and prevent degradation of insulation performance due to compression. ... sound your insulation system, parasitic heat leak from supports can foil the most ...
J. J. Koravos1, T. M. Miller1, J.E. Fesmire2 and B. E. Coffman2 1
Cabot Corporation Billerica, MA, 01821, USA
NASA Kennedy Space Center, KT-E Kennedy Space Center, FL, 32899, USA
ABSTRACT Load support structures in cryogenic storage, transport and processing systems are large contributors to the total heat leak of the system. Conventional insulation systems require the use of these support members in order to stabilize the process fluid enclosure and prevent degradation of insulation performance due to compression. Removal of these support structures would substantially improve system efficiency. Nanogel aerogel insulation performance is tested at vacuum pressures ranging from high vacuum to atmospheric pressure and under loads from loosely packed to greater than 10,000 Pa. Insulation performance is determined using boil-off calorimetry with liquid nitrogen as the latent heat recipient. Two properties of the aerogel insulation material suit it to act as a load bearing “structure” in a process vessel: (1) Ability to maintain thermal performance under load; (2) Elasticity when subjected to load. Results of testing provide positive preliminary indication that these properties allow Nanogel aerogel to effectively be used as a load bearing insulation in cryogenic systems.
KEYWORDS: Cryogenic piping, tanks, thermal insulation, granular materials, aerogel, thermal conductivity, liquid nitrogen boil-off CREDIT LINE (BELOW) TO BE INSERTED ON THE FIRST PAGE OF EACH PAPER EXCEPT FOR ARTICLES ON pp. 18–25, 26–33, 68–75, 121–127, 136–142, 207–214, 246–253, 355–362, 388–395, 499– 506, 507–514, 609–614, 780–787, 796–803, 804–811, 905–912, 1291–1300, 1301–1308, 1369–1376, 1581–1592, 1593–1600, and 1647–1651
CP1218, Advances in Cryogenic Engineering: Transactions of the Cryogenic Engineering Conference - CEC, Vol. 55, edited by J. G. Weisend II © 2010 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0761-9/10/$30.00
INTRODUCTION Since the proliferation of liquid gas use in industry in the early 1900s, bulk cryogenic storage vessels, piping and processing equipment have come a long way. There are many challenges that a cryogenic systems design engineers must overcome when designing a cryogenic storage vessel or piping run. One of the most difficult obstacles and one most wrought with compromise is the design of the support structures. No matter how sound your insulation system, parasitic heat leak from supports can foil the most elegant design efforts. Over the years designers have used almost as many support designs as they have vessel designs, from basic solid steel supports to supports using high tech materials and heat transfer trickery. The basic assumption has always been that you must use a higher thermal conductivity material to support your liquid carrying envelope. Consequently, optimization efforts have mainly been focused on working the other ‘levers’ affecting heat flux through the support structure; cross-sectional area, path length, thermal contact resistance, etc. With the recent development of large scale processing options for durable aerogel materials, the use of low thermal conductivity support materials, with the ability to withstand high load and exhibit resiliency under cryogenic conditions, is possible. Using the expertise and technology of the Cryogenics Test Laboratory at Kennedy Space Center, Cabot Corporation’s Nanogel aerogel product has been evaluated for thermal performance under various loads and interstitial pressures.
EXPERIMENTAL TEST SET-UP AND METHOD The Cryostat-100 test apparatus, shown in figure 1, is the replacement for Cryostat1 [1, 2, 3]. The similar Cryostat-1 was used in earlier studies of bulk-fill materials [4, 5]. The system is a liquid nitrogen boil-off (evaporation) calorimeter which provides absolute data for the apparent thermal conductivity (k-value) of materials or systems. Mass flow of nitrogen gas under steady state, energy rate balanced conditions is the primary measurement. This new apparatus is capable of extremely stable boil-off rates over a very wide range of heat flux. The cold mass cylindrical configuration is 167 mm by 1026 mm, including guarded ends. The standard thickness for test specimens is 25 mm. Bulk fill materials are kept in place using a thin black sleeve. Compressed materials are held in place with a thin high density polyethylene sleeve. Test temperatures are as follows: cold boundary temperature (CBT) 78 K, warm boundary temperature (WBT) 293 K, and temperature difference (∆T) 216 K. Multiple temperature sensors are included for boundary layer temperatures. The test specimens are evacuated and heated to achieve a high vacuum level within the material prior to beginning a series of tests. After a suitable warm vacuum pressure (WVP) is obtained, typically 1 millitorr, tests are conducted over the full range of cold vacuum pressures (CVP). Most engineering applications fall into one of three levels of thermal performance as designated by the following CVP’s: high vacuum (HV), below 1×10-4 torr; soft vacuum (SV), ~1 torr; and no vacuum (NV), 760 torr. A typical test series consists of a minimum of eight CVP’s starting at HV and increasing to NV. Nitrogen is the residual gas for all tests.
FIGURE 1. Overall view of the Cryostat-100 test apparatus and system for determining the absolute k-value for a cryogenic thermal insulation system.
INSULATION MATERIALS AND SPECIFICATIONS The base material for each of the three data sets is carbon black opacified aerogel granules. The opacified aerogel granules are a product of Cabot Corporation (Boston, MA) and are manufactured under the trade name Nanogel ( See Table 1 for material installation details. Material A115 are received as loose black granules. The loose granules are installed in a rigid sleeve set to contain loose fill materials to approximately 25 mm in thickness. Material samples A129 and A130 are installations of Cabot’s Nanogel Compression Pack™. The Compression Packs are aerogel granules which come prepackaged in a flat vacuum panel approximately 330 mm wide, 1000 mm long and 25 mm thick. The vacuum containment pouch is constructed of a clear polymer barrier film. The Compression Pack™ system utilizes vacuum packaging to the compress the inherently springy Nanogel aerogel granules. The vacuum packaging process reduces the volume of the loose material up to 50%, depending on grade of material and differential pressure of mechanical compression. The vacuum packaging provides several benefits, two are relevant here. First, it provides the ability to handle and install the loose granules as one large unit. Second, it allows installation of the granules under compression. This negates the risk of the loose granules settling over time and, in most installations, improves thermal performance. TABLE 1. Materials installation details Ref. No. A129 A130 A115
Material Nanogel Compression Pack™ Nanogel Compression Pack™ Nanogel Aerogel Granules
OD mm
ID mm
Mass g
Installed Density g/cc
Installed Thickness mm
Installed Compression %V/V
FIGURE 2. Installation of Nanogel Compression Packs on Cold Mass of Cryostat-100. Left, hand shaped panels installed on cold mass, right, polymer constrainment sheath secured with tape and band clamps.
To install the Compression Packs on the cylindrical cold mass of the Cryostat-100, the flat vacuum panels are hand shaped into half rounds. The flat panels bend easily as the granules are loose with no binders, as in a vacuum insulation panel. For each installation, two panels are installed on the cold mass and constrained with a polymer sheath reinforced with stainless steel band clamps (figure 2). The sheath circumference is set to constrain the material at a specified compression level. After the sheath circumference is set, the vacuum panel is breached which allows the springy aerogel granules to expand filling any gaps between the cold mass and the polymer sheath. Similar to the cryostat test article, but without the snap closures, figure 3 illustrates a typical installation of the Nanogel Compression Pack™ for a pipe-in-pipe system.
FIGURE 3. Typical Compression Pack installation sequence for an insulated pipe-in-pipe system.
ka , Apparent Thermal Conductivity (mW/m-K)
20 18
A129 Compressed Granules A130 Compressed Granules
A115 Loose Granules
14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0.001
Pressure (millitorr)
FIGURE 4. Variation of apparent thermal conductivity with cold vacuum pressure for loose and compressed Nanogel aerogel granules under cryogenic conditions. The boundary temperatures are approximately 78 K and 290 K. The residual gas is nitrogen.
TEST RESULTS Each of the three samples was tested at pressures from 3.0 x 10-6 torr to 760 torr. Figure 4 shows the variation of apparent thermal conductivity with CVP for the three materials. In the HV range up to 10 millitorr the loose granules exhibit a lower ka than the Compression Packs. Slightly above 10 millitorr the compressed material plots dip below the loose granules. This trend continues until above 1 torr. The loose granule data set contains interim points at 10 torr and 100 torr. Additional data for the compressed granules is necessary to more accurately characterize where the performance crosses over in the range between 1 torr and atmospheric pressure. As portrayed, the loose granule performance overtakes the compressed granules at approximately 10 torr. Some solid conduction heat leak is attributed to the packaging of the compressed granules. Further testing is needed to quantify the amount of heat transfer relative to that through the aerogel.
ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION The results presented here are a preliminary look at the feasibility of using Nanogel aerogel granules as a load support structure in cryogenic applications. The evaluation uses an existing commercial product, the Nanogel Compression Pack™, to generate the compressive load for thermal performance testing in the Cryostat-100. Ultimately, due to
Stress (Pa)
60,000 Compression 40,000
Expansion 20,000
0 0
Strain (%)
FIGURE 5. Stress-strain relationship of carbon black doped Nanogel aerogel material in uniaxial compression.
the configuration of the vacuum panels, the compressive load achieved was lower than initial estimates. Manufacturing constraints limited the differential pressure in the vacuum panels to about 85,000 Pa (12.3 psid). During installation, hand tensioning of the constrainment sheath also limited the ultimate backpressure that was preserved from the vacuum packaging process. Stress-strain data of the loose material suggest that the load on the material samples A129 and A130 is 10,900 Pa (1.6 psi) and 1,440 Pa (0.21 psi), respectively. Stress-strain data available (figure 5) are for a uniaxial compression stroke and may give misleading estimates of backpressure load in a radially compressed system. Based on the installed density of the material, the compression achieved for samples A129 and A130 was 19.5% and 8.5%, respectively. In the HV range, where the loose granules outperform the compressed material, two likely factors are at play. First is increased surface area for heat transfer caused by the compressive load. Particles in the compressed material have, on average, larger points of contact between them. Also, the Compression Pack™ panels are supplied as half rounds, leaving two vertical seams in the measurement area. While the seams close up tightly when the packs are breached, even the most miniscule thermal bridge can have a noticeable effect at the heat flux levels being studied. As the pressure increases, the apparent thermal conductivity of the compressed materials remains low, while the loose material ka begins to climb. Compression reduces the void fraction in the particle bed and likely completely closes off some gas transfer pathways between particles. This has a positive effect on the amount of gas conduction and convection that may take place in this pressure regime. Above 10 torr the compressed material begins to display higher thermal conductivity than loose material. This is a surprising result, as the beneficial properties of the compressed bed exhibited in the 10 millitorr to 1 torr region would be expected to provide improved thermal performance over loose particles in the region above 1 torr, as
well. Further testing in Cryostat-100 will be required to determine if this is an anomaly or explained by thermal end effects due to the packaging or effects due to thickness variations among test articles.
CONCLUSION Ability to use a high performance insulating material as a load supporting member would be a boon to any cryogenic storage application. Preliminary testing of Cabot Corporation’s Nanogel Aerogel Compression Pack™ showed positive results toward this end. At the load levels tested, it is shown that compressed Nanogel granules would be effective in low load situations and in areas where expansion/contraction during thermal cycling may compress the insulation up to 20%. To further classify the effectiveness of compressed aerogel granules as a highly insulating support member several tests are planned for the upcoming months utilizing the broad capabilities of the Cryogenics Test Laboratory. Continued thermal testing will include higher compression runs, up to 350 kPa (50 psi), and demonstration installations including field piping installations and a 1,000 L bulk tank.
3. 4.
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