Name: Ryan John Date: Grade: 2nd Title: Rainy Rachmaninov

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□Harmony. □Melody. □Creating. □Rhythm. ☒Movement. ☒Expressive Qualities ☒Form. Materials: Listening Map Sheets. Burned CD of Rachmaninov Prelude.
Name: Ryan John




Title: Rainy Rachmaninov

Musical Focus : concepts/skills to emphasize Playing







Rhythm Expressive





Preparation: (link to prior knowledge or “jump start”) Discuss the current weather. If it is rainy, continue into lesson. If not, describe various weather situations and move on when rain, wind, thunder, or lightening are discussed. Discuss how music can represent things, including the weather.


3-5 mins

Process & Personalization: (teaching sequence & student participation)

Listening Map Sheets

Burned CD of Rachmaninov Prelude in C# Minor

National Standard(s) Addressed: Singing, alone & with others, a varied repertoire of music  Performing on instruments, alone & with others, a varied repertoire of music  Improvising melodies, variations and accompaniments  Composing & arranging music within specific guidelines  Reading and notating music  Listening to, analyzing, and describing music  Evaluating music & music performances  Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, & disciplines outside the arts  Understanding music in relation to history and culture 

Hand out listening maps and have students follow along on the maps as they listen to the Rachmaninov prelude. Before playing the recording, point out the importance of paying attention to repeat signs and the number of times each section is repeated.

4 mins

Listen to the piece with listening maps twice.

10 mins

Have students stand and move around the room on the third listen with their maps in hand. Have them decide what kinds of movement to do for each symbol on the map.

10 mins

Perform: (consolidation of lesson) Listen to the piece for a third time with the chose movements incorporated.

5 mins

Objectives: Learners will…  Be able to (behavioral): Students will be able to follow a listening map and will be able to follow repeat signs  Understand (cognitive): Students will understand the use of theme and repetition within a piece  Encounter (experiential): Students will listen to a piece of classical music in a group setting  Change/add value (critical): Students will become familiar with a Rachmaninov solo piano piece and will develop stronger reading and kinesthetic responses to music

Assessment:  Written  Individual  Group

 Informal  Performance  Other:



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