

for i = 1, 2. We can estimate ξ/yb and ξ/yτ as ξ ξ ξv cos β ≈ ≈− √ , yb yτ 2mτ

q v √ = hH1 i2 + hH2 i2 , 2


where β is a vacuum angle of two Higgs vacuum expectation values (tan β = hH20i/hH10 i). < O(1), we can conclude that the magnitude of these elements Assuming the condition (κd )ij ∼

are constrained to be smaller than (tan β)−1 because lower tan β region is excluded from Higgs boson search. On the other hand, 1-2 (2-1) element is not constrained from such a consideration. Motivated by this observation we assume the following form: 9

(VD )i j = eiγD

(VE )i j = eiγE

       




cos θD −e

sin θD


eiβD sin θD e−iαD cos θD 0 iαE

e    eiβE   

0 −iβE

cos θE −e

0 ei(−γD +δ)

sin θE


sin θE e−iαE cos θE 0


0 ei(−γE +δ)

   ,   


   .   


The antisymmetric part of the Yukawa matrix for the up-type quarks is also written by the coefficients of the dimension five operator as follows: 5 † ∗ (VU∗ )i j yu j − yu i (VU† )i j = ξ(VCKM κ− u VCKM )ij . 6


i iφU i i Because we set (κ− δ j in our analysis. u )ij = 0 for simplicity, (VU ) j becomes e

The neutrino Yukawa coupling matrix and the Majorana mass matrix are constrained from the oscillation solutions of the atmospheric and solar neutrino anomalies. In the basis where the charged lepton mass matrix is diagonal, the neutrino mass matrix is written as follows: † ∗ )kj , (mν )ij = (VMNS )i k mν k (VMNS


where VMNS is the Maki-Nakagawa-Sakata (MNS) matrix [22]. At the Majorana mass scale Eqs. (3) and (4) are solved as follows: (VN∗ )i k yν k (VL )kj =

1 q √ † )kj , Mν i (OνT )i k mν k (VMNS hH2 i


where Oν is a complex orthogonal matrix which can not be determined from the low energy experiments. Although we neglect a running effect of the neutrino mass matrix between the low energy scale and the GUT scale in Eqs. (15) and (16), later we fully take account of this effect in the numerical calculation in Sec. IV.



In Subsection III A we first discuss the flavor mixing of squark and slepton mass matrices induced by the radiative correction due to the Yukawa coupling constants. In order to explain qualitative features we show the one-loop logarithmic terms for SUSY breaking parameters. In the numerical calculation in Sec. IV, however, we use the full renormalization group equation (RGE) and solve them numerically. In Subsection III B, we give a brief description on the SUSY contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment and various FCNC and LFV processes.

A. Minimal SUGRA and radiative corrections to the SUSY breaking parameters

The soft SUSY breaking terms of the MSSM are given by fi∗ D f e i∗ U e − (m2 ) j D e j − (m2 ) j U e †Q Lsoft = −(m2Q )i j Q j j i D i U i

e †L e j − (m2 ) j E e i∗ E e − m2 H † H − m2 H † H −(m2L )i j L j i E i H2 2 2 H1 1 1 n

e j H + (ye ) D fi∗ Q ejH − (yeu )ij Ue i∗ Q 2 d ij 1 e j H + µBH H + H.c. +(yee )ij Ee i∗ L 1 1 2


1 eB e + 1M W fW f + 1M G ee + M1 B 2 3 G, 2 2 2


e i, U e i∗ , D fi∗ , L e i and E e i∗ are scalar components of Qi , U i , D i , Li and E i , respectively. where Q

We use the same symbols as superfields for scalar components of the Higgs supermultiplets. e W f and G e are U(1), SU(2) and SU(3) gauginos, respectively. At the GUT scale, these B,

soft SUSY breaking parameters are determined by the following SUSY breaking terms of the SU(5)RN SUSY GUT, ∗


f f L = −(m2T )i j (Tei∗ )ab (Te j )ab − (mF2 )i j (Fe i )a (Fe )a − (m2N )i j N iN ∗a

2 )H H a −(m2H )H ∗a H a − (mH

1 ei e ) (Te i )ab (Te j )cd H e + (λ e ) (F )a (Te j )ab H b ǫabcde (λ u ij d ij 8 11


1 f fi fj fi e j e ) N +(λ (F )a H a + (M ν )ij N N + H.c. ν ij 2  o n 1 1 a e i f b e j cd e i ab c e j f d H e e+ ǫabcde (κ − u )ij Σ f (T ) (T ) + (T ) Σ f (T ) MX 4 o n 1 a e i f b e j cd e i )ab Σc (Te j )f d H e e− ) Σ ( T ) ( T ) − ( T + ǫabcde (κ u ij f f 4 i

e e d )ij (F )a Σab (Te j )bc H c + (κ j

e e d )ij (F )a (Te j )b Σcb H c + (κ

fi e j e ν )ij N (F )a Σab H b + H.c. +(κ

1 e G e + M5 G 5 5, 2


i i i fi e represents SU(5) where Te i , Fe and N are scalar components of T i, F and N and G 5

gaugino. We assume the minimal supergravity scenario for the origin of SUSY breaking and set the following boundary conditions for the SUSY breaking parameters at the Planck scale, (m2T )i j = (mF2 )i j = (m2N )i j = m20 δji , e (λ) ij = m0 A0 (λ)ij ,

(λ = λu , λd , λν ),

e )ij = m0 (A0 + ∆A0 )(κ)ij , (κ

(κ = κ± u , κd , κd , κν ),

M5 = M0 .

(19a) (19b) (19c) (19d)

If we ignore radiative corrections from the gauge and Yukawa coupling constants and assume ∆A0 = 0, the soft SUSY breaking terms are given by (m2Q )i j = (m2L )i j = (m2U )i j = (m2E )i j = (m2D )i j = m20 δij , (ye)ij = m0 A0 (y)ij ,

(y = yu , yd , ye ).

(20a) (20b)

Then LFV processes are forbidden and SUSY contributions to FCNC processes are suppressed. We consider ∆A0 6= 0 case later. Radiative corrections between the Planck scale and the EW scale modify the above structure of the soft SUSY breaking terms. In particular, the corrections from the Yukawa 12

coupling constants associated with the colored Higgs supermultiplets and right-handed neutrino supermultiplets are important because they have different flavor structure from the Yukawa coupling constants of the MSSM. Let us estimate these corrections using approximate formulas only considering logarithmic terms to see qualitative features of FCNC/LFV processes in the model. The Yukawa couplings including colored Higgs supermultiplets are parameterized as follows: 1 i j WC = −(yCR )ij HC U E − (yCL )ij HC Qi Qj 2 i




−(yCR )ij H C D U − (yCL )ij H C Li Qj + (yCN )ij HC N D .


It is convenient to work in the basis where the down-type quark and charged lepton mass matrices are diagonal, (yu )ij = yu i (VCKM )i j ,


(yd )ij = yd i δji ,


(ye )ij = ye i δji ,


(yν )ij = yν i (VL )i j .


In this basis, Yukawa coupling matrices in Eq. (21) are given by (yCR )ij = yu i (VCKM VE )i j ,


1 T )i j eiφU j yu j + eiφU i yu i (VCKM )i j }, (yCL )ij = {(VCKM 2


(yCR )ij = yd i eiφU i δji ,


(yCL )ij = ye i (VE† )i j ,


(yCN )ij = yν i (VL VD )i j .


The radiative corrections to squark and slepton mass matrices from these Yukawa coupling constants are approximated as follows: 

† † yCL (3 + |A0 |2 )m20 tG yCL + yd† yd + yCL ∆m2Q ≈ −2 yu† yu + 2yCL

−2 yu† yu + yd† yd (3 + |A0 |2 )m20 tW , 13


† ∗ T (3 + |A0 |2 )m20 tG yCR + 2yCR ∆m2U ≈ −2 2yu yu† + yCR yCR

−4yu yu† (3 + |A0 |2 )m20 tW , 


T ∗ ∆m2E ≈ −2 2ye ye† + 3yCR yCR (3 + |A0 |2 )m20 tG

−4ye ye†(3 + |A0 |2 )m20 tW ,


† T ∗ + yCN yCN (3 + |A0 |2 )m20 tG ∆m2D ≈ −2 2yd yd† + 2yCR yCR

−4yd yd† (3 + |A0 |2 )m20 tW , 


T ∗ yCL + yν† yν (3 + |A0 |2 )m20 tG ∆m2L ≈ −2 ye† ye + 3yCL

−2ye† ye (3 + |A0 |2 )m20 tW − 2yν† yν (3 + |A0 |2 )m20 tR , where we only take account of logarithmic terms so that tG = and tW =

1 (4π)2

1 (4π)2

MP ln( M ), tR = G

(24e) 1 (4π)2

G ln( M ) MR

G ln( MM ). MSUSY is a characteristic mass scale of the SUSY particles and SUSY

identified to the EW scale. The off-diagonal elements of the above formulas are sources of the LFV and FCNC processes. Keeping only possible large Yukawa coupling constants, the off-diagonal elements of the mass matrices are approximated as follows: † )i 3 yt 2 (VCKM )3j (3 + |A0 |2 )m20 (tG + tW ) (m2Q )i j ≈ −2(VCKM


† )i 3 yt 2 δ 3j + δ i 3 yt 2 (VCKM )3j − (VCKM


† +(VCKM )i 3 yt 2 (VCKM )3j (3 + |A0 |2 )m20 tG ,

(i 6= j),


T ∗ (m2E )i j ≈ −6(VET VCKM )i 3 yt 2 (VCKM VE∗ )3j (3 + |A0 |2 )m20 tG ,

(i 6= j),


(m2D )i j ≈ −2(VDT VLT )i k yν k 2 (VL∗ VD∗ )kj (3 + |A0 |2 )m20 tG ,

(i 6= j),


(m2L )i j ≈ −2(VL† )i k yν k 2 (VL )kj (3 + |A0 |2 )m20 (tG + tR ),

(i 6= j).


(m2Q )i j corresponds to the flavor mixing due to the large top Yukawa coupling constant which already exists within the MSSM based on the minimal SUGRA. (m2E )i j receives radiative correction from the up-type Yukawa coupling constant between the Planck scale and the GUT scale. This is a well-known mechanism to induce LFV processes in the SUSY GUT [4]. We notice that the following important features. • There are flavor mixings in the right-handed down-type squark and the left-handed 14

slepton sectors. These mixings are absent in the minimal SUGRA model without right-handed neutrino supermultiplet. • Because VL can be related to the MNS matrix, large mixing is possible. • The main effect of the higher dimensional operator under assumption of Eq. (13) is only rotating the basis of light fermions between dR and sR , eR and µR . For each of these mixings the rotation is described by one parameter θD in VD or θE in VE . In the above discussion, we only considered the radiative correction to squarks and slepton mass matrices, however, the trilinear scalar coupling constants, yeu , yed and yee also receive corrections as follows:

(yeu )ij ≈ m0 Au yu i (VCKM )i j −

m0 A0 (∆m2U )i k yu k (VCKM )kj + yu i (VCKM )i k (∆m2Q )kj , 3 + |A0 |2 m20


(yed )ij ≈ m0 Ad yd i δji

j m0 A0 (∆m2D )i yd j + yd i (∆m2Q )i j − 3 + |A0 |2 m20 n o 2 − m0 ∆A yd i δji − (VDT )i k ye k (VE† )kj , 5


(yee )ij ≈ m0 Ae ye i δji

j m0 A0 (∆m2E )i ye j + ye i (∆m2L )i j 3 + |A0 |2 m20 n o 3 − m0 ∆A ye i δji − (VET )i k yd k (VD† )kj , 5


where Au , Ad , Ae and ∆A are given by 192 2 M0 g tG − 5 5 m0 168 2 M0 Ad ≈ A0 − tG − g 5 5 m0 168 2 M0 tG − g Ae ≈ A0 − 5 5 m0 M0 ∆A ≈ −20g52 tG . m0 Au ≈ A0 −

3 X 276 2 M0 yν 2i (tG + tR ), g5 tW + 3yt2(tG + tW ) + 15 m0 i=1 88 2 M0 tW , g 5 5 m0 48 2 M0 tW , g 5 5 m0

(27a) (27b) (27c) (27d)


The second terms in the right-hand side of Eqs. (26) are induced by the radiative corrections from the Yukawa interactions. The third terms in Eqs. (26b) and (26c) come from the higher dimensional operators. They break proportionality between the trilinear scalar coupling matrix and the corresponding Yukawa coupling matrix and generate flavor mixings in the left-right mixing mass matrices of squarks and sleptons after the EW symmetry breaking. If ∆A0 6= 0 in Eq. (19c), we have an extra contribution, ∆A0 to Eq. (27d) and there are corrections of order m20 A0 ∆A0 ξtG to Eqs. (25) and corrections of order m0 ∆A0 ξtX (X = G, R, W ) to Eqs. (26). Notice that even if we assume ∆A0 = 0 at the Planck scale ∆A is e induced by the gauge interaction as shown in Eq. (27d) because the renormalization of λ d

e d are different due to the wave-function renormalization of Σ. We therefore expect and κ

analysis with ∆A0 = 0 gives us a qualitative feature for general cases.

B. The muon anomalous magnetic moment, FCNC and LFV processes

Let us discuss the muon anomalous magnetic moment, FCNC and LFV processes in the model according to the approximations of the previous section. In the following we make a simplification in the neutrino sector to estimate possible deviations from the SM in the FCNC/LFV processes. We assume the Majorana masses of the right-handed neutrinos are universal at the Majorana mass scale MR as (Mν )ij = δij MR . We also neglect any CP violating phase in the model except for the Kobayashi-Maskawa phase and assume that VN , VL , Oν and VMNS are real matrices and αD,E = βD,E = γD,E = δ = 0 in Eq. (13) and φU i = 0 in Eq. (23). If we include these phases, new contributions to the electron and neutron electric dipole moments (EDMs) are induced so that we have to take into account constraints to SUSY parameters from the upper bound of the EDMs. In the numerical calculation we evaluate these EDMs and check that these constraints are satisfied in the case that new CP phases are set to vanish. With the above simplification, the mixing matrix VL and the neutrino Yukawa coupling can be related to the low energy observables according to Eq. (16), † VL = VMNS ,

yν i =



MR mν i /hH2 i.


We parameterize the MNS matrix assuming maximal mixing for the atmospheric neutrino oscillation as follows:


 cos θsun    − sin√θsun  2   sin√θsun 2

sin θsun

0  

cos√θsun 2

√1 2

− cos√θ2sun

√1 2

 ,   


where θsun is the mixing angle for the solar neutrino oscillation. We assume the 1-3 element of the MNS matrix is zero in our analysis because it is known to be small from the result of the CHOOZ experiment [23]. We will comment on the nonzero case later. We assume the hierarchical pattern of neutrino mass, namely mν 1 < mν 2 ≪ mν 3 . From the following relation, mν 22 = ∆m2sun + mν 21 ,

mν 23 = ∆m2atm + mν 22 ,


where ∆m2sun and ∆m2atm are the mass differences of solar and atmospheric neutrino oscillation, mν 3 and mν 2 are determined once we fix mν 1 . Then using Eq. (28) we can calculate yν i for a fixed value of MR .

1. The muon anomalous magnetic moment

We consider the SUSY contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment [8,21,24,25]. The muon anomalous magnetic moment aµ is defined by the following effective Lagrangian: L


1 = 2


e aµ µσ αβ µFαβ , 2mµ


where e is the positron charge, mµ is the muon mass , Fαβ is the electromagnetic field tensor and σαβ = i[γα , γβ ]/2. The SUSY contribution to aµ (≡ aSUSY ) is obtained from the µ flavor diagonal parts of photon-penguin diagrams including smuon-neutralino and sneutrinochargino. aSUSY depends on the slepton mass and the neutralino/chargino mass and mixing, µ but it is rather insensitive to the flavor mixing of the slepton sector. Therefore we expect 17

aSUSY is almost the same as a result in the minimal SUGRA model. In the MSSM based µ on the minimal SUGRA, it is known that the main contribution comes from the sneutrinochargino diagram which contains a component proportional to µ tan β [25]. Then aSUSY µ preferred by the recent results from BNL E821 experiment is achieved in the large tan β region of the parameter space. In this region the sign of aSUSY is correlated to the branching µ ratio of b → s γ through the sign of the Higgsino mass parameter µ so that aSUSY is positive µ when b → s γ is suppressed and negative when b → s γ is enhanced. 2. µ → e γ, τ → µ γ

We consider LFV decays of charged leptons. Radiative decays of charged leptons occur through photon-penguin diagrams including sleptons, neutralinos and charginos. The effective Lagrangian for these processes is described as follows: o 4GF n ij µν µν A (l σ l )F + m σ l )F + H.c. (l mei Aij LLFV = − √ Ri Lj µν ei Li Rj µν L R 2

(i > j),


where GF is the Fermi constant and i, j denote generation indices. Aij R corresponds to the + + amplitude for li+ → lj+ γR and Aij L for li → lj γL . The branching ratios are calculated from ij 2 2 these amplitudes as B(li+ → lj+ γ) = 384π 2 (|Aij R | + |AL | ).

For µ → e γ, it is known that if both left-handed and right-handed sectors have flavor mixing, there are the diagrams which have an enhancement factor mτ as shown in Fig. 1 [10,16,17]. In our model we find that diagrams corresponding to Figs. 2 and 3 also give large contributions. The flavor mixing in the left-right mixing term in Fig. 3 is induced by renormalization between the Planck and GUT scale as shown in Eq. (26c). Approximate 21 formulas for A21 R and AL from these contributions are given by

A21 R


n om 1 τ n a2 − ac ≈ √ sin 2θsun (yν 2 2 − yν 1 2 )yt2 (VCKM )31 sin θE + (VCKM )32 cos θE mµ 2 n − cos θE sin θD a1 , n

2 2 2 3 3 A21 L ≈ −(yν 3 − yν 2 )yt (VCKM ) 1 cos θE − (VCKM ) 2 sin θE





mτ n a + sin θE cos θD an1 , (33b) mµ 2

where we explicitly show θsun , yν i , yt , θE and θD dependence. an2 , ac and an1 are functions of the slepton masses and the chargino and neutralino masses and mixings. These contributions correspond to Fig. 1, Fig. 2 and Fig. 3, respectively. The explicit forms of the functions are given in Appendix B. Because (VCKM )32 ≫ (VCKM )31 , the mixing angle θE can enhance the amplitude A21 L compared to the case θE = 0. 21 The ratio of the magnitudes of A21 L and AR can be measured by the P-odd asymmetry

of µ → e γ process, A(µ → e γ) [26]. With the help of initial muon polarization, we define A(µ → e γ) as follows: n o 1 dB(µ+ → e+ γ) = B(µ+ → e+ γ) 1 + A(µ+ → e+ γ)P cos θ , d cos θ 2 2 |A21 |2 − |A21 R| , A(µ+ → e+ γ) = L21 2 2 |AL | + |A21 R|

(34a) (34b)

where P is the polarization of initial µ+ and θ is the angle between the polarization and the momentum of the decay positron. For τ → µ γ, a similar P-odd asymmetry can be measured in the e+ e− → τ + τ − process using spin correlation of the τ pair [27]. 3. b → s γ

The ∆B = 1 FCNC effective Lagrangian for the radiative B decay is written as follows: 4GF L∆S=1 = − √ {C7′ (sR σ µν bL )Fµν + C7 (sL σ µν bR )Fµν } + H.c.. 2


In the SM case, the process occurs through photon penguin diagrams which exchange a W boson as Fig. 4 and C7′ is suppressed by a factor of ms /mb compared to C7 . In the minimal SUGRA model without the right-handed neutrino supermultiplets, the flavor mixing in the squark mass matrices only appears in that of left-handed squark and the same argument can be applied. In the present model, however, a gluino exchanging diagram (Fig. 5) can give a large contribution to C7′ because of the new flavor mixing in the right-handed down-type squarks (m2D )23 .


If C7′ has a similar magnitude as C7 , the time-dependent CP asymmetry of B → Ms γ may be observed where Ms is a CP eigenstate which includes a strange quark such as K1 (→ KS ρ0 ) or K ∗ (→ KS π 0 ) [19,28]. The asymmetry is defined as follows: Γ(t) − Γ(t) = ηACP (B → Ms γ) sin ∆mBd t, Γ(t) + Γ(t)

ACP (B → Ms γ) =

2Im(e−iθB C7 C7′ ) , (36) |C7 |2 + |C7′ |2


where Γ(t) (Γ(t)) is the decay width of B 0 (t) → Ms γ (B (t) → Ms γ). η is +1 if Ms is a ¯d mixing amplitude CP even state and −1 if Ms is a CP odd state. θB is the phase of Bd − B M12 (Bd ) which defined below in Eq. (40). In the SM case, this asymmetry is only a few percent, however, it may be considerably enhanced by the new SUSY contribution to C7′ .

4. εK

¯ 0 mixing is described by the ∆S = 2 FCNC effective Lagrangian. The general K0 − K form is given by L


8GF =− √ 2


1 1 V α µ β α β gR (dR γ sRα )(dR γµ sRβ ) + gLV (dL γ µ sLα )(dL γµ sLβ ) 2 2 1 S α 1 S α β β (dL sRα )(dL sRβ ) + gLL (dR sLα )(dR sLβ ) + gRR 2 2 1 S ′ α 1 S ′ α β β + gRR (dL sRβ )(dL sRα ) + gLL (dR sLβ )(dR sLα ) 2 2


α β S gRL (dL sRα )(dR sLβ )


β S ′ α gRL (dL sRβ )(dR sLα )


+ H.c.,


where α and β denote color indices. The explicit forms of effective coupling constants in the ¯ 0 mixing, above formula are given in Appendix C. The CP violation parameter in K 0 − K εK is calculated from the above formula as follows: π

e 4 i Im{M12 (K)} , εK = √ ∆mK 2

M12 (K) = −

¯ 0i hK 0 |L∆S=2|K . 2mK


In the case of the SM, the process occurs through a box diagram in which two W bosons are exchanged between the down-type quarks (Fig. 6) so that it is dominated by the gLV -term. However, we have a new flavor mining, (m2D )12 in the right-handed down-type squark sector. We can draw gluino exchanging diagrams as Fig. 7 which include the CP violating phase 20

of CKM matrix in (m2Q )12 on one of the squark lines and large flavor mixing in (m2D )12 ′

S S on the other. These diagrams contribute to the coupling constants gRL and gRL . In the

actual numerical calculation we first derive the effective Lagrangian at the energy scale MSUSY . According to the reference [29], we include QCD corrections and derive the effective Lagrangian at the hadronic scale. The matrix elements for the dominant operators are parameterized as follows: α β ¯ 0 i = 2 m2 f 2 BK , hK 0 |(dL γ µ sLα )(dL γµ sLβ )|K 3 K K  2 1 mK α β 0 0 ¯ hK |(dR sLα )(dL sRβ )|K i = m2K fK2 (BK )SRL , 2 ms + md  2 mK 1 ′ α β 0 0 ¯ m2K fK2 (BK )SRL , hK |(dR sLβ )(dL sRα )|K i = 6 ms + md

(39a) (39b) (39c)

where BK , (BK )SRL and (BK )SRL are bag parameters calculated by the lattice QCD method. Because there is a large enhancement factor of order (mK /ms )2 in the matrix elements and large mixngs originate from the MNS matrix, SUSY contribution to εK is expected to be large in this model.

¯d /Bs − B ¯s mixing 5. Bd − B

¯d and Bs − B ¯s mixings are parameterized The ∆B = 2 effective Lagrangians for Bd − B ¯ 0 mixing. For Bd − B ¯d mixing, it is obtained by replacing the in the same manner as K 0 − K ¯s mixing, we further replace strange quark with the bottom quark in Eq. (37). For Bs − B ¯d mixing, ∆mB is the down quark by the strange quark. The mass difference of Bd − B d calculated from the effective Lagrangian as follows: ∆mBd = 2|M12 (Bd )|,

¯d0 i hBd0 |L∆B=2 |B M12 (Bd ) = − . 2mBd


In the SM case, this process occurs through the W boson exchanging diagram and the gLV term gives a dominant contribution. In the present case, there are new diagrams as shown in Fig. 8 which contain the new flavor mixing in (m2D )13 on one of the down-type squark lines ′

S S or on the both of them. The former contributes to gRL and gRL and the latter to gRV . Unlike


¯ 0 mixing, the scalar-scalar matrix elements do not have an enhancement factor for K0 − K ¯d mixing case because mB /mb is O(1). Similar argument holds for Bs − B ¯s mixing. Bd − B d In the numerical calculation we use next leading order QCD correction for gRV and gLV and leading order QCD formulas for other contributions [29] and bag parameters are calculated by the lattice QCD. Numerical values are shown later.


In this section we present our numerical results on the FCNC/LFV processes in the SU(5)RN SUSY GUT. In the present analysis we assume that the SUSY breaking terms have the minimal SUGRA type boundary condition at the Planck scale and that the K¨ahler potential is flat. Adopting the simplifications discussed in the previous section, we have the following input parameters. • Parameters at the Planck scale: the universal scalar mass m0 , the universal gaugino mass M0 , and the universal coefficient for the scalar couplings A0 . • Parameters at the GUT scale: mixing angles θD and θE . • Parameter at the right-handed neutrino mass scale: Majorana mass of the right-handed neutrino MR , which is also used as the matching scale. • Parameters at the EW scale: quark, lepton and neutrino masses, mixing matrices VCKM and VMNS , tan β and the sign of the Higgsino mass parameter µ in Eq. (2). Throughout the following calculation, we fix some of the parameters as shown in Table I. We consider two cases for the neutrino parameters, corresponding to the large mixing angle (LMA) and the small mixing angle (SMA) MSW solutions of the solar neutrino anomaly. The parameters we used in the neutrino sector for each case are given in Table II. For MR and tan β, we take several cases to see the dependences (see Table III). SUSY breaking parameters m0 , M0 and A0 are varied and ∆A0 is fixed to zero. 22

With these parameters, we solve the RGEs of the mass parameters and the coupling constants between the Planck and the EW scale taking all the flavor mixings into account. Detail of our method is explained in Appendix A. The magnitude of µ is determined by the radiative EW symmetry breaking condition, in which the minimum of the one-loop effective potential for the Higgs fields is evaluated. Then we obtain all the masses and mixings of the SUSY particles at the EW scale and calculate the FCNC/LFV observables as functions of above parameters. We calculate the following quantities: • The SUSY contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment aSUSY ; µ • Branching ratios of b → s γ, µ → e γ and τ → µ γ; • P-odd asymmetry of µ → e γ; ¯ 0 mass splittings ∆mB and ∆mBs ; • B0 − B d • CP violation parameter εK ; • Time-dependent CP asymmetries of B → Ms γ and B → J/ψ KS . In order to find the allowed region in the parameter space, we impose the constraints from the experimental results of the direct searches of SUSY particles [30] and Higgs bosons [31] and the measurements of B(b → s γ) [32]. Also it turns out that, in some parameter region, the branching ratio of µ → e γ exceeds the present upper limit and hence this process already gives an important constraint on the parameter space. We discuss the constraints from the measured values of εK and ∆mBd and the lower bound of ∆mBs later, since it depends on the CKM parameters, namely |Vub| and δ13 [33]. A. θE and θD dependence of µ → e γ and εK

Let us first discuss the θE and θD dependence of the µ → e γ decay and εK . 21 As given in Eq. (33), the decay amplitudes A21 R and AL depend on θE and θD differently,

so that both of the branching ratio and P-odd asymmetry are affected. In Fig. 9 we show 23

B(µ → e γ) and A(µ → e γ) as functions of θE and θD . The shaded regions are excluded by the upper bound of B(µ → e γ) [34]. Here we take the LMA case for the neutrino parameters, MR = 4 × 1013 GeV, tan β = 20, µ > 0. SUSY breaking parameters are also fixed as M0 = 300 GeV, A0 = 0 and m0 = 0, 300, 600, 900 GeV. For the fixed θD = 0 case ((a) and (b)), we can see that the amplitude A21 L is enhanced for a nonvanishing θE and relatively small m0 . In the parameter region θE ∼ 90◦ , B(µ → e γ) becomes larger than that for θE ∼ 0 and A(µ → e γ) approaches to +1, reflecting that A21 L is enhanced and dominates 21 over A21 R . For θE = 0 case ((c) and (d)), AR dominates in the most of the range of θD and

hence A(µ → e γ) is close to −1. In some special case, θD = −30◦ and m0 = 300 GeV for example, a cancellation among contributions to A21 R occurs and the branching ratio is suppressed. In such a case the P-odd asymmetry approaches to +1. Fig. 10 shows the θD dependence of εK for the same parameter set as Fig. 9(c) and (d). ′

S S and gRL in Eq. (37) since θD directly affects the mixing This dependence comes from gRL

between the right-handed down-type squarks of the first and the second generations. We have checked that θE dependence is negligible for εK . Hereafter we fix θE as θE = 0 and in most cases we also fix θD = 0.

B. aSUSY , FCNC and LFV observables for different sets of the neutrino and the µ SUSY parameters

In Fig. 11 we show contour plots of the SUSY contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment aSUSY , branching ratios of µ → e γ and τ → µ γ, and the deviations µ from the SM values of εK , ∆mBd and ∆mBs . The input parameters used in each figure are given in Table III. We also fix the sign of µ as µ > 0 in these figures. µ < 0 region is disfavored because the SUSY contributions to b → s γ decay amplitude interferes with the SM contribution constructively, so that the branching ratio becomes too large in a large portion of the parameter space. Note that the constraints from εK , ∆mBd and ∆mBs are not imposed in Fig. 11 since these constraints depend on δ13 and |Vub |. We show our result 24

for each of these observables by taking a ratio to the corresponding SM value, expecting that the most of the dependences on the CKM parameters cancel. In fact we have checked that the plots do not change when a different value of δ13 is used. The dependences of aSUSY , µ B(µ → e γ) and B(τ → µ γ) on the CKM parameters are also small. In Fig. 11(a) we take the LMA case for the neutrino masses and mixing, MR = 4 × 1013 GeV, θE = θD = 0, tan β = 20 and A0 = 0 as a reference point. Shaded regions are experimentally excluded region. The constraints mainly come from the LEP II Higgs boson search and the upper bound on B(µ → e γ). We see that there is a parameter region < aSUSY < 60 × 10−10 , which is favored by the E821 result and in that with 20 × 10−10 ∼ µ ∼ region B(µ → e γ) becomes larger than 10−12 . In the allowed parameter region within the

plotted range M0 < 1 TeV and m0 < 4 TeV, B(µ → e γ) varies O(10−14 ) to O(10−11) and B(τ → µ γ) varies O(10−11) to O(10−9). Both branching ratios depend similarly on M0 and m0 . Also we see that the deviation of εK from the SM value is about ten percent at most and the deviations of ∆mBd and ∆mBs are small. In Fig. 11(b) plots for A0 = 2 are given. In this case the stop mass squared becomes negative in some parameter region, which is shown in the figure. The excluded region by the B(µ → e γ) constraint is enlarged, due to the enhancement of the branching ratio by the change in the left-right mixing in the slepton mass matrices. The deviation of εK is also enhanced and there is an allowed parameter region where εK is enhanced by more than 25 percent. It is noticeable that the allowed parameter region with a large enhancement of εK is different from the E821-favored region. The region which corresponds to both a favorable aSUSY and a large enhancement of εK is excluded by other constraint, such as B(µ → e γ). µ Comparing Fig. 11(a) and (c), we can see the dependence on θD . Since θD affects the mixing between the first and the second generations, the difference appears mainly for B(µ → e γ) and εK . For a nonvanishing θD = 45◦ (Fig. 11(c)), B(µ → e γ) is enhanced for < 700 GeV and the excluded region is enlarged. Also the SUSY contribution to εK can m0 ∼ be larger than the SM contribution in a part of the allowed parameter region as shown in


−10 > Fig. 10. aSUSY does not depend on θD so that the parameter region with aSUSY µ µ ∼ 10 × 10

is excluded in the case (c). The behavior of B(τ → µ γ) and ∆mBs are unchanged also. Although ∆mBd depends on θD , the deviation is quite small in either case. The plots for tan β = 5 are given in Fig. 11(d). Since both B(µ → e γ) and B(τ → µ γ) < 10−13 and are proportional to tan2 β, possible values are suppressed as B(µ → e γ) ∼ < 10−10 . aSUSY is proportional to tan β and is also suppressed. The excluded B(τ → µ γ) ∼ µ region is larger than the tan β = 20 case because the constraint from the Higgs mass bound is stronger for a smaller tan β. The plots for εK , ∆mBd and ∆mBs are the same as those in the case (a) except that the excluded region is enlarged. Fig. 11(e) shows the case with a larger MR = 4 × 1014 GeV. Since the magnitude of the √ neutrino Yukawa coupling constants are proportional to MR , the flavor mixings in m2D and m2L are enhanced for a larger MR . As a result we see that B(µ → e γ), B(τ → µ γ) and εK are significantly enhanced in this case, compared to the MR = 4 × 1013 GeV case (a). Although the excluded region due to the constraint from B(µ → e γ) is enlarged, there is still an allowed parameter region where εK is enhanced more than fifty percent of the SM value. Also B(τ → µ γ) can be close to O(10−8). In the allowed parameter region, the is unaffected by the change of MR and the deviations of ∆mBd and ∆mBs are small. aSUSY µ E821-favored region is excluded by the B(µ → e γ) constraint. Fig. 11(f) shows the SMA case. Other parameters are taken to be the same as those in the case (a). In this case, the mixing between the first and the second generations is suppressed compared to the LMA case. Consequently B(µ → e γ) is at most O(10−13) in the allowed region and the deviation of εK is smaller. aSUSY , B(τ → µ γ), ∆mBd and ∆mBs µ look the same as those in the case (a). ¯ 0 mixing from the SM value is small. In all the above cases the deviation of the B 0 − B ¯s mixing in Fig. 11(g). Let us now show an example with a large enhancement of the Bs − B We see that ∆mBs differs from the SM value by more than 50 percent in a parameter region > 700 GeV and M0 < 200 GeV. In the same region εK is also enhanced by a similar m0 ∼ ∼ amount. Note that this enhancement comes from the mixing in the right-handed down-type 26

squarks induced by the neutrino Yukawa coupling. In such a case the time-dependent CP asymmetry of B → Ms γ decay is also enhanced. Fig. 12 shows ACP (B → Ms γ) with the same parameter set. We see that this asymmetry can be larger than 25 percent in the parameter region where ∆mBs is enhanced. In this case B(τ → µ γ) can be close to 10−7 . In Table V we summarize the possible SUSY contributions to the observables given in Fig. 11. We can see that, except for the case (g), a large deviation from the SM is possible only in aSUSY , B(µ → e γ) and εK . µ Let us see the correlation among aSUSY , B(µ → e γ) and εK more closely. Fig. 13 shows µ the correlation between aSUSY and B(µ → e γ), aSUSY and εK /(εK )SM , and εK /(εK )SM and µ µ B(µ → e γ). Here SUSY breaking parameters m0 , M0 and A0 are scanned within the range m0 , M0 < 3 TeV and −5 < A0 < 5. Other parameters are taken to be the same as those in Fig. 11(a) and (b). In the plot of the correlation between aSUSY and B(µ → e γ), The µ −10 < region is excluded by the < 0 branch corresponds to µ < 0 and aSUSY aSUSY µ µ ∼ −20 × 10

B(b → s γ) constraint. Notice that the parameter region where aSUSY saturates the E821 µ

result is different from that with a large εK /(εK )SM . As can be seen in the plot of aSUSY µ and εK /(εK )SM , when εK is enhanced by ∼ 50 percent, the magnitude of aSUSY is small. µ C. Allowed region of ∆mBs /∆mBd and the CP asymmetry of B → J/ψ KS

Finally, let us discuss the effect of varying the CKM parameters |Vub/Vcb | and δ13 . Within the SM, these parameters are determined by combining the measurements of several observables: b → uℓ¯ ν semileptonic decays, εK , ∆mBd , ∆mBs /∆mBd and the time-dependent CP asymmetry of B → J/ψ KS decay. However, in the present case we have shown that there can be a significant SUSY contributions to these observables, especially for εK . In such a case the allowed range of δ13 given by the measured value of εK is different from the SM case, and then this change affects the other observables. As for |Vub /Vcb |, we have no change since the b → uℓ¯ ν decay is dominated by the tree-level SM amplitude. We show how this effect will be observed in Fig. 14, where the possible region in the 27

space of ∆mBs /∆mBd and the time-dependent CP asymmetry of B → J/ψ KS is presented. In this figure, we vary |Vub /Vcb | and δ13 within the ranges 0.08 < |Vub /Vcb | < 0.1 and 0 < δ13 < 360◦. The dotted lines in each plot show the SM values of ∆mBs /∆mBd and ACP (B → J/ψ KS ) for the whole range of δ13 and |Vub /Vcb | = 0.1 (outer line) and 0.08 (inner line). The shaded region is allowed in the SM case. We impose the constraints from the measured values of εK = 2.28 × 10−3 and ∆mBd = 0.482 ps−1 and from the lower limit of ∆mBs > 14.3 ps−1 . In the calculation of εK , ∆mBd and ∆mBs we fix the bag parameters and the decay constant of the B meson fBd ,Bs as given in Table IV [36]. When we impose the experimental constraints, we allow ±15 % and ±40 % deviations for εK and ∆mBd , respectively, in order to take theoretical uncertainties in the bag parameters into account. Since this uncertainty is expected to be reduced in the ratio ∆mBs /∆mBd , we use the lower limit of the ratio ∆mBs /∆mBd instead of ∆mBs itself. Fig. 14(a) shows the result with the same parameter set as Fig. 11(a) except that A0 is scanned within −5 < A0 < +5 (see Table III). As shown in Fig. 11(a) and (b), the SUSY ¯d mixing and Bs − B ¯s mixing are quite small in this case so that the contributions to Bd − B allowed region lies between the dotted lines. The difference of the allowed regions from the SM one comes from the fact that the SUSY contribution to εK can be as large as 50 percent of the SM value, which can be seen in Fig. 13. In Fig. 14(b) we take θD = 45◦ as in Fig. 11(c) and A0 is scanned within −5 < A0 < +5. In this case the enhancement of εK is more significant compared to the θD = 0 case. Consequently a region with smaller δ13 is now allowed and hence a smaller ACP (B → J/ψ KS ) ∼ 0.4 is possible, compared to the SM value ACP (B → J/ψ KS ) ∼ 0.7. At the same time ∆mBs /∆mBd can be as large as 60. Fig. 14(c) is the case corresponding to Fig. 11(g) with −5 < A0 < +5. In this case the allowed region can be outside of the dotted circles, since a large deviation of ∆mBs is possible. On the other hand, we see that the deviation of ACP (B → J/ψ KS ) from the SM value is small. At present we only have lower bound for ∆mBs and the CP asymmetry of B → J/ψ KS 28

and related modes is not precise enough [35,37]. In a few years we expect that the ∆mBs will be measured at Tevatron and the precision of the CP violating asymmetry will be improved to 10 percent level at Belle, BaBar and Tevatron experiments. It is conceivable that the deviation shown in Fig. 14 will be clearly seen in these experiments.


In this paper we have studied the FCNC and LFV processes as well as the muon anomalous magnetic moment in the framework of SU(5) SUSY GUT with right-handed neutrino motivated by the large mixing angle solutions for the atmospheric and solar neutrino anomalies. In order to explain realistic mass relations for quarks and leptons, we have taken into account effects of higher dimensional operators above the GUT scale. It has been shown that there appear new mixing angles in the right-handed charged leptons and the right-handed down-type quarks due to the higher dimensional operators. We have calculated various low-energy observables by changing parameters of the model, namely SUSY parameters, neutrino parameters (LMA or SMA, and MR ) and the above new mixing angles. We have shown that, within the current experimental bound of B(µ → e γ), large SUSY contributions are possible either in the muon anomalous magnetic moment or in εK . The parameter regions which have a large correction in one case is different from that in the other case. In the former case, the favorable value of the recent result of the BNL E821 experiment can be accommodated. In the latter case, the allowed region of the Kobayashi-Maskawa phase can be different from the predictions within the SM, and therefore the measurements of the CP asymmetry of B → J/ψ KS mode and ∆mBs can discriminate this case from the SM. We also show that the τ → µ γ branching ratio can be close to the current experimental upper bound and the mixing-induced CP asymmetry of the radiative B decay can be enhanced in the case where the neutrino parameters correspond to the small mixing angle MSW solution. Finally there are several remarks. • In this paper we have neglected the constraint from the nucleon decay. If we take the 29

minimal model for the Higgs sector at the GUT scale, it is likely that the nucleon decay experiments excludes most of the parameter space even if the squark mass is multi-TeV [38]. It is known, however, that there are several ways to suppress the nucleon decay without changing the flavor signals discussed here [39]. • For LFV search, µ → e e e decay and µ − e conversion in a muonic atom are also promising experimentally [40]. The rates of these processes have simple relations with B(µ → e γ) if the photonic operator Eq. (32) gives dominant contribution [17,41]: "


m2µ 11 B(µ+ → e+ e+ e− ) α − log ≈ 0.006, ≈ B(µ+ → e+ γ) 3π m2e 4 B(µ− N → e− N) B(A, Z) ≈ , + + B(µ → e γ) 428

(41a) (41b)

where B(A, Z) represents the rate dependence on the mass number A and the atomic number Z of the target nucleus: B(A, Z) ≈ 1.1 for B(A, Z) ≈ 1.25 for



Al, B(A, Z) ≈ 1.8 for


Ti and

Pb. These relations hold also in our case.

• We also calculated τ → e γ branching ratio. In all cases B(τ → e γ) is smaller by two or three orders of magnitude than B(τ → µ γ). • As shown in Fig. 11(a) and (e), the flavor mixing effect due to the neutrino Yukawa coupling is enhanced (suppressed) for a large (small) MR since the neutrino Yukawa √ coupling constants are proportional to MR for given neutrino masses. When we take < 1010 GeV, the contributions of yν in m2 and a small value of MR , such as MR ∼ L m2D given in Eqs. (25c) and (25d) are suppressed and hence the SUSY contribution

to εK becomes smaller than ∼ 10 percent. Even in this case, however, there are contributions to the µ → e γ decay amplitudes independent of the magnitude of yν , as shown in Eq. (33). The terms proportional to an1 dominate the amplitude for θD, E = O(1) and the branching ratio can be as large as the experimental upper bound in some parameter region.


• We have assumed 1-3 element of the MNS matrix to be vanishing. However, present experimental upper bound is given as sin2 2θ13 < 0.1 [23]. When a nonvanishing θ13 is introduced, µ → e γ and εK are generally enhanced since the loop diagrams including the third-generation squarks/sleptons in the internal lines give large contributions [17]. Consequently, the constraint from the upper bound of B(µ → e γ) is significant even in the SMA case. In the allowed region, aSUSY and the SUSY contributions to ∆mBd µ and ∆mBs are smaller than those in the θ13 = 0 case shown in Fig. 11. We see that the large deviation of ∆mBs /∆mBd outside of the dotted lines given in Fig. 14(c) > 0.001, and the corresponding plot looks similar disappears when we take sin2 2θ13 ∼ to Fig. 14(b). • Let us now discuss about the validity of the simplification imposed in the mixing matrices VD and VE . We have numerically checked that, when we require |(κd )ij | < 4 for example, the mixing angles for the second-third and first-third generation mixings are restricted to be smaller than ∼ 15◦ for the tan β = 20 case. In this case B(µ → e γ) varies within the range which is several times larger than those shown in Fig. 9. In addition to the mixing angles, CP-violating complex phases of O(1) can be introduced in VD and VE . It turns out that the SUSY contributions to εK can be twice as large as those given in Fig. 10. These complex phases also contributes to the EDMs of the neutron (dn ) and the electron (de ). We calculated EDMs and obtained that < 10−26 e cm and |de | < 10−27 e cm for m0 = 600 GeV, M0 = 300 GeV and A0 = 0. |dn | ∼ ∼

Thus the EDMs can be close to the present upper bounds |dn | < 6.3 × 10−26 e cm [42] and |de | < 4.0 × 10−27 e cm [43]. As discussed above, if we relax the simple assumptions for the mixing matrices VD , VE and VMNS , typical patterns of the deviation from the SM can be summarized in the following way. (1) B(µ → e γ) can be close to 10−11 and the deviation in ∆mBs /∆mBd –ACP (B → J/ψ KS ) plane appears like Fig. 14(b). In this case, aSUSY is quite small and the SUSY contribution µ does not saturate the observed discrepancy of aµ . (2) aSUSY is compatible with the E821 µ 31

result and B(µ → e γ) can be as large as 10−11 . However, no deviation may be seen in εK , ¯d and Bs − B ¯s mixings in this case. From these observations we can conclude that it Bd − B is important to search for new physics effects in the ongoing and near-future experiments, namely the BNL muon g − 2 experiment, µ → e γ and µ − e conversion experiments [44,45], B physics experiments at B-factories and Tevatron. Combining results obtained in these experiments we may be able to get some insights on interactions at the GUT or right-handed neutrino scales.


The work of Y. O. was supported in part by the Grant-in-Aid of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Government of Japan (No. 09640381), Priority area “Supersymmetry and Unified Theory of Elementary Particles” (No. 707), and “Physics of CP violation” (No. 09246105).


In this appendix we show the detail of our numerical calculation taking account of the effects of higher dimensional operators. An outline of the calculation is as follows: • We solve the RGEs for the gauge and Yukawa coupling constants between the EW scale and the GUT scale. The neutrino Yukawa coupling constants are calculated with Eq. (28) at the Majorana mass scale. • At the GUT scale, the coupling constants in the superpotential of the SU(5)RN SUSY GUT are determined from the Yukawa coupling constants for quarks and leptons using the matching condition explained in Subsection A 2. Then we solve the RGEs for these constants between the GUT scale and the Planck scale. • At the Planck scale, we set the boundary conditions for the SUSY breaking parameters 32

as Eq. (19) and solve the RGEs for these parameters between the Planck scale to the EW scale. The RGEs for the MSSM and MSSMRN are given for example in the reference [6,17] and we show the RGEs for the SU(5)RN SUSY GUT in Subsection A 1. In Subsection A 2 we explain the matching condition at the GUT scale taking account of the higher dimensional terms in the K¨ahler potential.


RGE for the SU(5) SUSY GUT with right-handed neutrino

In this subsection we show one-loop RGEs for the SU(5)RN SUSY GUT. In the derivation of RGEs, we only take account of diagrams to which the higher dimensional operators are inserted at most one time. In this approximation, the quadratic divergence does not appear in the calculation. The RGEs for the SU(5) gauge coupling constant g5 and the gaugino mass parameter M5 are given by d g5 = b5 g53, dM d M5 = 2b5 g52 M5 , (4π)2 M dM (4π)2 M

(A1a) (A1b)

where M is the renormalization scale. The coefficient of the beta function is given as b5 = −3 for the minimal field contents. The RGEs for the coupling constants in the superpotentials, Eqs. (1) and (6) are represented as follows: d (λu )ij dM d (4π)2 M (λd )ij dM d (4π)2 M (λν )ij dM d (κ± )ij (4π)2 M dM u (4π)2 M

= (λu )kj (ΘT )ki + (λu )ik (ΘT )kj + (λu )ij ΘH ,


= (λd )kj (ΘF )ki + (λd )ik (ΘT )kj + (λd )ij ΘH ,


= (λν )kj (ΘN )ki + (λν )ik (ΘF )kj + (λν )ij ΘH ,


k ± k ± = (κ± u )kj (ΘT ) i + (κu )ik (ΘT ) j + (κu )ij (ΘH + ΘΣ ),



d (κd )ij = (κd )kj (ΘF )ki + (κd )ik (ΘT )kj + (κd )ij (ΘH + ΘΣ ), dM d (κd )ij = (κd )kj (ΘF )ki + (κd )ik (ΘT )kj + (κd )ij (ΘH + ΘΣ ), (4π)2 M dM d (κν )ij = (κν )kj (ΘN )ki + (κν )ik (ΘT )kj + (κν )ij (ΘH + ΘΣ ), (4π)2 M dM (4π)2 M

(A2e) (A2f) (A2g)

where Θ’s are given by 36 2 i g δ, 5 5 j 24 (ΘF )i j = 4(λ∗d )ik (λTd )kj + (λ†ν )ik (λν )kj − g52 δji , 5 (ΘT )i j = 2(λ†d )ik (λd )kj + 3(λ†u )ik (λu )kj −

(A3a) (A3b)

(ΘN )i j = 5(λ∗ν )ik (λTν )kj , ΘH ΘH ΘΣ

= 4Tr λ†d λd −

(A3c) 24 2 g , 5 5


   24 3  = Tr λ†u λu + Tr λ†ν λν − g52, 2 5


= −10g52 .


The RGEs for the SUSY breaking parameters in Eq. (18) are written as follows: (4π)2 M

(4π)2 M

(4π)2 M

(4π)2 M

(4π)2 M

(4π)2 M

d e e ) (Θ )k + (λ e ) (Θ )k + (λ e ) Θ (λu )ij = (λ u kj T i u ik T j u ij H dM n









e )k + (λ ) (Θ e )k + (λ ) Θ e +2 (λu )kj (Θ T i u ik T j u ij H ,

d e e ) (Θ )k + (λ e ) Θ e ) (Θ )k + (λ (λd )ij = (λ d ik T j d ij H d kj F i dM

e )k + (λ ) Θ e e )k + (λ ) (Θ +2 (λd )kj (Θ d ik T j d ij H , F i

d e e ) (Θ )k + (λ e ) Θ e ) (Θ )k + (λ (λν )ij = (λ ν ik ν ij H ν kj N i F j dM

e )k + (λ ) (Θ e )k + (λ ) Θ e +2 (λν )kj (Θ ν ik ν ij H , N i F j

d k k e ± )ij = (κ e± e± e± (κ u )kj (ΘT ) i + (κ u )ik (ΘT ) j + (κ u )ij (ΘΣ + ΘH ) dM u n

± ± e k e k e e +2 (κ± u )kj (ΘT ) i + (κu )ik (ΘT ) j + (κu )ij (ΘΣ + ΘH )

d e d )ik (ΘT )kj + (κ e d )ij (ΘΣ + ΘH ) e d )ij = (κ e d )kj (ΘF )ki + (κ (κ dM









e )k + (κ ) (Θ e +Θ e ) , e )k + (κ ) (Θ +2 (κd )kj (Θ d ik T j d ij Σ F i H

d e e d )ik (ΘT )k + (κ e d )kj (Θ )k + (κ e d )ij (ΘΣ + Θ ) (κd )ij = (κ j F i H dM

e )k + (κ ) (Θ e )k + (κ ) (Θ e +Θ e ) , +2 (κd )kj (Θ d ik T j d ij Σ F i H


(4π)2 M

d e ν )ij = (κ e ν )kj (ΘN )ki + (κ e ν )ik (ΘF )kj + (κ e ν )ij (ΘΣ + ΘH ), (κ dM n


e )k + (κ ) (Θ e +Θ e ) , e )k + (κ ) (Θ +2 (κν )kj (Θ ν ik ν ij Σ H N i F j

(4π)2 M

d (m2 )i = (ΘT )i k (m2T )kj + (m2T )i k (ΘT )kj dM T j n





+2 3(λ†u )ik (m2T )kl + (m2H )δkl (λu )lj n



+2(λ†d )ik (m2F )kl + (m2H )δkl (λd )lj

+ (4π)2 M

e † )ik (λ e ) + 2(λ e † )ik (λ e ) +3(λ u kj d kj u d

o 72 2 n 2 i g5 (mT ) j − 2|M5 |2 δji , 5

d (m2 )i = (ΘF )i k (m2F )kj + (mF2 )i k (ΘF )kj dM F j n






+2 4(λ∗d )ik (m2T )kl + (m2H )δkl (λTd )lj n



+(λ†ν )ik (m2N )kl + (m2H )δkl (λν )lj

+ (4π)2 M

e ∗ )ik (λ e T ) + (λ e † )ik (λ e ) +4(λ ν kj d d kj ν

o 48 2 n 2 i g5 (mF ) j − 2|M5 |2 δji , 5



d (m2 )i = (ΘN )i k (m2N )kj + (mN )2 )i k (ΘN )kj dM N j

(4π)2 M

d 2 m dM H








2 = 2ΘH m2H + 2 6Tr λ†u m2T λu + Tr λ†ν mN λν

T e† λ e e† e +Tr λ∗ν m2F λTν + 3Tr λ u u + Tr λν λν

+ (4π)2 M


e ∗ )ik (λ eT ) +2 5(λ∗ν )ik (m2F )kl + (m2H )δkl (λTν )lj + 5(λ ν ν kj ,

 48 2  2 g5 mH − 2|M5 |2 , 5


n     d T T (m2H ) = 2ΘH m2H + 2 4Tr λ∗d m2T λTd + 4Tr λ†d m2F λd dM   o 48  e∗λ eT +4Tr λ + g52 m2H − 2|M5 |2 , d d 5




e are given by where Θ’s

36 2 g M5 δji , 5 5 e T ) + (λ† )ik (λ e ) − 24 g 2 M δ i , e )i = 4(λ∗ )ik (λ (Θ 5 j ν kj d d kj ν F j 5 5 e ) + 3(λ† )ik (λ e ) − e )i = 2(λ† )ik (λ (Θ T j d kj u kj d u

eT ) , e )i = 5(λ∗ )ik (λ (Θ ν ν kj N j


(A5a) (A5b) (A5c)

e Θ H

e − = 4Tr λ†d λ d

e Θ Σ

= −10g52 M5 .

e Θ H

24 2 g M5 , 5 5


  24 2 3  e  †e g M5 , = Tr λ†u λ u + Tr λν λν − 2 5 5


(A5e) (A5f)

Matching conditions at the GUT scale

In this subsection we show the matching conditions between the SU(5)RN SUSY GUT and the MSSMRN at the GUT scale taking account of the dimension five terms in the K¨ahler potential. Although we include only the renormalizable terms in the K¨ahler potential at the Planck scale, higher dimensional terms are induced by the renormalization effects between the Planck scale and the GUT scale, because we introduce the higher dimensional operators in the superpotential. In order to simplify the treatment, we use logarithmic approximation for induced terms in the K¨ahler potential. For other coupling constants, we explicitly solve the RGEs in the previous subsection. Up to dimension five terms, the corrections for the K¨ahler potential in the present model are parameterized as follows: ∆KSU(5)RN =

1 n † (k T )i j (Ti† )ab (Σ)bc (T j )ca + (k F )i j (F i )a (Σ)ba (F j )b MX †


+k H (H † )a (Σ)ab (H)b + k H (H )a (Σ)ba (H)b + H.c.,


where we include SUSY breaking parts in the coupling constants using the spurion method as follows: 2

k X = kX + kˆX θ2 + kˇX θ + keX θ2 θ


(X = T, F , H, H).


At the Planck scale, we assume all the components of Eq. (A7) are zero. These coupling constants are induced from the renormalization between the Planck scale and the GUT scale. In the logarithmic approximation, k’s at the GUT scale are given by,




† ik † ik † ik − (kT )i j ≈ −2 (λ†u )ik (κ+ u )kj − 5(λu ) (κu )kj + (λd ) (κd )kj + (λd ) (κd )kj tG ,


(kF )i j ≈ −2 (λ∗d )(κd )jk − 4(λ∗d )ik (κd )jk − (λ†ν )ik (κν )kj tG ,





≈ −2 3Tr λ†u κu − Tr λ†ν κν


≈ −2 Tr λ†d κd − 4Tr λ†d κd





tG ,


tG .


In the same approximation, kˆX , kˇX and keX at the GUT scale are proportional to kX as follows:

kˆX ≈ m0 (A0 + ∆A0 )kX ,


kˇX ≈ m0 A0 kX ,


keX ≈ m20 {A∗0 (A0 + ∆A0 ) + 2} kX ,

(X = T, F , H, H).


The dimension five terms in Eq. (A6) modify the normalization of the K¨ahler potential after the SU(5) symmetry breaking. In order to obtain the correct normalization up to O(ξ), we introduce the following new chiral superfields: o on 1 n (kT )i j + θ2 (kˆT )i j (Σ)ac (T j )cb − (Σ)bc (T j )ca , MX o ′ 1 n i i j (kF )i j + θ2 (kˆF )i j (Σ)ba (F )b , (F )a = (F )a + MX  1  (H ′ )a = (H)a + kH + θ2 kˆH (Σ)ab H b MX  1  ′ kH + θ2 kˆH (Σ)ba (H)b . (H )a = (H)a + MX ′

(T i )ab = (T i )ab +

(A10a) (A10b) (A10c) (A10d)

Substituting these superfields for Eqs. (1) and (6), we can define the coupling constants in terms of the new chiral superfields as follows: 1 ′ k + (κ+ u )ij = (κu )ij − (λu )ik (kT ) j − 2 1 ′ k − (κ− u )ij = (κu )ij + (λu )ik (kT ) j − 2

1 (λu )kj (kT )ki + (λu )ij kH , 2 1 (λu )kj (kT )ki , 2

(A11a) (A11b)

(κd ′ )ij = (κd )ij − (λd )ik (kT )kj − (λd )kj (kF )ki ,


(κd ′ )ij = (κd )ij − (λd )ik (kT )kj − (λd )ij kH ,


(κν ′ )ij = (κν )ij − (λν )ik (kF )kj − (λν )ij kH .



The matching conditions for the Yukawa coupling matrices for quarks and leptons are written with the above new coupling constants as follows 1 : (yu )ij (yd )ij (ye )ij (yν )ij

1 +′ 5 ′ = (λu )ij + ξ (κu )ij + (κ− u )ij , 2 6   1 ′ 1 ′ = (λd )ij + ξ (κd )ij − (κd )ij , 3 2   1 1 = (λTd )ij + ξ − (κd ′T )ij − (κd ′T )ij , 2 2 ξ = (λν )ij − (κν ′ )ij . 2

(A12a) (A12b) (A12c) (A12d)

Using Eqs. (A8)–(A12) we can relate y’s and λ’s and κ’s at the GUT scale. The SUSY breaking parameters are also defined in terms of the new superfields as follows: 1 e 1 e k k e e+ e +′ (κ u )ij − (λu )ik (kT ) j − (λu )kj (kT ) i + (λu )ij kH u )ij = (κ 2 2 1 1 − (λu )ik (kˆT )kj − (λu )kj (kˆT )ki + (λu )ij kˆH , 2 2 1 e 1 e −′ − k e u )ij = (κ e u )ij − (λu )ik (kT ) j + (λu )kj (kT )ki (κ 2 2 1 1 k − (λu )ik (kˆT ) j + (λu )kj (kˆT )ki , 2 2 ′ k e e ˆT )k − (λd )kj (kˆ )k , e d )ij = (κ e d )ij − (λd )ik (kT ) j − (λd )kj (kF )ki − (λd )ik (k (κ j F i


(A13b) (A13c)

e ) (k )k − (λ e ) k e )ij = (κ e d )ij − (λ (κ d ik T j d ij H d

− (λd )ik (kˆT )kj − (λd )ij kˆH ,

e ) (k )k − (λ e ) k − (λ ) (k ˆ k ˆ e ′ν )ij = (κ e ν )ij − (λ (κ ν ik F j ν ij H ν ik F ) j − (λν )ij kH ,

(keT′ )i j = (keT )i j + (m2T )i k (kT )kj ,

(keF′ )i j = (keF )i j + (mF2 )i k (kF )kj , ′ keH = keH + m2H kH ,

′ keH = keH + m2H kH .

1 κ’s

(A13d) (A13e)

(A13f) (A13g) (A13h) (A13i)

in Eqs. (7) of Sec. II should be read as those with prime if we take account of the higher

dimensional terms radiatively induced in the K¨ ahler potential.


The soft SUSY breaking parameters can be expressed using the above new coupling constants as follows: 

5 −′ 1 +′ e u )ij + (κ e )ij (κ 2 6 u  2 1 1 ∗ , + (λu )ik (kˇT† )kj − (λu )kj (kˇT† )ki + (λu )ij kˇH 6 3 2  1 e′ e ) + ξ 1 (κ e ′d )ij − (κ (yed )ij = (λ )ij d ij 3 2 d  1 1 1 † k † k ∗ ˇ ˇ ˇ − (λd )ik (kT ) j − (λd )kj (kF ) i + (λd )ij kH , 6 3 2  1 1 ′T e T ) + ξ − (κ e )ij e ′T )ij − (κ (yee )ij = (λ d ij 2 d 2 d  1 T 1 T ˇ∗ † k † k T ˇ ˇ +(λd )kj (kT ) i + (λd )ik (kF ) j + (λd )ij kH , 2 2   1 1 1 † k ′ ∗ e ˇ ˇ e )ij + (λν )ik (k ) j + (λν )ij kH , (yeν )ij = (λν )ij + ξ − (κ F 2 ν 2 2

(yeu )ij =

e (λ

u )ij

o 1 n (m2Q )i j = (m2T )i j + ξ (keT′ )i j + (keT′† )i j , 6 o 2 n e′ j 2 j 2 j (mU )i = (mT ) i − ξ (kT ) i + (keT′† )j i , 3 o


(m2E )i j = (m2T )j i + ξ (keT′ )j i + (keT′† )j i ,

o 1 n (m2D )i j = (m2F )j i − ξ (keF′ )j i + (keF′† )j i , 3 o 1 n (m2L )i j = (m2F )i j + ξ (keF′ )i j + (keF′† )i j , 2 ′ m2H1 = m2H + ξ keH ,

′ m2H2 = m2H + ξ keH .



(A14c) (A14d)

(A14e) (A14f) (A14g) (A14h) (A14i) (A14j) (A14k)

Using Eqs. (A13) and (A14) , we can express the soft SUSY breaking terms of the MSSMRN by the input parameters at the Planck scale, Eq. (19).


In this appendix we show the explicit forms of the functions which appear in the approximated expressions of the photon-penguin amplitudes given in Eq. (33). We assume the following conditions to derive the expressions: 39

• The off-diagonal elements of the slepton mass matrices, (m2E )i j and (m2L )i j are given by Eqs. (25b) and (25d), and they are diagonalized with good approximation in the basis where (yν )ij and (yCR )ij in Eqs. (22) and (23) are diagonal. • In this basis, the left-right mixing mass of the slepton can be treated as perturbation to diagonalize the 6×6 charged slepton mass matrix. • The eigenvalues of the slepton mass matrices are almost degenerate and represented by m2 . With these conditions, the SUSY contributions to the photon-penguin amplitudes correspond to Figs. (1)-(3) are expressed as Eq. (33). In this formula, an2 , ac and an1 are given by an2

e =− tan θW 32π 2

4 X

∗ (ON )A1 {(ON )A2 A=1


tan θW (ON )A1 }f2n

 


m  mW mχ2e0 m A


m0 (Ae + 53 ∆A) + µ∗ tan β (3 + |A0 |2 )2 tG (tG + tR ), × m 

  2 2 X 2e c ∗ c  m  mW a = (3 + |A0 |2 )(tG + tR ), (O )A2 (OCR )A1 f 32π 2 cos β A=1 CL m2χe− m A

e an1 = − tan θW 32π 2

4 X


mW m


m0 m


(B1a) (B1b)

m2 ∗ (ON )A1 {(ON )A2 + tan θW (ON )A1 }f1n  2  mχe0 A=1 

m0 m


3 ms ∆A, 5 mµ


where θW is the Weinberg angle. mχe0 and mχe− represent the masses of neutralinos and A A

charginos, respectively and ON , OCR and OCL are unitary matrices which are used to diagonalize the neutralino and chargino mass matrices, Mχe0 and Mχe− as follows: T = diag(mχe01 , mχe02 , mχe03 , mχe04 ), ON Mχe0 ON

Mχe0 =

M1     0     −m s cos β  Z W   mZ sW sin β



−mZ sW cos β mZ sW sin β  mZ cW cos β −mZ cW sin β

mZ cW cos β



−mZ cW sin β




    ,     



† = diag(mχ˜− , mχ˜− ), OCR Mχe− OCL 1 2  √ M2 2mW cos β  Mχe− =  √ 2mW sin β µ


 . 

(B2d) (B2e)

where mZ and mW are the Z boson mass and the W boson mass, respectively and sW = sin θW and cW = cos θW . The mass functions f2n , f c and f1n in the above formulas are given by 7

x2 =− {x2 + 4x − 5 + 2(2x + 1) ln(x)}, (1 − x)4 √ x c {14x3 − 25x2 + 14x − 3 − 2x2 (4x − 1) ln(x)}, f (x) = − 3 2x (1 − x)4 1 {5x4 − 37x3 + 27x2 + 13x − 8 + 6x(7x − 3) ln(x)}. f1n (x) = 4 x (1 − x)5

f2n (x)

(B3a) (B3b) (B3c)


In this appendix we present the explicit forms of FCNC effective coupling constants for ¯ 0 , Bd − B ¯d and Bs − B ¯s mixings. For K 0 − K ¯ 0 mixing these coupling constants are K0 − K ¯d and Bs − B ¯s mixings the coupling constants defined in Eq. (37) of Sec. III B and for Bd − B are given by substitution of flavor indices. In the MSSM box diagrams exchanging charged Higgs, neutralino, chargino and gluino can contribute to these coupling constants. We first define the following neutralino, chargino and gluino vertices for quarks and squarks, L≡

3 X 4 X 6 n X i=1 A=1 X=1


uL uR +ui NiAX PL + NiAX PR χe0A ueX

3 X 2 X 6 n X i=1 A=1 X=1


dL dR di NiAX PL + NiAX PR χe0A deX

dL dR eX di CiAX PL + CiAX PR χe− Au

uL uR e +ui CiAX PL + CiAX PR χe− A dX

3 X 8 n 6 X X i=1 X=1 a=1



dR ea a e di ΓdL iX PL + ΓiX PR G T dX



uR ea a e +ui ΓuL X + H.c., iX PL + ΓiX PR G T u


where PL and PR are projection operators defined by PL = (1 − γ5 )/2 and PR = (1 + γ5 )/2 and T a is the generator of SU(3) gauge group. The neutralino-squark coupling constants appear in the above formula are given by dL NiAX





√ 1 tan θW (ON )A1 (Ud∗ )Xi+3 = − 2g2 3 ) mdi ∗ + (ON )A3 (Ud )Xi , 2mW cos β "  √ 1 1 ∗ ∗ = − 2g2 − (ON )A2 + tan θW (ON )A1 (Ud∗ )Xi 2 6 # mdi ∗ ∗ + (ON )A3 (Ud )Xi+3 , 2mW cos β ( √ 2 = − 2g2 − tan θW (ON )A1 (Uu∗ )Xi+3 3



 mui (VCKM )i j (ON )A3 (Uu∗ )Xj , +  j=1 2mW sin β 3 X


  √ 1 1 ∗ ∗ = − 2g2  (ON )A2 + tan θW (ON )A1 (Uu∗ )Xi 2 6 

† (VCKM )i j muj ∗ (ON )A3 (Uu∗ )Xj+3  , + 2m sin β W j=1 3 X


where g2 is the SU(2) gauge coupling constant. ON is the diagonalization matrix for neutralino mass matrix defined in Appendix B. Ud and Uu are unitary matrices which appear in diagonalization of the 6 × 6 squark mass matrices, m2de and me2u as follows: Ud m2d˜Ud† = diag(m2d˜1 , m2d˜2 , m2d˜3 , m2d˜4 , m2d˜5 , m2d˜6 ), 

m2d˜ =

          



m†d md

+m2Z cos 2β(− 21 + 31 sin2 θW )1 √v 2

cos β(yed + yd µ∗ tan β)

√v 2

Uu m2u˜ Uu† = diag(m2u˜1 , m2u˜2 , m2u˜3 , m2u˜4 , m2u˜5 , m2u˜6 ),


 

cos β(yed + yd µ∗ tan β)†  



md m†d

− 31 m2Z cos 2β sin2 θW 1

  ,     




          



m†u mu

+m2z cos 2β( 12 − 32 sin2 θW )1

− √v2 sin β(yeu + yu µ∗ cot β)†  

− √v2 sin β(yeu + yu µ∗ cot β)



  ,     

mu m†u

+ 23 m2z cos 2β sin2 θW 1


where generation indices are suppressed and the mass matrices for down-type and up-type quarks are given by (md )ij = mdi δji and (mu )ij = mui (VCKM )i j . The chargino-squark coupling constants in Eq. (C1) are given by dL CiAX = g2 √ dR CiAX

 

(C4a) 

†  (VCKM )i j mu j ∗ ∗ ∗ √ = −g2 (OCR )A1 (Uu )Xi − (OCR )A2 (Uu∗ )Xj+3  , 2mW sin β j=1

uL CiAX = g2


mdi ∗ (OCL )A2 (Uu∗ )Xi , 2mW cos β 3 X

3 X

mui (VCKM )i j √ (OCR )A2 (Ud∗ )Xj , 2mW cos β j=1

= −g2


(OCL )A1 (Ud∗ )Xi


mdi −√ (OCL )A2 (Ud∗ )Xi+3 , 2mW cos β

(C4b) (C4c) (C4d)

where OCL and OCR are the diagonalization matrices for chargino mass matrix defined in Appendix B. The gluino-squark coupling constants in Eq. (C1) are given by √ ∗ ΓdL iX = − 2g3 (Ud )Xi+3 , √ 2g3 (Ud∗ )Xi , ΓdR iX = √ 2g3 (Uu∗ )Xi+3 , ΓuL = − iX √ 2g3 (Uu∗ )Xi . ΓuR = iX

(C5a) (C5b) (C5c) (C5d)

where g3 is the SU(3) gauge coupling constant. The SUSY contribution to the effective FCNC coupling constants is divided into six parts as follows: e + g(G eχ e0 ), g = g(H −) + g(H −W ) + g(χe0 ) + g(χe− ) + g(G)


where g represents the effective coupling constants in Eq. (37) of Sec. III B and its gener¯ 0 mixing. In the following, coupling constants g are associated with alization for B 0 − B 43

¯ 0 mixing corresponds to i = 1, j = 2 and Bd − B ¯d (Bs − B ¯s ) mixing indices i, j. K 0 − K corresponds to i = 1, j = 3 (i = 2, j = 3). The contribution from box diagrams including charged Higgs and up-type quark is given by gRV (H − ) = −

gLV (H − ) = −

S gRR (H − )

S gLL (H − )

3 2GF X † † (VCKM )j l (VCKM )l i (VCKM )j k (VCKM )ki 2 16π k,l=1

× md 2j md 2i tan4 β d2 (m2H − , m2H − , mu 2k , mu 2l ),

3 2GF X † † (VCKM )j l (VCKM )l i (VCKM )j k (VCKM )ki 2 16π k,l=1

× mu 2l mu 2k cot4 β d2 (m2H − , m2H − , mu 2k , mu 2l ),


3 2GF X † † (VCKM )j l (VCKM )l i (VCKM )j k (VCKM )ki =− 2 16π k,l=1

× md 2j mu 2l mu 2k d0 (m2H − , m2H − , mu 2k , mu 2l ),


3 2GF X † † =− (VCKM )j l (VCKM )l i (VCKM )j k (VCKM )ki 2 16π k,l=1

× mu 2l mu 2k md 2i d0 (m2H − , m2H − , mu 2k , mu 2l ), ′

S S (H − ) = 0, (H − ) = gLL gRR

S gRL (H − ) = −

S ′ (H − ) gRL



(C7d) (C7e)

3 2GF X † )j k (VCKM )ki (V † )j (VCKM )l i (VCKM 16π 2 k,l=1 CKM l

× mdj mu 2l mu 2k mdi d0 (m2H − , m2H − , mu 2k , mu 2l ),


3 2GF X † † )j k (VCKM )ki )j l (VCKM )l i (VCKM (VCKM 2 8π k,l=1

× mdj mu 2k mdi d2 (m2H − , m2H − , mu 2k , mu 2l ).


where mH − is the charged Higgs mass. The contribution from box diagrams including charged Higgs, W boson and up-type quark is given by gRV (H − W ) = 0,



gLV (H − W )


3 2GF X † (V † )j (VCKM )l i (VCKM )j k (VCKM )ki 8π 2 k,l=1 CKM l


× mu 2l mu 2k cot2 β d2 (m2H − , m2W , mu 2k , mu 2l ) o

− m2W d0 (m2H − , m2W , mu 2k , mu 2l ) ,


S S S S (H − W ) = 0, (H − W ) = gLL gRR (H − W ) = gLL (H − W ) = gRR

S gRL (H − W )



3 2GF X † (V † )j (VCKM )l i (VCKM )j k (VCKM )ki 2π 2 k,l=1 CKM l

×mdj mdi m2W


tan β d2 (m2H − , m2W , mu 2k , mu 2l ) 2


mu 2k mu 2l d0 (m2H − , m2W , mu 2k , mu 2l ) , − 2 4mW


S gRL (H − W ) = 0.


The contribution from box diagrams including neutralino and down-type squark is given by gRV (χe0 )


4 6 X X 2 N dL N dL∗ 128π 2 GF A,B=1 X,Y =1 jBY iAY

dL dL∗ × NjAX NiBX d2 (m2χ0 , m2χ0 , m2de , m2de ) A


dL dL∗ +NjBX NiAX

S gRR (χe0 )




mχ0A mχ0B

d0 (m2χ0 , m2χ0 , m2de , m2de A B X Y


× mχe0 mχe0 d0 (m2χe0 , mχ2e0 , m2de , m2de ),






) , (C9a)


4 6   X X 2 dR dL∗ dR dL∗ dR dL∗ N N − N N N N jBX iAX jAX iBX 128π 2 GF A,B=1 X,Y =1 jBY iAY

× mχe0 mχe0 d0 (mχ2e0 , m2χe0 , m2de , m2de ), A

S gRL (χe0 )


6 4 X X 2 N dR N dL∗ N dR N dL∗ 128π 2 GF A,B=1 X,Y =1 jBY iAY jBX iAX


S ′ (χe0 ) gRR








4 6   X X 2 dR dL∗ dL dR∗ dL dR∗ N N N N + N N jBX iAX jAX iBX 64π 2 GF A,B=1 X,Y =1 jBY iAY

× d2 (mχ2e0 , m2χe0 , m2de , m2de ), A






S ′ gRL (χe0 )


4 6 X X 2 N dR N dR∗ 128π 2 GF A,B=1 X,Y =1 jBY iAY

dL dL∗ 2NjBX NiAX d2 (mχ2e0 , m2χe0 , m2de , m2de ) A





dL dL∗ +NjAX NiBX mχe0 mχe0 d0 (m2χe0 , mχ2e0 , m2de , m2de ) , A







The contribution from box diagrams including chargino and up-type squark is given by √ 2 6 X X 2 dL dL∗ dL dL∗ V − CjBY CiAY CjAX CiBX d2 (m2χ− , m2χ− , me2uX , me2uY ), (C10a) gR (χe ) = − 2 A B 128π GF A,B=1 X,Y =1 S gRR (χe− ) = 0,

S ′ gRR (χe− )



2 6 X X 2 C dR C dL∗ C dR C dL∗ 128π 2 GF A,B=1 X,Y =1 jBY iAY jAX iBX

× mχe− mχe− d0 (m2χe− , mχ2e− , me2uX , me2uY ), A B A B

2 6 X X 2 C dR C dL∗ C dL C dR∗ d2 (m2χe− , m2χe− , me2uX , me2uY ), A B 64π 2 GF A,B=1 X,Y =1 jBY iAY jAX iBX √ 2 6 X X 2 S ′ − dL dL∗ dR dR∗ e gRL (χ ) = − CjBY CiAY CjAX CiBX 2 128π GF A,B=1 X,Y =1 S gRL (χe− )


× mχe− mχe− d0 (m2χe− , m2χe− , me2uX , meu2 Y ), A




(C10c) (C10d)


The contribution from box diagrams including gluino and down-type squark is given by √  6 X 2 dL dL∗ dL dL∗ 11 V e d2 (M32 , M32 , m2de , m2de ) ΓjY ΓiY ΓjX ΓiX gR (G) = − 2 X Y 128π GF X,Y =1 18 √

1 + M32 d0 (M32 , M32 , m2de , m2de ) , X Y 18

6 X 2 17 dR dL∗ dR dL∗ 2 Γ Γ Γ Γ M d0 (M32 , M32 , m2de , m2de ), X Y 128π 2 GF X,Y =1 36 jY iY jX iX 3 √ 6 X 2 1 dR dL∗ dR dL∗ 2 S ′ e gRR (G) = Γ Γ Γ Γ M d2 (M32 , M32 , m2de , m2de ), 2 X Y 128π GF X,Y =1 12 jY iY jX iX 3 √   6 X 2 1 dR dR∗ dL dL∗ 11 dL dR∗ dR dL∗ S e Γ Γ Γ Γ − Γ Γ Γ Γ gRL (G) = − − 128π 2 GF X,Y =1 3 jY iY jX iX 18 jY iY jX iX S e gRR (G)


× d2 (M32 , M32 , m2de , m2de ) X




(C11b) (C11c)

+ S ′ e gRL (G)



7 dL dL∗ dR dR∗ 2 Γ Γ Γ Γ M d0 (M32 , M32 , m2de , m2de ) , X Y 12 jY iY jX iX 3

  6 X 2 5 dL dR∗ dR dL∗ 5 dR dR∗ dL dL∗ =− − ΓjY ΓiY ΓjX ΓiX + ΓjY ΓiY ΓjX ΓiX 128π 2 GF X,Y =1 6 9

× d2 (M32 , M32 , m2de , m2de ) X


1 dL∗ dR dR∗ 2 2 2 2 2 + ΓdL jY ΓiY ΓjX ΓiX M3 d0 (M3 , M3 , mdeX , mdeY ) , 36

The contribution from box diagrams including neutralino, gluino and down-type squark is given by eχ e0 ) gRV (G


 4 6 X X 2 2 dL dL∗ dL dL∗ NjAY ΓiY ΓjX NiAX d2 (mχ2e0 , M32 , m2de , m2de ) 2 X Y A 128π GF A=1 X,Y =1 3


 1  dL dL∗ dL dL∗ dL∗ dL dL∗ NjAY ΓiY NjAX ΓiX + ΓdL N Γ N jY iAY jX iAX 6 A

S eχ e0 ) gRR (G



 1  dR dL∗ dR dL∗ dL∗ dR dL∗ NjAY ΓiY NjAX ΓiX + ΓdR N Γ N jY iAY jX iAX 3




dR dR dL∗ dR dL∗ dR dL∗ +NjAY ΓdL∗ iY NjAX ΓiX + ΓjY NiAY ΓjX NiAX

× mχe0 M3 d0 (m2χe0 , M32 , m2de , m2de ), A




4 6 X X 2 1  dR dL∗ dR dL∗ NjAY ΓiY ΓjX NiAX 128π 2GF A=1 X,Y =1 3

× mχe0 M3 d0 (m2χe0 , M32 , m2de , m2de ), A

S eχ e0 ) gRL (G



 4 6 X X 2 dR dR dL∗ NjAY ΓdL∗ =− iY ΓjX NiAX 2 128π GF A=1 X,Y =1

S ′ e 0 gRR (Gχe )

× mχe0 M3 d0 (mχ2e0 , M32 , m2de , m2de ) ,





 4 6 X X 2 1 dL dR∗ dR∗ dR dL∗ dR dL∗ (N Γ + ΓdL jY NiAY )(ΓjX NiAX + NjAX ΓiX ) 2 128π GF A=1 X,Y =1 3 jAY iY


dR dL dL∗ (NjAY ΓdR∗ iY NjAX ΓiX


dR∗ dL dL∗ ΓdR jY NiAY ΓjX NiAX )

× d2 (m2χe0 , M32 , m2de , m2de ) A





S ′ e 0 gRL (Gχe )

 1  dL dL∗ dR dR∗ dL∗ dR dR∗ NjAY ΓiY ΓjX NiAX + ΓdL N N Γ jY iAY jAX iX 2


mχe0 M3 d0 (mχ2e0 , M32 , m2de , m2de A X Y A

) ,


 4 6 X X 2 dL dL dR∗ dR dL∗ dR dL∗ (NjAY ΓdR∗ = iY + ΓjY NiAY )(NjAX ΓiX + ΓjX NiAX ) 128π 2GF A=1 X,Y =1 

 1  dR dR∗ dL dL∗ dR∗ dL dL∗ ΓiY NjAX ΓiX + ΓdR + NjAY jY NiAY ΓjX NiAX 3

× d2 (mχ2e0 , M32 , m2de , m2de ) A




 1  dL dL∗ dR dR∗ dL∗ dR dR∗ NjAY ΓiY ΓjX NiAX + ΓdL jY NiAY NjAX ΓiX 6

× M3 mχe0


d0 (m2χe0 , M32 , m2de , m2de X Y A

) ,

(C12e) ′

S S The neutralino, chargino, gluino and neutralino-gluino contributions to gLV , gLL and gLL are

obtained by replacing the suffix R with L and L with R in the corresponding formulas for ′

S S gRV , gRR and gRR , respectively. The mass functions which appear in the above formulas are

defined as follows: x ln(x) y ln(y) + (y − x)(z − x)(w − x) (x − y)(z − y)(w − y) w ln(w) z ln(z) + , + (x − z)(y − z)(w − z) (x − w)(y − w)(z − w) ( 1 x2 ln(x) y 2 ln(y) d2 (x, y, z, w) = + 4 (y − x)(z − x)(w − x) (x − y)(z − y)(w − y) ) z 2 ln(z) w 2 ln(w) + . + (x − z)(y − z)(w − z) (x − w)(y − w)(z − w)

d0 (x, y, z, w) =




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TABLES mpole t

mpole b

mMS s (2 GeV)


|Vub /Vcb |


175 GeV

4.8 GeV

120 MeV




TABLE I. Input parameters used in the numerical calculation. |Vub /Vcb | and δ13 are varied in Fig. 14.



sin2 2θsun


5.5 × 10−3

sin2 2θatm






∆m212 (eV2 )

1.8 × 10−5

5.0 × 10−6

∆m223 (eV2 )

3.5 × 10−3

3.5 × 10−3

mν1 (eV)

4.0 × 10−3

2.2 × 10−3

TABLE II. Parameters for the neutrino sector. LMA (SMA) corresponds to the large (small) mixing angle MSW solution for the solar neutrino anomaly.
















MR (GeV)

4 × 1013

4 × 1013

4 × 1013

4 × 1013

4 × 1014

4 × 1013

4 × 1014









tan β
















TABLE III. Parameters for Fig. 11.



fBs /fBd




210 MeV











¯ 0 and K 0 − K ¯ 0 mixing matrix TABLE IV. Decay constants and bag parameters for B 0 − B elements used in the numerical calculation [36].

aSUSY [10−10 ] µ B(µ → e γ) B(τ → µ γ)








< 50 ∼ √

< 50 ∼ √

< 10 ∼ √

– √

< 50 ∼

– √

< 10−9 ∼

< 10−9 ∼

< 10−9 ∼

< 10−8 ∼

< 10−7 ∼

< 10−13 ∼

< 10−10 ∼

εK /(εK )SM − 1

< 0.1 ∼

∆mBd /(∆mBd )SM − 1

∆mBs /(∆mBs )SM − 1


< 0.5 ∼



m0 = 900 GeV

-1.0 -180







θE [ degree ]





1.0 LMA , θE = 0 MR = 4 × 1013 GeV tan β = 20 , M0 = 300 GeV A0 = 0 , µ > 0




A( µ → e γ )

B( µ → e γ )





LMA , θE = 0

10-14 -180





θD [ degree ]


m0 = 0 GeV m0 = 300 GeV m0 = 600 GeV m0 = 900 GeV


m0 = 0 GeV m0 = 300 GeV m0 = 600 GeV m0 = 900 GeV

MR = 4 × 1013 GeV tan β = 20 , M0 = 300 GeV A0 = 0 , µ > 0


-1.0 -180







θD [ degree ]


FIG. 9. Branching ratio and P-odd asymmetry of µ → e γ as functions of θE and θD .




3.0 m0 = 0 GeV m0 = 300 GeV m0 = 600 GeV m0 = 900 GeV

εK / ( εK )SM




LMA , θE = 0 MR = 4 × 1013 GeV tan β = 20 , M0 = 300 GeV A0 = 0 , µ > 0

-1.0 -180







θD [ degree ]

FIG. 10.

εK normalized to the SM value as a function of θD . Parameters are the same as

those in Fig. 9(c) and (d).


4000 3500

aµ SUSY [ 10−10 ]


LMA θE = 0 , θD = 0

B( µ → e γ ) 10−11 10−12

MR = 4 × 1013 GeV


tan β = 20 A0 = 0 , µ > 0

m0 [ GeV ]



δ13 = 60°


| Vub / Vcb | = 0.08

1500 10 20 40 60 80 100

1000 500 0

εK / ( εK )SM − 1

B( τ → µ γ )

3500 3000

10−6 10−7

m0 [ GeV ]




10−9 10−10



0.05 0.1 0.25 0.5 1

1000 500 0

∆m( Bd ) / ∆m( Bd )SM − 1

∆m( Bs) / ∆m( Bs )SM − 1

3500 3000 m0 [ GeV ]

2500 2000 1500 1000

0.05 0.1 0.25 0.5

0.05 0.1 0.25

500 0 0


400 600 M0 [ GeV ]





400 600 M0 [ GeV ]




4000 B( µ → e γ )

aµ SUSY [ 10−10 ]


LMA θE = 0 , θD = 0


MR = 4 × 1013 GeV



m0 [ GeV ]

tan β = 20 A0 = 2 , µ > 0


δ13 = 60°



| Vub / Vcb | = 0.08

1500 10 20 40 60 80 100

1000 500 0

εK / ( εK )SM − 1


B( τ → µ γ ) 10−6


10−7 10−8

m0 [ GeV ]




10−10 10−11

1500 0.05 0.1 0.25 0.5 1 10

1000 500 0

∆m( Bd ) / ∆m( Bd )SM − 1


∆m( Bs) / ∆m( Bs )SM − 1

3000 m0 [ GeV ]

2500 2000 1500 1000

0.05 0.1 0.25 0.5 1

0.05 0.1 0.25 0.5

500 0 0


400 600 M0 [ GeV ]





400 600 M0 [ GeV ]




4000 3500

aµ SUSY [ 10−10 ]


LMA θE = 0 , θD = 45°

B( µ → e γ ) 10−11 10−12

MR = 4 × 1013 GeV

tan β = 20 A0 = 0 , µ > 0

m0 [ GeV ]


10−13 10−14

δ13 = 60°


| Vub / Vcb | = 0.08

1500 10 20 40 60 80 100

1000 500 0

B( τ → µ γ )

εK / ( εK )SM − 1




10−7 10−8

m0 [ GeV ]




10−10 10−11

1500 0.05 0.1 0.25 0.5 1 10

1000 500 0

∆m( Bs) / ∆m( Bs )SM − 1

∆m( Bd ) / ∆m( Bd )SM − 1

3500 3000 m0 [ GeV ]

2500 2000 1500

±0 +0.05 +0.1 −0.05 −0.1

1000 500

0.05 0.1 0.25

0 0


400 600 M0 [ GeV ]





400 600 M0 [ GeV ]




4000 B( µ → e γ )

aµ SUSY [ 10−10 ]



LMA θE = 0 , θD = 0


MR = 4 × 10





tan β = 5 A0 = 0 , µ > 0

m0 [ GeV ]



δ13 = 60°



| Vub / Vcb | = 0.08

1500 10 20 40 60 80 100

1000 500 0

B( τ → µ γ )

εK / ( εK )SM − 1

3500 3000 m0 [ GeV ]

2500 2000 10−7


10−8 10−9

0.05 0.1 0.25 0.5 1

1000 500 0

10−10 10−11

∆m( Bs) / ∆m( Bs )SM − 1

∆m( Bd ) / ∆m( Bd )SM − 1

3500 3000 m0 [ GeV ]

2500 2000 1500 1000

0.05 0.1 0.25 0.5

0.05 0.1 0.25

500 0 0


400 600 M0 [ GeV ]





400 600 M0 [ GeV ]




4000 LMA θE = 0 , θD = 0


MR = 4 × 10


aµ SUSY [ 10−10 ]


δ13 = 60°


| Vub / Vcb | = 0.08

m0 [ GeV ]


10 20 40 60 80 100

tan β = 20 A0 = 0 , µ > 0


B( µ → e γ )

10−12 10−13

2000 1500 1000 500 0 εK / ( εK )SM − 1


B( τ → µ γ ) 10−6

0.05 0.1 0.25 0.5 1 10

3000 m0 [ GeV ]


10−7 10−8 10−9



1500 1000 500 0

∆m( Bs) / ∆m( Bs )SM − 1

∆m( Bd ) / ∆m( Bd )SM − 1


0.05 0.1 0.25 0.5 1

0.05 0.1 0.25 0.5

3000 m0 [ GeV ]

2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0


400 600 M0 [ GeV ]





400 600 M0 [ GeV ]





B( µ → e γ )

aµ SUSY [ 10−10 ]



SMA θE = 0 , θD = 0



MR = 4 × 1013 GeV


tan β = 20 A0 = 0 , µ > 0

m0 [ GeV ]



δ13 = 60°



| Vub / Vcb | = 0.08


1500 10 20 40 60 80 100

1000 500 0

B( τ → µ γ )

εK / ( εK )SM − 1




10−7 10−8

m0 [ GeV ]




10−10 10−11

1500 1000 0.05 0.1 0.25

500 0

∆m( Bs) / ∆m( Bs )SM − 1

∆m( Bd ) / ∆m( Bd )SM − 1

3500 3000 m0 [ GeV ]

2500 2000 1500 1000

0.05 0.1 0.25 0.5

0.05 0.1 0.25

500 0 0


400 600 M0 [ GeV ]





400 600 M0 [ GeV ]




4000 B( µ → e γ )

aµ SUSY [ 10−10 ]



SMA θE = 0 , θD = 0



MR = 4 × 1014 GeV


tan β = 5 A 0 = 2.5 , µ > 0

m0 [ GeV ]



δ13 = 60°



| Vub / Vcb | = 0.08

1500 10 20 40 60 80 100

1000 500 0

B( τ → µ γ )

εK / ( εK )SM − 1


0.05 0.1 0.25 0.5 1

3000 m0 [ GeV ]


10−6 10−7 10−8 10−9



1500 1000 500 0

∆m( Bd ) / ∆m( Bd )SM − 1


∆m( Bs) / ∆m( Bs )SM − 1

0.05 0.1 0.25 0.5


0.05 0.1 0.25 0.5 1

m0 [ GeV ]

2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0


400 600 M0 [ GeV ]





400 600 M0 [ GeV ]




SM , B(µ → e γ), B(τ → µ γ), εK /εSM FIG. 11. Contour plots of aSUSY µ K − 1, ∆mBd /∆mBd − 1 and

∆mBs /∆mSM Bs − 1 on the m0 –M0 plane for various choices of the parameters given in Table III. CKM parameters are fixed as δ13 = 60◦ and |Vub /Vcb | = 0.08 and µ is taken as positive. Shaded regions are excluded experimentally (see text). In (b) and (g), the excluded regions correspond to negative stop mass squared are also shown.

4000 ACP( B → Ms γ )


SMA θE = 0 , θD = 0


MR = 4 × 1014 GeV tan β = 5 A0 = 2.5 , µ > 0 δ13 = 60° | Vub / Vcb | = 0.08

m0 [ GeV ]

2500 2000 1500

−0.05 −0.1 −0.15 −0.2 −0.25

1000 500 0 0

FIG. 12.


400 600 M0 [ GeV ]



Contour plot of the time-dependent CP asymmetry of B → Ms γ decay with the

same parameter set as Fig. 11(g).


FIG. 13.

Correlation among aSUSY , B(µ → e γ) and εK . The vertical line shows the experiµ

mental upper bound B(µ → eγ) < 1.2 × 10−11 [34] and the horizontal solid and dotted lines show = (43 ± 16) × 10−10 [1]. the E821-favored region aSUSY µ


90 80

90 LMA , MR = 4 × 1013 GeV θE = 0 , θD = 0 tan β = 20

80 70 ∆m( Bs ) / ∆m( Bd )

∆m( Bs ) / ∆m( Bd )

70 60 50 40 30 20

LMA , MR = 4 × 1013 GeV θ E = 0 , θ D = 45° tan β = 20

0.08 < | Vub / Vcb | < 0.1 fBs / fB = 1.17 , BBs / BB = 1


50 40 30


10 -1.0






0.08 < | Vub / Vcb | < 0.1 fBs / fB = 1.17 , BBs / BB = 1

10 -1.0


ACP( B → J/ψ KS )



0.0 ACP( B → J/ψ KS )






90 80

SMA , MR = 4 × 1014 GeV θE = 0 , θD = 0 tan β = 5

∆m( Bs ) / ∆m( Bd )

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 -1.0

Belle 0.08 < | Vub / Vcb | < 0.1 fBs / fB = 1.17 , BBs / BB = 1





ACP( B → J/ψ KS )

FIG. 14.



Allowed region in ∆mBs /∆mBd –ACP (B → J/ψ KS ) plane. δ13 and |Vub /Vcb | are

varied and constraints from εK , ∆mBd and ∆mBs /∆mBd are imposed. 1 σ ranges of the CP asymmetry from Belle and BaBar experiments are also shown [35].