MUSIC APPRECIATION 1415.pdf - Google Drive

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1. Guitar (no alteration of guitar strings, use regular chords: D, A, Em, G). 2. Recorder- songs with 3 or more notes. 3
MUSIC APPRECIATION – Mrs. Page ANCHOR – Period 3 Units 1. Guitar (no alteration of guitar strings, use regular chords: D, A, Em, G) 2. Recorder- songs with 3 or more notes 3. Families of Instruments 4. Percussion Ensemble- easy patterns, variety of instruments 5. Conducting- 2/4, 3/4, 4/4 (with baton) 6. Bucket Band- exact rhythm patterns, steady beat 7. Resonator Bells- octave 8. Boom Wackers- chromatic octave Fun/Active Marching Free Dancing Line Dancing Student Choice Songs Bingo- various levels of difficulty including listening PATHWAYS (2 levels) Level 1= lower functioning (L1) Level 2= higher functioning (L2) Units 1. Song Book (L1) 2. Bucket Band (L1 & L2)- steady beat (L2) 3. Lummi Sticks (L1) 4. Rhythm Sticks (L11 & L2) 5. Boom Whackers- chromatic octave (L2) 6. Guitar Unit-remove 6th string, tune guitar to a D chord, use a slide (L2) 7. Recorder- songs requiring no more than 3 notes (L2) 8. Percussion- set up as many instruments as can be found/how to play 9. Conducting- 2/4 (L1 & L2), 3/4 (L2), 4/4 (L2) 10. Resonator Bells- octave (L2) Fun/Active Marching (L1 & L2) Free Dancing (L1 & L2) Line Dancing (L2) Student Choice Songs Bingo- Instrument Pictures (L1 & L2) Bingo- Notes & Rests (L2)