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DirectRoute (Tuam) Ltd Newsletter N17/N18 Gort to Tuam PPP Scheme Q 1
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N17/N18 Project Update Firstly, DirectRoute would like to wish everyone a healthy and prosperous 2016. We are delighted with progress to date on the Project and it remains on target for completion in early 2018. During November 2015 we passed a significant milestone in achieving 1 million working hours on site without a reportable injury. We thank and commend everyone who has worked on the Project for all their efforts to date and encourage them to maintain the same vigilance and focus on Health and Safety in 2016. While the earthworks have progressed very well to date, the emphasis has changed to rock extraction and processing since the onset of winter conditions. In cut areas the soft cut excavation is substantially complete. The peat removal is also substantially complete, vertical drainage has been installed and consolidation works are ongoing with further layers to be placed in these areas in Q1 2016. Earthworks fill has been completed in a number of sections across the project and is being followed by the placement of capping layers. Mainline drainage installation has proceeded well in the last three months. Work on structures across the project is very well established and the levels of activity have increased through the winter period with work currently underway on 27 structures. Of these there are 5 nearing completion; in addition to 10 structures, mainly underpasses, that are essentially complete. In November the night time road closures to install the bridge beams for the three bridges over the M6 were completed. These works were finished ahead of schedule with minimal impact on motorists. The road closure at Ballinphuil was removed prior to the end of the year and the new bridge opened to traffic. It is planned to open a number of bridges to traffic in 2016 thereby reducing the interaction with the public road network. We have all witnessed the heavy rainfall and resultant flooding in recent weeks, as seen to devastating effect on property owners in the region. Our contractors have assisted Galway County Council where they can to help alleviate difficulties. There has been flooding on the Project itself, particularly in the southern section of the site. The impact of this flooding on the works can only be fully assessed once the water levels have dropped sufficiently.
Rathmorrissy Interchange Bridge Beams installed over M6 Motorway
THREE MONTH LOOK AHEAD The main works to be undertaken in the next three months are described in the table below.
Site Location Entire Project
Work Period Ongoing
Plant & Equipment
Main Earthworks– while the cut & fill works across the project have reduced in intensity over the winter months they remain ongoing & rock cut operations are continuing during this period. Side road
Heavy construction plant, trucks, jeeps
construction will continue. Entire Project
Utility Diversions– Utilities including water, gas & electricity as well as phone & internet lines continue to be diverted as & where required ahead of major construction works.
Construction plant, jeeps
Entire Project
Drainage– Construction of mainline drainage networks shall continue across the project.
Construction plant, trucks, jeeps
Entire Project
Accommodation Works– Installation of or adjustment to private gates, entrances, boundaries or other features belonging to private individuals which are affected by the construction of the new road.
Construction plant, jeeps
See attached schedule plus updates regularly on the website
Drilling and Blasting – Drilling and blasting of rock shall continue in these areas to allow the rock to be excavated to the required level for the new road.
Construction plant, drilling & explosive equipment, trucks, jeeps
Various Locations Across the Project
Structures – Works shall continue on the bridges already commenced & shall start on a number of new structures. Construction of new under bridges, over bridges & underpasses across the project. Works shall include piling works, concrete works, installation of precast concrete beams, localised drainage & earthworks, surfacing works, etc.
Construction plant, trucks, jeeps, cranes, concrete trucks & pumps, piling equipment
Entire Project
Landscaping – In sections where earthworks are substantially complete topsoil is being placed to allow planting and grass seeding to commence.
Heavy construction plant, trucks, jeeps
Entire Project
Safety and Environmental Barriers – shall be installed in areas where earthworks are sufficiently progressed.
Heavy construction plant, trucks, jeeps
Entire Project
End of Q1 wards
Pavement – In addition to pavement works previously commenced on side roads the pavement / surfacing works on the mainline will commence in some sections. Initial trial sections will be completed before the permanent surfacing commences in earnest.
Heavy construction plant, trucks, jeeps
24 Hour Emergency Phone: 091-777000
Project Contact Details Email:
[email protected]
We continue to update our website with relevant project information & are adding overhead photographs on a monthly basis to demonstrate the ongoing progress of the works. Please check the website regularly for these updates .
TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT DirectRoute requests that all road users be vigilant and observe all signage and reduced speed limits to help ensure the safety of all. Reduced speed limits have been implemented in specific sections of road following consultation with Galway County Council, An Garda Síochána and the TII (formerly the NRA) and have been implemented to ensure the safety of the public road users as well as construction personnel. Examples include the N63 (reduced locally to 60kph), the R348 (reduced locally to 60kph), the M6 (reduced locally to 80kph), the R339 (reduced locally to 60kph) and the N18 at Kiltiernan (reduced locally to 60kph). Traffic management signage to alert public road users has been and will continue to be erected throughout the scheme where the construction works interact with the existing road network. The traffic management on the N18 at Kiltiernan and the M6 at Rathmorrissy was removed for the Christmas period and has been reinstated now that the works have recommenced. Existing traffic management arrangements associated with works taking place at Annagh Hill, Kiltiernan, Monivea Road and Sheeaunpark Road can be seen on the DirectRoute website. It is planned to open the new link roads arrangement at Annagh Hill to traffic in March 2016 with appropriate signage in place to guide motorists around the new road layout. Details of the road closure at Killeelaun which commenced on 10 th August can be viewed on the website. The closure will be in place until August 2016. In February the L2123 at Brockagh shall be closed for a period of three to four weeks – temporary diversion signage shall be erected and full details displayed on the website. The tie-in to the R339 at Cartymore is scheduled to commence in March 2016. The traffic management arrangements are being developed and final details will be available on the website. Motorists are advised to expect some disruption. The works on the overbridge on the R446 (Old Dublin Road) are well advanced and it is planned to move traffic from the temporary to permanent layout in February 2016. There may be some short term disruption to traffic as this changeover is being effected. On the Tuam Bypass utility diversion works are planned at Weir Road (L-2105) and Ballygaddy Road (R332) in Q1 2016 and some short term stop and go traffic management shall be present, in each case for a short number of days. Similar will be required on Weir Road in February for approximately three days to allow the installation of bridge beams. There is expected to be some short term disruption to traffic on the N17 at Mountpotter to allow construction of the new roundabout and tie-in works between the roundabout and the existing N17. A stop and go system will be in place for approximately two weeks from late January into early February.
DRILLING AND BLASTING SCHEDULE FOR JANUARY 2016 DirectRoute wishes to advise of the upcoming drilling and blasting operations schedule up to the end of January 2016 as shown in the table below. The dates are provisional depending upon site conditions and project scheduling so exact dates and times are subject to change and such notices are posted locally in advance of the works taking place. We will endeavour to post updates on the website when they are received and will do so for further updates beyond the end of January.
Date (Provisional)
Location (Townland)
Ballynastig; Ballinphuil, Corofin
Caherateemore/Sheeaunpark; Ballinphuil, Corofin
Ballynastig; Ballinphuil, Corofin; Caherateemore/Sheeaunpark
Ballinphuil, Corofin; Caherateemore/Sheeaunpark
Ballynastig; Ballinphuil, Corofin; Caherateemore/Sheeaunpark
Ballinphuil, Corofin; Caherateemore/Sheeaunpark 3
Community Development During 2015 DirectRoute was delighted to be able to make small contributions to some local charities, namely Aware, Pieta House West & Galway Hospice. The three charities are all very worthy causes and do fantastic work in the local community. Any assistance or donations they receive are sincerely welcomed.
Presentation to Aware: Michael Daly (Sisk), Declan Carney (DR), Des Greene, Noel Curtis (Sisk)
Presentation to Galway Hospice: Declan Carney (DR), Gary Kennedy (Lagan), Orla Feeney (Galway Hospice), Keith Kelly (Lagan), Seamus Sorohan (Lagan)
Presentation to Pieta House West: Declan Carney (DR), Shane Foley (Roadbridge), Marie Moran (Pieta House West), Sean Nolan & Paraic McCarthy (Roadbridge)
SAFETY NOTICE As we have noted in previous newsletters, construction activity by its nature is a high risk activity. We are all pleased that the first year of the project has passed without serious incident and DirectRoute acknowledges and appreciates the cooperation of our neighbours and the general public. It is vitally important however that we do not become complacent. There will be high levels of activity and associated risk all along the project throughout 2016 and it is important that we all remain vigilant. We ask you for your continued co-operation and particularly ask for your assistance in the following areas:1. Please take particular care at all the site entrances and various locations where the project crosses the existing road network and comply with any restrictions imposed under local temporary traffic management arrangements including any reduced speed limits. 2. Keep clear of site. Parents & Guardians are particularly asked to try & ensure that their children understand and follow this message.