Apr 10, 2015 - National Anthem Audition Information. Revised 8/22/14. Ashford ... Ashford University / Technology Change
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National Anthem Audition Information Revised 8/22/14
Dear Prospective Graduate, Ashford University strives to find ways to provide our students a memorable Commencement experience. Therefore, we are pleased to announce we will now be allowing one lucky student the opportunity to sing the National Anthem at the beginning of the spring Commencement ceremonies to be held on May 3, 2015 at iWireless in Moline, IL. To be eligible to sing the National Anthem at the Commencement ceremony, candidates must: • be in a recognized ‘Pending Graduate’ or ‘Graduate’ status with Ashford University; • already be on the list of attendees for the Spring 2015 commencement ceremonies; • have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0; • be in good standing with the University; • have demonstrated an excellent record of conduct (educational record must be clear of any disciplinary action); and • submit the application located on page 2 of this document. To apply for this audition: In order to be considered for the National Anthem at the upcoming commencement, candidates will need to submit a video audition of the candidate singing the National Anthem. This video will be initially judged by a panel of viewers from the Commencement Committee at Ashford University. Videos will be evaluated for audio clarity, basic musicality (correct melody, correct intervals, etc.), and ease of relating to an audience. They will then be narrowed down to a top selection of finalists which will have their video auditions posted to the Ashford University Facebook page where fellow students, alumni, and guests will be able to view the auditions and will vote for their favorite video. In the video, candidates must: 1. Provide an introduction (i.e., name, hometown, etc.) 2. Ensure that their face is visible during the entire video 3. Ensure the quality of the sound is as clear as possible (no additional noise in the background) 4. Sing the National Anthem in its entirety Please Note: Candidates who do not meet the requirements specified above and/or include the items as indicated above will not be considered for this opportunity. Voting: Once the finalists are posted to the Ashford University Facebook page, anyone who is a fan of our page will have the ability to view the videos and vote on their favorite. In order to vote, visitors to the page must simply “Like” the video. The student who submitted the video with the most “Likes” will be chosen to sing the National Anthem for their ceremony. Deadline Information: All audition video applications are due by 11:59 pm PST on April 10, 2015. Any audition video applications received after the deadline will not be considered for this opportunity. Take advantage of this unique and exciting opportunity to take part in the Ashford Commencement ceremony. Good luck with your submission and we look forward to viewing your audition. If you have any questions about this wonderful opportunity, please contact Brigitte Maheu at
[email protected] or 866.974.5700 ext. 8971. Note: The student selected to sing the National Anthem will not be compensated in any way, shape, or form, including but not limited to travel and lodging to and from the ceremony in Moline, IL. See application for Official Rules and complete details. Commencement Committee Ashford University / Technology Changes EverythingTM /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// JOIN THE CONVERSATION: ashford.edu/social
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National Anthem Application Deadline: 4/10/15 @ 11:59pm PST Students eligible to audition to sing the National Anthem must return this application by the deadline specified above. Applications received after this deadline will not be considered. Please send your application to:
[email protected]
Applicant Information First Name:
Last Name:
Student ID(ABCDEF1234):
Associate of Arts Bachelor of Arts
State: Student Advisor:
Master of Arts Master of Business Administration
Zip: __
Master of Public Administration
Major field(s) of study: The following information is required and can be found on the Student Portal or in your individual Degree Progress Report. If you have trouble locating this information, please feel free to contact your Student Advisor for help. Please Note: If the information is inaccurate, this application will not be considered for the opportunity. 1.) Are you in a ‘Pending Graduate’ or ‘Graduate’ status?
2.) Do you have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher?
3.) To your knowledge, are you in good standing with the University?
4.) Are you already on the list to attend the Spring 2015 ceremonies?
Video Entry Information In order to apply to sing the National Anthem at the Ashford University Spring Commencement, candidates must record a video audition as specified in the cover page of this application and post it to their own account on www.youtube.com. Please provide the following information accurately. Please Note: If we cannot locate the video based on the information below or if your privacy settings prohibit us from accessing the video, it will not be considered for the opportunity. Does your video audition meet the requirements as listed on the cover page of this application? Yes No Full Video URL: (e.g., http://www.youtube.com/AshfordUniversity):
Length (MM:SS)
Official Rules If the winner is unable to travel to the Ashford University Commencement, the opportunity will be transferred to the next runner up until a vocalist is identified; if none of the finalists can attend the event, Ashford University reserves the right to appoint a vocalist at its own discretion; the judging criteria are to be applied in the sole discretion of Ashford University and the members of the Commencement Committee; by applying, you acknowledge that such evaluations may differ from person to person and agree to be bound by and not challenge the final decisions of Ashford University and the individual judges; by applying, you acknowledge that the results of the voting period are final and cannot be disputed; in the event a winning application is discovered to be invalid for any reason whatsoever or the person who submitted the winning application fails to comply with these Official Rules prior to the Ashford University Commencement, the opportunity may be forfeited and awarded to an alternate winner; potential winners will be required to execute a Media Release; by applying you agree to allow Ashford University to download your video and repost it on the Ashford University Facebook page to be subject to the voting period; Ashford University has the right to review your Ashford University academic transcripts and Student Community Standards records for the purpose of confirming your eligibility for the opportunity; by applying and submitting a video, you hereby grant to Ashford University an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, transferable, free, worldwide, license and right to copy, publicly perform, and otherwise use such video for any purpose, including advertising and publicity. BY SIGNING BELOW, YOU AGREE TO THESE OFFICIAL RULES. IF YOU DO NOT SIGN BELOW, ASHFORD UNIVERSITY WILL NOT CONSIDER YOUR APPLICATION FOR THE OPPORTUNITY. Signature:
Date: Electronic signature not accepted
Applications will be processed once the submission deadline has passed. Selected finalists will be contacted by a member of the Commencement Committee once all eligible applications have been reviewed. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our office at 866.974.5700 ext. 8971.