National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health. BIO DATA. 1. Name of the Post, applied for : JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ
National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health BIO DATA 1. Name of the Post, applied for : ______________________________________ 2. Name of the Project : ________________________________________ ________________________________________
Latest Photograph of the Candidate
3. Name in full (IN BLOCK LETTERS): ________________________________________ 4. Father’s Name
: ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Date of Birth : __________________ Age : _________ Whether SC/ST/OBC/General : __________________ Caste : ___________ Marital Status : Married / Unmarried Educational Qualifications : _________________________________ Sr.No.
Exam. Passed
13. Work experience : Period Sr.No. From To
Post held & Scale of Pay
Year of Passing
Board / University
Name of the Employer
Special Subjects
Reasons for leaving
14. Employment Exchange Registration details, if available : No. ___________ Exchange ______________ 15. If selected what period would you required to join the post : __________________________________ 16. Have you ever been declared unfit by a Medical Board/Court Yes / No. for appointment in any Govt. Service? (If yes, details) __________________________________ I hereby declare that the particulars furnished in this form by me are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Date : _______________ Place