Received: 24 December 2017 Revised: 4 February 2018 Accepted: 25 February 2018 DOI: 10.1111/ajt.14718
Myeloid-derived suppressor cells increase and inhibit donor-reactive T cell responses to graft intestinal epithelium in intestinal transplant patients Shinji Okano1,2
| Kareem Abu-Elmagd1 | Danielle D. Kish2 | Karen Keslar2 |
William M. Baldwin III2 | Robert L. Fairchild2 | Masato Fujiki1 | Ajai Khanna1
Mohammed Osman1 | Guilherme Costa1 | John Fung1 | Charles Miller1 | Hiroto Kayashima1 | Koji Hashimoto1 1
Transplant Center, Department of General Surgery, Digestive Disease & Surgery Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA 2
Department of Immunology, Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA Correspondence Shinji Okano Emails:
[email protected] or
[email protected]. kyushu-u.ac.jp Funding information Foundation for the National Institutes of Health, Grant/Award Number: RO1AI40459; Research Program Committee, Cleveland Clinic, Grant/Award Number: RPC 2011-1015
Recent advances in immunosuppressive regimens have decreased acute cellular rejection (ACR) rates and improved intestinal and multivisceral transplant (ITx) recipient survival. We investigated the role of myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) in ITx. We identified MDSCs as CD33+CD11b+ lineage(CD3/CD56/CD19)−HLA-DR−/low cells with 3 subsets, CD14−CD15− (e-MDSCs), CD14+CD15− (M-MDSCs), and CD14−CD15+ (PMN-MDSCs), in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and mononuclear cells in the grafted intestinal mucosa. Total MDSC numbers increased in PBMCs after ITx; among MDSC subsets, M-MDSC numbers were maintained at a high level after 2 months post ITx. The MDSC numbers decreased in ITx recipients with ACR. MDSC numbers were positively correlated with serum interleukin (IL)-6 levels and the glucocorticoid administration index. IL-6 and methylprednisolone enhanced the differentiation of bone marrow cells to MDSCs in vitro. M-MDSCs and e-MDSCs expressed CCR1, -2, and -3; e-MDSCs and PMN-MDSCs expressed CXCR2; and intestinal grafts expressed the corresponding chemokine ligands after ITx. Of note, the percentage of MDSCs among intestinal mucosal CD45+ cells increased after ITx. A novel in vitro assay demonstrated that MDSCs suppressed donor-reactive T cell–mediated destruction of donor intestinal epithelial organoids. Taken together, our results suggest that MDSCs accumulate in the recipient PBMCs and the grafted intestinal mucosa in ITx, and may regulate ACR. KEYWORDS
clinical research/practice, immune regulation, immunobiology, immunosuppressant – steroid, intestine/multivisceral transplantation, rejection: acute, rejection: T cell mediated (TCMR), T cell biology
Abbreviations: 7-aad, 7-Amino-Actinomycin D; ACR, acute cellular rejection; BMC, bone marrow cell; e-MDSC, CD14−CD15− myeloid-derived suppressor cell; FSC, forward scatter; FSCA, FSC area; FSC-H, FSC height; FSC-W, FSC width; G-CSF, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor; GM-CSF, granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor; IFN, interferon; IL, interleukin; ITx, intestinal and multivisceral transplantation/transplant; LPC, lamina propria component; MDSC, myeloid-derived suppressor cell; M-MDSC, CD14+CD15− myeloid-derived suppressor cell; MP, methylprednisolone; PBMC, peripheral blood mononuclear cell; PMN-MDSC, CD14−CD15+ myeloid-derived suppressor cell; SSC, side scatter; SSC-A, SSC area; SSC-H, SSC height; TNF, tumor necrosis factor; Treg, Foxp3+ regulatory CD4 T cell; vs, versus.
2544 | © 2018 The American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons
Am J Transplant. 2018;18:2544–2558.
OKANO et Al.
3 | R E S U LT S
Intestinal and multivisceral transplantation (ITx) has evolved as the standard treatment for short bowel syndrome and gastrointestinal failure due to congenital and acquired diseases.1,2 The in-
3.1 | MDSCs increase in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of patients after ITx
testinal allograft presents a formidable challenge for controlling
We first investigated whether myeloid cells expressing the MDSC
the alloimmune response. Although the requirement for acute and
phenotype were present and increased in PBMCs of patients after
chronic high-dose immunosuppression had resulted in high patient
ITx without histopathologic evidence of ACR. The flow cytometry
morbidity and mortality of the patients in the initial era of ITx,
gating strategy excluded doublets and dead cells, and MDSCs were
the introduction of induction therapy with lymphocyte- depleting
identified as lineage−HLADR−/lowCD33+CD11b+–expressing cells
agents, such as antithymocyte globulin and alemtuzumab, has
(Figure 1A), consistent with other reports.7,10,12-14 Within the MDSC
markedly improved short-term graft survival and decreased the
population, 3 subsets were identified based on CD14 and CD15 ex-
incidence and severity of acute cellular rejection (ACR). 3,4 It has
pression: CD14+CD15− monocytic MDSCs (M-MDSCs), CD14−CD15+
remained unclear whether the positive effects of induction ther-
polymorphonuclear MDSCs (PMN-MDSCs), and CD14−CD15− early-
apy are simply due to decreases in T cell and/or B cell numbers or
stage MDSCs (e-MDSCs) (Figure 1A).13 As reported in previous stud-
to the appearance of regulatory components that attenuate re-
ies,12,13,15-17 M-MDSCs had kidney-shaped nuclei and PMN-MDSCs
cipient responses to the graft. 5 Elucidation of these mechanisms
had lobulated nuclei; these MDSCs were relatively smaller than con-
may contribute to the development of new strategies to induce
ventional monocytes and granulocytes, respectively (Figure 1B). In
donor-specific immunological tolerance or hyporesponsiveness
contrast, e-MDSCs contained a mixture of cells with small round,
and improve long-term graft outcomes in ITx.
lobulated, and kidney-shaped nuclei, and the cell size was smaller
Myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) are a heterogeneous
than that of the other MDSC subsets (Figure 1B).
population of cells originally characterized in rodent cancer models and
Although small numbers of cells expressing the MDSC pheno-
type were detected in PBMCs before transplant, the total MDSC
MDSCs suppress both the proliferation and effector functions of T
numbers in PBMCs were significantly increased by 2 months after
cells, B cells, and natural killer cells and induce regulatory T cells via
ITx and maintained past 1 year posttransplant (Figure 1C, D).
patients with cancer that inhibit the immune response to tumors.
various mechanisms. During chronic inflammatory conditions, MDSCs
Although levels of each of the MDSC subset were increased after
develop from immature myeloid cells and accumulate in peripheral
ITx, they showed different patterns. Peripheral blood PMN-MDSC
tissues and secondary lymphoid organs. Factors inducing MDSC de-
and e-MDSC numbers were significantly increased from pretrans-
velopment include cyclooxygenase 2, prostaglandins, stem cell factor,
plant levels within 2 months after ITx (Figure 1E, F), and e-MDSC
macrophage colony-stimulating factor, interleukin (IL)-6, granulocyte/
numbers were maintained throughout the study period (Figure 1F).
macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), and vascular endo-
However, M-MDSC numbers were not significantly increased until
thelial growth factor. MDSCs play a critical role in tolerance induc-
2 months after ITx and then increased after 2 months following ITx
tion in rodent transplant models, and increases in MDSCs have been
(Figure 1G). As part of the induction therapy at the time of trans-
reported in human renal transplant patients.8-11 However, the mech-
plant, 32 (84%) of the 37 patients were treated with alemtuzumab
anisms promoting the development of MDSCs and their impact on
(Campath-1H), a humanized anti-CD52 mAb, known to be a deplet-
alloimmune responses in clinical transplantation remain unclear. It is
ing antibody, which has rapid and long-lasting effects.18 Therefore,
also unclear as to how chronic immunosuppressants administered to
to investigate whether alemtuzumab affect the numbers of MDSC
human transplant patients affect the differentiation of MDSCs.
subsets, we assessed CD52 expression on MDSCs. We consistently
We here investigated the identity and accumulation and the role of MDSCs in ITx.
observed high CD52 expression on M-MDSCs, low-absent expression on PMN-MDSCs, and heterogeneous expression on e-MDSCs across the patient samples (Figure S1). Consistent with the CD52
2 | M ATE R I A L S A N D M E TH O DS 2.1 | Patients and patient characteristics
expression, M-MDSCs were detected 4 weeks after transplant in peripheral blood of ITx patients not treated with alemtsuzumab; however, M-MDSCs were not detected in those patients treated with alemtuzumab (Figure S2A, B). In serial samples from ITx patients
Thirty-seven patients who underwent ITx at the Cleveland Clinic
treated with alemtsuzumab, M-MDSCs were detected > 4 months
Transplant Center from 2009 to 2016 (n = 36) or at the Intestinal
after ITx when other CD52+lineage(CD3, CD19, and CD56)+ cells
Rehabilitation and Transplant Center, University of Pittsburg Medical
were detected but not within a month after ITx (Figure S2C). Overall,
Center in 2008 and visited the Intensive Care Unit at Cleveland Clinic
these findings suggest that the 3 MDSC subsets increase in the pe-
(n = 1) were enrolled in this study. The clinical study was approved
ripheral blood of ITx patients after transplant and that alemtuzumab
by the regional ethic committee (IRB no. 11-966 and no. 17-471). All
induction therapy affects the number of M-MDSCs.
participating patients provided informed consent. Additional information is available in Supplementary Materials.
Next, the MDSC-phenotype cells isolated from the peripheral blood of ITx patients were tested for the ability to suppress T cell
OKANO et Al.
F I G U R E 1 Phenotypes of myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) and increase in MDSCs in intestinal and multivisceral transplant (ITx) patients. A. The peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were stained with fluorescent-labeled antibodies and analyzed by using flow cytometry. The obtained cells were gated on an extended monocyte population based on forward scatter (FSC) versus (vs) side scatter (SSC), and doublet cells {FSC area (FSC-A) vs FSC height (FSC-H), SSC area (SSC-A) vs SSC height (SSC-H), and FSC-H vs FSC width (FSC-W)} and dead cells (FSC-A vs 7-Amino-Actinomycin D (7aad)) were excluded. The left dot plot demonstrates expression of lineage (CD3, CD56, CD19) and HLA-DR, and a population of HLA-DR−lineage− is gated (red circle). MDSCs were defined as HLA-DR−lineage−CD33+CD11b+ cells (upper right dot plot). MDSCs were further classified as CD14−CD15− myeloid-derived suppressor cells (e-MDSCs), CD14+CD15− myeloid-derived suppressor cells (M-MDSCs), and CD14−CD15+ myeloid-derived suppressor cells (PMN-MDSCs) (lower right dot plot). Representative data from sample no. IT071 v1 are shown. B. Each subset of MDSCs was sorted by flow cytometry and stained with Giemsa stain. C. The line graph demonstrates changes with time in MDSC numbers per 1 μL of peripheral blood, which we obtained in sequential sampling after ITx in individual patients. Numbers of MDSCs increased in 9 of 12 ITx patients (black lines, n = 9) but not in 3 of them (red lines). The y-axis is arranged in 3 segments with different scales to easily visualize the changes in MDSC numbers. D-G. Graphs demonstrate the total MDSC number (D) and the numbers of PMN-MDSCs (E), e-MDSCs (F), and M-MDSCs (G) per 1 μL of peripheral blood of ITx patients during the pretransplant period (before Tx, n = 14, circles), within 2 months (period I, n = 10, squares), 2 months to 1 year (period II, n = 31, triangles), and > 1 year (period III, n = 11, reverse triangles) after ITx. Each dot represents individual data, and horizontal lines represent the mean numbers. Statistical significances are indicated in the graphs (Mann– Whitney U test) [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
OKANO et Al.
Total MDSCs 300 200 100 0
T Pe x rio d I Pe rio d II Pe rio d III
IT069 IT07 1 IT056 IT061 IT063 IT066
P = 0.0034 P = 0.0233 P = 0.0177 P = 0.0150
ef or e
300 150 IT039 IT044 90 60 IT057 30 IT060 20 IT067 IT068 10 0 0 100 200 300 Days after transplantation
Number of MDSC / µl
Number of MDSC / µl
II io
Pe r
B ef or
io d
II io
Pe r
Pe r
Pe r
e B ef or
io d
Pe r
400 300 200 100 60 40 20 0 e
P = 0.0148 P = 0.0265 P = 0.0092
Number of MDSC / µl
Number of MDSC / µl
P = 0.0242
P = 0.0020
P = 0.0394
100 50 30 20 10 III
Pe rio d
rio d
I Pe
d rio
or e ef B
0 Tx
Number of MDSC / µl
P = 0.0147
F I G U R E 1 (Continued)
activation. CD33-depleted cells from pretransplant PBMC samples were used as a source of responder T cells and cultured in anti-CD3/ CD28 mAb–coated wells, with autologous MDSCs enriched from posttransplant PBMC samples of the same recipient. The MDSCs inhibited both CD4 and CD8 T cell proliferation in response to an-
3.2 | Exogenous steroid hormone enhances expansion of MDSCs from human bone marrow cells (BMCs) Because GM-CSF and proinflammatory cytokines, such as tumor
ti-CD3/CD28 stimulation (Figure 2A) and interferon (IFN)γ produc-
necrosis factor (TNF)-α and IL-6, induce MDSC expansion in tumor
tion (Table S2). To examine the suppressive activity of each MDSC
rodent models,7 we investigated whether these factors contribute
subset, each subset was sorted on a flow cytometer. Each MDSC
to MDSC accumulation in ITx patients and determined the plasma
subset suppressed T cell proliferation in a dose-dependent manner
levels of IL-6, TNF-α, and GM-CSF and their relationship to peripheral
(Figure 2B).
blood MDSC numbers. Plasma IL-6 levels, but not those of TNF-α
OKANO et Al.
CD3+CD28 +
(%) 80
60 40 20
1: 0
1: 0. 2 1: 0. 1
0 1: 1
% inhibition of CD3 T cell proliferation
CD33-depleted PBMC : MDSC F I G U R E 2 Cells with myeloid-derived suppressor cell (MDSC) phenotype suppress T cell proliferation. CFSE-labeled, magnetically CD33-depleted peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) (1 × 105) during the pretransplant period were stimulated with plate-coated anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 antibodies in 200 μL of T cell–proliferating complete medium in a flat-bottom 96-well plastic plate (center and right histograms). For negative controls, 1 × 105 cells were cultured without antibody stimulation (left column). MDSCs enriched by magnetic beads (the lineage−HLA-DR− and CD33+ cells) from PBMCs on day 184 after intestinal and multivisceral transplantation (ITx) were added into the culture wells (right histograms: CD33-depleted PBMCs:MDSCs = 5:1). Histograms demonstrate fluorescent levels of CFSE in CD4 (upper histograms) and CD8 (lower histograms) T cells, which were gated out as a population of singlet, live CD3+CD4+ and CD3+CD4+ cells, respectively. The numbers indicated in the histograms indicate percentages of CFSElow T cells. Representative data from sample no. IT044 are shown. Similar data were obtained from 2 other patients. B. T cells were cultured with or without flow-sorted MDSC subsets, as described in A. The line graph demonstrates percent inhibition of CD3+ T cell proliferation by M-MDSCs (red squares), PMN-MDSCs (black circles), and e-MDSCs (triangles) at the indicated PBMC:MDSC ratios. Representative data from sample no. IT034 on day 458 after ITx are shown. Similar data were obtained from 2 other patients [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com] and GM-CSF, were correlated significantly with MDSC numbers
steroid drug (Table S3). MDSC numbers were positively correlated
in PBMCs (Figure 3A; r = 0.6888, P = .0278 vs 0.3638 and 0.1942,
with the exogenous steroid dose (P = .0013) and negatively with
respectively). In addition, we investigated the correlations of MDSC
tacrolimus trough levels (P < .0001). In contrast to the significant
numbers in PBMCs with the days after ITx, tacrolimus trough levels
increases in MDSC numbers in peripheral blood before versus after
and administered doses of exogenous steroids per body weight,
transplantation (Figure 1D), no significant correlation was observed
which was normalized to a value based on the potency of each
between MDSC numbers and the days after ITx (Figure 3B).
OKANO et Al.
TNF-alpha in serum or plasma (pg/ml)
25 20 15 10 5 0 -20
40 60 80 100 Absolute no of MDSC
GM-CSF in serum or plasma (pg/ml)
50 30 IL-6 in serum or plasma (pg/ml)
Cytokine Concentration in Plasma
40 30 20 10 0
120 140 160
40 60 80 100 Absolute no of MDSC
120 140 160
25 20 15 10 5 0 -20
40 60 80 100 Absolute no of MDSC
120 140 160
Number of MDSC B
Absolute No. of MDSC
Tacrolimus Dose of trough levels steroid/kg/day
4 0.2
Days after ITx 0
500 1000
P = 0.0013
P = 0.3080
Tacrolimus trough levels 0
150 200 250
P = 0.1321
0.15 0.1
0.05 0
12 10 8
P < 0.0001
P = 0.1733
6 4
Days after ITx
250 200 150
P = 0.6703
100 50 0
F I G U R E 3 Exogenous steroid hormone and interleukin (IL)-6 are important factors in enhancing myeloid-derived suppressor cell (MDSC) differentiation from bone marrow cells (BMCs). A. Cytokines levels in plasma were measured, and linear regression analysis was performed. The scatter plots demonstrate correlation between MDSC numbers and plasma IL-6 levels (left), tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α (middle), and granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) (right). Plasma IL-6 levels (Y) (X; r = 0.6888, P = .0278, correlation: Y = 3.8703 + 0.2420X, n = 14), but not TNF-α (P = .3638, n = 15) and GM-CSF (P = .1942, n = 12), were moderately correlated with MDSC numbers. B. Correlations between administered doses of steroid (normalized value/body weight [kg], n = 72), tacrolimus trough levels (n = 55), days after transplantation (n = 72), and absolute numbers of MDSCs were investigated using multiple linear regression analysis. The Spearman rank correlation coefficient (r) and P values are indicated in each scatter plots, and the red lines show fitted linear lines. C-E. Bar graph demonstrates the numbers of M-MDSCs (white bars), PMN-MDSCs (black bars), and e-MDSCs (striped bars). BMCs were cultured for 6 or 7 days. Representative data from 2 independent experiments are shown. Culture medium was supplemented with granulocyte colonystimulating factor (G-CSF) and GM-CSF, IL-6, and/or methyprednisilone (MP) (C), with G-CSF, GM-CSF, IL-6, and various concentrations of MP (D), or with G-CSF, GM-CSF, IL-6, MP, and various concentrations of mifepristone (E), as indicated under the x-axis of the bar graphs. FH. CFSE-labeled, CD33-depleted mononuclear cells from BMCs were cultured with a cocktail of irradiated allogeneic B cells and flow-sorted autologous BMC-derived MDSCs at the indicated T:MDSC ratios under the x-axis. Proliferation of CD3+CD4+ (F) and CD3+CD8+ (G) cells and IFNγ production in the cultured medium (H) were measured. The graphs demonstrate percent inhibition compared with data from coculture without MDSCs. Representative data from 2 independent experiments are shown. ITx, intestinal and multivisceral transplantation [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
These results led us to hypothesize that serum IL- 6 and ex-
from healthy volunteers were cultured in basic medium supple-
ogenous steroid induce MDSC expansion. Whereas PBMCs from
mented with G- CSF and GM- CSF (Figure 3C, Figure S4). MP was
healthy volunteers cultured with IL- 6 and methylprednisolone
more potent than IL- 6 in expanding the MDSCs (Figure 3C), and
(MP) did not result in MDSC expansion (Figure S3), IL- 6 and MP
the effect of MP was dose dependent (Figure 3D). Mifepristone,
enhanced the numbers of MDSC-phenotype cells when BMCs
a glucocorticoid receptor antagonist, abrogated the effect of MP
OKANO et Al.
1500 1000 500 0
+ G
(%) 100 80 60 40 20 0
(%) 100 80 60 40 20 0
1: 1
1: 1
0. 5 1:
0. 1 1:
1: 0
1: 0. 5
1: 0. 1
% inhibition
(%) 80
Mifepristone (µM)
% inhibition
% inhibition
Methylprednisolone (µM)
0 0.010.1 1 10 100
0 10-3 10-2 10-1 1 10
(x100) 800
1000 800 600 400 200 0
(x100) 2000
Cell Number/well
1: 0
Cell Number/well
F I G U R E 3 (Continued)
(Figure 3E). MDSCs generated from BMCs grown with IL- 6 and MP suppressed both autologous CD4 and CD8 T cell proliferation in cultures with allogeneic B cells (Figure 3F, G) and IFNγ production (Figure 3H).
3.4 | MDSCs increase in the allograft intestinal mucosa To investigate whether MDSCs infiltrate into transplanted grafts, mononuclear cells from lamina propria components (LPCs) were
3.3 | Positive correlation between MDSCs and T regulatory cells in ITx recipients In kidney transplant recipients, MDSCs induce FoxP3+CD4+ T cell 19
Therefore, we investigated the relation between
analyzed by using flow cytometry. MDSC levels were low or undetectable in the allograft mucosa before implantation, but they significantly increased in percentage among CD45+ cells after ITx (Figure S5, Figure 5A). For each MDSC subset, the percentages of each of the 3 MDSC subsets increased in the graft biopsies in the first 12-
peripheral blood MDSCs and total regulatory CD3+CD4+CD25
month period after ITx; however, similar to the PBMCs of the recipi-
CD127−Foxp3+ T cell (Treg) numbers (Figure 4A). In this study,
ents, a minimal increase in M-MDSCs within the first 2 months after
we also dissected subsets of Tregs based on Helios expression,
ITx was evident compared with the graft infiltration of the other 2
which was preferably expressed in naturally occurring regulatory
subsets (Figure 5B-D).
CD4 T cells, 20-23 and examined the relations between MDSCs and
To investigate potential mechanisms directing MDSCs into trans-
the numbers of cells in subsets of Treg (Figure 4A). The numbers
planted intestinal grafts, comprehensive chemokine RNA levels were
of total, Helios+, and Helios− Treg cells in PBMCs of ITx patients
assessed on the NanoStrings® platform. Because distinct MDSC
were correlated with MDSC numbers (Figure 4B: r = 0.5584,
populations were detectable in the intestinal mucosa of grafts after
P = .0056; 4C: r = 0.4622, P = .0263; and 4D: r = 0.6029, P = . 0023,
ITx, we focused on chemokines upregulated after ITx. We detected
2 clusters of chemokine RNA expression levels, including CCL25,
OKANO et Al.
C Helios+ Treg
D Helios- Treg
No of Helios- CD25+
No of Helios+ CD25+
30 Absolute No of Treg
Number of Treg
B Total Treg
20 15 10
5 0
0 0
40 60 80 100 Absolute no of MDSC
0 0
60 80 100 120 Absolute no of MDSC
60 80 100 120 Absolute no of MDSC
Number of MDSC (/µl) F I G U R E 4 Correlation between the number of myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) and the numbers of T regulatory (Treg) cells in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). A. Dot plots show representative Treg populations in PBMCs. The single and live CD3+CD4+CD127−Foxp3+C25+ cells were defined as a Treg population. Two subsets of Treg cells, Helios+ Tregs and Helios− Tregs, were detected (right panel). Representative data were from PBMCs of patient IT034. B-D. The scatter plots show correlation between the numbers of MDSCs and the numbers of total Tregs (B, n = 23, P = .0056, r = 0.5584, Y = 4.7115 + 0.3497X), Helios+ Tregs (C, n = 23, P = .0263, r = 0.4622, Y = 1.8885 + 0.1320X), and Helios− Tregs (D, n = 23, P = .0023, r = 0.6029, Y = 0.3904 + 0.1039X) in PBMCs
CCL15, CXCL6, CCL28, CXCL16, and CCL11, upregulated after ITx
chemokines CXCL9, CXCL10, and CXCL11 that direct recruitment of
(Figure S6). Therefore, MDSC subsets in PBMCs were labeled with
alloantigen-primed T cells did not increase after the transplant (Figure
antibodies to the corresponding chemokine receptors, including
S6). Overall, these results support a role for CCL11 and CCL15 in di-
CCR1, CCR2, CCR3, CCR7, CCR9, CXCR2, CXCR6, and β7 integ-
recting the recruitment of CCR1- and CCR3-expressing M-MDSCs
rin, and analyzed by using flow cytometry (Figure 5E). M-MDSCs
and e-MDSCs and a role for CXCL6 in directing the recruitment of
showed strong expression of CCR1 and CCR2 and weak expression
CXCR2-expressing PMN-MDSCs and e-MDSCs into the intestinal
of CCR3, e-MDSCs showed weak expression of CCR1 but strong
grafts after transplant.
expression of CCR2 and CCR3, and PMN-MDSCs did not express these chemokine receptors. In contrast, PMN-MDSCs and some eMDSCs showed strong expression of CXCR2, whereas M-MDSCs did
3.5 | Reduced peripheral blood MDSCs during ACR
not. None of the MDSC subsets expressed CXCR6, CCR7, CCR9, or
The relationship between peripheral blood MDSC numbers
β7 integrin. Graft expression of the CCR1 and CCR3 ligand CCL15
and occurrence of ACR was investigated in samples from 9 ITx
increased approximately 3-fold at 3 months posttransplant, and this
patients with biopsy-proven ACR. The total numbers of MDSCs in
expression level was maintained through 6 months posttransplant
PBMCs from ITx recipients with ACR was significantly lower than
(Figure 5F). Expression of the CCR3 ligand CCL11 was low at the time
the numbers in patients without ACR (Figure 6A). ACR occurring
of transplant and at 3 months posttransplant; however, it was mark-
within the first 2 months after transplant had no significant effect
edly increased at 6 months posttransplant (Figure 5F). In contrast,
on the numbers of MDSCs in the peripheral blood; however, the
expression levels of other CCR1, CCR2, and CCR3 ligands were as
numbers of PMN-MDSCs during ACR tended to be lower than
follows: CCL7, CCL16, and CCL26 levels were low in allografts be-
the numbers in patients without ACR (Figure 6B). In addition,
fore and after transplant; CCL2, CCL3, and CCL23 levels were low in
the numbers of M-MDSCs and e-MDSCs, but not PMN-MDSCs,
allografts after transplant; and there was no significant increase in the
significantly decreased in PBMCs from ITx patients experiencing
expression levels of CCL5, CCL8, CCL13, CCL14, CCL24, and CCL28
ACR 2 months or more after transplant compared with the
after transplant (Figure 5F, Figure S6). Graft expression of CXCR2 li-
numbers in patients without ACR (Figure 6B). In terms of clinical
gands CXCL1, CXCL2, CXCL3, and IL-8 decreased to near absent lev-
characteristics and demographics of the ITx patients, while de
els after transplant when tested at 3 and 6 months posttransplant.
novo DSAs were detected at higher rates in patients with ACR
However, graft expression of the CXCR2 ligand CXCL6 was low at
than in patients without ACR, there was no significant correlation
the time of transplant and increased by > 3-fold by 3 months post-
between patients with ACR and without ACR in the other factors
transplant (Figure 5F, Figure S6). Expression of the IFNγ inducible
(Table S4).
OKANO et Al.
or e
d Pe
I d rio
e B
5 4 3 2 1 0 or
Pe r
rio Pe
(%) P = 0.0032 15 P = 0.0409 10
io d
I d
Pe rio
0 Tx
B ef
ef B
P = 0.0453
8 4 2
or e
% among CD45+ cells
io d I Pe rio d II Pe rio d III
d rio
% among CD45+ cells
I d
ef o
P = 0.0004
(%) 80 40 5 4 3 2 1 0
Pe r
% among CD45+ cells
P = 0.0085
% among CD45+ cells
(%) 60 40 15
M-MDSCs P = 0.0121
Total MDSCs P = 0.0121 P = 0.0003
F I G U R E 5 Myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) increase in allograft intestinal mucosa after intestinal and multivisceral transplantation (ITx). A-D. MDSCs infiltrating in lamina propria component (LPC) were detected as shown in Figure S5 and in Materials and Methods. The scatter plots show the percentages of total MDSCs (A), M-MDSCs (B), PMN-MDSCs (C), and e-MDSCs (D) among CD45+ mononuclear cells of LPC during the pre-transplant periods (before Tx, n = 8, circles), within 2 months (period I, n = 10, squares), 2 months to 1 year (period II, n = 22, triangles), and more than 1 year (period III, n = 3, reverse triangles) after ITx. Each dot shows individual data of MDSCs, and horizontal lines show the mean percentage ± SEM. Statistical significances are indicated in the graphs (Mann–Whitney U test). E. The histograms show expressions of CCR1, CCR2, CCR3, and CXCR2 on M-MDSCs (blue), PMN-MDSCs (red), e-MDSCs (orange), and internal negative (light green) and positive (dark green) controls, which are expected not to express and to express each chemokine receptors, respectively. Similar results were obtained from 5 to 10 different recipients. F. mRNAs were extracted from pretransplant grafts (black bar, n = 3), intestinal grafts at 3 months (striped bar, n = 3), and those at 6 months (gray bar, n = 2) after ITx and were analyzed using the NanoStrings® system. Bar graphs show the mean normalized counts of mRNA ± SEM for indicated chemokine ligands. The statistical P values were calculated using a 1-way ANOVA with Bonferroni post hoc tests and are indicated in the graphs (*P < .05) [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
3.6 | MDSCs suppress donor-specific T cell– mediated damage of intestinal epithelial organoids A critical histologic criterion for the diagnosis of ACR is > 6 apoptotic bodies/10 sequential crypts,
significantly less in the presence of donor-reactive T cells compared with that in the presence of non–donor-reactive T cells (Figure 7B, C), suggesting that the epithelial damage was mediated by donor-specific T cell response. It is noteworthy that the number of viable organoids in
which is proposed to reflect donor-
the cocultures with MDSCs and donor-reactive T cells was comparable
reactive T cell–mediated epithelial damage.26 To directly investigate
to that of organoids without T cells, suggesting that MDSCs suppress
the role of MDSCs in ACR, we established an ex vivo coculture
the damage to organoids by donor-reactive T cells (Figure 7B, C).
system, called “organoid formation assay,” using donor-reactive T
These findings suggest that accumulated MDSCs suppress donor-
cells and intestinal epithelial organoids from donor intestinal grafts.
reactive T cell response to the donor intestinal epithelium.
Donor-reactive T cells (CFSElow T cells) and non–donor-reactive T cells (CFSEhigh T cells) were sorted after 6 days of coculture with irradiated donor B cells (Figure 7A). Subsequently, epithelial organoids derived
4 | D I S CU S S I O N
from donor intestinal grafts, were cocultured with CFSElow T cells or CFSEhigh T cells in the presence or absence of the sorted recipient
In this study, we first demonstrated the key features of MDSCs in
MDSCs for 5 days. The number of viable epithelial organoids was
clinical ITx: (1) the 3 distinct populations of MDSCs began to increase in
OKANO et Al.
Normalized Mode
Negative Control Positive Control
Fluorescence Intensity
Preoperative period 3 months after ITx 6 months after ITx
200 100
200 0
100 80 60 40 20 0
CXCL1 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0
6000 4000
5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0
CCL8 600 400 200 0
CXCL3 Count
2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0
800 600
500 400 300 200 100 0
* Count
400 Count
3000 Count
IL-8 8000
3000 2000
6000 4000 2000 0
F I G U R E 5 (Continued)
the recipient peripheral blood early after ITx, and each subpopulation
ITx. (3) The number of MDSCs was significantly correlated with
had the ability to suppress T cell activation. (2) Although PMN-MDSC
plasma IL-6 levels and administered exogenous glucocorticoid doses,
numbers were increased within 2 months after ITx, M-MDSC and
and MP markedly enhanced propagation of MDSCs in BMC cultures.
e-MDSC numbers were increased and maintained at high levels in
(4) The numbers of Treg cells, including both inducible and naturally
PBMCs after 2 months after ITx; the differences in the number of each
occurring Treg cells, was significantly correlated with MDSC numbers.
MDSC subset during the early period after ITx could be affected by the
(5) The frequency of MDSCs among CD45+ cells was increased in the
administration of alemtuzumab, as M-MDSCs, but not PMN-MDSCs,
intestinal allograft mucosa; the percentages of PMN-MDSCs and e-
expressed CD52 and M-MDSCs were rarely detected in PBMCs of
MDSCs were increased during the first 2 months after ITx, and those
patients, who received alemtuzumab, during the early period after
of M-MDSCs and e-MDSCs were increased thereafter. In addition,
OKANO et Al.
Total MDSC
(/ µl ) 250 200 150 100 50 0
on -A N
P = 0.0021
Number of MDSC
on N
N on
R -A
Number of MDSC R
P = 0.0011
(/ µl ) 150
Number of MDSC
P = 0.6696
(/ µl ) 150
P = 0.0225
(/ µl ) 80
Period II & III
Number of MDSC
N on
P = 0.1209
-A R
(/ µl ) 250 200 150 100 50 0
e-MDSC Number of MDSC
P = 0.0582
(/ µl ) 80
Number of MDSC
Period I
P = 0.6182
(/ µl ) 10 8 6 4 2 0
F I G U R E 6 Numbers of myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from recipients with acute cellular rejection (ACR) are lower than those from recipients without ACR. A. Scatter plots show the total numbers of MDSCs in the PBMCs of intestinal and multivisceral transplantation (ITx) patients with ACR (circles, n = 9) and those without ACR (squares, n = 50) after ITx. B. Scatter plots show the numbers of M-MDSCs (left), PMN-MDSCs (middle), and e-MDSCs (right) in the PBMCs of ITx patients with ACR and those without ACR within 2 months (upper plots, patients with ACR; n = 4; circles, patients without ACR; n = 12; squares) and > 2 months (lower plots, patients with ACR; n = 5; circles, patients without ACR; n = 38; squares) after ITx. Each dot shows individual data of MDSCs and horizontal lines show mean number ± SEM. Statistical significances are indicated in the graphs (Mann–Whitney U test)
these graft-infiltrating MDSCs expressed chemokine receptors
the recipient peripheral blood and donor graft intestinal mucosa to
responsive to chemokines expressed by the allograft mucosa. (6)
regulate the characteristic T cell–mediated destruction of the graft
ACR episodes were accompanied by decreases in MDSC levels. (7)
epithelium. Among MDSC subpopulations, M-MDSCs may play more
Using a novel ex vivo ACR assay, MDSCs suppressed the ability of
important roles in control of ACR of intestinal grafts, especially in the
donor-specific T cells to mediate donor intestinal epithelial organoid
late period after ITx, than the others.
damage. Overall, these results suggest that exogenous glucocorticoid
Numerous factors that contribute to the differentiation and
promote MDSC differentiation from BMCs and their accumulation in
expansion of MDSCs have been reported.7,27-30 The MDSCs may
OKANO et Al.
Non-donor-reactive T cells
Donor reactive T cells
15 10 5 0
(Day 6 after MLR)
E lo ce w ll FS CF E lo SE h T c C FS wT igh ell Eh c T ig ce el h l T +M ll ce D ll+ SC M D SC
Organoid number/well
CFSElow T cell
CFSEhigh T cell
Without T cell
F I G U R E 7 Myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) suppress donor-reactive T cell–mediated damage of intestinal epithelial organoids. A-C. CFSE-labeled peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) (10 × 10 4/200 μL/well) from a recipient and the irradiated donor B cells (5 × 10 4/200 μL/well) were cocultured for 6 days (total of 52 wells of a 96-well plate), and CFSElow T cells (green square in A) and CFSEhigh T cells (red square in A) were sorted by a flow cytometer. Donor epithelial organoids were obtained from a biopsy sample, and 100 fragments of passaging organoids were cultured with 1 × 10 4 flow-sorted CFSElow T cells (gray bar in B and the upper right photograph in C, n = 3) or 1 × 10 4 CFSEhigh T cells (horizontal-striped bar in B and the lower middle photograph in C, n = 3) with 1 × 10 4 sorted MDSCs from PBMCs of the same patient in 30 μl of Matrigel®. As controls, the passaging organoids were cultured in Matrigel® alone (black bar in B and the lower right photograph in C, n = 3) or with the flow-sorted CFSElow T cells (white bar in B and the upper left photograph in C, n = 3) or CFSEhigh T cells (oblique-striped bar in B and the lower left photograph in C, n = 3). After 5 days of coculture, the numbers of viable organoids in each well were counted. The bar graph indicates the mean numbers of organoids ± SEM. Asterisks show significant differences between the indicated groups (P < .05, 1-way ANOVA with Bonferroni post hoc tests). Data are from patient IT056. Similar results were obtained in 3 independent experiments from 3 different intestinal and multivisceral transplantation cases have an almost entirely recipient-derived origin, as macrochimerism
MDSC accumulation in patients after ITx, in addition to the known
of myeloid cells is hard to detect in intestinal transplantation, 31,32
effects, such as downregulation of effector molecules and induc-
which we also confirmed in some of the recipients (data not shown).
tion of effector cell apoptosis, especially in T cells.36 In terms of
In this study, we demonstrated that MP expand MDSCs from human
calcineurin inhibitors, although the trough levels were negatively
BMCs but not from PBMCs. Notably, previous rodent models have
correlated with MDSC numbers, addition of FK506 to the BMC cul-
demonstrated that glucocorticoids enhance the accumulation of
ture did not affect the numbers of MDSCs (Figure S7). Wang et al
MDSCs33,34; however, this study is the first to demonstrate that
reported that a calcineurin inhibitor, cyclosporine, enhanced infil-
glucocorticoids enhance the expansion of human MDSCs in a dose-
tration of MDSCs in skin grafts and apoptosis, 37 so inhibition of the
dependent manner by glucocorticoid receptor signaling in BMC
calcineurin–nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) axis may pro-
cultures. Maximal numbers of MDSCs in the BMC culture were
mote MDSC migration toward intestinal grafts rather than MDSC
observed with treatment of 1 μmol/L MP (Figure 3D), which cor-
differentiation from bone marrow stem cells, resulting in decreased
responds to the peak level in a 70-kg patient given an intravenous
numbers of MDSCs in PBMCs.
dose of 50 mg of MP (0.756 mg/kg) or to the 24-hour trough level
MDSCs migrate not only to secondary lymphoid organs but also
following a 30-mg/kg intravenous dose.35,36 The latter dose is sim-
to effector sites, such as transplanted grafts and tumors, creating
ilar to that used in MP-pulse treatment in ITx. Moreover, on day 3
an immunosuppressive environment in rodent models.7,9,14,38-40
after MP-pulse treatment for ACR in an ITx patient, the number of
This MDSC migratory potential is essential for tolerance induction
MDSCs in PBMCs increased to 6 times the levels observed before
in a heart transplantation model.9 While there is growing evidence
treatment (data not shown). Therefore, the use of glucocorticoid
for chemokine signaling in MDSC recruitment to tumor sites,40 the
drugs to maintain immunosuppression and treat ACR may drive
mechanisms of MDSC migration in infection, autoimmune disease,
OKANO et Al.
and transplantation remain unclear. Recently, Pallett et al reported
samples or in all the patients, as the patients were usually subjected
that PMN-MDSCs potentially use signaling through CCR2, CXCR1,
to heavy immunosuppressive conditions, especially during the early
and CXCR3 to infiltrate liver tissue after hepatitis B virus infection
time period after transplantation. Next, the sample size is relatively
to regulate metabolism in the liver, although they did not determine
small, and we need to confirm our findings using a multicenter study.
the expression of the respective chemokine ligands in the liver tissue
Finally, it was also difficult to investigate the spatiotemporal dis-
during this recruitment.41 We demonstrated that all MDSC subsets
tribution of MDSCs in the body of each patient. Rodent intestinal
were detected in intestinal grafts after transplantation and that the
transplantation models may be useful to identify critical chemokines
percentages of MDSCs among CD45 cells significantly increased
and chemokine receptors in future experiments.
compared to those in pretransplant grafts. This study is the first
Finally, follow-up histologic studies of graft biopsies from ITx pa-
to demonstrate accumulation of MDSCs in the transplanted organ
tients without clinically evident ACR demonstrated variable levels of
of human patients. In intestinal graft protocol biopsies, etiology-
apoptosis, epithelial cell regeneration, and mononuclear cell infiltra-
unknown neutrophilic infiltration in the intestinal mucosa of trans-
tion. Therefore, it is expected that subclinical ACR responses may
planted grafts is often observed, and the infiltrating neutrophil-like
intermittently or continuously emerge even after induction therapy
cells are smaller than conventional neutrophils. Our results imply
for ITx. MDSCs may be crucial in controlling the subclinical ACR and
that infiltrating PMN-MDSCs may be detected as neutrophilic in-
preventing the occurrence of clinically evident ACR within the graft
filtration in some cases. Of note, unique chemokine ligand profiles
mucosa through mechanisms facilitating MDSC differentiation from
were observed in intestinal grafts after ITx (Figure 5F) and that
BMCs and MDSC recruitment to intestinal grafts via distinct chemo-
MDSCs expressed inflammatory chemokine receptors binding these
kine ligand–chemokine receptor interactions in ITx. Garcia et al
mediators, including CCR1, CCR2, CCR3, and CXCR2 (Figure 5E).
suggest that MDSCs play a critical role in suppressing the T cell re-
Thus far, it has been unclear whether MDSCs regulate immune
sponse to donor antigens in the graft sites before the establishment
responses within effector sites. The lack of clinically relevant model
of immunologic tolerance to donor grafts.9 In ITx, donor-specific T
systems for investigation in vivo immune responses is a major obsta-
cell hyporesponsiveness is frequently observed in intestinal trans-
cle toward understanding MDSC function in peripheral nonlymphoid
plant patients without rejection after a long lapse of ITx with induc-
organs in transplantation. Our findings that MDSC levels increase in
tion therapy (data not shown).47 Overall, our findings support the
PBMCs and intestinal grafts in patients without rejection coupled
hypothesis that MDSCs play an important role in bridging to donor-
with the low number of MDSCs observed during ACR led us to hy-
specific T cell hyporesponsive states in clinical ITx, as observed in
pothesize that MDSCs may suppress donor-reactive T cell responses
rodent models,9 and provide strong evidence that MDSCs can func-
to intestinal grafts. The recent development of new 3-dimensional
tion to suppress pathogenic T cell responses to the epithelium in the
organoid culture methods
allows us to evaluate MDSC function
context of ITx.
in the transplanted intestinal mucosa. Consistent with our initial hypothesis, our ex vivo rejection model revealed that MDSCs suppressed donor-reactive T cell–mediated damages of donor-derived
intestinal epithelial organoids. Our findings suggest that balance
We thank Mansour A Parsi, MD, Gregory Zuccaro Jr, MD, Menon
between donor-reactive T cell responses and their suppression by
K.V. Narayanan, MD, Ibrahim Hanouneh, Robert S.O. Shea, Amit
MDSCs may affect the occurrence of ACR; during ACR, MDSC ac-
Bhatt, MD, Abdullah S. Shatnawei, MD, Bradley D. Confer, MD,
tivities may be overwhelmed by donor-reactive T cell responses, or
Carlos Romero-Marrero, MD, Prashanthi Thota, MD, and all the staff
decreased number of MDSCs may allow donor-reactive T cells to in-
in the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology for sampling
duce ACR. This hypothesis warrants further study to determine the
of intestinal biopsies. We thank Ana Bennett, MD, Lisa Yerian, MD,
molecular mechanisms underlying MDSC-mediated immunomodula-
Deepa Patil, MD, and all the gastrointestinal pathology staff at the
tion within ITx grafts. Furthermore, it will be of interest to investi-
Department of Pathology. We thank Bookie Min, DVM, PhD, and
gate the role of other components, such as stromal cells, secreted
Jeong-su Do, PhD, for assistance with flow cytometry. We thank
molecules, or extracellular matrix, that may affect MDSC function.
Nina Dvorina, MD, BS, for technical assistance with Giemsa staining
Our study has certain methodologic limitations. Although
and Kewal Asosingh, PhD, Joseph Gerow, BS, and Eric Schultz, BS,
monocytes and M-MDSCs can be distinguished on the basis of ex-
for assistance with analysis of flow cytometry and flow sorting in
pression of MHC class II molecules, there remains difficulty in sep-
the flow cytometry core. We thank Raw Lisa, MSN, Natasha Raush,
arating PMN-MDSCs from neutrophils based on surface markers.
BSN, Christine Wagner, RNC, Shatina Roddy, RN, Cindy Shovary,
Therefore, density separation or functional studies are needed to
RN, BSN, Anita Barowski, RN, MS, Neha Parekh, MS, RD, LD, CNSC,
distinguish between PMN-MDSCs and neutrophils.12,17 Although
Suzanne Himes, RN, BSN, and Elizabeth Lennon, MS, PA-C, RD, for
we obtained PBMCs using Ficoll-separation medium, small numbers
assistance as transplant coordinators and mid-level practitioners.
of mononuclear cells from biopsy samples prevented us from per-
We thank Daniel Zwick and Sreedevi Goparaju for proofreading and
forming the density separation. It was also difficult to obtain suffi-
editing of the figures, respectively. This work was supported by a
cient quantities of peripheral PBMCs and graft-infiltrating cells of
grant from the Research Program Committee, Cleveland Clinic RPC
ITx patients to investigate MDSC functions in multiple replicate of
2011-1015 (K.H.) and NIH R01-AI40459 (R.L.F).
OKANO et Al.
D I S C LO S U R E The authors of this manuscript have no conflicts of interest to disclose, as described by the American Journal of Transplantation.
ORCID Shinji Okano
Ajai Khanna
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S U P P O R T I N G I N FO R M AT I O N Additional Supporting Information may be found online in the supporting information tab for this article.
How to cite this article: Okano S, Abu-Elmagd K, Kish DD, et al. Myeloid-derived suppressor cells increase and inhibit donor-reactive T cell responses to graft intestinal epithelium in intestinal transplant patients. Am J Transplant. 2018;18: 2544–2558. https://doi.org/10.1111/ajt.14718