(Province research cen at the Unive. AND. âNADIA essandro, ion, Transp ... ince of Savona and 5 of the Province of Genoa characterized by traffic flow higher ...
INNO OVATIV VE ASPECTS IN NOIS SE MAP PPING A AND DISS SEMINA ATION ACTIVIT A TIES WITHIN W LIFE+ L ““NADIA A” PRO OJECT. Franceesco Asdru rubali, , Saamuele Schhiavoni an nd Francesco D’Aleessandro, CIRIAF F, Universitty of Perugiia, via G. Duuranti 67, 06123 0 Perug gia, Italy e-mail:: fasdruba@ @unipg.it
Corraddo Schenoone and Ilaaria Pittaluuga Universsity of Gennoa, The Mechanical M l Engineeriing, Energyy, Productiion, Transp port and Mathem matical Moddels Departtment, Via aall'Opera Piia 15A, 16145 Genoa, IItaly The Euuropean Dirrective 2002 2/49/EU (E END) has defined d new w indicators and instrum ments to evaluatte environm mental noisee due to traansport infrrastructures.. The Direcctive introd duces the concept of “Strateggic noise mapping” m as “a map for the global assessment a of noise ex xposure”, also deefining roadds, railways,, airports annd agglomeerations thatt require to be analyzed trough this insstrument. Inn order to foster f an unniform apprroach in thee member st states, the European E Commiission Worrking Group p on Assesssment Exp posure to Noise N (WG--AEN) pub blished a guidelinne named “Good “ Pracctice Guide for Strateg gic Noise Mapping M andd the Produ uction of Associaated Data on o Noise Ex xposure”. T The paper presents p thee procedurees used in th he noise maps oof 8 importaant roads wiithin the jurrisdiction off the Provin nces of Gennoa and Sav vona, Italy, a w work that haas been carrried out as the first paart of EU–ffunded LIFE E+ NADIA A project (Noise Abatementt Demonstraative and Innnovative Actions A and information i n to the public). The proceduures allow to t create no oise maps ussing of diffeerent levels of input daata. The pro oject also focusedd on the reaalization off noise actioon plans, su ustainable noise n abatem ment measu ures and innovattive dissemination even nts. An impportant goall of NADIA A project is iin fact to deetermine differennt methodoologies for the dissem mination off noise info ormation, cconsidering various stakehoolders (locaal authorities, engineerrs and consu ultants, high h school stuudents etc.)), and to developp new multtimedia tools, in orderr to encouraage a betterr understandding of noise problems annd to increaase the awarreness of thee citizens.
1. Intro oduction The NADIA prroject (Noise Abatemeent Demon nstrative and Innovativve Actions and infor-mation to tthe public) was develo oped by fouur Italian pu ublic bodies (Province of Genoa, Province P off Savona, M Municipality of Vicenzaa and Municcipality of Prato); P the research r cennter CIRIAF F (Interuni-versity Ressearch Centtre on Pollu ution by Phyysical Agen nts), based at a the Univeersity of Perrugia, is thee scientific-ttechnical addvisor of thee project. The oobjectives of o the projecct are:
ICSV19, Viilnius, Lithuaania, July 8-12, 2012
19th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Vilnius, Lithuania, July 8-12, 2012
to demonstrate the technical and economical feasibility and the effectiveness of best practices to reduce road traffic noise levels, using noise mapping activities; to demonstrate the effectiveness of the involvement of the stakeholders and the correct communication to the public to increase the awareness on traffic noise emissions and their effects on health and quality of life; to widely disseminate the results during and at the end of the project, al local, national and European level. The project is organized in 9 actions: Table 1. Organization of NADIA project
N°Action Description N° Action 1 Project Management 6 2 Surveys 7 3 4 5
Noise Mapping Action plans definition Demostrative action for noise reduction
8 9
Description Dissemination Monitoring After LIFE communication plan Audit
During Action n°2, data regarding traffic flows, road pavement surfaces, population distribution and sound reflection properties of the area to be modelled were collected. The data collected during Action n°2 were used for the realization of noise maps in Action n°3. As required by the European Directive 2002/49/EC1, in the noise mapping activity the indicator “population exposed to noise” was evaluated. The noise evaluation included 3 roads of the Province of Savona and 5 of the Province of Genoa characterized by traffic flow higher than 3.000.000 vehicles/year. Moreover a noise map of a part of the agglomerations of the cities of Prato and Vicenza will be performed in the next months. The results of the noise simulations will be used for the realization of action plans (Action n°4) and demonstrative action for noise reduction (Action n°5). A study on the noise annoyance of the citizens living in the areas where mitigation activity are foreseen was also carried out. At this purpose, CIRIAF developed a questionnaire, thanks to the experience gained in recent studies on soundscape2,3. The questionnaire will be distributed again after the realization of the noise mitigations included in the action plans, to verify the benefits as far as the perception of noise annoyance .
2. Data collecting The data sets needed for the noise simulation were established through the Milestone 1 of the project “Data quality and quantity with regard to models specifications”, available in the official website of the project (http://www.nadia-noise.eu/)4. The methodology defined in the M1 is in compliance with the “Good practice guide for strategic noise mapping and the production of associated data on noise exposure”5. The methodology allows to create noise maps using of different levels of input data. The noise propagation model used in the noise mapping activity is the NMPB-Routes-96, recommended by the annex II of the END1 for the States that have not adopted a national computational method. The noise emission of each modelled road depends on the average traffic flow and its composition (% heavy and lightweight vehicles and velocity in the reference periods day, evening and night), the road slope (evaluated by the DGM, Fig. 1) and the type of the road pavement surface. 2
19th Internnational Co ongress on S Sound and Vibration, V Vilnius, V Lithhuania, July 8-12, 20122
F Figure 1. Exxample of datta processingg: Realization of the digital ground m model (DGM).
t flow ws were elabborated in compliance with the preescriptions of M1. Forr Dataa regarding traffic roads of thhe Provincee of Genoaa data conccerning the percentage of the heaavy vehiclees were nott available; M M1 indicatees the stand dard coefficcients to be used (% off heavy vehhicles for daay, eveningg and night day periodss, Italian av verage data)) for each type t of road d. The choiice of the most m properr coefficientt for every road was made m considdering the characteristi c ics of the rooad (total flow, fl usage,, presence oof industriall areas, eccc.) and throough the co omparison of o the noisee simulation ns with thee noise meassurements. The segments of o the roads to be moddelled with highly h anno oying pavem ment surfacces (such ass cobblestonnes) were inndividuated analyzing satellite ph hotos. This approach a w was used alsso to detectt viaducts annd flyovers, in order to consider the differen nt kind of sound s propaagation (hem misphericall when the rroad lies on the ground,, spherical w when the ro oad is on a viaduct v or onn a flyover)). The noisee emissions oof the parts of roads in nside tunnelss were not considered. c In orrder to consiider the effeect of reflecction/absorp ption of the ground, thee ground usee was takenn into accouunt (asphalt surfaces lik ke parkingss have a hig gher sound reflection ccoefficient than grass-land or wooodland). The method used in NA ADIA projeect for the evaluation e oof the reflecction of thee 5 surfaces w was taken froom ; moreover in ordder to make the acoustiic classificaation of the land usagee less subjecctive, a prottocol was defined in thhe M1. In th his way eveery kind of land usage was classi-5 fied accordding to the categories c defined d in and reporteed in Table 2. 2 Table 2. Deefinition of thhe ground reeflection/absoorption properties (Groun nd Factor GFF=1 Complettely acousticc ab bsorbing; GF F=0 Complettely reflectin ng)
GF 1 0.5 0
Land uses u Foorest, agricu ulture, park Residential Urrban, industrrial, paving
Diffeerent proceddures were defined in tthe M1 for the evaluatiion of the hheight of thee buildings,, taking intoo account thhe quantity and the quaality of the data. If thee quote of tthe roof was available,, the height of the roofss was estimaated comparring this infformation with w the DG GM. For example, if thee geodetic qu quote of the roof was 380 3 m a.s.l.. while the one of the ground undder the buillding in thee DGM was 370 m a.s.ll., , the heig ght of the buuilding was estimated equal e to 10 m m. In thhe cases in which w the qu uote of the roofs was not n availablle, the heighht of the bu uildings wass estimated ffrom the analysis of sattellite photoos. The height of thhe building g was used to estimatee the numbeer of floors and consequently thee number off residents within w the bu uilding. Thee density off population n was estimaated for eacch area ana-lyzing the rresults of thhe most receent nationall census data6. 3
19th Internaational Conngress on So ound and Viibration, Viilnius, Lithu uania, July 88-12, 2012
3. Nois se mapping All thhe data colllected durin ng action n°°2 were used d to simulatte noise em missions by the t roads off the Provincces of Genooa and Savo ona. At this purpose tw wo ideal receeivers weree located in front of thee center of eeach façade of every building; b thee first one on o the façad de itself forr the evaluaation of thee noise levell, the seconnd one at 2 meters from m the façad de to evaluaate quiet faççades as foreseen in 1. Two kind of results were w producced: graphiccal maps an nd numericaal estimates . Trough th he graphicall maps the vvalue of thee noise leveel was evaluuated insidee a calculattion area. T This kind off evaluationn requires hiigh calculatiion time even reducingg the accuraacy of the siimulation; nneverthelesss the graph-ical map arre easier to be analyzed d by people who are no ot expert in acoustic prooblem. The nnumerical estimates e allow to evalluate the aco oustical critticism of thhe roads com mbining thee results of tthe noise simulation with w other diifferent info ormation lik ke the use oof the building and thee people liviing inside. At this purpose noise was evaluaated in poin nts located nnear the façade of thee buildings. a)
Figu ure 2. Exampple of acoustiic noise map s: a),b) for teechnicians c,,d) for dissem mination actiivities
Two kinds of nooise maps were w produc ed, one for the dissemiination activvities, aimed to be eas-ily understtood by citizzens, and an nother for eexperts (mun nicipality teechnicians, acoustical consultants, c , Fig. 2). Thhe noise maap for the disseminatio d on containss the acousttic curves w with the sam me level inn dB(A), com mbined withh satellite im mages (Fig. 2c) or DGM M and vertical noise m map (Fig. 2d)). The nnoise maps for techniccians (Fig. 22a and d) alllows an evaaluation of the indicato ors request-1 ed by andd it is a reliiable startin ng point for the action plans. The façade of tthe building gs could bee colored in function off the valuess of the noisse level or of a chosen n indicator ((for example the ECU U
19th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Vilnius, Lithuania, July 8-12, 2012 indicator as foreseen by 7). This approach aims to individuate the area or the buildings where a mitigation action is more needed.
4. First results of the project Tables 3 and 4 report respectively the value of the indicators “population exposed to noise” and “number of people living in buildings that have a quiet façade”, for all the roads managed by the Provinces of Genoa and Savona. Table 3. Values of population exposed to noise
Bands of value in Lden 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 >75 Bands of value in Ln 45-49 50-55 55-59 60-64 65-69 >70
SP33 2200 1200 600 1300 200
SP33 2400 1300 600 1300 200 0
SP35 2200 1400 1100 1500 100
Number of people exposed to noise SP225 SP333 SP523 SP28b 1500 2400 1000 1400 1200 1700 600 400 1000 700 600 400 1300 1000 700 200 200 400 200 0
SP29 5400 1200 700 700 300
SP334 600 500 400 200 0
SP35 2500 1400 1100 1600 100 0
Number of people exposed to noise SP225 SP333 SP523 SP28b 1700 2700 1100 400 1400 1900 600 300 900 800 700 400 1400 1000 700 100 200 400 200 0 0 0 0 0
SP29 1800 800 800 400 0 0
SP334 500 500 500 300 0 0
Table 4. Number of people living in buildings that have a quiet façade (NPQ)
Road SP33 SP35 SP225 SP333 SP523
NPQ 1300 1600 1800 3100 800
% 10 13 19 26 13
Road SP33 SP35 SP225 SP333 SP523
Managed by NPQ PROVSV 400 PROVSV 700 PROVSV 500
% 18 8 19
The most annoying conditions seems to be in the SP225, SP 523, SP35 and SP334 where the people exposed at Lden>65 dB(A) and at Lnight>55 dB(A) are over the 20% of the people within the calculation area. The lowest values of people living in building with a quiet façade has been noticed in SP35 (8%) and in SP33 (10%). Values of exposed population are in any case quite low, especially considering that all roads are characterized by traffic flows higher than 3.000.000 vehicles/year.
19th Internaational Conngress on So ound and Viibration, Viilnius, Lithu uania, July 88-12, 2012
Figure 4. P Percentage of o people exp posed to Lden noise classes defined by 1 in the roadd considered by NADIA Project
Figure 5. Percentage of o people exp posed to Ln nnoise classess defined by 1 in the road considered by b NADIA Project
5. Nois se reducttion actio ons Afterr the definittion of the action planns, the desig gn of the no oise reductioon actions will w be car-ried out takking into acccount costss, acoustic pproperties, technical t feasibility, innnovative an nd sustaina-bility aspeccts. The innovation of the noise barriers will be ev valuated also consideriing their no on acousticc properties (see Fig. 4)), in order to o optimize ttheir integraation in the outdoor areeas of prim mary schoolss and kinderrgartens. Att this purpo ose the instaallation of a vertical greenery g sysstem could be consid-ered.
19th Internnational Co ongress on S Sound and Vibration, V Vilnius, V Lithhuania, July 8-12, 20122
Figurre 4. Examples of noise bbarriers conssidered within NADIA prroject.
d within NA ADIA Projecct are the reealization off Otheer mitigationn actions that could be considered innovative low noise porous p asph halt and thee installation n of ventilaating window ws. The lasst one couldd be consideered when thhe mitigatio on actions onn noise emiissions and on noise prropagation will w be con-sidered nott sufficient.
Furrther dev velopmen nts
The nnoise maps will be pro oduced alsoo for the Mu unicipalitiess of Vicenzaa and Prato o. The noisee simulations will be caarried out following f thhe procedurre described d in the Miilestone 1 used u for thee roads manaaged by thee Provinces of Genoa annd Savona. The ddata acquireed during th he survey annd noise maapping stages are now being comp pared in or-der to definne the action plans of the t Provincees of Genoaa and Savon na and to esttablish the areas a wheree the demonsstrative actiion for noise reduction will be perrformed. Eachh partner haas foreseen educationall activities addressed especially e too students of o high andd primary scchool. At thhis purpose, lectures aand visits will w be organized, in orrder to awaaken publicc opinion to noise polluution probllems. A viddeo contain ning the noiise maps annd the Digiital Groundd Model is inn preparatioon for each of o the roadss involved in n the projecct. In orrder to evalluate the im mpact of noiise reductio on actions, the t survey aactivity for the annoy-ance studyy will be reppeated. Thee comparisoon between the answerrs to the que uestionnaire before andd after the nooise reductiion actions will allow aan evaluatio on of the efffectiveness of the interrvention byy a subjectivve point of view. v
ACKNOWLEDGE EMENTS S The authors aree indebted to o Mr. Antoonio Angelo oni for his contribution c n in the noisse mappingg activities.
Direcctive 2002/449/EC of th he Europeann Parliamen nt and of thee Council off 25 June 20 002 relatingg to thee assessmennt and manaagement of environmen ntal noise. Sbernna, A., Asddrubali, F. and Schulte--Fortkamp, B. Piazza del d Marchesse Paolo: An A architec-turall and sounds dscape desig gn to redeveelop an outd door public space, 162nnd Meeting g Acousticall Socieety of Ameerica San Diiego, Califoornia 31 October - 4 November N 20011 The jou urnal of thee Acouustical Socieety of Amerrica Vol. 1330, No. 4, Pt. P 2 of 2, Occtober 20111 ISSN 0001 1-4966
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4 5
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