national conference - national library conference - NMIMS

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Challenges of the electronic era, our educational institute NMIMS in association with ... To bring together Academic and Mukesh Patel Technology Park Bank of Tapi River, Mumbai-Agra Road, N.H. 3 Shirpur, Dist. Dhule-425405 M.S. Tel: 02563-286545 / 51 | Web:

NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Prof. Dr. P.B. Mangla, RRRLF, New Delhi Dr. N. Laxman Rao, University of Hyderabad Prof. Dr. U.C. Sharma, DLIS, Dr. H.G. Sagar University Dr. S.K.Patil, Librarian, Symbiosis University, Pune Dr. Akhtar Parvez, Librarian, IIM, Indore Mr. B.P. Prakash, TCS, Pune Dr. Mahendra Jadhav, Dy. Librarian, IIT, Madras Dr. Sangeeta Kaul, DELNET, New Delhi Prof. Adesh Kumar, Lucknow, UP Dr. Sanjay Kataria, Librarian, Delhi Dr. G.H.S. Naidu, Librarian, DAVV, Indore Dr. Sonal Singh, Vikram University, Ujjain Dr. Prashant Pandey, Librarian, Bhopal Dr. Ms. Meeta Rathod, Librarian,Surat Dr. Shyama Rajaram, DLIS, MSU, Baroda Dr. V.T. Kamble, DLIS, Gulbarga Dr. D.K. Veer, Librarian, BAMU, Aurangabad Dr. Mohan Kherade, Librarian, SGBU, Amravati Dr. B.M. Pange, Librarian, Pune University, Dr. Pramode Dakhole, Librarian, RTM, Nagpur Dr. T.R. Borse, Librarian, NMU, Jalgaon Dr. Shalini R. Lihitkar, DLIS, RTM, Nagpur Dr. Pratibha G. Taksande, Librarian, Wardha Dr. Narayan Barse, Librarian, Mumbai Dr. Madhukar, Shewale, YCMOU, Nasik Dr. Ms. Vaishali Khaparde, DLIS, BAMU, Aurangabad Dr. Shashank Sonawane, DLIS, BAMU, Aurangabad Dr. Nandkishore Dahibhate, NCL, Pune Dr. U.P. Nalhe, Librarian, Wardha Dr. SubhashChavan, Librarian, Auranagabad Dr. Shivshankar Ghumre, Librarian, Jalana Dr. Jyoti Bhabal, DLIS, SNDT, Mumbai Dr. Ramesh Naik. DLIS, KUD, Dharwar Mr. S.F. Kattimani – MSRIT, Bangalore Mr. Sanjay B. INFOSYS, Mysore

ADVISORY COMMITTEE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Dr. R.S. Gaud, Dean, SPPSPTM, Mumbai Dr. Sharad Mhaiskar, Dean, MPSTME, Mumbai Dr. M.V. Deshpande, Associate Dean, MPSTME, Shirpur Dr. S.S. Deshpande, UG Chairperson, SPTM, Shirpur Dr. P.P. Raichurkar, Associate Dean, CTF, Shirpur Dr. C.G. Bonde, PG, Chairperson, SPTM, Shirpur Mr. Rahul Dande, Account & Purchase officer, NMIMS, Shirpur Dr. B.A. Sananse, Director, Public Library, Mumbai Dr. Dilip Deshmukh, President, KLA Jalgaon Dr. Shamkant J. Deshmukh, Librarian, Jalgaon Dr. Anil Chikate, Dy Librarian, NMU, Jalgaon Dr. Vinay B. Patil, Secretary, KLA, Jalgaon Mr. Kishore Ingale, TCS, Pune Prof. Shirish Zope, Treasurer, KLA, Jalgaon Dr. Kishor Patil, Librarian, MPKV Mr. Ajay Kambale, Librarian, Mumbai Mr. Bhupendra Bansod, Librarian, Mumbai Ms. Swati Marathe, Librarian, MIT, Pune Mr. Sandeep Bavasar, Librarian, Mumbai Mr. Kiran Dhandore, Librarian, Ratnagiri Mr. Milind Anasane, Librarian, Amravati Mr. R.R. Kurarkar, Librarian, Amravati Mr. Mangesh Ghodake, Librarian, Mumbai

ORGANIZING COMMITTEE • • • • • • • • • • •

National Conference on Emerging Trends, Advancements and Challenges of Academic and Public Libraries 13-14 June, 2014

Mr. Shivanand Sadlapur, NMIMS Mr. Ravindra M. Mendhe, NMIMS Dr. H.M. Chaudhari, SES, Shirpur Mr. Anand Gawadekar, NMIMS Mrs. Manisha Tiwari, NMIMS, Shirpur Mr. R.Perumal, SVKM, Mumbai Mr. Ramesh Sutar, SVKM, Mumbai Ms. Varsha More, NMIMS, Mumbai Mr. Sachin Wani, NMIMS, Shirpur Mr. Vasantha D, NMIMS, Bangalore Mr. Sabhaji Patil, NMIMS, Shirpur

HOW TO REACH SHIRPUR By Air: Nearest Airports- Indore and Aurangabad. By Railway: The nearest prominent railway stations on the main route are Chalisgaon, Jalgaon (MS), Bhusawal (MS), 120km (Central Railway) and Amalner, 50km, Nandurbar (MS), 85km (Western Railway via Surat, Ahmedabad route). By Road: Shirpur is 50 km away from Dhule and 200 km from Indore (MP), Surat (Gujarat), Nasik and Aurangabad. Buses run between Dhule and Shirpur. Well connected by road through Mumbai-Agra National Highway (NH-3). NEAREST PLACES TO VISIT • Shirdi – Sai Baba Temple ( 200KM) • Ajantha Caves – World Heritage site-Ajanta Caves (110KM) • Ellora Caves – (180KM) • Nasik (Trimbakeshwar) (200Km)

Jointly Organized by:

SVKM's NMIMS (Deemed to be University, Mumbai)


Khandesh Library Association (KLA) Jalgaon (Maharashtra)

The above places are well connected from Shirpur through availability of Maharashtra State Transport Buses, Private Buses and Taxis.

Organizing Secretary: Mr. Ravindra M. Mendhe Deputy Librarian, M.P. Central Library Tel : 02563-286545-51 Extn.: 210 / 110 Mobile : 09403503789 09881913681 09922775846 Email : [email protected] : [email protected]

Venue: Mukesh Patel Central Library SVKM's NMIMS (Deemed to be University, Mumbai)

Mosaic Design Ideas

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Mukesh Patel Technology Park, Shirpur, Dist. Dhule, (Maharashtra)

National Conference on Emerging Trends, Advancements and Challenges of Academic and Public Libraries 2014 Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies(NMIMS) have pleasure in inviting you to register, contribute papers and participate in the National conference on Emerging Trends, Advancement and Challenges of Academic and Public Libraries. The world has witnessed revolutionary changes in various fields. Libraries and Library Profession are not exception. Innovations and advancements have taken place in ways Libraries are run and maintained today across the globe. Trends and developments in Academic and Public Libraries have brought wonderful opportunities to the users of Knowledge Resources Centres, but this has also brought several challenges for the disseminators of this knowledge. The understand the Innovations, Advancements and Challenges of the electronic era, our educational institute NMIMS in association with Khandesh Library Association (KLA), Jalgaon is organizing this National conference on Emerging Trends, Advancement and Challenges of Academic and Public Libraries.

OBJECTIVE OF THE CONFERENCE The main objectives of the conference are; • To provide platform for sharing of Information and expertise among researchers, Practitioners and IT Professionals from Library and Information Science. • To bring together Academic and Public Library and Information professionals in India to Deliberate on trends and developments in Library and Information Science.

SUBMISSION OF PAPERS Original contributions on the above theme and sub-themes are invited from Library and Information science professionals. The authors should be follow the following structure and guidelines for submission of papers; a. The papers should contain the titles of the paper, author's name, contact no., e-mail id, fax, organization address, city and state.; b. Length of the paper; 2500 words, single space, 12 point font size, Times New Roman for English and ISM (DVB- TT Surekh) for Marathi or Hindi in the Word format only. c. Abstract should not exceed 150 words and Keywords can be up to 10; d. Use APA Style Manual for References ( e. Papers can be e-mailed to Organizing Secretary at [email protected] or [email protected] A panel of editorial boards will review each of the contributed papers and accepted papers will be published in the conference proceeding having ISBN. After review of the papers by editorial boards and acceptance will be send to the authors before 5th May 2014. Registration form along with DD and copyright form should be submitted well in advance while sending the paper for conference and only that paper will be considered for conference proceedings and for the presentation.

CALL FOR PAPERS Original papers on the theme and sub-theme giving below are invited from LIS and IT Professionals.

THEME Emerging Trends, Advancements and Challenges of Academic and Public Libraries SUB-THEMES - Emerging trends in LIS Education in India - Role of AICTE, UGC, NCTE, PCI, NAAC, RRRLF and NBA - Issues in e-resources subscription in the Libraries - Information Services and networks for digital environment - Information use and measure to improve usage for libraries (Case / User studies) - Marketing of Library and Information Science (LIS) Products / Services - Innovation and Best Practices in Libraries - Role of Social Networking in the Libraries - Policy for Future Library and Library services and development - Government's information policy - E-Governance Role of National Knowledge Commission for Libraries - Implications of Copyrights and IPR in Digital Environment - Essentials skills for LIS Professionals and HRM in libraries in IT Environment - Information literacy Programmes and lifelong learning skills - Expanding dimensions of public library services - Public Library legislation and library development - Role of digital Libraries in a knowledge society We also welcome authors beyond the above mentioned areas within the domain of LIS.

IMPORTANT DATES Conference Dates Last Date of Submission of Full Paper Decision Acceptance of Papers

June 13-14, 2014 April 30, 2014 May 05, 2014

NMIMS BEST PAPER AWARD – Rs. 5000/-, will be given for the best paper written and presented in the conference.

REGISTRATION FEE Registration Type Professionals KLA Life Members Students (only B.Lib.I.Sc and M.Lib.I.Sc.)

Registration Fee Rs. 1,000/Rs. 800/Rs. 800/-

• Fee includes conference kit, conference proceedings, Food, accommodation, library facilities, Internet, etc • The payment should be made by Demand Draft (DD), drawn in favor of “SV K M's N M I M S” and payable at Shirpur (Dist–Dhule),

Maharashtra, India. • Complete registration form, DD and copyright form should be send to the organizing secretary on or before 10th May, 2014.

ACCOMMODATION • Fully furnished accommodation on sharing basis will be provided to the participants on first-come- first-served basis in the campus hostel. • Those who wish to stay in hotel should make the reservations themselves. However, information about hotels would be provided by organizing secretary on request.

TARGET PARTICIPANTS Library and Information science Professionals, Students and Research Scholars, Management professionals, Knowledge manager, IT and Information services providers, Academic fraternity in teaching Learning and Research.

ABOUT NMIMS The Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS) (Deemed to be University) established in 1981 has over 13,000 students and 350 faculty members representing an eclectic mix of industry and academic experience in severed diverse domains of knowledge. Apart from its main campus at Mumbai, NMIMS has off-campus centers at Shirpur (Maharashtra), Bangalore and Hyderabad. In 2003, NMIMS established eight schools, offering programs across various disciplines including Management Technology, Science, Pharmacy, Architecture and Commerce offering graduate, postgraduate and doctoral programs. Keeping in mind its concern for the society, NMIMS set up an off campus at Shirpur in 2007. This campus provides state-of-art infrastructure facilities to students while offering quality education. Spread over a land area of 50 acres, the campus comprises • Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & Engineering (MPSTME)

ABOUT THE KHANDESH LIBRARY ASSOCIATION (KLA) The Khandesh Library Association was established in 2008 under Trade Union Act 1926. The KLA Trilingual Peer-reviewed Quarterly Bulletin of Library & Information Science is the official organ of KLA. The KLA Bulletin is aimed at disseminating information concerning Library & Information Science and the basic objective of the bulletin to promote the writing skills of Library Professionals, especially those who are working in rural areas and professional in general. Khandesh Library Association (KLA) is publishing its quarterly Bulletin, the 'KLA Bulletin', which has been registered and assigned ISSN with number 0976/688X. KLA Bulletin is a Trilingual Quarterly, reviewed / research journal published four times a year in January, April, July & October.

MUEKSH PATEL CENTRAL LIBRARY Mukesh Patel Central Library at Shirpur campus is a valuable resource for all students and faculty members. It has a rich collection of 26500 books, 17 various full text databases and 74,000 e-books from renowned publishers, NPTEL videos etc. Covering 45000 Sq ft area, it provides access to valuable resources in Engineering, Management, Pharmacy, Computer Science, and Business Management.

SHIRPUR CITY Shirpur is a tribal area of North Maharashtra adjoining Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat. It is located near the Satpuda ranges on the NH-3 (Mumbai-Dhule-Indore-Agra). It is a perfect example of a model township developed by the leadership of Hon'ble Shri. Amrishbhai Patel, MLA, Maharashtra who is also the President, SVKM and Chancellor, SVKM's NMIMS. The city owns several pride possession including the Balaji Temple, The Mukesh Patel Recreation Garden, Textile industries, and the Shirpur Gold Refinery.

CHIEF PATRONS • Hon'ble Shri Amrishbhai R. Patel, Chancellor (NMIMS) and Chairman, SVKM • Hon'ble Shri Bhupeshbhai R. Patel (President, R.C.Patel Education Trust, Shirpur) • Hon'ble Shri Rajgopal Bhandari, Member, Managing Committee, SVKM, Shirpur

• MPSTME's Centre for Textiles Function (CTF)

PATRONS • School of Pharmacy & Technology Management (SPTM) • Academy of Aviation

• Dr. Rajan Saxena, VC, NMIMS, Mumbai • Dr. M.N. Welling, Pro-VC, NMIMS, Mumbai • Ms. Varsha Parab, Registrar, NMIMS, Mumbai