The Queen of swords is a splendid woman! She is highly intelligent, quick witted,
no-nonsense, astute, unpretentious and direct. She is realistic and straight ...
Card #5 – What lies behind me
Mystic Seven Spread Name: Date: Query: Tarot Deck Used: ISBN: ISBN:
Card #4 – What do I need to awaken
Card #6 - The next stage
Debbie March 7th 2012 Open – General Reading Animals Divine by Lisa Hunt 0-7387-0321-4 9780738703213 Card #7 – The Outcome
Card #2- Obstacles
Card #1 – My Current Situation Card #3 – My aspirations
Position 1 – Your Current Situation Card 1 – Gao Yao - Judgement (REVERSED) An unwelcome transition or change, avoiding a necessary decision, delay, indecision, procrastination, regret, remorse, feeling a lack of purpose, not heeding a call to action, fear of change, loneliness, fear of losing a loved one through a separation of some kind, a disappointing legal decision, feeling depressed and in a rut, self-pity, illness, refusing to face facts. When the judgement card appears in the reversed position it can herald any one or a few of the above descriptions. It’s safe to say that recently you have been through a pretty upsetting time (Big Hug!) You may still be in the tail end of this slump or you may just be recovering and catching your breath. Either way, it hasn’t been fun and you need to give yourself lots of TLC right now. You deserve it. The following cards in the reading will offer insight and advise in how to deal with this situation, how to overcome the situations, what you should try to cultivate to help with the situation. an
Position 2 – Obstacles in your path Card 2 – Athena - Queen of Swords The Queen of swords is a splendid woman! She is highly intelligent, quick witted, no-nonsense, astute, unpretentious and direct. She is realistic and straight forward. On the downside, she can be a little judgemental at times, and she doesn’t suffer fools gladly. Occasionally her high standards can leave those around her feeling a little bruised after the Queen of Swords has found fault with them or their work. Sometimes it’s tough to live up to the exceptionally high standards of the Queen of Swords So, in this position the first question you must ask and answer for yourself is, “Are you the Queen of Swords? Or if this card is not you; then who in your life (male or female) is standing in this role?” The Queen of swords In the “Obstacle” position the will often arise when we are caught up in the panic of life and have forgotten to look after our own emotional wellbeing. As usual, we’ve put ourselves last on the list and drained our cup by caring for everyone but our self. How can we fill up another if we ourselves are empty? Considering Card 1 was Judgement reversed it appears you should take time to nurture yourself and ensure that you are not suppressing your emotional needs. When dealing with situations try to look at the contributing factors in the most objective manner you can. Lastly, take care of yourself. You deserve to be cared for and looked after too now and then. The world won’t self-destruct if you take day off to relax and refresh your soul.
Position 3 – Your aspirations, hopes, wishes Card 3 – Tiger – 3 of Pentacles The 3 of Pentacles is the card that says, “Job well done!” Pentacles are considered to be on the material plane and so they usually relate to your job in life, your passions in life, and/or the things in life that you put your physical and mental efforts into in the hopes of tangible results. Whatever those things may be, the 3 of Pentacles arrives when you have done a great job and are producing the tangible results you’ve worked so hard for. In this position the 3 of Pentacles suggests that you have been working hard on your passions (work, family relationships, arts, hobbies) and you are truly hoping that the effort you have put in will pay off and be appreciated by those you serve, work with or love. This card tells you that whether you’ve been working on money issues, your health, home renovations, your job or any other project, you will soon see tangible results as the project comes to fruition. You may be hoping for recognition or approval from others for your hard work, you may desire well deserved status, a promotion is very possible. No matter what you have been pouring your effort into, the 3 of Pentacles is a wonderful card because it tells you that you’ve earned your rewards to come. You will feel a great sense of accomplishment and you can go right ahead and pat yourself on the back, because your hard work has paid off and you deserve the kudos you are about to get!
Position 4 – What do you need to cultivate Card 4 – Hanuman – Page of Pentacles (REVERSED) This position advises us about things we should cultivate in order to bring about positive results. Card 1 advised that an unwanted change or event has occurred and while it is temporary, it’s nice to know we can work towards resolution and feel better for our efforts. Reversed Page of Wands tells you to stay practical and keep your goals realistic. The change or event has a silver lining in that it has left behind a gift, a window of opportunity, a chance for clarity in a relationship. Hanuman says, “let’s get on with the job!” and now is the time to turn the vision into reality. The Page of Pentacles is a very positive influence and in this position he suggests that if you are working with someone in this situation, you might find it very helpful to reverse the traditional roles you both play when working together. The flip flop in normal routine might just be what the doctor ordered to help you work through the situation to its successful conclusion. You may even find this role reversal yields some surprisingly wonderful results. The Page of Pentacles may auger the arrival of a very helpful team player, a financial whiz-kid, or a friend who has grounded and helpful ideas. They’ve arrived in your life just in time to help you travel through this challenging period.
Position 5 – What lies behind you? (recent past) Card 5 – The Hanged Man (REVERSED) The Hanged Man reversed in the “what lies behind you” position tells that in the recent past you were faced with a situation that caused you to feel that you had sacrificed part of yourself, or your life, for a person, reason, organization or some-thing that was not worthy of the effort, and the heart and soul that you put into it. Also, recently, you may have been afraid to march to your own drum for fear of upsetting those around you. Ask yourself, “Have you been denying your own inner needs? Were you cast into, or allowing yourself, to play the role of a victim in an unfair, unequal or unfulfilling relationship or friendship?” Well, thank goodness that’s in the past now and you can move on. There are times in life that we stop and think to our self, “Why am I doing this?”, “This is not working for me and I am wasting my time here.” My dad said it best, “Times like these are a bit like banging your head against a brick wall; it feels good when you stop.” The Hanged Man in this position has woken from his situation and is ready to brush himself off and move on to more rewarding efforts. As a further note of interest, in financial matters, the card advises you to be cautious, and careful not to get involved with bad investments. Read the fine print and be sure you understand all the details. On a positive note, the Hanged Man always augers a time of limbo in some form or another, whether it is being unable to make up your mind or pausing to look at life from a different viewpoint. The Hanged Man takes time to re-evaluate the situation, he may be at a cross roads, he may auger a career change or a change in domestic life. When the Hanged Man is reversed it signals the time of suspended animation is about to end and you will soon be able to move forward and onto the next adventure in your life path.
Position 6 – What lies ahead? Card 6 – Ahau Kin – King of Pentacles Well if Card 1 involved a financial difficulty yo can take a deep breath and relax! The King of Pentacles has the Midas Touch. This card in this position tells you to “Reap the rewards of your efforts!” or “make that commitment in love!”, “go for the gold!” The King of Pentacles tells you that you will have all that you need to overcome the obstacles and move forward. Whether the challenge has been in family relationships, health, work, finances, or simply within your own heart you will be able to get through this time and all will soon be well. There are not many cards in the Tarot that are so straight forward and utterly positive. A wonderful card for a future position!
Position 7 – What lies ahead? Card 7 – The Bee – 7 of Wands (REVERSED) The 7 of Wands reversed is a card that offers a spiritual hand in a time of difficulty. In the upright position it states you are strong and powerful and will win the battle. In the reversed position you may be feeling a little less confident and the card arises to assure you that you will succeed despite your fears and doubts. You will. If it looks bleak it may be time to cut your losses and withdraw from the battle or you now know that it is time you took a stand like never before! Have you heard the saying, “Put a bee in his ear?” Well, it might be time you did just that! Go ahead and shock those involved with your strength and assertiveness. So what if you ruffle a few feathers? Sometimes it takes a good old fashion row to clear the air! It may be just what the doctor ordered! Summon your strength, call on your reserves, stand your ground and know that you have the advantage of a superior vantage point. Even if you don’t know it, you have the advantage, and if you follow your heart, you will succeed. You may be asked to teach or write about what you know; to share your hard won wisdom. This may be a time of new learning in either a formal setting or in the school of life. Either way it is these precious experiences that dwell in our hearts that make us who we are. They are what we call our life path, and while not every step along the way is pleasant we treasure every step regardless because it is what makes life worth living: Moments of happiness, pain, sadness, sickness, health, joy, achievements, struggles and celebrations. The Bee, a perfect card to end this reading with; a perfect card to sum up with…the bee may indeed have a nasty little sting, but his sole purpose in life is to create sweetness. The bee’s crowning achievement after all his hard work and effort is, one of nature’s most beautiful and luscious creations; honey. The Bee heralds that the culmination of this situation will be also be, sweet.