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PERFORMANT TECHNOLOGY TO REMOVE ORGANIC POLLUTANTS, ... National Research and Development Institute for Environmental Protection – 294, ... supernatant is advantageously recuperated from the top of the septic tank to the.
NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT IN ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 294 Splaiul Independenţei, 6th District, 060031, BUCHAREST, ROMANIA Phone: 0040 21 305 26 00 / 0040 372 298 600, Fax: 0040 21 318 20 01,


National Research and Development Institute for Environmental Protection – 294, Independentei Street, Sector 6, 060031, Bucharest, Romania

AIMS Through the innovative character of applied technology and the high potential for use in the treatment of various types of wastewater and liquid waste, the paper aims to obtain high efficiencies for the removal of all hazardous pollutants present in the wastewater. The work has the purpose reducing the impact of wastewater on the environment, the prevention and removal of high risk factors for degradation of population’s health, as well as sustainable management of natural resources of water by optimizing and maximum streamline of a mobile technology for wastewater treatment.

BACKGROUND Modern technology that is implemented on mobile Juggler truck (see the figure below) it has a multidisciplinary character materialized by the fact it will involve several areas of interest: technologies and equipment for wastewater treatment, processing sludge and waste, management and water quality control, soil and subsoil, waste management, health, combining important concepts of hydrotechnics, chemistry, physics, microbiology, biochemistry and toxicology Waste water contains a number of pollutants, of which some are Performance removed more or less in the conventional cleaning steps and Technology others are retained very little or not at all, in conventional waste water treatment plants. Acute problems of water protection have led to the imposition of severe conditions related to the permitted limit concentrations in the treated effluent discharged into the natural emissaries. Knowledge of the existing pollutants in wastewater, of liquid waste and effects they have on the environment is particularly important in establishing modalities of advanced epuration in order to comply with quality standards in force. By the optimization of the modern technology, it is aimed the production of scientific and technological results, in order to subsequently transfer them in the socio-economic area and to increase the international visibility and Romanian research. Modern technology, consists in introduction on the mobile technology with the following steps of treatment: reverse osmoses, additional filtration with activated charcoal, disinfection with ultraviolet range and the stripping of treated wastewater and flotation. The practical relevance of this technology is that it can be used in areas where there is no epuration station (70% of the treatment plants from Romania), and in the activities from which results treated water loaded with various hazardous micropollutants (including bacteriological) optimized technology being mobile, moving where necessary. The performance level of the technology is very high because prevents the contamination of soil, groundwater and surface water through wastewater treatment and of those arising from industrial processes (at national level), especially at regional level (cement, oil industry, food industry, pharmaceutical industry, agriculture, etc.) and the using of treated water with maximum efficiencies. .

EXPERIMENTAL A method and system for the recuperation of the content of septic tank where the supernatant is returned to the septic tank after the recuperation of the sludge and of the scum is described. According to the method of the present technology, a major portion of the supernatant is advantageously recuperated from the top of the septic tank to the bottom therefor, and stored in a first reservoir of the system. The sludge, the remainder of the supernatant and the scum are then recuperated and stored in a second reservoir. The supernatant is filtered, either upon its recuperation or before its return to the septic tank. Finally, the filtered supernatant is returned to the septic tank.

Effective reduction with the mobile treatment technology

RESULTS The results obtained with the modern technology and realisation of research activities through testing of the automated system measurement and control of wasted waters, have environmental impact as well as social impact by preventing and eliminating factors with increased risk of degradation of population’s health: waste water are treated with maximum efficiencies for the main physico-chemical and bacteriological indicators: suspended solids, COD, BOD5, extractables, total coliforms, faecal coliforms, faecal streptococci, Salmonella sp. as well as for a number of hazardous organic and inorganic micropollutants such as organophosphorus compounds, organohalogen compounds, mercury, cadmium, zinc, copper, chromium, lead, arsen, mineral oils persistent and petroleum hydrocarbons, etc.

The average values of the parameters before dosing

The average values of the parameters after the chemical treatment

CONCLUSIONS The results obtained with the modern technology highlights the fact that the treated water is of a higher quality on physico-chemical indicators (biochemical oxygen demand, organic content, nitrogen compounds – ammonium, nitrates, as well as the values of the hazardous compounds—metals, aromatic hydrocarbons, phaenoli etc. These observations, combined with physico-chemical parameter values, proves that the mobile technology of treated waste water it is a innovative technology, it is used for waste water treatments, sludge processing and liquid waste. The technology for wastewater treatment has a maximum efficiency in the removal of the micropolutants carcinogens, hazardous to human health and to the environment in general; also, the water treated through by this type of technology can be harnessed by reintroducing in its natural cycle and use for different uses: agriculture, cement industry etc.

Valorization of the obtained results it is the subject of a patent, which will be submitted to the Office of Patents and Applications in Romania.

International Conference on Sea and Coastal Development in the frame of Sustainability, 18-20 September 2015, Trabzon, Turkey