NATIONAL ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY (NEPCO). /2015. 4. Tender No. 2 s. Disconnector. Replacement of 132kv. BRIEF DESCREPTION
Tender No. 24/2015.
Replacement of 132kv Disconnectors.
BRIEF DESCREPTION This tender includes design, manufacture, testing in factory, packing for export, supply CFR (C&F cost and freight) Aqaba-Jordan, setting to work at site and warranty for a period of thirty six calendar months from the date of receipt of 132KV Disconnectors , and ancillary equipment.
Tender No. 24/2015
Replacement of 132kv Disconnetors for Sahab S/S , Amman South S/S and Irbid East S/S. This Contract forms part of the 132/33 kV transmission/distribution system, which interconnects substations and power stations throughout Jordan. This contract is for the following work: 1-Replacment of 132KV disconnectors. Thirteen(13) sets of Three poles 132 kV 1250A line isolators with three poles line earthing switch, to be mounted on the existing structure. Twenty five (25) sets of Three poles 132 kV 1250A Busbar isolators to be mounted on the existing structure . -
Required completion date (CFR) of the works in this contract should be earlier than 32 weeks CFR Aqaba port from the date of issuing the letter of contract award.