Music Instrumental Tuition and Music After School Clubs at

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Jun 20, 2018 - Excellence In Creative Education – J and C Education Limited | W: | E: alex@jand
Music Instrumental Tuition and Music After School Clubs at

Excellence In Creative Education – J and C Education Limited | W: | E: [email protected] | T: 0203 291 4387

About Over 15 years experience teaching Creative Subjects in primary schools

Every child deserves an excellent and well rounded education Working to support Priestmead and its pupils to have a passion for learning Music Committed to providing Quality, Consistency and Added Value Excellence In Creative Education – J and C Education Limited | W: | E: [email protected] | T: 0203 291 4387

Music Inspires Creativity J and C instrumental teachers are specialists in the chosen instruments

Committed and passionate about giving the best tuition Parents your support is essential encouragement and commitment to want to learn Learning an instrument is an investment of time

Support them to practice and play at every opportunity Small amounts little and often. Excellence In Creative Education – J and C Education Limited | W: | E: [email protected] | T: 0203 291 4387

The benefits to learning an instrument

Excellence In Creative Education – J and C Education Limited | W: | E: [email protected] | T: 0203 291 4387

Instrumental Tuition at Priestmead J and C teachers are highly trained performers and will give your children the best possible instrumental education. Commitment to you and your children to deliver 33 lessons across the next academic year

Lessons are structured, engaging and progressive Children will learn vital warm up exercises, specific to their instrument, scales and other technical exercises will be a natural part of their lessons, as will aural training and theory. Children will learn and progress towards performance exams as and when appropriate. Lesson will be 30 minutes long on a rotating timetable

The teachers will adopt a “runner” system through out the day. Teacher / Parent Communication is key. Your child will have a practice book in which all learning tasks for the week will be clearly stated, along with space for parent and pupil comments. Our teachers will provide termly progress reports and parent consultations.

Excellence In Creative Education – J and C Education Limited | W: | E: [email protected] | T: 0203 291 4387

Existing students learning an Instrument To ensure a smooth continuation of the lessons, J and C Education will be holding the following parent/carer forums on: Tuesday 19th June 2018 6.00pm – 7.00pm Current Students Wednesday 20th June 2018 8.50am – 9.50am Current Students

Complete the online enrolment form at

Excellence In Creative Education – J and C Education Limited | W: | E: [email protected] | T: 0203 291 4387

New students wanting to learn an Instrument For those who are considering learning a new instrument, J and C Education will be hosting a music instrument taster session on:

Tuesday 3rd July 2018 3.30pm – 7.00pm New Students Parents/carers should attend with their child anytime between 3.30pm - 7.00pm. Children will have the opportunity to try the instruments for which J and C will be offering tuition for before sign up.

Please note that following a review, music tuition will be ONLY BE available to children who will be in Year 2 and above. A separate Reception and Year 1 after school club will be offered.

Excellence In Creative Education – J and C Education Limited | W: | E: [email protected] | T: 0203 291 4387

Instruments offered for the new Academic Year 2018-19 Violin Keyboard


Guitar / Ukulele

Lessons will take place during the school day (33 lessons) during term time 11 lessons per term 30 Minute Lessons One to One Lessons

Group Lessons (2-4)

£165 Per term

£66 per term

(£15 p/lesson)

(£6 p/lesson)

When enrolling parents/carers are committing to paying for their child to have lessons for the whole academic year (September 2018 – July 2019) and committed until July 2019. Any late applications may still be accepted depending on availability. Excellence In Creative Education – J and C Education Limited | W: | E: [email protected] | T: 0203 291 4387

How to Enroll and register:

Visit our website: www.jandceducation/parents

Select Priestmead Enrolment Form Complete the 4 step process

Submit your registration

Excellence In Creative Education – J and C Education Limited | W: | E: [email protected] | T: 0203 291 4387