Cheques and Money Orders are made payable to Motorcycling Victoria. If you wish to pay by Credit Card, please complete t
MV Australian Junior MX Championship Training Camp Motorcycling Victoria’s Australian Junior MX Championship Training Camp is the first of its kind for MV. Who should attend? The Training Camp is open to ALL Victorian Junior MX riders who are planning on travelling interstate for the Australian Junior MX Championships. The Training Camp will be headed up by lead coaches Jades Oates (Level 2 Coach), Mark Willingham (Level 2 Coach) with a couple of announcements still to come. Jades is one of the top coaches in the State and has recently returned from the USA with some fresh new ideas and techniques to teach the riders. Mark has been the team manager for the Australian team at the World Junior MX Championships (multiple times) and is our Level 1 Coaching Course presenter, training up all new coaches in the State. The Training Camp will provide all Victorian riders with the chance to get some tips and coaching before heading interstate and putting their best foot forward as they represent, not just themselves, but Victoria as well. Dates and Times Saturday 10th & Sunday 11th September Venue Swan Hill Motorcycle Club Fee $200.00 RSVP by returning Application Form by Friday 2nd September 2016 via PO Box 791, Port Melbourne, VIC, 3207 or Direct to Sport & Rider Development Manager Mark Vallance via
[email protected]
10am – 5pm (Sat), 9am – 3pm (Sun)
Motorcycling Victoria
Australian Junior MX Training Camp Application
September 10-11, Swan Hill MCC (RSVP by Friday 2nd September 2016)
First Name: Date of Birth:
Surname: /
Address: City:
Phone: (H)
PC: (M):
Motorcycling Experience: (please include the class/grade that you will be riding in at the Australian Junior MX Championships)
Cost: $200.00 This form must be completed and returned along with the Training Camp fee to Motorcycling Victoria no later than Friday 2nd September 2016. Return form to: Motorcycling Victoria PO Box 791 Port Melbourne VIC 3207 Fax: (03) 9673 0620 Email:
[email protected] Cheques and Money Orders are made payable to Motorcycling Victoria. If you wish to pay by Credit Card, please complete the payment slip below. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Coaching Course Credit Card Payment
Name of Coaching Course Applicant: Credit Card Type: (please circle)
Credit Card Number: _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _
Bankcard CCV: _ _ _
Expiry Date: _ _ / _ _
Name of Cardholder: Signature:
Total Amount: $