Naples NY Record 1959-1960 - Old Fulton NY Post Cards

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Merlin Acomb, Linda Bills,. Sharon Bills, George Fleischman,. Joyce Graff, Carole Graves, Nor- man Harrington,- Anne Hawks,. Thomas Hoh, Diane King, Grace.


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The Only Newspaper thai Really Carat About Naples

$3.00 A YEAR; SIX MONTHS. $1.75


NUMBER 27. "

Naples Central School HONOR ROLL Fourth Quarter Grade 4 - Mrs Atwater Susan Adams, Cathy Buckner, Karen Eddy, William Gardner, Margo Lannigan, Hilda Motz, Gail Pittenger, Mary Reed, Patricia Schwingel, Jean Simons, Phyllis Sutter, Warren Wiley Grade 4 - Mrs. Riesenberger Susie Cook, Ella Coons, Bobby Cull, Donna Fleischman, Diane Hanggi, Martin Lodge* Kaye Moore, Cheryl Pierce, Roy Schenk, Valerie Schultz, Sandra St. Pierre, Ruth Yacuzzo Grade 5 - Mrs. Sutherland Yvonne Bush, Dale Cermak, Teresa Pow, Karen Hanggi, Sharon Huber, Karen Kluge, Betty Luffman, Pamela Preston, Carol Stewart, Peter Sweltz, Blanche Warner Grade 5 - Mr. Brown Darryl Abraham, Darryl Braun, James Burnett, Patty Caprini, James Donley, Barbara Fox, Alice Grow, Richard Jerome, Robert Taylor, Daniel Uimer, Janes Woodard Grade 6 - Mrs. Moaoato Case Benham, Linda Caprini, Suzanne Clawson, Gale Eckett, Judy Graff, Charles Halvorsen, Gary Hoh, Mary Keenan, Michael King, Gordon McNamara, Hal Moore, Kay Olney, Martha Randall, Michael Rectenwald, Fay Marie Savage, Nancy Schwieckhard, Roger Standish, George Ward, Peter Warren, Wendy Wright ', Grade 8 - Mr, Jackson Leslie Drake, James Moore, Ernst Motz, Esther Luffman, Constance St. Pierre Junior High Roy Acomh, Leanna Abraham, Mark Adams, Martha Jo Benham, Donna Donley, Laurel Grow, Janet Height, Hugh Harbison, Sally Harbison, Robert Harrington, Carol Jerome, Gary King, Kay Landino, Vivian McNamara, Robert Meeker, Michelle Misel, Sandra Moore, Carter Morse, Mildred Randall, Kathleen Rector, Bonnie Schwingel, Roberta Woodard Senior High Merlin Acomb, Linda Bills, Sharon Bills, George Fleischman, Joyce Graff, Carole Graves, Norman Harrington,- Anne Hawks, Thomas Hoh, Diane King, Grace Lincoln, Jacqueline Luffman, Carol Misel, Marion Morse, Douglas Preston, Peter Preston, John Rectenwald, Judy Rectenwald, Barbara Reed, Linda Reed, Suzanne Rennoldson, Joan Richards, Evelyn Richmond, Jeannette Schultz HONORABLE MENTION Fourth Quarter Grade 4 - Mrs. Atwater Oliver Chadwick, Gene Cooper, Duane Schenk Grade 4 - Mrs. Riesenberger "Joanne Brink, Coral Corey, Sandra Dutcher, Jean Eckert, Sandra Gearhart, Bradley Lee, Linda Randall, Kevin Wells, Margaret Wilkes Grade 5 - Mrs. Sutherland "Joseph Adams, James Hoh, Marybeth Moore, Barbara Shepard, Cary Smith, Leo Yaeger Grade 5 - Mr. Brown Kenneth Bogner, Sally Hawks, Richard Howse, Paulette Moore, Aleta Richmond, Judy Simons, Edith Sweltz Grade 6 - Mrs. Moscato Gerald Baader, Peggy Collins, Richard Doty, David Jones, Alta Little Grade 6 - Mr. Jackson Leslie Engel, Patricia Coye, Kathleen Gilder, Marie Hagadene, Jennifer Hilton, Carolyn Hole, Brenda King, Jean Miller, Beverly Pierce, Rosemary Webster Junior High Cynthia Bouchard, Roger Brahm, Audrey Bush, Linda Cermak, Janina Chadwick, Beverly Clawson, Leah Donley, Jeanne Doty, Cynthia Hilton, Pearl Fox, George Merklinger, Catherine Newman, Keitha Ostrander, Ruth Palmer, Marsha Peck, Karen Potter, Susan Pridmore, Annette Pulver, Elaine Richmond, Connie Schenk, Gary Schenk, Gary Schenk, Henry Shepard, Roger Strong, Judy Taylor, Sharon Wheat, Bettelou Yaeger Senior High Lyle Barton, Rodney Briggs, Mike Brownson, Mary Jean Bur-


Anniversaries — — — « "




BIRTHDAY NO. 87 Thursday of next week, Mrs. Nida Coleman, of Oanandadgua, formerly of Naples, will observe her eighty-seventh birthday. She was born July 16, 1872.

The annual meeting of the A recent fire in the Gardinier Naples Central School District Hotel, in Newark, rJ. Y., drove will be held next Tuesday, July out twenty-one occupants, none 14, 1959, a t 8:00 p. m„ in the of whom was injured. school building in Naples. One trustee is to be elected. A Construction of a new paropetition has been filed nominat- chial school in Dansville, is to MARRIED 22 YEARS ing Charles R. Standish to suc- be started soon, the contract beMr. and Mrs. Victor Events, ceed himself. This office has ing let, on a bid of $313,000.00 of Bristol Springs, will observe heard of no opposition to this their twenty-second anniversary designation. Changing the appearance of next Wednesday. Ruth Ranthe last sixty-three years, comdolph and Mr. Evarts were marplete interior redecorating of NAPLES HI-C CLUB ried July 15, 1937. church in WINS 1.000-MILE TRIP the Presbyterian Bath, has been started. The Naples Hii-C GLub has MARRIED 18 YEARS Colonel and Mrs. Mnlford W. been judged the top unit for Skin divers, working in SeneWood, stationed at Springfield, 1959 among the fourteen clubs ca Lake near Bergen Beach, r e Virginia, will observe their eigh- of this area, which includes the cently located remains of a fulteenth anniversary on Sunday. counties of Ontario, Livingston, ly loaded, steam-powered coal Alice J e a n Davis and Mr. Wood Steuben, Yates and Allegany, barge, about a hundred feet off competing on the basis of perwere married July 12, 1941. sonal attendance at the weekly shore, ; j , meetings, rallies, church attendSt. Mary's and S t Patrick's: NAPLES ROTARIANS ance, Bible reading, Bible quiz dnirches in Dansvilie have been SEAT NEW OFFICERS contests, etc. The prize this year is a free ofSioially merged by the Most »•' Officers of Rotary Club of one-thousand-mile round trip to Reverend James E. Kearney, Naples No. 4950, for the Rotary the fifteenth annua! Youth *V}r Bishop of the Diocese of Rochesyear of 1959-1960, were seated Christ international convention, ter. at the Club's regular m e e t i n g ki Winona Lake, Indiana. Thou.' «* NEWS OF AREA FOLKS on Monday of this week, as fol- sands of teenagers from all parts Starkey Town HalL located in IN THE ARMED FORCES lows: president, LteweUyn W. i of the United States and from Dundee, suffered about $2,000 Bassett; vice-president, Rev. various parts of the world, are loss fcom Are on J u n e 30, 1959. Birger HJalvorsen; secretary, gathered a t Winona Lake from The blaze i n the 70-year-old brick building, started in the; Willis C. Moore; sergeantHat-1 June 28 to JuJy 12 ^ arms, Kenneth Wiley, Members of the Naples Hii-C basement, cause unknown. The program!, by William Olub, eligible to attend the WinEdward M Bflake was. honorWidrner, was a 32-manute stere- ona Lake convent : on are: Dorophonic recording of some of • jan Chapman (dub president), ed ifior twenty-five years as prin«f the Avoca Central our hotter - known songs by Richard Newman (olub treasur- cipal Stephen Foster. It was also e r ) j G a r y ^ m g , T&erlin Acomb, School, a s the 1934 class celepainted out that anyone visiting Tumothy Smith, Diianie King, brated its twenty-fifth anniverthe State of Florida, should be Grace Lincoln, Julia Chapman, sary at the annual alumni bansure to visH the Stephen Foster Linda Dillon, and Loris Fox. quet. 'r* memorial, located near Lake Rev. Richard Snavely, of NaOity, in the northern part of the p j ^ ^ the director for the clubs The U. S. Army Reserve C e n state, just off a good highway. 'm the vicinity of Naples ter in Waylamd, named in honor' of Sgt. H. Grover O'Connor,, member of the 78th Division in World War I, was dedicated and opened to the public on July 4, 1959.

At the annual organization meeting of the Naples Village Board, held Tuesday evening, July 7, Leonard H. Richmond wias appointed chief of police for the ensuing year; George Hoose, Are chief; James White and Francis Ftisher, assistant fire chiefs. Piau! Y. Miller was reappointed as village attorney. A group of appointments, new this year, is known as the "Fire Police Squad." The principal duty of t h e Squad is to supervise traffic end to maintain order art time of fires or other emergency conditions. Appointed to this .group for one year are: Lyelie D. Winter, as captain, and Willis V. Kidder, Peter Sweltz, Bruce Clawson, Clifford Lee, George Rockwell, Andrew McAllister, and Claude Wilson. Their uniforms wall b e yeMOw safety helmets end raincoats. The members of the Board are giving study to problems rebating to parking, a difficult puzzle in every community.

Applications from 1,200 children, eight years and older, have been made in Seneca County, for swimming lessons sponsored by t h e Red Cross Safety program, N. Y. S. Youth Commission and Seneca County Board of Supervisors, '"-•"•smfc.

Army Pvl. Gerald C. Strong Of Naples, N. Y., was recently graduated from the 101st Airborne Division Jump School at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. * He received his paratrooper wCngs after completing three weeks of intensive ground and aerial training, including five parachute jumps. iPvt. Strong is a 1957 graduate of Naples Central School. He entered the Army in October, 1958, and completed basic training at Fort Dix, N. J.

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William O'Rnian's Conesus • Lake cottage was struck by lightning, twice within rnnnutes,-. on a recent afternoon. The TV set aerial and the roof wwne^ ^blasted" first, and soon, a second bolt hit the other side of house, entered the cellar and burned out all fuses. I As of July 1, 1959, the Sodus Point post office advanced to A second-class office, stamp sales: in 1958 having totaled over $9,000. Established in IS 10, t h e first pxjstmaster, William N„ Lumanris, served for forty years. There have been nineteen postmasters since, including three women.

To construct a coking oven battery with an annual capacity of 659,044 tons, 4,070,000 refractory bricks, 18,701 tons of concrete, and 5,910 tons of rolled and forged steel, are required. There are about 180 species of holly. nett, Barbara Cermak, Julia Chapman, Bonnie Conrad, Ronald Cornish, Terry * Docteur, Duane Eddy, Sandra Evarts, Lucy Fisher, Russell Fox, Donna Hall, Sally Harrington, Arlene Hawkins, Janet Hughner, Wallace Jennings, Harold Johnson, Frank Lincoln, Leslie Lincoln, Donna Meehan, Horst Motz> Warren Pressler, Sandra Ross, Herman Schwingle, ( Gary Seager, Harold Todd, Robert TreadwelL, John Yacuzzo


CLERICAL WORKERS' SALARIES UP $6—According to the 1959 clerical salary survey of 609,230 clerical office employes of 7,590 companies in 128 cities in the U. S. and Canada, the average weekly clerical salary rate now is $70, an increase of $6 over the rate reported in the 1958 survey. The report also shows the ratio of total workers to office workers Is 3.06 to 1, about the same as in 1958. Other interesting data gleaned from the survey is illustrated. The survey was con* ducted by the technical division of the National Office Management association, Willow Grove, Pa. (Central Pre**)

Untitled Document

Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

For the second consecutive year, a truck loaded with water melons — tons of 'em — went "free wheeling" down the steep Dansvilie Hill, .both years crashing the truck and various other items, including many melons^ No one was injured, either year; unless someone ate too many melons just because they w e r e free. '-,''

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