My Friend Keeps Talking to Me 1

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but You remain; And they all will become old like a garment, And like a mantle You will roll them up; Like a garment the
My Friend Keeps Talking to Me


My Friend Keeps Talking to Me

My Friend Keeps Talking to Me “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all.” 2 Corinthians 13: 14 © 2018 Tony Francis


My Friend Keeps Talking to Me Copyright © 2018 Tony Francis No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or any other – except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior permission of the author. "Scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard Bible® (NASB), Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation Used by permission."


My Friend Keeps Talking to Me


This book is a true story with Holy Spirit, so far. I love teaching and preaching the word of God, but this book is storytelling my experience with him. I love stories!

Welcome Holy Spirit!


My Friend Keeps Talking to Me

Table of Contents Friend request ................................................................................................. 6 My invisible friend, I am not crazy ......................................................... 11 I have the same power of Jesus .............................................................. 17 The secret of Jesus with Holy Spirit ....................................................... 23 Holy Spirit is gentle as Jesus..................................................................... 29 Face to faith with him ................................................................................ 34 Landing on trust #1 ..................................................................................... 40 Landing on trust #2 ..................................................................................... 46


My Friend Keeps Talking to Me

Friend request … Who is Holy Spirit? If you want to know about the wonderful third person of the trinity of God, you have limitless options in nowadays books in the Christian library. I am not a theologian and maybe if I were one, I would have complicated to you the glorious simplicity of this person, the Holy Spirit. Simple yet very deep! Thank God for anointed theologians who help us unfold the scriptural mysteries of God but many have complicated him who is very simple! If friendship is complicated and a continuous headache to figure it out, who wants it? Holy Spirit is not such a friend at all. “What a friend we have in God.” 6

My Friend Keeps Talking to Me

If I am writing this book, it is for one main purpose: to simplify to you the friendship of Holy Spirit and to invite you to a thrilling, intimate ongoing relationship with the ONE who longs to fellowship with YOU night and day! My book is a true story; it is my unique story with Holy Spirit. I love teaching and preaching materials, but I feel this book is storytelling my experience with him. Holy Spirit wants your friendship more than you want it. He is inviting you for that but how often we have ignored his precious invitation? Can you imagine? God himself wants to befriend you? No kidding. You may think yeah yeah he evidently wants to be my friend because he wants me to do many things for his kingdom. His friendship is based on his need for me to minister and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. 7

My Friend Keeps Talking to Me

There are some truths in that but not the way you think. Your friendship with Holy Spirit is eternal. It starts on earth when you receive Jesus in your heart and continues in heaven! Your friendship with Holy Spirit in heaven doesn’t lead to any work, or ministry of any kind because heaven is a place of rest and all needs are met in God’s presence. But your friendship with him on earth will eventually lead you to cooperate with him to meet the needs of others. But he delights in your friendship first because he loves you and out of this intimacy you get the privilege to minister to him and to others. What an honor he has given you and me, right? The God of the universe wants to use you! Although the Godhead share the same attributes and they are similar in the core, yet every entity of them is highlighted and known 8

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with something unique, different and more dominant than the other. If you read the subtitle of this book, it is a verse from 2 Corinthians 13:14 where it dawns a light on the uniqueness of each entity of the Godhead. Let us read it: “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.” The redemptive work of Jesus Christ on the cross gave you the grace to access the eternal love of God through the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. How wise is that order? There is no competition in the Godhead, only specific assignments. Holy Spirit loves to fellowship with you. Let’s study quickly what the word "fellowship" means: 9

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The Greek word of "fellowship/communion" used in this verse is “koinōnia” which Strong defines it: Partnership, that is, (literally) participation, or (social) intercourse, or (pecuniary) benefaction: - (to) communicate (-ation), communion, (contri-), distribution, fellowship. A sharer, that is, associate: companion, X fellowship, partaker, partner. Can you see it now? Holy Spirit is all about talking to you, sharing his words and his presence with you and through you! He is so awesome, he is a sharer! This was a quick introduction of his fellowshipping nature and how he thinks towards you. I am so excited for his friendship and because your life will never be the same after getting to know him! 10

My Friend Keeps Talking to Me

My invisible friend, I am not crazy Holy Spirit is more real to me than you or anything in this world. Everything is fading away and will dissolve but he will remain forever. “You, Lord, in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the works of Your hands; They will perish, but You remain; And they all will become old like a garment, And like a mantle You will roll them up; Like a garment they will also be changed. But You are the same, And Your years will not come to an end.” Hebrews 1:1012 Wow, your friendship with Holy Spirit will remain forever! When you close your eyes on earth and open them in heaven, you will still see him beside you always! 11

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Moses saw God by faith and you can have this assurance as well. “By faith he left Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king; for he endured, as seeing Him who is unseen.” Hebrews 11: 27 King David also experienced the remaining presence of his dear friend Holy Spirit and by experience wrote us this: “When I awake, I am still with You.” Psalms 139: 18 Jesus sealed his commitment with us by this precious and unshakable promise when he told us: "I am with you to the end of the world". Friendship with Holy Spirit always starts by believing he is with you! All the scriptural promises given to you about Holy Spirit is to utter this beautiful truth to you that you are not alone! 12

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I built my intimate relationship with Holy Spirit on the foundation of this revelation! I started meditating on the truth that he is with me literally not theologically. The promises I read about his presence are not just a print on a page. They are spirit and life! It is real substance. It changed my life when I believed this. It opened a portal of relationship with Holy Spirit when I activated my faith in his presence. “If you believe you shall see the glory”. Oh, the Glory of his presence! He is my cover, my shelter, my tower, my umbrella, my home, my security, and safety. I am never uncovered in the cloud of his presence. It is a thick presence, not a poor one! Thick as a cloud. His presence for you is abundant; he is with you as a full person! 13

My Friend Keeps Talking to Me

I never forgot what Benny Hinn said once about Holy Spirit. He was explaining the difference between the power and presence of God. He said the power of God in his services comes as waves and he feels like blowing because of so much power. He said he can’t make it if this manifested power stays all the time and he thanks God for it. Then he said God’s power comes and goes in proportions and partially for a certain purpose but the presence of Holy Spirit is always full, complete and perfect. You don’t have a small portion of the Holy Spirit, you have the complete person of the invisible Holy Spirit. Also for the children and the youth, there is no junior Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is Holy Spirit! The same person who walked with Jesus in his earthly ministry walks with you today! Wow. 14

My Friend Keeps Talking to Me

Can you imagine that the same Holy Spirit whom Jesus depended on to be and to do everything we read in the bible is the same one in your personal life and ministry? No wonder why Jesus said you will do the same things I did and greater. “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father.” John 14: 12 Whom did Jesus send you and me when he went to the Father? Yes, I heard you! You’re right. Jesus sent you the person of his Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Jesus trusts Holy Spirit! And with a great faith and confidence, he said he believes in you to do great things for him because he trusts the ONE he gave you! Trust Holy Spirit as Jesus does. 15

My Friend Keeps Talking to Me

Holy Spirit knows everything about me and he still loves me. He never withdraws his love from me. It is an ongoing friendship and love from his side. I fail from time to time to give him the same ongoing friendship, love, and trust he shares with me. Thank God, today my friendship with him is not like the way it started years ago. It matured, transformed, I know him more, trust him more, and obey him more.


My Friend Keeps Talking to Me

I have the same power of Jesus “Surely the Lord God does nothing Unless He reveals His secret counsel To His servants the prophets.” Amos 3: 7 Holy Spirit will share with you his secret counsel if you are willing to serve these counsels. Why would my CEO bother sharing with me his business secrets unless he trusts that I will serve his secret counsels? It would be a time loss for him and sometimes a great risk. The more you are willing to serve Holy Spirit, the more you are open to hearing his voice and communication. Holy Spirit doesn’t withdraw a thing from you if you are going to release his will on earth as it is in heaven. This doesn’t mean he will tell you everything to get started, faith in the next steps will always be needed. He will share in time what 17

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you need to hear from him. He is so kind that he doesn’t overwhelm you nor burden you. And what is cool about him is that he DOES it all through you. You just need to be available! Let me be more practical with you on how to develop such intimacy with him. Now you know that his friendship with you is based on ministry because he wants to meet needs on earth, in heaven this friendship takes a different form. You need to know that Holy Spirit shows up strong when there is a need, a ministry, and a space for serving. Therefore, the best environment to attract Holy Spirit is to tell him: Lord, here I am, send me as Isaiah said. And as Saul said when he encountered Jesus: Lord, what do you want me to do for you?


My Friend Keeps Talking to Me

It doesn’t mean that he will shut down in your personal life. Never! He will lead you, guide you and have fun with you because he loves you. Yes, you can still trust him what ice cream to eat, what mobile to buy and what job to choose! Have you ever wondered why Holy Spirit, the finger of God, was ever present strongly in the ministry of Jesus? Simply because Jesus was about doing good to others! “You know of Jesus of Nazareth, how God anointed Him with the Holy Spirit and with power, and how He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.” Acts 10: 38 Knowing what Holy Spirit likes and that he shows up where there is a ministry, I took hold of this and decided to be where there is a vacancy for a ministry! I even created opportunities! 19

My Friend Keeps Talking to Me

This is why I decided to cooperate with my local church and get involved with its vision, ministries, and activities. By experience and before God I tell you, being present in home groups and connecting with others in the context of helping them is what massaged my anointings and put my gifts on fire. This is where I discovered who I am in God! Are you part of your church’s vision? If not reconsider it. You’ve been praying a lot to get to know Holy Spirit and you are not experiencing much because he is where you are not. Align with him! Holy Spirit is only active within the limits of what Jesus said to you in the great commission! He will be so active in healing the sick, casting out demons, preaching the gospel, serving one another, praying for each other, teaching the 20

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word, prophesying, administrating, meeting needs, the list is long and you have great options where you can meet with Holy Spirit. Check your bible’s menu! Is Holy Spirit on social media? It doesn’t matter the kind of pulpit you use, he is about meeting needs and ministering the finished work of the cross of Jesus. He is where the harvest is! I developed an amazing sensitivity to my friend’s voice, the Holy Spirit when I was and still in home groups and on the internet. The word of the Lord is so strong in me when I am ministering to others. It kind of bothers me why I experience a strong ministry of Holy Spirit when it is for others that it is so faint for my personal life. Now I understand! Holy Spirit shows himself strong to do good to others and heal all who are oppressed by the devil. 21

My Friend Keeps Talking to Me

When I am ministering to others, believe me, I don’t need to hear twice to prophesy or minister, I am dead sure it is HIM and people get so blessed by the sure word of the Lord through me. But I have to check many times with him when it concerns my personal life issues. God accelerates the time, magnifies his presence and voice when I am serving others! This I know. But he is faint, kind of timid, intimate and seems to be far in my personal life because he wants to spend more time with me to develop great levels of hardworking intimacy with him that pays off easily in public. How wise is that? Awesome. Holy Spirit is so good, it doesn’t mean he is not good if you don’t understand his ways! God is good all the time and all the time God is good!


My Friend Keeps Talking to Me

The secret of Jesus with Holy Spirit Holiness is not an accessory, luxury or an ornament a Christian wear to look good because now he belongs to God. Holiness is the landing strip for Holy Spirit. Remember his name is HOLY Spirit. Holiness is his nature and the more you are holy, the more this friendship opens up to you like never before. The devil wants to shut your communion with God by throwing sinful darts, by getting you out of the will of God, by bringing uncleanness and everything that Holy Spirit dislikes. Because the devil knows the importance of Holiness in the context of your relationship with Holy Spirit. "You have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness; therefore God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of gladness above your companions." Hebrews 1: 9 23

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Be holy as God is holy and there are no limits to his power! It is not about sin or you, it is about your relationship with Holy Spirit that freaks the devils. It is obvious how sin abounds today in our world. Sin is everywhere online and offline! All this intense and ongoing demonic activity to baptize earth with sin and darkness is to make war against the nature of God. After all, sin builds a resistant shield between you and God, this is what the devil wants for you, to get you disconnected from glory and be left isolated, desolated and in endless shame. No holiness, no God, no power! Jesus said: "for them I sanctify myself". He knew if he falls in temptation, he loses it all, no redemption to humankind and no restoration to the Father. 24

My Friend Keeps Talking to Me

Can you imagine the huge pressure exercised by the devil against Jesus night and day to make him fall into one of his traps, just one? No wonder Jesus taught us to pray: "Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one!" Temptation is real, and strong so is God’s protection! Jesus aimed to stay focused on holiness because HOLINESS was the foundation of all his redemptive ministry, the blameless Lamb of God. He is the only one who can save sinners because he is sinless! No one can save you but He who is righteous and Jesus is the only righteous man that came to save us all. Can you see how important holiness is? Maybe this explains to you a little bit why you are going 25

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through all these battles of uncleanness and sin every day. David experienced the battles of iniquity and its direct effect on his relationship with Holy Spirit so he reported that by experience: “Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from Your presence And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation And sustain me with a willing spirit. Then I will teach transgressors Your ways, And sinners will be converted to You.” Psalms 51 I have my own battles too every day as well as you. The devil wants to dismantle my intimacy with Holy Spirit because he is my strength. “Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a 26

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roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. But resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same experiences of suffering are being accomplished by your brethren who are in the world. After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you. To Him be dominion forever and ever. Amen.” 1 Peter 5 To wrap up this powerful revelation, I exhort you to walk in holiness, as it is your foundation to walk intimately and closely with the wonderful Holy Spirit. The sacrifices of holiness are nothing no matter how hard the struggle is comparing to staying connected to him. You don’t want to hurt Holy Spirit, believe me. He is powerful yet he is so sensitive. Don’t make him sad as the scripture commands and don’t 27

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quench him. Always create the right atmospheres for him to land on and hover over. He is worthy!


My Friend Keeps Talking to Me

Holy Spirit is gentle as Jesus Speaking of his character, oh my God! What can I say about him? Benny Hinn describes Holy Spirit in a beautiful way. He said that as far as how great Jesus was in the flesh and as far as how his ministry was amazing and glorious, yet Jesus, the son of man, was limited. He was restricted to time and space. Benny summarizes beautifully who is Holy Spirit. He says: "Holy Spirit is Jesus unlimited". Wow! Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus yet he is another person than Jesus and Jesus promised us to send him to us when he is exalted to heaven and he did. Now you have his Holy Spirit! He is amazing just as Jesus is. He is loving, happy, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful, 29

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gentle and self-controlled toward you (Galatians 5). How about having a friend like that? Do you share with Holy Spirit his same attributes? Are you loving to him, happy, peaceful, kind, good, faithful, gentle and self-controlled? Surely hanging out with him will make you like him. His awesome personality will be imparted to you. You will see yourself thinking like him, talking like him and doing things like him. People will definitely know you’ve been with him! They will want your friend. They will ask you to tell them about him. Since this book is based on my experience with him, allow me to report this to you about him. It touches and overwhelms me the way he disciplines me or when he wants to correct me. His gentleness towards me is unimaginable. It has always touched and humbled me how he 30

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fixes my issues. How gentle, humble and meek he is when he straightens me up! “Brethren, even if anyone is caught in any trespass, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness; each one looking to yourself so that you too will not be tempted.” Galatians 6:1 God never tells you to behave in a way if he doesn’t do it this way. He is so gentle when he restores me, and you! It is God’s gentleness and kindness that leads a sinner to repentance. His kindness is so powerful and life changing. “A soft tongue breaks the bone.” Proverbs 25:15 Indeed his gentleness has changed me radically and I am writing this to testify to you and to thank him! 31

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“Your gentleness makes me great” Psalms 18:35 Oh how I love him and his gentleness. May I learn more to be like him and treat myself and others the same way! He has never forced me to do a thing although he is God, my God! This has also taught me how to suggest a counsel to others and never force it on them. He is completely different than a controlling spirit, which is demonic! I remember hearing Kathryn Kuhlman telling a touching statement about Holy Spirit that awakened me to seek to know him. If you don’t know who Kathryn Kuhlman is, I can simply tell you that she was indeed a friend of Holy Spirit that taught me greatly about him and touched the world with the reality of his presence!


My Friend Keeps Talking to Me

She said it grieved her to see people coming to the altar and be touched by an invisible force where they do all the shakings, tremblings and where healings manifest and all kind of glorious things happen but they leave the altar not knowing the hand that touched them! It is Holy Spirit. Get to know him! "He touched me".


My Friend Keeps Talking to Me

Face to faith with him Years ago when I knew nothing about the reality of Jesus as a present person in our nowadays lives through the person of Holy Spirit, I was invited to a Pentecostal prayer meeting hosted by a Lebanese pastor coming from Greece. To be honest with you it was the first time I attend a Holy Ghost meeting where God is free to move and touch his loved ones. Such an openness and freedom environment attracts Holy Spirit to be there! I come from a Catholic background where I knew about Jesus and loved him but never experienced his reality like that day. Thank God I was open to visit my brothers and sisters from another denomination because it changed my life forever! 34

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That day I was overwhelmed with worship that I forgot myself and adored Jesus totally for the first time in my life! In heaven, Jesus is the only focus of the Father, the saints, and all the angels! We can create heavenly atmospheres just like heaven by only focusing on Jesus. I didn't feel strange in this “new” meeting. As I was worshiping the Lord, I saw a vision in my heart that I knew without any doubt that God was speaking to my heart. When you are in God’s presence, you have greater assurance of his whisperings. I saw a lion in bondage, I knew it was me, getting free from it and releasing a roaring of victory! I knew God touched me and gave me freedom. I am telling you this story to mention this coming point. You may doubt a faint vision from God but you won’t doubt a physical manifestation of his glory. This happened to me! 35

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That pastor told us to come to the altar because he wanted to lay hands on us and pray a blessing over each one. I was excited because I wanted a blessing. I was the hungriest man for God, I want him and everything he has for me and I am still to this day after many years. As we stood in a horizontal line, that pastor started laying his hand over each person’s head and decreed a blessing. I was still standing waiting for my turn. Now that pastor is blessing the person I am standing beside and then it was my turn. Before he moved to lay his hand on my head something amazing happened to me that I can’t forget to this day. I felt the hand of Jesus physically touching my head right before any human touch. I felt five fingers on my head so strong that I knew it was my Lord touching me. 36

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Then I felt like waves of electricity going through my body intensely. That day I left knowing the reality of the person of Jesus Christ revealed by the Holy Spirit. That incident never reoccurred with me like that. Although I encountered the power of God in many ways. But feeling his five fingers on my head happened once, let’s say so far. Would you like to know Jesus in an intimate and assuring way? I know you can because it happened to me and it is available for you. You need to hunger for him and seek the living God. God can touch you anywhere, and anytime you ask for it but it helps you a lot looking for places where Jesus is alive in such prayer meetings where Holy Spirit is so welcomed!


My Friend Keeps Talking to Me

“…and as the women were terrified and bowed their faces to the ground, the men said to them, "Why do you seek the living One among the dead?” Luke 24: 5 Jesus is alive, not historically, but practically and he wants to reveal himself to you! Jesus is always in the center of his church, the true one, who worship him in truth and spirit. “and in the middle of the lampstands, I saw one like a son of man, clothed in a robe reaching to the feet, and girded across His chest with a golden sash.” Revelation 1: 13 "As for the mystery of the seven stars which you saw in My right hand, and the seven golden lampstands: the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches.” Revelation 1: 20 38

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Jesus is present in the church he bought with his blood in a living way not historically or theologically present. “When I saw Him, I fell at His feet like a dead man. And He placed His right hand on me, saying, "Do not be afraid; I am the first and the last, and the living One; and I was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of death and of Hades.” Revelation 1: 17-18 Jesus showed John the beloved that he is among his church in a glorious living resurrected form! Halleluiah, now I really feel excited to go attend a church meeting! Are you?


My Friend Keeps Talking to Me

Landing on trust #1 Now let me go back to share more with you about the wonderful character of my friend, the Holy Spirit. I am reporting to you how I experienced him treating me. I know he deals with each one in a very personal way but his unshakable nature remains the same eternally. A good father must not parent his different children the same way, if he does that, it means he exalts formulas and laws over relationship and intimacy. It is easy and quick to apply a formula than to develop and discover someone closely and figure out how to parent and treat that precious one! What works with one of your children can destroy the other if the character differs. Dealing with people especially loved ones is so 40

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delicate that it is worth the cost of investing properly in each life. The bible says that our fathers parented us the way they knew best but God parents you for your sake in a perfect way. Holy Spirit is LOVE himself. Can you imagine being parented by perfect LOVE? He knows you perfectly not in your current state but how you should be in the future and he deals with you according to that full vision and image he sees about you. But to avoid a misunderstanding, let me tell you that Holy Spirit although he corrects, straightens, strengthens and does many amazing things in the context of a relationship with you, he is not with you for these reasons. He is not your babysitter. He is your friend who enjoys fellowshipping with you in an UNCONDITIONAL love. 41

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Can you imagine me being your friend just to watch over you, mentor you, supervise you and correct you when you need to be corrected? I don’t want a friend like that. Although I welcome and embrace the benefits of a friend who is really genuine with me and can mirror my mistakes and help me become better. But friends are for fun, for journeying together in this life through the good, the bad and the ugly! Holy Spirit is your amazing friend! He is my amazing friend! He is more real to me than any other earthly friend. I was telling you about his gentleness to me. I don’t know why he treats me delicately maybe because my character is different than others. Maybe because I am sensitive and come from an introvert background. Can you believe it most of the times I experienced him correcting me was in the sound of his silence? Yep. 42

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I hear God a lot and he shares with me glorious prophetic things. But when it comes to correcting me or pointing something in my character and behavior that doesn’t smell like Christ, I am often left alone to figure it out by myself. It seems he likes to correct me without saying it to my face. This gentleness of him melted my heart. It taught me how to deal with others prophetically and delicately. Talking of Jesus, Mathew 12: 19-21: "He will not quarrel, nor cry out; nor will anyone hear his voice in the streets. A battered reed he will not break off, and a smoldering wick he will not put out, until he leads justice to victory. And in his name the gentiles will hope."


My Friend Keeps Talking to Me

How awesome and gentle he is. I love you Lord and thank you for the honoring ways you treat me with. Holy Spirit longs to fellowship with you, for real. We can’t understand his longings for that but it is true. In his famous book “Good morning Holy Spirit”, Benny Hinn shares this about his relationship with Holy Spirit and how he discovered the fellowshipping nature of his invisible friend, the Holy Spirit. He wrote: "Once, in England, I was staying in the home of a Christian family. My room was at the very top of the house. One evening I was lost in the Spirit, having the greatest time in the world talking to Him. The woman of the house called up, "Benny, supper is ready. ”But I was bubbling over and 44

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didn't want to leave. She called again, "Supper is ready." And as I was about to leave, I felt someone take my hand and say, "Five more minutes. Just five more minutes." The Holy Spirit longed for my fellowship." Often I wonder, ponder and try to think, visualize and imagine the relationship of Jesus with the Holy Spirit. You can say to me it is easy for Jesus to trust Holy Spirit because it is his Spirit. Yes, it is the Spirit of Jesus! Yet Jesus was in the flesh being overwhelmed by real temptations without sinning. The flesh and the spirit are always at war. Each pulls you to its side. The flesh wants to resist your relationship with God and your walk in the spirit. The spirit wants to soar high and fellowship non-stop with its creator. 45

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Landing on trust #2 Jesus the son of man trusted Holy Spirit or less he wouldn’t risk it being turned into a man. Jesus knew he could make it with his helper, the Holy Spirit. “If Jesus could trust the Holy Spirit, so can I” ~ Kathryn Kuhlman I am trusting Holy Spirit to write this book through me. I do trust that each word I type comes forth from his presence and his mind. I don’t believe you will be blessed if I write this book without the anointing of Holy Spirit. You will experience a great change in your relationship with him. You will be introduced and reintroduced over and over throughout your life seasons to the


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person of Holy Spirit. You and I can’t make it without him. Actually, the Christian life is not hard it is impossible without God helping us living up to his glorious holy standards and kingdom values. Jesus trusted Holy Spirit to shape him like you without sin. Can you trust Holy Spirit to shape you like the Son of God, Jesus himself? The greatest compliment of love itself is that after God shaped Adam into his image and likeness, God shaped himself later into the image of Adam and became the second Adam. God wants you to experience the transforming touch of his Spirit, from glory to glory! Jesus didn’t experience a change when he became a man, he experienced a TRANSFORMATION. You too are going to experience a transformation


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into the image of the son of God if you trust Holy Spirit and allow him to paint in your spirit man. Holy Spirit will renew your thoughts according to the mind of Christ. You will think like Jesus, talk like him, walk like him, behave like him, minister like him, wage wars like him. How awesome is the ministry of the Holy Spirit in a believer’s life. Believe me; it moves Holy Spirit seeing someone trusting him. Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth, he is trustable. Doesn’t grieve you in a relationship with someone you love when that one doubts every gesture, word, and action you make? It grieves and saddens Holy Spirit seeing you doubting his promised presence, his promises to you and his leading! Walk in agreement with him to see heaven on earth! Take some time now repenting; heal your relationship with Holy Spirit. Promise him you 48

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will trust him more and more. If you believe, you will see the glory of God. If you believe in Jesus as the scripture says rivers of living water shall flow out of you! John 7:38 There is something about faith and trust in God that brings a great release and bounty to you and others. When you love someone, you want to spend time with that one getting to know what he likes and dislikes. Because you are in love, you want to do what pleases him and what serves best your relationship with him. Why do we complicate this principle when it comes to Holy Spirit? You know why? Because often you don’t consider Holy Spirit as a person although he is! And if you do consider him a person you don’t activate the love principles with him because you think Holy Spirit won’t get hurt because he is God. He is mature and he will 49

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understand. Yes he will, and he is for you not against you but he is emotional and as a person, many things can grieve him. If you love Holy Spirit and know the importance and necessity of him in your life and spiritual walk, get to know what he likes. The Bible shows many things about the personality of Holy Spirit. Now on reading your Bible will be so exciting because it is no more reading scriptures and stories, it is about discovering the personality of God whom you are in a relationship with! You want to please him. God hides himself in the bible sitting next to you on the table. Go after him and unveil him. God always seeks after you: “Adam, where are you?” Let’s have the same heart of relationship with God and say: “God, where are you?” Not 50

My Friend Keeps Talking to Me

that you doubt his presence with you but you are pressing to know him more! He likes that. "You will find me when you search for me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29: 13 Holy Spirit likes it when you rise up to the same realm he hides himself in. He likes it when you shift your focus from the busyness of your activities to his presence with you. He likes it when you think about him, it draws him and attracts him to come near because he wants to feel welcomed and thought of. It is the same with me. It draws me gently when I see someone smiling at me. I come closer to that one because I feel welcomed, loved and honored. Create intimate realms for Holy Spirit where he feels so welcomed by you. Host his presence by cultivating atmospheres to land on. 51

My Friend Keeps Talking to Me

You don’t need me to tell you that Holy Spirit hates sinful environments, sinful thoughts, dishonor, disobedience, rebellion, pride, antichrist mindset, an independent spirit, etc. Holy Spirit will be found in chaotic places not to fellowship with darkness but to transform it into a beautiful garden of light where God and you can fellowship gloriously forever! Your Friend keeps talking to YOU...