NATAL HYPNOTHERAPY Natal Hypnotherapy workshops

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NATAL HYPNOTHERAPY. Founded in the UK by Maggie Howell, Natal Hypnotherapy is the largest provider of award winning self-hypnosis CDs, books and.
NATAL HYPNOTHERAPY Founded in the UK by Maggie Howell, Natal Hypnotherapy is the largest provider of award winning self-hypnosis CDs, books and workshops on the use of hypnosis for birth. The practitioner training for the workshops was accredited by the Royal College of Midwives in March 2013. Using hypnotherapy for birth is safe, effective and easy for women to learn during their pregnancy. The techniques help you prepare in a positive way whilst enabling you to overcome any anxieties you may have surrounding child birth. Hypnotherapy can help you relax and can enhance your ability to birth through visualisation, motivation, focus and confidence. Natal Hypnotherapy workshops are available at Mermaid for women and their partners. By booking on one of the workshops you will also receive the award winning “Effective Birth preparation” CD and book to continue the learning and practice in your own time.

Natal Hypnotherapy workshops The Mermaid Natal HypnotherapyTM workshops are for both the mother-to-be and her husband or birth partner and are geared towards empowering and preparing you both emotionally as well as physically for the birth. When should I do the workshops? It is recommended that you attend the workshops between 28 and 36 weeks. Will the workshops be tailored to our individual needs? Yes. Each couple is sent a detailed pre workshop questionnaire to fill out which will help the practitioner gain a clear understanding of your hopes, fears and any specific issues. This is of course completely confidential. The workshop is then specifically tailored to include the needs of each couple. In addition much of the work is done as a couple so you can create your own birth map, personalise suggestions, personalised hypnotic triggers etc. What is the method of teaching? The teaching approach includes the use of PowerPoint, videos, interactive sessions, group work, couple work and hypnosis relaxation sessions. What is included on the workshops? Module 1 - Natural Pain relief - hypnosis for birth The first of the 2 modules focuses exclusively on natural pain management tools and techniques – namely breathing, relaxation and self-hypnosis. You will learn: 

How fear or anxiety can have a negative impact on your body during the birth

How to quickly and easily reduce adrenaline associated with fear and anxiety in labour

Natural ways to work with your body to reduce pain in child birth

Self-hypnosis skills to overcome fear and increase your confidence and trust in your ability to give birth

Effective breathing and deep relaxation technique

Rapid trigger techniques to enter deep relaxation

Adrenaline release technique

Ways the birth partner can help the mother-to-be achieve a deeply relaxed state before and during labour

Module 2 - Practical Birth Preparation The second Module focuses on the practical ways to help you prepare both physically, mentally and emotionally for the birth. You will: 

Be taken step by step through the birthing process from a physical as well as emotional perspective

Understand how the body works best during labour and what you can do to help it

Gain a clear understanding of the power of hormones and how you can work with them

Key signs to indicate that the mother may be experiencing a rise in adrenaline and what the partner can do to reduce this

Gain a clearer perspective on why fear has become such a major player in birth today

Unravel the myths behind the beliefs which lead to so much fear

Learn practical tools and techniques to help her work with her body in the most effective way.

Understand the use and power of massage, water and other comfort measures in labour

Explore the most effective ways to work with the medical team supporting them

A special session for fathers helps them prepare appropriate questions for the medical team and plan the best support and comfort measures for the mother

What are the benefits? By attending these workshops, a mother-to-be will benefit from learning how to:

Overcome any fear of birth she may have had

Feel relaxed and calm at all times, especially in the lead up to the birth

Increase her energy and well being

Ensure good quality sleep

Increase bonding with her baby

Dramatically reduce the level of pain experienced in childbirth

Increase her sense of being in control

Reduced the need for intervention / drugs

Increase her chance of having a calm, alert baby

Enjoy comfortable breastfeeding

Decrease the chance of postnatal depression

By attending these workshops, a father or birth partner will:

Have a better understanding of the birthing process

Have the opportunity to discuss their fears, concerns and needs

Enjoy watching the mother let go of her fears and learn to relax deeply

Learn effective ways to support and help her during the birth

Learn how to help her have the birth that is right for her

Feel calmer and more relaxed about the forthcoming birth

"The best part for me was understanding the emotional aspects of birth (not covered by other courses) the importance of preparation, really grasping how natural childbirth is and giving me the confidence and trust in my body. This course has really helped me! Thank you!” Kate "The key issues for me that came out of the course were all the ways to provide effective support for my partner, increasing my confidence to deal with the hospital environment and the relaxation techniques. The course was extremely useful. Men need to know this stuff." Chris

Course details & pricing Courses are run regularly, and include 4 sessions of 3 hours each. Classes usually take place n Mermaid’s Sun Room, with a maximum of 6 couples per class. Light refreshments are provide throughout, and classes are generally scheduled either side of meal times so you can enjoy Mermaid’s fabulous nutritionist-led restaurant should you wish. 4 x 3 hour sessions
