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1993, and Promiscuities: The Secret Struggle for Womanhood, published in 1997 . ... sion, intermixing inspiring personal stories, fascinating historical facts, ...

Naomi Wolf Author, The Beauty Myth • Feminist • Social Critic

Speaker Press Kit

Author The Beauty Myth Feminist Social Critic

Naomi Wolf


aomi Wolf’s landmark international bestseller, The Beauty Myth, challenged the cosmetics industry and the marketing of unrealistic standards of beauty, launching a new wave of feminism in the early 1990s. The New York Times called it one of the most important books of the 20th century. Wolf has given voice to women of all ages, exploding the social myths that keep women struggling in their fight for equality. HarperCollins published a 10th anniversary commemorative edition of The Beauty Myth with a new introduction by Wolf. In Fire With Fire: The New Female Power, Wolf describes the end of “victim feminism” and the beginning of “power feminism,” offering concrete ways for women to change their lives for the better, from personal issues to how to influence the media, corporate life and political debate.

“Naomi brought inspiration, energy and excitement to our conference.” The Renfrew Center Foundation

In Promiscuities: The Secret Struggle For Womanhood, she examines how society’s denial of young women’s sexuality has dangerously inhibited their ability to make responsible sexual decisions. Wolf’s latest book, Misconceptions: Truth, Lies and the Unexpected on the Journey to Motherhood, recounts her experiences (and those of other new mothers) with the shockingly businesslike approach of the government, corporate America and even the medical industry to the needs of new mothers and families. Wolf’s lectures examine current cultural trends that affect women and men in different stages of their lives, from the mixed messages that are ingrained in young women about their beauty and sexuality and the

“Provocative, stimulating, and challenging. You educated and motivated.” Rochester Institute of Technology

psychologically and physically devastating “hooking up” culture on college campuses to the obstacles that face couples looking to start a family. Wolf’s passionate views span the lessons from all of her books. She raises awareness of society’s pervasive inequities and encourages her audiences to take charge of their lives, voice their concerns and enact change. Wolf is co-founder of The Woodhull Institute for Ethical Leadership, an organization that teaches young women how to become leaders and agents of change in the 21st century. Woodhull has graduated over 800 students. In teaching the tenets of ethical leadership (including the compassionate use of power and conflict resolution), it offers professional development programs in business, arts, media, law and politics. Her next book is The Treehouse: Eccentric Wisdom from My Father on How to Live, Love and See (May 2005). A graduate of Yale and a former Rhodes Scholar, Wolf has written essays for The New Republic, The Wall Street Journal, Glamour and The New York Times. She was a consultant to the Gore 2000 presidential campaign. Glamor magazine named her Woman of the Year, and she was one of TIME magazine’s 50 most notable leaders under age 40. Over a decade after she first broke open the conversation, Wolf continues to lead an empowering and unifying vision of feminism that is neither combative nor submissive, nor unrealistic. It is simply necessary — and long overdue.


Royce Carlton, Inc.

866 United Nations Plaza • New York, NY 10017-1880 • 1.800.LECTURE • 212.355.7700 fax 212.888.8659 • email: [email protected] • website:

SUG GESTED TOPIC S The Changemakers: Ethical Leadership & Real Power Hooking Up: Sex, Alcohol and the Death of Romance on College Campuses 12 Lessons From My Father on How to Live, Love and See The Beauty Myth Revisited: How Images of Beauty Are Still Used Against Women


Naomi Wolf Author, The Beauty Myth • Feminist • Social Critic

Naomi Wolf was born in San Francisco in 1962. She was an undergraduate at Yale University and did her graduate work at New College, Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar. Her essays have appeared in various publications including: The New Republic, The Wall Street Journal, Glamour, Ms., Esquire, The Washington Post, and The New York Times. She also speaks widely to groups across the country.

The Beauty Myth, her first book, was an international bestseller. She followed that with Fire With Fire: The New Female Power and How It Will Change The 21st Century, published by Random House in 1993, and Promiscuities: The Secret Struggle for Womanhood, published in 1997. Ms. Wolf’s latest book, the September 2001 release Misconceptions, is a powerful and passionate critique of pregnancy and birth in America. In fall 2002, Harper Collins published a 10th anniversary commemorative edition of The Beauty Myth. Naomi Wolf is co-founder of The Woodhull Institute for Ethical Leadership, an organization devoted to training young women in ethical leadership for the 21st century. The institute teaches professional development in the arts and media, politics and law, business and entrepreneurship as well as ethical decision making. She lives with her family in New York City.


Royce Carlton, Inc. 866 United Nations Plaza • New York, NY 10017-1880 1.800.LECTURE • 212.355.7700 • fax 212.888.8659 • email: [email protected] • website:

L e c t u r e To p i c s Naomi Wolf

The Changemakers: Ethical Leadership & Real Power

The Beauty Myth Revisited: How Images of Beauty Are Still Used Against Women

Misconceptions: Truth, Lies & the Unexpected on the Journey to Motherhood

Hooking Up: Sex, Alcohol and the Death of Romance on College Campuses

Outlaws & Angels: The Secret Truth About Female Sexuality


Royce Carlton, Inc. 866 United Nations Plaza • New York, NY 10017-1880 1.800.LECTURE • 212.355.7700 • fax 212.888.8659 • email: [email protected] • website:

Audience Comments Naomi Wolf ...Naomi was a great hit!! Her rapport with people is amazing. The students will never forget their time with her. Southern Methodist University

...Naomi's presentation was informative, energetic, and thought-provoking. Women who attended the Survival Hour were visibly moved by the dedication and enthusiasm she obviously has for women's rights and by her affirmation of their [need] to raise their collective voice. Bozell Public Relations

...We completely sold the house out in advance and had to turn away over 200 hundred disappointed fans. Her lecture was received enthusiastically. It was very informative on the issues that women are facing today. University of Washington in Seattle

Her wisdom captivated and inspired our attendees…Her speech combined warmth, insight and compassion, intermixing inspiring personal stories, fascinating historical facts, introspective exercises and interactive sharing,…a thought provoking, extraordinary and truly inspiring presentation. Wise Women Weekend

...The event was a huge success. We had some 400 people in a room designed to seat 297. There were people in the aisles, on the floor and crammed into the doorway. Naomi was gracious and delightful and truly a magnificent public speaker. Dialogue at Vanderbilt University

You were as advertised: provocative, stimulating, and challenging. You educated and motivated. In particular, I was very impressed with the way you engaged the audience during your evening lecture. You walked up and down the aisle involving everyone. Your request for “a nine-year-old’s dreams” really sparked the students (and some of the people from the community). Rochester Institute of Technology

...Swarthmore College is a school of only 1300 students, we had over 800 people attend Ms. Wolf's speech. A very exciting turn-out! ...I think that she has made an important impact on our community. Women's Health Ed. Project at Swarthmore

...The event was attended be over 700 people, which has never been done when a feminist speaker visits the campus, or any speaker for that matter...Naomi provided a practical, working definition of feminism in Fire with Fire, and presented it to her audience in a fashion which was palatable for everyone. University of Northern Iowa Page 1 of 2

Royce Carlton, Inc. 866 United Nations Plaza • New York, NY 10017-1880 1.800.LECTURE • 212.355.7700 • fax 212.888.8659 • email: [email protected] • website:

(continued) Audience Comments Naomi Wolf ...I new you were a superb writer, but I did not realize you were a spellbinding speaker as well. Your presentation was the high point of this truly outstanding program convey an amazing sense of empowerment and energy...your words will long be remembered. Wagstaff, Alvis, Stubbeman, Seamster & Longacre, L.L.P

...we at Elmhurst College enjoyed your lecture. It has been a week since your lecture and people are still talking about it. You opened a lot of minds, not just women but also men. Elmhurst College Union Board

Naomi was terrific and the event was great!! She was the perfect speaker to kick off this event. Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit

The content of your keynote and your style of presentation were just what we needed to spur conversation. University of Louisville

...You really have been inspirational to a generation of young women who have no role models for feminist ideals. University of Toronto

Thank you so much for your enlightening lecture! We have had nothing but positive response to your visit...You are an inspiration to college women coming to terms with their power and their role in the 21st century. The University of Texas at Austin

...You were charming, charismatic and focused, during the debate as well as in your presentation. I hope to see you in action in the near future! Once more, thanks for a job well-done. State Bar of Texas

We all were taken by your unique blend of insight, wit, and passion. Rest assured, that some part of your engine is now turning gears in all of our minds. Age Wave, Inc.

Page 2 of 2 -- 09.17.04

Royce Carlton, Inc. 866 United Nations Plaza • New York, NY 10017-1880 1.800.LECTURE • 212.355.7700 • fax 212.888.8659 • email: [email protected] • website:

In Print Naomi Wolf

In the groundbreaking style of her international bestseller The Beauty Myth, Naomi Wolf takes on the beliefs surrounding pregnancy and motherhood in America today and reveals the far-reaching costs they impose on women, men and society as a whole.

A look at the beauty myth exposes the unrealistic, impossible standards of female beauty as destructive social control, asserting that the myth of female perfection is created by the media and the diet, fashion, and cosmetic industries.

Most women embrace equality, but reject "feminism." In clear and brilliant prose, Naomi Wolf shows how this rift came about, and how to close it. A practical and inspiring road map for personal and political equality in our time.

Page 1 of 2

Royce Carlton, Inc. 866 United Nations Plaza • New York, NY 10017-1880 1.800.LECTURE • 212.355.7700 • fax 212.888.8659 • email: [email protected] • website:

(continued) In Print Naomi Wolf

Promiscuities brazenly exposes the truths behind the conflicting messages directed at young women during and after the sexual revolution. Drawing on surprising examples from the ancient and recent past, along with vivid recollections of her own youth, Naomi Wolf shows how our "liberated" culture still fears and distorts female passion. She also shares fascinating true stories that illustrate the fantasies and sometimes crippling realities women pass through on their way toward erotic and emotional discovery.

Page 2 of 2 -- 04.07.03

Royce Carlton, Inc. 866 United Nations Plaza • New York, NY 10017-1880 1.800.LECTURE • 212.355.7700 • fax 212.888.8659 • email: [email protected] • website: