Myocardial perfusion imaging using dedicated CZT ...

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Apr 22, 2016 - The rest acquisition was retrospectly reconstructed by list-data ... rights/patents for (radio)pharmaceuticals, medical devices or medical ...
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Control/Tracking Number: 2016-T-847-EANM Activity: Technologist Programme Current Date/Time: 4/22/2016 9:43:48 AM Myocardial perfusion imaging using dedicated CZT-SPECT: acquisition time optimization

Author Block: L. Camoni1, G. Damini2, A. Fierro3, G. Zobbio2, R. Giubbini1; 1

Univesity and Spedali Civili of Brescia, BRESCIA, ITALY, 2Univesity of Brescia, BRESCIA,

ITALY, 3Spedali Civili of Brescia, BRESCIA, ITALY. Abstract: Aim: Aim of this study was to evaluate if time reduction of double dose rest acquisition during single day MPI by CZT SPECT can influence the Summed Rest Score (SRS) Material and methods: Single-day stress-rest Gated-SPECT with 185+370 Mbq of Tclabeled compounds wer eperformed using a CZT-based gammacamera (GE D530Alcyone) in 100 patients, randomly selected. The standard acquisition time was 9 minutes for both stress and rest acquisitions. The rest acquisition was retrospectly reconstructed by list-data as a 4 minutes and 30 seconds acquisition. The quantitative data obtained after SPECT reconstructions were evaluated by QPSv2009 using a 17 segment model. The SRS was obtained for the entire LV and from each coronary territory: LAD, LCX and RCA. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS v.21 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA) by Wilcoxon paired test. Results: The data were expressed as means ± standard deviation. The 9 minutes SRS was 2.65±4.4; LAD 1.58±2.9; LCX 0.57±1.6; RCA 0.5±1.3; conversely the 4’30” minutes SRS was 2.81±4.57; LAD 1.67±2.9; LCX 0.58±1.7; RCA 0.6±1.4. p=ns. The SSS was 4,93±5.7 and the SDS for 9 minutes and half-time were respectively 2.59±2.77 and 2.49±2.76. p=ns. Conclusion: after injection of 185+370 MBq of Tc-labelled compounds for stress/rest MPI, rest acquisition can be shortened as half time acquisition does not affect SRS and SDS results. :

Topic (Complete): 404 Imaging Systems Biology Track (Complete): Disclosures (Complete): I or one of my co-authors (specify name/position/company) hold a position as an employee, consultant, assessor or advisor for a pharmaceutical, device or 22/04/2016

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