First name/ Surname ERVIN SULIKA. Address â Rruga Dritan Hoxhaâ Gintash, Tirana - ALBANIA. Telephone ++ 355 67402227
CURRICULUM VITAE Personal information First name/ Surname Address Telephone Fax E-mail Nationality Date of birth Objective
“ Rruga Dritan Hoxha” Gintash, Tirana - ALBANIA ++ 355 674022277
[email protected] Albanian November 17th,1988/ Diber As a banking and finance graduated I am enthusiastic and looking to use my Information to progress into the work life.
Experiences (trainings) Dates Position held Main activities and responsibilities
June, 2013 – Present_ Epoka University. Coordinator, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Responsible for management of the Faculty in front of the Dean of the Faculty concerned. Except of the administrative management of the Faculty, encouraging cooperation between Departments and helping in the prosecution of teaching and research activities, in accordance of relevant plans. Faculty Coordinator is the superior body of the whole administrative staff in the Faculty. It has a fundamental role in supporting and coordination of the Dean`s Office to perform in terms of efficiency but also in supporting a sincere and direct relationship with Departments, internal teams and external partners.
Dates Position held Main activities and responsibilities
September 20, 2011 – 2015_ Epoka University. Member of Internal Audit Group, Visiting all administrative University units, The audit was carried out based on the work procedures as well as on the provisions of the legal acts of the University, Conversations were carried out with the Head of Office/superior and where applicable, also with the other staff of the respective Office. At the same time, the written documents and files at the respective Offices were controlled. If non-compliance's with the respective procedures were observed, a noncompliance report was prepared and signed by the respective Internal Audit Team members in order to be submitted to the Heads/superiors of the respective Offices so as to correct the observed non-compliance within the established deadlines.
Dates Position held Main activities and responsibilities
Dates Position held
September 20, 2011 – June, 2013_Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Epoka University. Working as Faculty Secretary (Kancelar Fakulteti), In collaboration with Departments’ Secretary and Head of Departments, assist in all teaching process and student acts done by the faculty, prepare and distribute all documents related to academic activities in the Faculties. September 20, 2011- September 20, 2012, Epoka University. Working as Department Secretary of Banking and Finance and Economics Departments
Main activities and responsibilities
The Secretary of the Departments is responsible for management of the department activities and correspondence in front of the Faculty Secretary and Head of Departments. The Secretary of the Departments helps in the prosecution of teaching and research activities, in accordance of relevant plans.
Dates Position held Main activities and responsibilities Type of business or sector
Summer 2009: Internship programe at Eagle Mobile Assistant Training and Job experience in the marketing department Telecommunication
Dates Position held Main activities and responsibilities Type of business or sector
December 2010-Maj 2011:Mentorship programe at ALBTELECOM Sh.a.,Treasury department. Assistant Job practice including transaction activities, & Treasury department assistant. Telecommunication
Dates Position held Main activities and responsibilities Type of business or sector
Summer 2011: Internship programe (July-August), at BKT (Branch). Assistant Training and Job experience in the marketing department. Banking sector
Education 2011-2013: Title of qualification awarded 2007-2011: Title of qualification awarded 2002-2007: Personal skills and competences Mother tongue Other language(s)
Scientific Publications and Academic Activities:
Master Projects
Student of Epoka University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Banking and Finance. Master of Science in Banking and Finance Student of “Epoka University”, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences , Department of Banking and Finance. Bachelor of science in Banking and Finance. High School (Medrese) “Ali Korca”,Kavaje Albanian Selfassessment English Turkish
Advanced (C1) Advanced (C2)
Advanced (C2) Advanced (C2)
Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1)
E. Sulika, (2011), “The Dynamics of Inflation Expectation and Targeting: An Albanian Application”, International Conference on “Economic & Social Challenges 2011Globalization and Sustainable Development” December 9-10, 2011, Conference Proceeding book, Faculty of Economics, University of Tirana/ Albania.
“Banking Activity in Albania” (October 2011 – February 2012), Supervised by Prof. Dr. Shkelqim Cani. “An Examination of the Relationship between Inflation and Money Growth: Albanian Application”,September,2012: Supervised by Prof. Dr. Gungor Turan.
Social skills and competences
“The dynamics of inflation and Central Bank Independence” (December 2011), Supervised by Prof. Dr. Sulo Haderi. “Attitudes and Trends toward Debit & Credit Cards usage in Albania”, February, 2012: Supervised by Dr. Drini Imami
-Team work: I have participated in various types of community service events during the university time: ICME 2008- International Conference on Management and Economics: ICBS 2008- International Conference on Balkan Studies: ICES 2009- International Conference on Europian Studies: ICQM 2010- International Conference of Quality Management: Member of some clubs during the University life including here “Sensitive Society Club” in “Epoka University ”, ‘’Financial Newsletter Club’’, ‘’Sports Club’’. -Participated in 12 Open Forums where different global issues were discussed by different Ambassadors, Ministers, UN Representatives, Rectors, CEO-s and Media Representatives. -Participated in the “Functioning of NATO and its Roles” Training program, Organized by the “Center of European Studies, 20-21 May 2009.
Organisational skills and competences
-I have worked as a deputy of Epoka Sports Club in collaboration with students administrative and academic staff of Epoka university on organizing a lot of sport activities like football, volleyboll, basketball and tennis maches. Actively taking place in the activities that clubs have organized. -Whilst working for children I organized an “english summer course” between 13-18 years old at the High school Medrese Cerrik June-July 2009 and at my birthplace Julyaugust 2010.
Computer skills and competences
Competent with most Microsoft Office programes and some experience with HTML. -Internet: I know getting oriented inside the internet world in order to find the appropriate information that can be required.
Driving License Aditional information
Available since 2010. Personal interests: Visiting Modern Art galleries. Enjoy all sports particularly volleyboll, tennis and running. Love to travel and experience different cultures. Causes you care about: Arts and Culture Children Civil Rights and Social Action Economic Empowerment
Education Health Human Rights Disaster and Humanitarian Relief Social Service