Natale, Rapp et al. 1

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v) this provides the fraction of total DAPI embedded in a single nano-focus, independent ... 25%) whereas at later times the trend is inverted (75-100%).
Natale, Rapp et al.


Natale, Rapp et al.

Supplementary Figure 1. Characterization and validation of cellular system and experimental strategy. To characterize the DDR as assessed by γH2AX formation, cells were exposed to 10 Gy X-ray and incubated as indicated. (A) Confocal microscopy immunofluorescence analysis of γH2AX before and after exposure to ionizing radiation (IR). Total γH2AX fluorescence intensity (Arbitrary Units) with exemplary micrographs matched to the corresponding time point is shown. In the micrograph: γH2AX (green); propidium iodide counterstained DNA (red). Results are mean and standard deviation from two independent experiments. *: significantly different from the mean of control unirradiated cells (one-way ANOVA, p