Carmen L. Morano, Ph.D. Associate Professor. Hunter College School of Social
Work. Managing Editor; Journal of Gerontological Social Work. Publisher Taylor ...
Page1 Morano, C.L.
CURRICULUM VITA Carmen L. Morano, Ph.D. Associate Professor Hunter College School of Social Work
Managing Editor; Journal of Gerontological Social Work Publisher Taylor and Francis Higher Education: A. Degrees Ph.D., MSW, BBA Institution
Dates Attended Florida International 1996-1999 Barry University
Florida Atlantic University
Degree and Major Ph.D. Social Welfare M.S.W. Social Work B. B. A. Business
Date Conferred October 1999 May 1981 June 1977
Teaching in other institutions:
Institution University of Maryland University of Maryland Florida International Univ. Barry University Broward Community College
Dates 9/01/006/30/04 7/01/048/31/05 9/01/976/30/00 9/01/956/30/96 9/01/846/3085
Rank Assistant Professor
Department Social Work
Associate Professor
Social Work
Adjunct Professor
Social Work
Field Instructor
Social Work
Adjunct Professor
B. Other (non teaching) Institution Florida Elder Watch
Dates 6/01/90-8/31/96
Title Owner/President
Stirling Counseling
Center for Counseling
Associate Director
Page2 Morano, C.L. Publications: Giunta, N., Morano, C., Parikh, N; Friedman, D; Fahs, M; Gallo, W. (2012). Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Senior Centers: Comparing Participant Characteristics in More and Less Multicultural Settings, Journal of Gerontological Social Work. 55,6. Morano, C. & King, D. (2010). Lessons Learned From Implementing a Psychoeducational Intervention for African American Dementia Caregivers, Dementia; The International Journal of Research and Practice, 9,4, 558-568. Morano, C. (2010). Resilience and coping with trauma: Does gender make a difference? Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 20, 4, 553-568. Greene, R., Graham, S., & Morano, C. (2010). Erikson’s Healthy Personality. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 20, 4; 489-506. Parekh, R., & Morano, C. (2009) Senior Gambling: Risk or Reward. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 52, 686-694. Morano, C., & Morano, B. (2007) Applying the stress, appraisal, and coping framework to geriatric care management. Journal of Geriatric Care Management, Spring. Morano, C., & Sanders, S. (2005). Exploring Differences in Depression, Role Captivity and SelfAcceptance in Hispanic and Non-Hispanic Caregivers. Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity on Social Work, 14, (1/2) 27-46. Morano, C. L., & King, D. (2005) Religiosity as a mediator of caregiver well-being: Does ethnicity make a difference? Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 45 (1/2) 69-84. Morano, C. & DeForge, B. (2004). The Views of Older Community Residents Toward Mental Health Problems. Journal of Aging and Mental Health, 10, 1, 45-64. Belcher, J., Morano, C., & Deforge, B. (2004). Treating Resistant Couples: The Use of Forgiveness in Conservative Christian and Jewish Traditions, Family Therapy, 31, 2, 71-85. Morano, C. (2003). Appraisal and Coping: Moderators or Mediators of Stress in Alzheimer’s Disease Caregivers? The Journal of Social Work Research, 27, 116-128. Sanders, S., Morano, C., Corley, C. (2002). The Expressions of Loss and Grief Among Male Caregivers of Individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease. Journal of Gerontological Social Work. Morano, C. (2003). The role of appraisal and expressive support in mediating strain and gain in Hispanic Alzheimer’s Disease caregivers. The Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work, 12, 2, 1-18. Morano, C. (2002). A cognitive approach to intergenerational family therapy. Journal of Family Therapy, 29, 63-76.
Page3 Morano, C.L. Publications: (continued) Morano, C. & Bravo, M. (2002). Development and Implementation of a Psychoeducational Group for Hispanic Alzheimer’s Disease Caregivers. The Gerontologist, 42, 122-126. Morano, C. (1998). Identifying the special needs of male caregivers. Continuum: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Continuity of Care (July-August), 8-13. Morano, C. & Kosberg, J. I., (Spring 2000). Cultural considerations in care management with older men. Geriatric Care Management Journal. Book Chapters: Morano, C. & Morano, B. (2010). Psychosocial Assessment in the Handbook of Geriatric Care Management;3rd Edition. C. Cress (Ed.) Boston Jones and Bartlett. Aranda, M. P., Morano, C. (2007) Sociocultural Considerations in the Development of Psychoeducational Strategies for Latino Caregivers of Persons with Late-Life Dementia. In Dementia and Social Work Practice. C.Cox (Ed.). Sanders, S., & Morano, C. (2007) Evidences Based Psychosocial Treatments with Individuals who have a Form of Progressive Dementia. In N. Kropf & S. Cummings (Eds.) The Handbook of Psychosocial Interventions for Older Adults: Evidence Based Approaches. New York Haworth Press. Morano, B., & Morano, C. (2007). Psychosocial Assessment in the Handbook of Geriatric Care Management, 2nd Edition. C. Cress (Ed.) Boston Jones and Bartlett. Morano, C. & Morano, B. (2006). Social Work Practice in Geriatric Care Management Agencies. In B. Berkman (Ed.), The Handbook of Social Work In Health and Aging. New York: Oxford Press. Morano, C., & Morano, B. (2005) Social Assessment. In, J.J. Gallo, H. R. Bogner, T. Fullmer, G.J. Paveza (Eds.), Handbook of Geriatric Assessment 4th Edition. Sudberry, MA: Jones and Bartlett. Edited Works: Morano, C. & Cress, C. (2009). Credentialing and Certification: Where does it go from here? Journal of Geriatric Care Management. Rodgers, A. & Morano, C. (2007). Partnering with the community through research and curricular innovations. Special edition of the Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 50, Numbers 1/2. Publications in Periodicals: Morano, C. Manny and Dorothy, A love story. Social Work Today. June 2002.
Page4 Morano, C.L. Other Publications: Morano, C. (2002). Social Work Practice with the Elderly. In N. P. Kroff & C. J. Tompkins (Eds.), Teaching Aging, syllabi, resources, & infusion materials for the social work curriculum. Alexandria, VA Council on Social Work Education. Morano, C. (2002). The membership exercise. In N. P. Kroff & C. J. Tompkins (Eds.), Teaching Aging, syllabi, resources, & infusion materials for the social work curriculum. Alexandria, VA Council on Social Work Education. Journal Reviews: 2003-Present 2004 2003 2002
Journal of Social Work in Long Term Care Editorial Board Journal of Family Issues Journal Reviewer Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect Journal Reviewer Journal of Palliative Care Journal Reviewer
Refereed Papers/Posters Presented at Conferences/Symposium Giunta, N. Morano, C. Panuska, S. (2011) Racial-Ethnic Diversity, Mind-Body Interventions, and Depression among Senior Center Users: Results from the New York City Health Indicators Project". Gerontolological Society of America Annual Conference, Boston, MA Zorowitz, R., Morano, C., Silver, A. (2010). Prediction to Conversion to Long-Term Care from Post Acute Care in a Skilled Nursing Facility, American Geriatrics Society Annual Conference, Orlando, FL. Morano, C. (2009). Exploring gender differences in survivorship. Gerontological Society of America Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA. Morano, C. (2009) Developing an Education and Training Curriculum for Adult Protective Services Workers, Council for Social Work Education, Annual Program Meeting, San Antonio, TX. Morano, C. & Rodgers, G. Adult Services: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities. State Society on Aging in New York Annual Conference. Albany, NY Morano, C. (2008). Examining Informal Caregivers’ Appraisal of Problematic Behaviors of Persons with Alzheimer's Disease, Society for Social Work Research, Washington, DC. Morano, C. (2007) Evidence-Based Interventions with Older Adults, Council for Social Work Education, Annual Program Meeting, San Francisco, CA Morano, C. (2007). Religiosity and Well-Being of African American Alzheimer’s Disease Caregivers. Paper presented at Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Page5 Morano, C.L. Refereed Papers/Posters Presented at Conferences/Symposium: Morano, C. (2006). Does the Impact of Caregiving Appraisal and Coping Vary by Race. Poster presented at the Gerontological Society of America Annual Conference, Dallas, TX. Morano, C. (2006). Losing Our Clients: Perspectives on Loss and Grief for Caregiving Professionals. Paper presented at New England Chapter of Professional Geriatric Care Managers, Boston MA. Morano, C. (2005). Capacity, Competency, and Self Determination: Legal, Medical, and Care Management Perspectives. General Session paper presented at the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys and National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers Annual Joint Conference. Tucson, AZ Morano, C. (2005). In Their Own Words: Narratives of African American Alzheimer’s Disease Caregivers. Paper presented at the Gerontological Society of America Annual Conference, Orlando, FL. Morano, C. (2005) Findings from a 16 hour psychoeducational intervention for African American AD caregivers. Paper presented at the National Alzheimer’s Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL Morano, C. (2005) A psychoeducational intervention for African American Alzheimer’s disease caregivers. Paper presented at the American Society on Aging Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA. Morano, C. (2005) A Suggested Model of Aging Curriculum for Child Welfare Students Workshop presented at the Council of Social Work Education, Annual Program Meeting, Atlanta, GA. Morano, C. (2005) Does Religiosity Impact the Appraisal and Coping Processes of Alzheimer’s Disease Caregivers? Paper presented at the Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference, Miami, FL. Morano, C. (2004) The Role of Ethnicity on Caregiver Coping and Well-Being? Paper Presented at the Gerontological Society of America Annual Conference, Washington, DC. Burry, C. & Morano, C. (2004). Grandparent Kinship Caregivers: What gerontology and child welfare students need to know. A paper presented at the Council on Social Work Education, Annual Program Meeting, New York, NY Morano, C., Harrington, D., DePanfillis, D. (2004) Predictors of Caregiver Ability to Provide for the Physical and Psychological Care of their Children. Paper presented at the Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA. Sanders, S. & Morano, C. (2003). Qualitative analysis of grief reactions in male caregivers. Poster presented at the Gerontological Society of America Annual Conference, San Diego, CA. Sanders, S. & Morano, C. Relationship between social support and grief in male caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease. Poster presented at the Gerontological Society of America Annual Conference, San Diego, CA. Morano, C. (2003). Improving Mental Health Services to the Older Adults. Paper presented at the Southern Gerontological Society Annual Conference, Richmond VA
Page6 Morano, C.L. Refereed Papers/Posters Presented at Conferences/Symposium: Sanders, S. & Morano, C. (2003. Implications of Unaddressed Grief Reactions in Male Caregivers of Individuals with Progressive Memory Loss: Implications for Professional Care Providers, Paper presented at The American Society on Aging National Conference, Chicago, IL. Morano, C. (2003. Religion in Social Work Education Discussant on Panel, Chaired by Michael Friedman, Council of Social Work Education, Annual Program Meeting, Atlanta, GA. Morano, C., (2003). Mediating Strain and Gain in Male Alzheimer’s Disease Caregivers, Paper presented at the Council of Social Work Education, Annual Program Meeting, Atlanta, GA. Morano, C., DePanfilis, D., Corneilus, L. (2003) Using Web-Based Technology to Teach Advanced Practice, Policy, and Research: Demonstrating Methods and Results, Media-Tech Presentation presented at the Council of Social Work Education, Annual Program Meeting, Atlanta, GA. Morano, C. (2003). Providing care to persons diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Paper presented at the Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference, Washington, D C. Morano, C. (2002). Mediating the stress of providing care to parents with Alzheimer’s disease. Paper presented at the Gerontological Society of America Annual Conference, Boston, MA. Morano, C. (2002). Preparing client systems for end of life care, anticipatory grief, and bereavement. Paper presented at the National Association of Private Geriatric Care Management Annual Conference, Nashville, TE. Morano, C. (2002). Stress, appraisal, and coping of Hispanic Alzheimer’s Disease caregivers. Paper presented at the Council of Social Work Education, Annual Program Meeting, Nashville, TE. Morano, C. (2002). Role captivity and expressive support in Hispanic Alzheimer’s Disease caregivers. Paper presented at the Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference, San Diego, CA. Morano, C. (2001) The role of religion and expressive support in mediating stress in Hispanic Alzheimer’s Disease Caregivers. Paper presented at the Gerontological Society of America Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. Morano, C. (2001) Balancing client, agency, and personal perspectives on the need for services. Paper presented at the Florida Council on Aging Annual Conference, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. Morano, C. (2000) A Comparative analysis of a moderating and mediating model of stress, appraisal, and coping in Hispanic and non-Hispanic Alzheimer’s disease caregivers. Paper presented at the Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference, Atlanta GA. Morano, C. (2000) Measuring caregiving strain and gain in Hispanic and non-Hispanic Alzheimer’s Disease Caregivers. Paper presented at the Gerontological Society of America Annual Conference, Washington, DC.
Page7 Morano, C.L. Refereed Papers/Posters Presented at Conferences/Symposium: Morano, C. (2000). Working with long distant caregivers of difficult older clients. Paper presented at the National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers Annual Conference, West Palm Beach, FL. Morano, C., Barker, W., & Harwood, D., (1999). Comparison of Hispanic and non-Hispanic Caregivers Seeking Formal Services, a poster presented at the Gerontological Society of America Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA. Morano, C. (1999, October). Care Management with male caregivers. Paper presented at the National Association of Private Geriatric Care Management Annual Conference, San Diego, CA Morano, C. (1999, April). The experiences of Hispanic and non-Hispanic family caregivers of AD patients. Paper presented at the Southern Gerontological Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA Morano, C. (1999, March). The development and implementation of a psychoeducational model for Hispanic Alzheimer’s Disease caregivers. Paper presented at the Council on Social Work Education, Annual Program Meeting, San Francisco, CA Morano, C., Kosberg, J.I. (1998, November) The Perceptions of Hispanic and Non-Hispanic AD Caregivers. Poster presented at the Gerontological Society of America, Philadelphia, PA Morano, C. (1998, August). Interventions for minority caregivers. Paper presented at the Florida Council on Aging, Orlando, FL. Morano, C., Kosberg, J. I., & Sowers-Hoag, K. (1998, March). A survey of doctoral education programs. Paper presented at the Council on Social Work Education, Annual Program Meeting, Orlando, FL. Morano, C., Barlam, S., & Nowitz, L. (1997, September). Conscious care management: Transference in practice with older adults. Paper presented at the National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers, New Orleans, LA. Morano, C., & Hurwitz, D. (1997, September). Male caregivers: Recognition and interventions for practice. A paper presented at the Society for Social Work Leaders in Health Care – Florida Chapter, Miami, FL. Morano, C. (1995, September). Working with survivors of past trauma: Post traumatic stress disorders and the Holocaust Survivor. A paper presented at the National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers, Tucson, AZ. Morano, C. (1992, October). Treating depression in older adults. Paper presented at the National Association of Geriatric Care Managers, Tucson, AZ. Selected Invited Presentations: March 2012 Rural Interdisciplinary Team Practice. New York Consortium of Geriatric Education Centers, Harris, NY
Page8 Morano, C.L. Selected Invited Presentations: (continued) March 2010 Hoarding: What we know and what we can do. Geriatric Mental Health Alliance of New York. NY, NY. March 2010
Working with Family Caregivers. Community Health Foundation of Western & Central New York, Syracuse, NY
April 2009
Compulsive Hoarding in the Elderly: What we know and what we can do. Key Note address to Rochester Mental Health Association Annual Conference, Rochester, NY.
November 2009
Managing Transitions of Care for Persons with Dementia, Ulster county Alzheimer’s Association, New Paltz, NY
May 2008
Collecting versus Hoarding: You Can Make a Difference, Queens Mental Health Association, New York
June 2008
Working with Clients who Hoard, Jewish Associated Services for the Aging, New York
June 2008
Caregiving and Context, National Academy of Attorneys, New York
October 2007
Hoarding and the Elderly: Adult Abuse Training Institute, Albany, NY.
September 2007
Dealing with Difficult Family Systems: Maryland Case Management Society, Silver Spring Maryland.
April 2007
Hoarding and Mental Illness, Best Practices Presentation, Geriatric Mental Health Alliance, New York, NY Hoarding and Dementia: Managing Challenging Behaviors in Elders with questionable competence. Adult Abuse Training Institute, Saratoga, NY.
September 2006
June 2006
The Future of Geriatric Care Management, Key Note Address, The New York Chapter of the Geriatric Care Management Association, New York, NY
September 2004
The Cultural Context of Care, Key Note Address, Baltimore City Department of Aging, Baltimore, MD
June 2004
Cultural Consideration in Care, Copper Ridge Continuing Care, Sykesville, MD
May 2004
Making the Connection, Patients, Caregivers, and Providers. Prescription for Health Aging Conference, Hagerstown, MD
March 2004
Working with Difficult Family Systems, Johns Hopkins Bay View Department of Social Work.
Page9 Morano, C.L. Selected Invited Presentations: November 2003 Navigating the Family Conference, Baltimore County Department of Social Services August 2003 May 2003
Sociology of Aging, University of Maryland Department of Medicine, GeroPsychiatry Assessing Cohort Differences: Looking to the Future, Baltimore County Department on Aging
April 2003
Clinical Interventions for Difficult Older Clients and their Families, Charles County Department of Social Services
April 2003
Dementia and Depression in the Elderly: Working with Older Adults and Their Family, Montgomery County, Jewish Family Services
January 2003 October 2002
Working With Family Caregivers: University of Maryland, Mini-Semester Sociology of Aging, University of Maryland Department of Medicine, GeroPsychiatry
Professional Activities: Grants: December 2011 The Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College Competency-Based Curriculum Project PI $84,000 March 2009 Creating the Workforce for a More Diverse Older Adult Population CO-PI $40,000 January 2009 Evaluation of Culture Change in the Long Term Care Setting PI $50,000 September 2008 City University of New York, Workforce Development Initiative PI $10,000 September 2007 Department of Health and Human Services: Consortium of New York Geriatric Education Centers, Co-Investigator New York Geriatric Education Consortium $1, 200,000 September 2007 Forgiveness, Resiliency, and Survivorship Among Holocaust Survivors Co-Investigator; Roberta Greene, PI $400,000 May 2003 John A. Hartford Foundation Geriatric Social Work Faculty Scholar, A Longitudinal Design Testing the Effectiveness of a Culturally Informed Psychoeducational Intervention with African American AD Caregivers $100,000 August 2001 University of Maryland DRIF Grant Coping and Appraisal of African American Alzheimer’s disease Caregivers $38,000 August 2000 Assessment of Services Needs Among Caregivers $17,000 June 2000 Broward Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association An emergency response care management program for Alzheimer’s disease caregivers. $12,000 August 1999 Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Psychoeducational Group for Hispanic Alzheimer’s Disease Caregivers $5,000 Hunter College School of Social Work Service:
Page10 Morano, C.L. 2011-Present Chair Curriculum Committee 2011-Present Co-Chair Innovations Committee Hunter College School of Social Work Service: (continued) 2011-2011 Chair Associate Dean Search Committee 2009-2011 Chair Search Committee 2006-2010 Chair Gerontology Field of Practice 2006-2007 Alternate Hunter College Faculty Senate 2007-Present Graduate Center Council-Social Work Representative University of Maryland, School of Social Work Service: 2004-2005 Faculty Search Committee 2002-2005 Chair, Aging Specialization 2005-2005 Continuing Education Search Committee 2003-2005 Co-Chair Clinical Concentration 2004-2005 Strategic Planning Committee 2004-2005 Baccalaureate Program Committee 2003-2004 Co-Chair Social Planning Committee 2004-2005 Masters Program Committee 2003-2005 Faculty Executive Committee 2003-2004 Communications Committee University of Maryland Baltimore Service: 2000-2005 Gerontology and Geriatrics, Education and Research Program Leadership Advisory Council for the Center for Research on Aging 2001-2005 Ph.D. Gerontology Program (UMB/UMBC) School of Social Work Representative Chair Admissions Committee Comprehensive Exam Committee Service to larger community: (Selected Sample) 2011-Present Vice Chair HRSA Advisory Committee for Interdisciplinary Community-Based Linkages 2010-Present Co-Director AGE SW Gerontological Social Work Pre-Dissertation Initiative 2009-Present Managing Editor; Journal of Gerontological Social Work; Publisher Taylor and Francis 2004-2010 John A. Hartford Foundation Co-Director Hartford Pre-Dissertation Program National Advisory Council Doctoral Fellows Program 2007-Present State Society on Aging of New York Treasurer 2005-2009 Association for Gerontology Education in Social Work Vice President 2003 - 2009 Council on Social Work Education – APM Chair Gerontology Symposium 2005 - 2009 Co-Chair of Gero-Ed Track for CSWE Annual Program Meeting 2000 – 2005 Greater Maryland Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association 2003 – 2005 Board of Directors
Page11 Morano, C.L. 2004 – 2005
Maryland Gerontological Association Board of Directors Service to larger community: (selected sample) 2000 – 2005 NASW-Maryland Chapter Advisory Board Aging Policy Committee 2000 – 2005 Maryland Coalition of Mental Health and Aging Advisory Board 1993 – 2000 Broward County Alzheimer’s Association 1995 – 2000 Board of Directors 1997 – 2000 Chair Member Services Committee 1993 – 2000 Support Group Leader 1993 – 2000 Florida Health Care Social Workers Association 1994 – 1997 Treasurer 1994 – 1996 Broward Chapter American Parkinson's Association 1994 – 1996 Board of Directors 1994 – 1996 Caregiver Support Group Leader 1993 – Present Broward Coalition on Aging 1995 – 1996 President 2002-2005 Maryland Department on Aging Advisory Council for the Innovations in Aging Grant Program 2002-2004 Council on Social Work Education SAGE-SW, John A Hartford Foundation Faculty Development Specialist 2001-2002 National Association of Social Workers Task Force to revise Social Work Standards for Long Term Care Practice 2000-2005t NASW- MD Chapter Aging Policy Section 2000-2005 Greater Maryland Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association 2001-2005 Chair Patient Family Services Committee 2003-2004 Member of Public Policy Committee 2004-2005 Maryland Gerontological Association Board of Directors Membership in Professional Societies: 2000-Present Council on Social Work Education 2000-Present Society on Social Work Research 2000-Present Gerontological Society of America 1979 – Present National Association of Social Workers 1990 – 2001 National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers 1992 – 1998 Board of Directors 1995 – 2000 Florida Bar Association - Elder Law Section; Affiliate Member Professional License: 2006 – Present State of New York – Licensed Clinical Social Worker 1999 - 2006 State of Maryland – Licensed Clinical Social Worker 1983-1999 State of Florida – Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Page12 Morano, C.L. Honors and Awards: 2011 Fellow New York Academy of Medicine 2010 Fellow Gerontological Society of America 2010 Leadership Award Association for Gerontology Education –Social Work [AGE-SW] 2008 Florida International University, Silver Torch Award Distinguished Alumni Social Work Educator of the Year 2005; NASW-State of Maryland Chapter